Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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GamePass going up in pricing, who woulda thought....

Japanese developers still seem to be in the "for the love of the game" first. Even when Capcom games have microtrandactions, they're typically very unnecessary (still shouldn't be there...).

But yea, outside of Sony stuff, most Western developed things are F2P shooters, sports, or other competitive online games. Stuff I'm really not into.

This year is turning out to be a banger, though. So many GameCube, GBA, DS, SNES classics coming back in HD.

Edit: Don't hate all Western stuff, as we're getting Baldurs Gate 3 from Larion.
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Dragon Quest Adventure of Dai may not get physical release in the West, Squeenix website is up but all Western region only linked to Digital Stores

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Didn't expect an SMRPG remake... But holy hell I cannot wait. Never cared that much for the Paper Marios but figures if we saw any remakes, it would have been one of those.
Errr Persona 5 Tactica shows up on both Amazon and GS, but wtf GS listed as GS exclusive?

Edit I see it now the coasters is GS exclusive, not sure if it is preorder bonus or part of their launch edition

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At first I thought the coasters were a joke from not including any actual game discs lol

as in, "here are some useful coasters (on the disc hub) for you!"

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Speaking of the NISA store, do we need to create a new account since they migrated?  I tried logging in and my password didnt work and then when I went to recover password, it said an account doesn't exist under that email.  Hope this isn't the case as I still have a few preorders with them from the old website.

Speaking of the NISA store, do we need to create a new account since they migrated? I tried logging in and my password didnt work and then when I went to recover password, it said an account doesn't exist under that email. Hope this isn't the case as I still have a few preorders with them from the old website.
Looks like they are still doing account migration and it won't be complete until Friday. Not sure why they would open a pre-order before that process was complete.

Speaking of the NISA store, do we need to create a new account since they migrated? I tried logging in and my password didnt work and then when I went to recover password, it said an account doesn't exist under that email. Hope this isn't the case as I still have a few preorders with them from the old website.
Yeah same here... did they announce this beforehand? Looks like they're going to Shop store, which I fucking hate because it always wants me to log in via some texted code.

Man I haven't been this down on Western game development in AWHILE. Diablo 4, Activision-Blizzard. Microsoft acquisitions and today's announced Gamepass price increases. Destiny 2's monetization. Every defecting digital distribution platform trying to become its own individual service-based game ecosystem. No new AAA games on PC being developed. Everything happening in my sphere of influence is bad bad bad.

Meanwhile today's Nintendo Direct is awesome. These are the best infomericials in existence. Nothing gets you more excited for new video games. Playing Switch (on OLED) is more satisfying than ever. So has been acquiring these niche and import physical games. These new announcements were great; I don't mind paying for HD remasters and reskins of these all-time classics, many of which were missed the first time around. The Switch library is becoming insanely robust, and it's going to go down in history as one of best collectable consoles / libraries of all-time. I can't wait to play FF16 on PS5 this weekend.

Japanese game development is peaking again. Western gaming is Microtransaction Hell. When they've previously held the reins of innovation for much of this century, kind of since the PS2 era.
All that talk about Switch carts potentially having about 10 or so years before having issues is the only bummer with Nintendo doing carts. Wouldn't mind if they go discs next generation, but that would kill backwards compatibility (unless Switch 2 can do both).

Not that blurays aren't impervious to issues, but if it's between carts and blurays for a particular game, I'll choose blurays every time. Of course, I also prefer that the PS/XB versions run a whole lot better (not a handheld gamer).
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All that talk about Switch carts potentially having about 10 or so years before having issues is the only bummer with Nintendo doing carts. Wouldn't mind if they go discs next generation, but that would kill backwards compatibility (unless Switch 2 can do both).

Not that blurays aren't impervious to issues, but if it's between carts and blurays for a particular game, I'll choose blurays every time. Of course, I also prefer that the PS/XB versions run a whole lot better (not a handheld gamer).
I honestly didn't consider NS cart life, I would think they'd just last decades before any issues. But I am shocked BD discs are only like 20 years before degrading... DVDs and CDs were much longer I think.

