Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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I'm surprised people want the Disgaea 5 that badly....I mean NISA is doing the physical copy...guess there really is nothing to play for the Switch.
As a Switch owner, I can tell you that the only games that interest me until Disgaea 5 comes out in the US are Zelda (which I already have) and Blaster Master (which I have no urgency to buy immediately because it's digital). So yeah, I'm probably getting Disgaea 5 imported.
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Heavy Arm says the physical Parappa PS4 asian eng should be out April 4th, lookin forward to picking that up

Thanks to the Snowstorm I had some time to make my Zelda Nintendo Switch Cozy!
Nicely done!

I was seriously considering doing the same, but I just got a screen protector yesterday so my sense of urgency has been reduced.

Plus, I still haven't figured out what kind of material to use for the side that faces the Switch's screen.

Been playing some 11eyes so far. Pretty unique VN and sometimes a bit boring in trying to be too serious with information overload of concepts in the game. I just needed a break from Yakuza 0. I'm becoming a bit bored of it...since the story just isn't as good as the sequels. I'm not sure how much of this actually matters to future games. 

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Sorry for switching to the "Mobile Discussion Thread" for a moment.

I was thinking today about some of the fun possibilities in Fire Emblem Heroes once we get Skill Inheritance.  Though if people hate Takumi now, they're really going to dislike him with more skills.  Obviously we don't know all of the details on how it will work, but here's some of the possibilities from my collection.

Clarine with Kindled Fire Balm or Hone Attack

Ryoma with Vantage 

Reinhardt with Death Blow

HP +5 on anyone

I'm also preparing for disappointment :D

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Thanks to the Snowstorm I had some time to make my Zelda Nintendo Switch Cozy!

Here's some Images:




I also made one with a felt background but it's a bit too snug for my liking..

Did you make that from scratch? That's pretty cool either way.

And...woah! I finished Gravity Rush 2. And you know...considering how it ended and all...I'm just kinda sad it's over.

TL;DR review of Gravity Rush 2: If you enjoyed the first game this is a must-play. If you thought meh or less, this one won't change your mind because it doubles down on everything that the original one is.

Full report in spoiler tag:

- FAKE Stealth Missions: Everyone complained about the stealth missions. They're really not stealth missions; they're more like "find the right path to take" missions. In a few missions enemies have tunnel vision and you can run away from them easily without failing the mission...in some cases. A few other missions they have night vision and you'll fail right on sight. Wat.

- Stasis Field is OP: The weakest nevi to beat up takes around 5-8 kicks but will die if you land a single crate on them. You can do 80% of the final, final boss by just lobbing stuff at him? BTW I recommend that
because he regenerates his cores pretty fast.
Did I mention that throwing people has never been more fun?

- The Epilogue is what we've been waiting for - for six years: So yeah they did mostly tie up the loose ends from the first. Problem is there were so many details to tie up a few things kinda get lost and you have to somewhat assume or fill in the gaps in your head. It's almost like the devs went, "Oh yeah, we just built a whole different world and now we gotta wrap up that part of the story too." For most of the part though, it's a satisfying ending should they end the series this way.

- Side Missions, Lots and lots and LOTS of side missions: A lot of press I think complained the side missions didn't add much to the story. They don't. But unlike the first game, I felt that they fleshed out a lot of minor characters and added a lot of life to the world. Don't forget to run around the islands towards the end because you'll get follow-up dialogue from a lot of the characters who gave you the side missions.

My favorites were when Raven chases you over a "delicate package", barring Aujean from the four bars in Pleajune, and running through crowds impersonating an actress.

- Kohei Tanaka's score is even better this time around than the first: Lei Colmosna is a great chillin' track. The battle pieces have a bit more energy to them this time. The mixture of synth used I dunno...just...blends in better with the instruments this time over the first. Listen to GR1's "Ruined Paths" and then GR2's "Land of Geometry" which is a remix of the prior and see what you think.

I still can't decide if Kat "died" or not.

Sorry for switching to the "Mobile Discussion Thread" for a moment.

I was thinking today about some of the fun possibilities in Fire Emblem Heroes once we get Skill Inheritance. Though if people hate Takumi now, they're really going to dislike him with more skills. Obviously we don't know all of the details on how it will work, but here's some of the possibilities from my collection.

