Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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I must say that I am overjoyed Shenmue 3 has finally been delayed. It was quite obvious the game's scope

needed to be at a certain level of presentation despite the rather humble budget in comparison to the original games goals. Hopefully the team can continue to be passionate without killing themselves in their attempts to reach the lofty expectations held by fans. 

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Depends on the girl, depends on the style for me. For the most part, I actually like long hair better on girls, but I hate bangs. If you're gonna have bangs, you might as well have short hair IMO.

I finished I am Setsuna on Switch last night & while I won't sit here and pretend that the story was great, everything else about the game was.

When people say that it tries to recreate that old school JRPG early SNES FF games feeling, they're not kidding.

The music and ambiance, even the battle system was spot on. The story isn't relatively great only because they don't really explain things too well. I feel like the way 1 or 2 members join your team is a lil forced, one minute they won't join because of "x" reason. The next Setsuna says something inspiring and they're on board haha it's a bit silly. 

Regardless, It's not a long game and easy to play inbetween longer more time consuming games. 

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I finished I am Setsuna on Switch last night & while I won't sit here and pretend that the story was great, everything else about the game was.

When people say that it tries to recreate that old school JRPG early SNES FF games feeling, they're not kidding.

The music and ambiance, even the battle system was spot on. The story isn't relatively great only because they don't really explain things too well. I feel like the way 1 or 2 members join your team is a lil forced, one minute they won't join because of "x" reason. The next Setsuna says something inspiring and they're on board haha it's a bit silly.

Regardless, It's not a long game and easy to play inbetween longer more time consuming games.
I bought it day 1 and regretted it a little. Of course I'm the same dude who bought Ray Gigant day 1 and when LRGs released the physical copy. I enjoyed it as well. I Am Setsuna would have been a little better if your choices made more of an impact to the game. Maybe you don't recruit everyone or perhaps something else happens and you have to take a different route. Either way, I felt that it was an enjoyable game and would have liked to see a DLC adding to the story.

I hope we can see Crystal on Vita after this. I can understand passing on this one on Vita since it's already available in English via importation. While niche fanservice localizations on PC are cool news, I'd really hate to see them start being PC exclusives in the west (although that's better than nothing).

I hope we can see Crystal on Vita after this. I can understand passing on this one on Vita since it's already available in English via importation. While niche fanservice localizations on PC are cool news, I'd really hate to see them start being PC exclusives in the west (although that's better than nothing).
You, and I both man. I've considered importing the Japanese release of Moe Crystal, but I have zero knowledge of the Japanese language. I'll be buying Moe Chronicle on PC to support a future release of Crystal.

Welp... I finally beat Persona 5, and now I feel like I have a gaping hole in my chest. I haven't felt like this since I beat P3, funny how a game about stealing people's hearts managed to steal mine.

An utterly amazing game, a true masterpiece of storytelling and presentation. It's not a perfect game, nothing is, but more than makes up for it with what it does well. In past Persona games, there's been a few characters I didn't like out of the bunch, like Ken in P3, Yukiko and Naoto in P4 (sorry), but I really love the entire P5 cast and most of the confidants.

The story is also fantastic, there is so much at stake, and the game isn't afraid to take risks and twists along the way. Which brings me to a very important warning, if you haven't been spoiled about the story yet, play the game IMMEDIATELY. Wow, there is a ton that could be spoiled, and would be amazing to see it all for the first time. There's a couple of things I've seen beforehand and regret it greatly. Also, don't try to beat the game in one sitting! Especially the last few chapters, because the game will seem to drag on. Even the game tells you in the loading screen, "take your time," because unlike most games, P5 requires you to absorb a lot of info and develop lasting relationships with the characters. Rushing through everything winds up decreasing the emotional investment in my opinion. 

I would probably give it a 10 if I had to assign a number, but I'm using animals now so I'll give this game a Platinum Platypus. Just like GTA V, for the next couple of games I play, I'll be thinking "why couldn't it be like Persona 5?"

P.S. Try beating the game with only one lover/waifu. I did it for Makoto, and I feel like those specific story segments in the end were amazing narratives by themselves.

P.S.S. Here's another Futaba line, she's like anime Deadpool/Harley Quinn.


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I would probably give it a 10 if I had to assign a number, but I'm using animals now so I'll give this game a Platinum Platypus.
Should've given it a Purple Platypi. They're brave enough to challenge the mighty Red Eagles after all.