I honestly didn't consider NS cart life, I would think they'd just last decades before any issues. But I am shocked BD discs are only like 20 years before degrading... DVDs and CDs were much longer I think.
Yeah, I hadn't thought much of it, either, until a few friends brought it up and showed me all the discussions about that. While I'm sure it varies based on storage conditions and how well one takes care of them, it does stink that cart lifespan is a real issue.

As for discs, I think there is a big difference between pressed discs and recordables. The 20 year lifespan is usually for recordables. I think there is a much longer lifespan for pressed discs (30-plus, with some estimating up to 100 yrs). Of course, the problem there is that we're all living in the test period so no way to know for sure.

Ultimately, all this is just a reminder that our collections are actually ephemeral, and could become literal paperweight as they sit unplayed in our "backlogs."

To me, it's one more push to why I open everything and try to play them!
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Services usually end up being a bad deal, eventually, it's just a question of how long is it good for.

I have Game Pass for another 16 months just from the gold conversion offers (so Ultimate was only around $50/year), but after that ends I didn't plan to resume it. I don't like being herded toward games, and that's the feeling services give me. Game pass is pretty good for kids though. They can easily jump into games their friends have without having to bug a parent to buy a game for them.

I want to pick a game, buy it, play it. Which, to the point above has its own issues. I've fallen victim to the appeal of hoarding things on sale, frequently out of fear or future delistings etc. But you do just end up with, more or less, a pile of (slowly) deteriorating plastic.

On the one hand, it's really nice to have such a huge stash when future games continue to be service-based or microtransaction hell, I have plenty of things to play instead. But stuff is a burden (unless collecting is a genuine hobby for you, then you're just investing time into hobbies- carry on, and have a good time). The promise of services is taking on that burden for you, but they end up being a burden themselves.

There are still plenty of great games coming out and upcoming, but it does feel like a shift to 'ugh' has slowly been occurring for sure. Could partially just be an aging generation - of course things will change and people (us) will miss what was.

Just wait until the gen where everyone plays Roblox starts predominantly making games. Giant numbers, pointless leaderboards, and scummy descriptions (oh, you bought that item with Robux I didn't clarify whether it was permanent or not and it only lasts 5 minutes, sucker haha), and of course inputting YouTube creator codes for items so they get their kickback. :oldman: Could be missing the mark on that one a bit, I'm just an observer sometimes for Roblox, I don't engage myself. So I also only see what the kid playing sees / the world they pick, etc.

I would love to order that Made in Abyss Collector's Edition PS4 from woot but I just know it will be shipped in a bag and arrive crushed.

I just noticed the Made in Abyss Collector's Edition PS4 was $40 this morning, now it's $35.  I guess I will order it and see what happens.

I just noticed the Made in Abyss Collector's Edition PS4 was $40 this morning, now it's $35. I guess I will order it and see what happens.
It's one of several listings with two versions at two different price points. The Switch version is $5 more. You have to click the dropdown menu.

Wonder how many people actually bought that SIFU Redemption set.

I will warn everyone, Yurukill is a terrible SHMUP and you'll spend 20 hours going through the visual novel aspect of the game unlocking the SHMUP portion.  Not sure the story behind it, but I'd guess they developed a bad shooter and decided to add a visual novel so it'd sell better.

Wonder Boy Collection at $15 for PS4 is a good deal, I was going to wait until BF for that pricepoint.

It's one of several listings with two versions at two different price points. The Switch version is $5 more. You have to click the dropdown menu.
I am pretty sure the price has been dropping for that game since the sale started. It was $45/$50 when the sale started, then dropped to $40/$45, now it's $35/$40.

I will warn everyone, Yurukill is a terrible SHMUP and you'll spend 20 hours going through the visual novel aspect of the game unlocking the SHMUP portion. Not sure the story behind it, but I'd guess they developed a bad shooter and decided to add a visual novel so it'd sell better.
I haven't played Yurukill yet, but I only bought it because G.rev developed the shmup part. I loved Border Down and Under Defeat. Hopefully I get some enjoyment out of it.

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My experience with the woot sale items, good deals, but prepare for stuff to arrive beat up.  Everything I got came in Amazon boxes, but somehow even worse packing and condition than usual for Amazon.  Might just be coincidence.