Clarine with Kindled Fire Balm or Hone Attack

Ryoma with Vantage

Reinhardt with Death Blow

HP +5 on anyone

I'm also preparing for disappointment :D
Yeah, my Takumi has a ton of extra SP even though I already learned all his skills. So I wonder how much more broken I can make him once Skill Inheritance is released lol.

Also, with the updates they stated for the game I'm pretty satisfied with it as a whole. Different daily log in bonuses, daily missions, 2 grand hero battles per month, etc. I really like the way they're going with this game.

Sorry for switching to the "Mobile Discussion Thread" for a moment.

I was thinking today about some of the fun possibilities in Fire Emblem Heroes once we get Skill Inheritance. Though if people hate Takumi now, they're really going to dislike him with more skills. Obviously we don't know all of the details on how it will work, but here's some of the possibilities from my collection.

Clarine with Kindled Fire Balm or Hone Attack

Ryoma with Vantage

Reinhardt with Death Blow

HP +5 on anyone

I'm also preparing for disappointment :D
Are you sure that's whats skill inheritance system is? It sure doesn't to me.

  • Inherit Skill and Merge Allies: Changes Coming
It will become possible to inherit skills that were previously inherited when using Merge Allies.

For example, let's say Marth has inherited the Special Skill Sol. If this Marth that inherited Sol is used as the source charter for Merge Allies, the target Marth will also inherit Sol.

In this example, if you performed this action in the current version of the game, Sol would be lost.
So it basically means the base same unit learns the all the skills from the sacrificed same unit.

The one that describes new abilities are:

  • A New Way to Expand Your Heroes' Abilities
We have plans to add a new equippable item that slightly expands Hero abilities. Look forward to more details about this new feature in the days to come.
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It doesn't really matter because the SI update is already out, but the notice talked about a Marth that learned Sol. The only way that could happen is if it came from a different character.
It doesn't really matter because the SI update is already out, but the notice talked about a Marth that learned Sol. The only way that could happen is if it came from a different character.
Ah your right. I thought he did have Sol normally since a few sword princes do. I don't have a Marth yet. I wonder if anyone can inherit dance/sing.

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Yay, i am a peasent too. I feel so lucky.

Trying to train up my Marth and Julia both are around 20.

Also wanna train a tier 2 team as well since I just got Cordelia and wanna train her.

I put this at the top, because if you play FEH and read nothing else in this post you need to know that both close counter and distant counter can be passed off Hector and Takumi and given to other units of the same type. If you play arena, it will be even more important to check every hero's skill before you plan anything. Don't shoot down that Camilla without checking first.

Ah your right. I thought he did have Sol normally since a few sword princes do. I don't have a Marth yet. I wonder if anyone can inherit dance/sing.
I had to look it up earlier too, because I initially read it that same way. As for dancing, it's one of the skills that aren't eligible.

Here's the first thing I found explaining how it works this morning. I have the general gist in the spoiler below for those who realize that nobody has time for links.

You can transfer up to three skills, which include Weapon, Assist, Special, and Passives.

This consumes the one giving off the skills (we all know, I just feel like putting in a reminder)

Units don't have to be the same type, but you can't give weapon abilities to someone not using that weapon

An axe user can teach a dragon Fortify Def, but not Hammer

Specific Exclusions

Character-specific (Sol Kati, Falchion)

Dance cannot be given to a unit that already doesn't have it

Knock Back and Drag Back can't be given to ranged units

A skill can only be passed if the unit teaching it has already learned the skill

Learning new skills does not overwrite your existing skills

Learning a new A skill will not replace your existing A skill, but just give you an additional option to equip

You can't teach a skill without also teaching the prerequisite skills

You can't give Death Blow 3, Wary Fighter 3, and Smite. It would have to be Death Blow 1-3

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As someone yet to play and finish ToCS II:

As someone who has obsessed over the Legend of Heroes world, this can't be released fast enough. I've platinumed CSI, and CSII, as well as beaten Trails in the Sky FC. I'm about 20 or so hours into Trails SC, and will being buying 3rd, day 1.