Shamelessly fishing for fellow EZA fans. I know Pikagreg is at least, I've seen your resubs on streams :p

I would've given P5 a perfect 10 had it ended 20/30 hours sooner. I think it tried way too hard to give people as much content as possible because we waited so long for the game. Everything after Palace 6 feels like such a drag at times. The true final battle is amazing, and had it ended right after it would've been great, but the game sort of remembers that it has to close off its premise so you wait another hour or more to let the story be explained to you while you do nothing but wait for the credits. 

It's a wonderful game, but there's too much downtime at the tail end of it. Hopefully Persona 5 Crimson makes it a tighter experience. 

I played through P5 without interruptions of other games (one sitting?), because it is like crack, I was thinking about it when not playing it.
I had to download the soundtrack onto my phone because god damn that thing is amazing. Playing nier after persona 5 feels so weird because I was so invested in it and it's weird just to be done with it.
I had to download the soundtrack onto my phone because god damn that thing is amazing. Playing nier after persona 5 feels so weird because I was so invested in it and it's weird just to be done with it.
I played Nier after Persona, and that game gave me every single emotion I wanted to get out of Persona 5 and more. A true masterpiece in every way a video game can be.

This is my 3rd time posting this but sorry, I cannot resist... I don't even have to say why...


Should've given it a Purple Platypi. They're brave enough to challenge the mighty Red Eagles after all.

Shamelessly fishing for fellow EZA fans. I know Pikagreg is at least, I've seen your resubs on streams :p
Ha ha, no that was an original comment! I have no idea what EZA is, and the only person I've ever subbed to on Twitch is Bum163. Unless that comment wasn't referring to me, and if so then I feel foolish.

The true final battle is amazing, and had it ended right after it would've been great, but the game sort of remembers that it has to close off its premise so you wait another hour or more to let the story be explained to you while you do nothing but wait for the credits.

It's a wonderful game, but there's too much downtime at the tail end of it. Hopefully Persona 5 Crimson makes it a tighter experience.
Yeah, I posted my impressions of the ending in the Backloggers thread, but it reminded me of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Even that name is long...) In the extended DVD cut, the final battle was over and the ring scene was done, and there was 90 minutes left in the movie. All the Hobbits got their own happy endings, the new king was crowned, the dwarves had dinner, the elves played soccer, Gandalf shook hands with each member of the cast individually, etc. It really took a long while, but everything had to be wrapped up nicely, and I think P5 did a great job of that. Those last cutscenes though, what a perfect way to end it, it was like a picture perfect way to end a movie.

I think there's gonna be a remake/updated version soon though. I might have missed it but there is no Aeon arcana in this one right?

Yeah, I posted my impressions of the ending in the Backloggers thread, but it reminded me of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Even that name is long...) In the extended DVD cut, the final battle was over and the ring scene was done, and there was 90 minutes left in the movie. All the Hobbits got their own happy endings, the new king was crowned, the dwarves had dinner, the elves played soccer, Gandalf shook hands with each member of the cast individually, etc. It really took a long while, but everything had to be wrapped up nicely, and I think P5 did a great job of that. Those last cutscenes though, what a perfect way to end it, it was like a picture perfect way to end a movie.

I think there's gonna be a remake/updated version soon though. I might have missed it but there is no Aeon arcana in this one right?
In LotR you actually get to see all that stuff unfold, though. In P5 you're stuck in jail while Sae gives you updates on what's going on on the outside. It's just the game closing all of its open stories without having to actually delve into them. It's just like the whole switcharoo after Sae's palace. It's a decent little twist by making you believe you're dead but it's actually some shadow version of Joker. The game thinks it's way too clever because it spends so long overexplaining how it works. Then there's the optional story dump you get from Futaba in your room where she goes into greater detail on how it's supposed to make sense. The game expects you to follow its fantasy logic, but also thinks you're dumb enough to forget that Akechi clearly heard Morgana talk about pancakes months before he claimed to know who the thieves were.

Again, I loved the game pretty much the entire way. I just feel it had way too much going on to ever get to a logical conclusion. If the game only had the Igor twist, it would've been much better. I really loved that. I haven't played NG+ yet because I went to Nier afterward, but there has to an extended version coming next year or later. Especially since it's obvious that Akechi is going to come back in some form in that. They spent way too long to build his character story just to kill him off screen

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The game expects you to follow its fantasy logic, but also thinks you're dumb enough to forget that Akechi clearly heard Morgana talk about pancakes months before he claimed to know who the thieves were.
I might have been the only noob to die because I forgot to look at the calendar and missed a palace deadline. The bad end is you getting shot by what is hard to miss as Akechi's arm. Happened before the whole pancakes thing, so I knew way before that.