Just a heads up people- Nights of Azure reprint preorders end tomorrow at VGP.

My experience with the woot sale items, good deals, but prepare for stuff to arrive beat up. Everything I got came in Amazon boxes, but somehow even worse packing and condition than usual for Amazon. Might just be coincidence.
Same for me.

I can't decide which version of DIsgaea 6 to order for 20 bucks.  halp.

Normally, I'd buy the PS5 version for most games.  But I already have Disgaea #s 1, 4, and 5 in my PS4 physical library.   There's not a whole lot of info out there on if PS5 version is superior.  Yet the PS4 disc is supposed to give you a PS5 install on your machine!

Three of the games I have carted have multiple versions and I can't decide.  I previously -never- went for Swtich titles when there was a choice to get Playstation.  Due to performance, as well as not considering SE switch boxes to have much visual appeal.  But now I'm beginning to lean in the opposite direction.  Especially when it comes to buying games you likely might not play, and their future collectability.  It seems like Switch stuff will hold higher value and longterm desirability. How do you guys decide these things?


right now it looks like this, and I keep going back and forth.  This never used to be a struggle.

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It also begs the question what kind of forward compatibility do we think Switch carts will have with the next system??

Nintendo typically doesn't let us carry our goods forward into the next gen.  That includes physical games and plastic accessories.  Even your digital libraries tend to be halted from machine-to-machine.  But it seems those philosophies and business operations might have turned a corner this gen.  The Switch also being the first all-encompassing device (handheld + big screen). wdyt?

People are already saying that the Switch successor is due to come out next year in 2024.  It's time to start thinking about this stuff. 

As much as I dislike Microsoft, the best thing they've ever done is Smart Delivery.  They've reset the market standard and expectations in the realm of future compatibility.  That's one of the best things that's ever happened to us as (multiplatform) consumers.  As we move to new series of hardware.

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Nintendo typically -never- lets us carry our goods forward into the next gen. That includes physical games and plastic accessories.
Wii played Gamecube discs, Wii-U played Wii discs and used Wii controllers. 3DS played DS cartridges, etc.

As long as they stick with cartridges, I think they'll be compatible with their new system, and with how wildly successful the Switch has been, they'd be foolish to change.

Wii played Gamecube discs, Wii-U played Wii discs and used Wii controllers. 3DS played DS cartridges, etc.

As long as they stick with cartridges, I think they'll be compatible with their new system, and with how wildly successful the Switch has been, they'd be foolish to change.
Expanding on this…

GB games were playable on GB, GBC, & GBA. GC we’re compatible with the majority of Wii including controllers and memory cards. Wii we’re compatible on wii-u and many digital games converted from wii to wii-U. Wii-U also had the gc controller converter as does the switch.

Ds compatible on DSi & 3DS with digital DSi games having many able to be converted to 3DS digital.

Given we are in the first gen of Switch, it seems like we have a good chance of everything (or most everything) moving forward. Especially if they stick with the same hybrid setup.

Edit forgot to add stuff like Super Gameboy, Gameboy Player, and GBA on DS/DS-lite.
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My experience with the woot sale items, good deals, but prepare for stuff to arrive beat up. Everything I got came in Amazon boxes, but somehow even worse packing and condition than usual for Amazon. Might just be coincidence.
This was not my experience. I ordered 5 games across 2 orders from Woot. Everything arrived fine.

Given we are in the first gen of Switch, it seems like we have a good chance of everything (or most everything) moving forward. Especially if they stick with the same hybrid setup.

Edit forgot to add stuff like Super Gameboy, Gameboy Player, and GBA on DS/DS-lite.
My money is on the next NS being full digital.

I'm also fairly confident that the PS6 and whatever MS releases (if anything) will also be full digital but those are prob further out.

My money is on the next NS being full digital.

I'm also fairly confident that the PS6 and whatever MS releases (if anything) will also be full digital but those are prob further out.
2028 - according to MS.