I have never ordered games from overseas before, and I have a couple of questions after looking at Play-Asia.  I wanted to order 4 Super Robot Wars and Gundam games from them, but 3 of them are sold-out/back-ordered.  If I were to place an order now and choose the faster Fedex shipping option, will I be charged $20 each time an item is shipped when they are back in-stock?  They didn't give any additional information on this issue when I was going through the checkout process.  

I also saw that there is an option to choose a "plain box" wrapping over the Play-Asia box for an additional 50 cents.  Is that because the US Customs have been causing trouble for people importing games to the US?  I don't see why that would be so, since these games are legitimate copies and not counterfeit copies from Asia.  I just wanted to know if it's worth ordering games from Asia, or if it's too much trouble to bother.

I have never ordered games from overseas before, and I have a couple of questions after looking at Play-Asia. I wanted to order 4 Super Robot Wars and Gundam games from them, but 3 of them are sold-out/back-ordered. If I were to place an order now and choose the faster Fedex shipping option, will I be charged $20 each time an item is shipped when they are back in-stock? They didn't give any additional information on this issue when I was going through the checkout process.

I also saw that there is an option to choose a "plain box" wrapping over the Play-Asia box for an additional 50 cents. Is that because the US Customs have been causing trouble for people importing games to the US? I don't see why that would be so, since these games are legitimate copies and not counterfeit copies from Asia. I just wanted to know if it's worth ordering games from Asia, or if it's too much trouble to bother.
In December of 2015 I had ordered 4 random games during a sale where one of the games had its status changed to back ordered. I bought the EU version of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for the PSP, and they ended up shipping me the NA version at a later date. Long story short, I checked the invoices for that situation and they did not charge me shipping for the back ordered game.

I believe the plain box option is so people won't see "Play-Asia" all over the box when it is delivered to your house. They could see it on the shipping slip, but that would require them to get closer to your domicile.

Has anyone seen the Asia version of PARAPPA THE RAPPER (Ps4) up for preorder? I've only seen the Japanese version up at amazon.jp
Heavy Arm is taking orders currently for that version.


Maybe not, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

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Man, after playing through a good portion of Atelier Firis which I'm quite 'meh' on, I played the Mass Effect Andromeda trial on PC. That was also very middle ground for me. I'll still get enjoyment out of both, but man some of the bad things about them just shouldn't be there. I guess I won't get something I really enjoy again until Persona 5 and Trails in the Sky the 3rd. Not that the wait for those will be particularly long though.

It may just be me but all the SK Splash girls including the DLC characters look very generic and copy paste. Honestly I think Sonico should be thicker...but that's just me. Looks pretty meh game honestly, but i'd support it anyway.

I went ahead and bit on the BlazBlue collectors edition. It has an artbook, and I'm stupid for that sort of thing. Also, around $45 for a collectors edition with an artbook is a pretty good price, they don't often go lower than that. Also, I've always liked the BlazBlue series and planned on eventually getting this PS4 entry anyway.

It may just be me but all the SK Splash girls including the DLC characters look very generic and copy paste. Honestly I think Sonico should be thicker...but that's just me. Looks pretty meh game honestly, but i'd support it anyway.
Because they're all wearing the same generically colored bikini.

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Did we get the Ayane DLC in whichever previous Senran game that was in? What about the Ikkitousen DLC?
Yeah we got Ayane in Estival Versus, so I'm pretty sure we'll get these over as well.

Here have this too:


And if you are worried about all the Bikinis being white... I'm am almost certain they are gonna have special Bikini DLC. Especially seeing how that has worked so well for DoAX3. And Senran Kagura games typically have a ton of alternate costumes and accessories.

I went ahead and bit on the BlazBlue collectors edition. It has an artbook, and I'm stupid for that sort of thing. Also, around $45 for a collectors edition with an artbook is a pretty good price, they don't often go lower than that. Also, I've always liked the BlazBlue series and planned on eventually getting this PS4 entry anyway.
Yeah, it's a good price for it now, close to the lightning deal price. Me and Vic were just saying how amazing the artbook is (but no Nine art page...) I found out how to make events on the PSN community, so give it a holler if anyone wants to get some games in.

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Also for FE Heroes remember that you need 1.5X the SP points to use the skill.

You do not get it automatically. Now you know why some skills cost so much.

Looking at you Cordelia and your 500 Galeforce.

bread's done