Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Not a huge Game Informer fan, but their latest issue has a pretty nice article on the history of Dragon Ball Z games, along with a write-up dedicated to Fighter Z.

Super excited about Harvest Moon and hopefully story of Season to the Switch.

I am loving Stardew Valley on switch.

It is so good to be able to play it wherever.

And still no exact release date...for any of the three games mentioned! Not like I should complain; I don't think I've even played a game for a whole week.

Wow. Just too funny. I must say I quite envy his job.

I got somewhere between the game before I abandoned it
where I'm finding a cure for the stone-transforming disease on planet Roak. Wonder how far that is?
. Stuff started to feel like a drag. Now only if they'll fix SO 5. I could barely stand an hour of that game before I started getting a bit dizzy from the camera.
lymels planet is the 2nd planet in the game. There's only 6 planets in the game so you were about 1/4th into the game. Games more fun if you play as reimi since edge is pretty garbage despite being the main character. He gets half decent towards the end of the game but of the melee characters he's easily the worst. Especially since all the other characters either have good combos to air juggle enemies or can long range attack them. You'll like the game much more when you get cat loli meracle and cyborg bacchus. the former juggles gorillas the latter shoots blackholes that block the screen and keep enemies sucked into the center.

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...hmm. Can't decide between PS4 or Switch for the new Harvest Moon. Which console is it more at home on?
mobile lol, ever since Natsume lost the rights to localize the series they've been developing these in-house Harvest Moon games that look like mobile games

I got somewhere between the game before I abandoned it
where I'm finding a cure for the stone-transforming disease on planet Roak. Wonder how far that is?
. Stuff started to feel like a drag. Now only if they'll fix SO 5. I could barely stand an hour of that game before I started getting a bit dizzy from the camera.
About 3/4 in. You were pretty close to endgame.

I actually loved SO4. It was a blast and I got completely absorbed in the postgame. I don't know if I wanna play it a second time though. I hope this means SO5 is coming to PC soon.

Huh, apparently after the whole NISA translation mishap with Ys some of the voice actors from Cold Steel have drafted a letter to XSeed (and Falcom) saying they won't reprise their role if NISA gets a hold of Cold Steel III. The voice actors in question are Sean Chiplock (Rean), Benjamin Diskin (Jusis), Kaiji Tang (Gaius), Rena Strober (Emma), Cassandra Lee Morris (Fie & Alfin), and Kira Buckland (Celine & Elise). A little surprising to see them jump in on this whole thing.

I won't link to the letter, but apparently it was done in the Falcom discord channel where Sean Chiplock hangs out on occasion. I don't see NISA getting it like they did Ys. I'm not sure I want to imagine what NISA would do to the translation. Probably purposely change something up and do like what they did with Atelier Rorona where they renamed Esti Erhard to Esty Dee.

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Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo Gets New Trailer

The voice doesn't quite fit. Everything about her design is perfect except her voice.

Huh, apparently after the whole NISA translation mishap with Ys some of the voice actors from Cold Steel have drafted a letter to XSeed (and Falcom) saying they won't reprise their role if NISA gets a hold of Cold Steel III. The voice actors in question are Sean Chiplock (Rean), Benjamin Diskin (Jusis), Kaiji Tang (Gaius), Rena Strober (Emma), Cassandra Lee Morris (Fie & Alfin), and Kira Buckland (Celine & Elise). A little surprising to see them jump in on this whole thing.

I won't link to the letter, but apparently it was done in the Falcom discord channel where Sean Chiplock hangs out on occasion. I don't see NISA getting it like they did Ys. I'm not sure I want to imagine what NISA would do to the translation. Probably purposely change something up and do like what they did with Atelier Rorona where they renamed Esti Erhard to Esty Dee.
So I saw the apology, but how bad was the translation? Was it really that bad? Any examples or articles detailing how bad it was? I like to laugh at Nisa sometimes.

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So I saw the apology, but how bad was the translation? Was it really that bad? Any examples or articles detailing how bad it was? I like to laugh at Nisa sometimes.
It was very bland and literal, like it has no editing done to it. The common images passed around can be seen here. However that's only a few of them. They completely changed the name of several things to be vastly different than what they were originally. Those include the words "Notions", "Energy", "Ancient Species" and "The Great Tree of Beginnings." Unfortunately I don't remember what those words replaced are, but those four words are pretty commonly used words in the game. Though I want to say ancient species should have been "Ancient Dragons" and it wouldn't surprise me if the Great Tree of Beginnings was supposed to have been Yggdrasil.

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Got my Cyberdimension Neptunia CE in, super neat collector's edition! Probably the best looking CE from the Nep franchise (although I say that everytime...) The art book is big and delightful, the usb and stand are pretty cool. The box is absolutely gorgeous. And yes, they included the fixed-print soundtrack outside the box.

Here are some pictures:



If you guys have any questions about the CE, or want to see any pages in the artbook, just feel free to ask!

A little plug, but I'll be streaming this game on my twitch channel. You can follow me here: www.twitch.tv/superswanton Thanks!

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Got my Nep LE and the artbook is upside down  :headache: It's like it was flipped horizontally and then inserted into the hard cover (so the first page is the upside down last page)

Can anyone who's dealt with Iffy's support before let me know what I'm in for?

It was very bland and literal, like it has no editing done to it. The common images passed around can be seen here. However that's only a few of them. They completely changed the name of several things to be vastly different than what they were originally. Those include the words "Notions", "Energy", "Ancient Species" and "The Great Tree of Beginnings." Unfortunately I don't remember what those words replaced are, but those four words are pretty commonly used words in the game. Though I want to say ancient species should have been "Ancient Dragons" and it wouldn't surprise me if the Great Tree of Beginnings was supposed to have been Yggdrasil.
Oh I didn't know those characters shared the same va in cold steel. Weird. Especially since I think they spoke during the same scenes at times. And just wow at some of those errors. But hey at least it isn't kangaroo war level or penetration level bad.