I might have been the only noob to die because I forgot to look at the calendar and missed a palace deadline. The bad end is you getting shot by what is hard to miss as Akechi's arm. Happened before the whole pancakes thing, so I knew way before that.
Damn, didn't even know that was possible. Can't believe they'd let that happen.

Hey while we're on the topic of p5, gimme some ideas on some videos to make for p5. I have 180 hours of footage and I'm almost done with my second playthrough. (Had to pause the playthrough to get a bigger hard drive)
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Welp... I finally beat Persona 5, and now I feel like I have a gaping hole in my chest. I haven't felt like this since I beat P3, funny how a game about stealing people's hearts managed to steal mine.

An utterly amazing game, a true masterpiece of storytelling and presentation. It's not a perfect game, nothing is, but more than makes up for it with what it does well. In past Persona games, there's been a few characters I didn't like out of the bunch, like Ken in P3, Yukiko and Naoto in P4 (sorry), but I really love the entire P5 cast and most of the confidants.

The story is also fantastic, there is so much at stake, and the game isn't afraid to take risks and twists along the way. Which brings me to a very important warning, if you haven't been spoiled about the story yet, play the game IMMEDIATELY. Wow, there is a ton that could be spoiled, and would be amazing to see it all for the first time. There's a couple of things I've seen beforehand and regret it greatly. Also, don't try to beat the game in one sitting! Especially the last few chapters, because the game will seem to drag on. Even the game tells you in the loading screen, "take your time," because unlike most games, P5 requires you to absorb a lot of info and develop lasting relationships with the characters. Rushing through everything winds up decreasing the emotional investment in my opinion.

I would probably give it a 10 if I had to assign a number, but I'm using animals now so I'll give this game a Platinum Platypus. Just like GTA V, for the next couple of games I play, I'll be thinking "why couldn't it be like Persona 5?"

P.S. Try beating the game with only one lover/waifu. I did it for Makoto, and I feel like those specific story segments in the end were amazing narratives by themselves.

P.S.S. Here's another Futaba line, she's like anime Deadpool/Harley Quinn.

Yeah I'd give it a 10 too. The game isn't without its flaws, but overall, to the point that I've played (I'm at what I think is the last battle for the true ending), I'd say that it is arguably the best game that I've ever played. The visual presentation, storyline, characters, and soundtrack are all among the very best that I've ever experienced.
You found an Ar Tonelico copy at a Gamestop? It's probably worth getting just for collecting purposes, especially when it's only $10, $5 with coupon. If it's with the original case, then it's a complete steal. There's one an hour away from me, I might consider getting it so you better hurry if you live in NY.
:( It was a copy with the generic GS box grrrr... well I brought coz it seems like a rare a game since its the only one in this whole area...at least the employee probably didn't know what kind of game it was with the generic GS box haha...

AT3 has been one of those games I've almost started at least 10 times. I'd always peruse through my backlog and would consider it, then start something else. It looks like a good GUST game, and I really enjoyed Ar Nosurge and some of the Atelier games. I might have to break out the PS3 and do some remote play to my Vita.
From what I understand, it's not like Ar Nosurge tho coz AN is more turn-based and AT3 isn't actually though..

Short hair > long hair
^ unless there's a twin tail or ponytail involved.
I like when the hair is over the shoulder with or without a braid myself. Jesus why are so many people banned today? Hoping it was just a glitch or something since deal seeker of all people didn't deserve a ban. An actual noob never posted anything worth banning him for either from what I've seen.

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Finally gave up on platting Berserk. Endless Eclipse is so god damn boring and the fact you have to beat it with every character including worthless Casca...just not worth it. I may  go back to it later but for now I'm moving on. If the Griffith battle at the end of the Eclipse wasn't so bad I would pull it off but that fight alone can easily take 30-40 minutes if you get unlucky with his juggles.

All you folks talking about Persona 5 makes me want to jump into that but I'm debating knocking out a couple shorter games. Decisions, decisions.

Finally gave up on platting Berserk. Endless Eclipse is so god damn boring and the fact you have to beat it with every character including worthless Casca...just not worth it. I may go back to it later but for now I'm moving on. If the Griffith battle at the end of the Eclipse wasn't so bad I would pull it off but that fight alone can easily take 30-40 minutes if you get unlucky with his juggles.

All you folks talking about Persona 5 makes me want to jump into that but I'm debating knocking out a couple shorter games. Decisions, decisions.
I've made that decision on many a games. Some the difficulty isn't a factor so much as the lengthy trophies or trophy requirements that I have to do for a platinum. Gal*Gun, and Tokyo Twilight are good examples of that.

bread's done