Whoops my mistake you were on meracles planet.  that is planet #4 so you were about 50% into the game.  roak easily eats up tons of hours just from the arena alone.  Since in order to do the arena you have to play it solo with all 9? party members and get them so far in then use whoever your favorite is and redo the same match over and over and over until the rank 1 battle unlocks.  Similar thing with the team arena only without having to use all characters.

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Atlus USA to launch Atlus Online Store on October 16

Morgana and Jack Frost plushies.

GameCenter DX is just a spin off web show where they promote upcoming Nintendo games.
"If an item is marked as “Sold Out” or “No Longer Available,” it will return. Atlus says that its goal is to “make sure everyone can buy the items they want."

Man Nintendo needs to take a cue from Atlus. This is how you communicate to your fans if a hot item(s) is gonna be in high demand or production quantity is gonna be low from the start. This way we dont have scalpers trying to grab everything and reselling for high prices and no one needs to panick trying to get what they want

"If an item is marked as “Sold Out” or “No Longer Available,” it will return. Atlus says that its goal is to “make sure everyone can buy the items they want."

Man Nintendo needs to take a cue from Atlus. This is how you communicate to your fans if a hot item(s) is gonna be in high demand or production quantity is gonna be low from the start. This way we dont have scalpers trying to grab everything and reselling for high prices and no one needs to panick trying to get what they want
Honestly, that makes to much sense, and "N" does not operate in that capacity, sadly.

:ps4: Dragon Quest Heroes II Explorer's Edition has been fluctuating in price on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Quest-Heroes-II-Explorers-PlayStation/dp/B01NCBTOO7/

Last few days is has been in the $24-26 range, but every so often it drops even lower. I ordered last night at $21.62.
saw that was pissed since i ordered it over a week ago when it hit 31$, seems their moving out inventory and soon will be sold to third party seller stores, well still saving half off from msrp is still good for a ok game

The Atlus store is most likely an extension of the North American Sega store that's also opening next week. Certain designs only available in US/Canada but all other products ship to the Americas.

:ps4: Dragon Quest Heroes II Explorer's Edition has been fluctuating in price on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Quest-Heroes-II-Explorers-PlayStation/dp/B01NCBTOO7/

Last few days it has been in the $24-26 range, but every so often it drops even lower. I ordered last night at $21.62.
saw that was pissed since i ordered it over a week ago when it hit 31$, seems their moving out inventory and soon will be sold to third party seller stores, well still saving half off from msrp is still good for a ok game
It's $16.10 right now o_O Hopefully it doesn't go back up before I can price match it at BB

The 16.10 price is from Deep Discount. Plus you have to pay for shipping

Hope it's $10 at Black Friday like the first one was

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DQ Heroes 2 is sweet. Just wish it had real coop.

Not sure what it is with the Warriors games as of the past few years not only dropping online coop, but sometimes just completely not having it at all.

So I got pretty far into Cyberdimension Neptunia, and I thought I'd share some thoughts on it. My little review won't be as great and detailed as something like Draekon's, Nitrosmob's, or Sovereign's, but I'll try my best to bring up some key points.

So first up, the game is actually, really, really good!

No way right!?

I might be a bit biased since I'm a Neptunia Superfan, but it's the best in the series imo (even though that's not saying much.) Its so good, it actually doesn't even feel like a Neptunia game.


  • The graphics are much better in this game than anything previous to it. It probably looks better than most other JRPGs on the market now, maybe with the exception of Persona and Tales of. To compare, the graphics look like Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I've never played BOTW, but from trailers/reviews I've seen it, and the open plains stage looks identical. The grass, water, environment, etc. is greatly improved and looks beautiful.
  • Gameplay is very fluid and face-paced. It's still a bit button-mashy, but there's skills, jumping, blocking, parries, dashing, etc. I guess I'd compare it to SAO or Tales of, combat styles, not musou but an Action-RPG. I also think the gameplay is waaay better than the combat in FF15, and that FF15 should've had a system more like this one.
  • Character play styles are pretty diverse, each character is a different class, which has a variety skills, and plays their own style. Some are rush down, some keep away, some healers, some buff givers.
  • Story is great, first time you actually get to see all 4 goddesses act like sisters, and not enemies or mere companions. The other games, Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert were all separated early on, or weren't really in the game much. Here they interact well, and have some hilarious moments together. Not to go into spoilers, but you are technically playing them, who are also playing themselves in the game. So the 4th wall breaking moments are delightful and plentiful, and you've probably never played a game like that.
  • The online is super fun! I would actually love it if the game was an MMO. It's smooth when you find someone with a good connection. There's a neat chat system and you can free-type. Joining/leaving games is quick. And there's exclusive coop missons, so it's not like you replay something you beat, where both friends have to beat it first, like Nioh or DQH2.
Cons: (These aren't really cons, but more like nitpicky little things I didn't like.)

  • During dialogue segments, the characters are no longer dynamic, so they don't breath, or blink, or move their lips when they talk. There's slight transitions, but it's more like Persona 5 now. It's understandable, since they had to do all their animation work from scratch with the new costumes.
  • The camera sucks. It always gets blocked by trees or branches, or goes into weird angles.
  • Loading is a little too long sometimes, especially when you boot up the game.

So overall, it's a terrific game! Not just for a niche game, or for a JRPG. But just in general it's fun and well polished. It stands up to even some AAA titles, like I'll say it's better than FF15 in some ways. So definitely give it a try! And feel free to ask if you have any questions!

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bread's done