As for bc with Switch 2 (or whatever it's called), I think that's a safe bet. Even if Nintendo were to go disc or a different sized cart, I'd expect them to include a slot for the OG Switch. You don't abandon 100+ million users of possible software sales.

Don't be surprised, though, when Nintendo releases games that work on Switch and Switch 2 with performance variance. Nintendo's games have never been graphically intense so first party wise, shouldn't be a problem.
Modern Vintage Gamer has a good informational video about the technical challenges of backwards compatibility for the Switch, and possible solutions.

The conclusion is that it isn't a guarantee so it could be wishful thinking to just assume it'll be there, but there are ways it could be possible:

Every game includes a full driver stack and pre-compiled shaders for it. If you change the hardware, those are no longer compatible. As the video discusses later, there are some ways to address it but it's not "this was ARM+Nvidia, the next one is likely ARM+Nvidia, so it just works as is right?" It does not.

It won't surprise me if backwards compatibility is there (the curated patches approach he mentions seems the most likely to me as well), but I have a hard time imagining Nvidia putting in any of the hardware level customization work to make it seamless like Microsoft/Sony/AMD have done (nor can I really imagine Nintendo paying up for that work instead of just buying a more 'off the shelf', existing part. That would be some sticker shock too, with the curent Switch being an older gen more or less failed Tegra product Nvidia had warehouses of - side note, anyone remember those early Switch rumors about two processors and pin compatible x86/ARM 'Project Skybridge' designs from AMD? And 20nm products being canceled for yield concerns around the same time? https://www.kitguru.net/components/cpu/anton-shilov/amd-officially-cancels-20nm-chips-takes-33-million-charge/ )


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This was not my experience. I ordered 5 games across 2 orders from Woot. Everything arrived fine.
I ordered over 10 games from the current Woot! sale and they also came fine. Other than a couple floating discs (which I basically expect with any online retailer), everything was good.

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Modern Vintage Gamer has a good informational video about the technical challenges of backwards compatibility for the Switch, and possible solutions.

The conclusion is that it isn't a guarantee so it could be wishful thinking to just assume it'll be there, but there are ways it could be possible:

Every game includes a full driver stack and pre-compiled shaders for it. If you change the hardware, those are no longer compatible. As the video discusses later, there are some ways to address it but it's not "this was ARM+Nvidia, the next one is likely ARM+Nvidia, so it just works as is right?" It does not.

It won't surprise me if backwards compatibility is there (the curated patches approach he mentions seems the most likely to me as well), but I have a hard time imagining Nvidia putting in any of the hardware level customization work to make it seamless like Microsoft/Sony/AMD have done (nor can I really imagine Nintendo paying up for that work instead of just buying a more 'off the shelf', existing part. That would be some sticker shock too, with the curent Switch being an older gen more or less failed Tegra product Nvidia had warehouses of - side note, anyone remember those early Switch rumors about two processors and pin compatible x86/ARM 'Project Skybridge' designs from AMD? And 20nm products being canceled for yield concerns around the same time? https://www.kitguru.net/components/cpu/anton-shilov/amd-officially-cancels-20nm-chips-takes-33-million-charge/ )

Thought since the wii they just been strapping 1/2 - 1 GameCube on? Switch 2 should just be about 4 GameCubes now, so it should be fully backwards compatible. My Uncle that works at Nintendo is the one who straps them together to make the new systems.

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Modern Vintage Gamer has a good informational video about the technical challenges of backwards compatibility for the Switch, and possible solutions.
The conclusion is that it isn't a guarantee so it could be wishful thinking to just assume it'll be there, but there are ways it could be possible:

Every game includes a full driver stack and pre-compiled shaders for it. If you change the hardware, those are no longer compatible. As the video discusses later, there are some ways to address it but it's not "this was ARM+Nvidia, the next one is likely ARM+Nvidia, so it just works as is right?" It does not.

It won't surprise me if backwards compatibility is there (the curated patches approach he mentions seems the most likely to me as well), but I have a hard time imagining Nvidia putting in any of the hardware level customization work to make it seamless like Microsoft/Sony/AMD have done (nor can I really imagine Nintendo paying up for that work instead of just buying a more 'off the shelf', existing part. That would be some sticker shock too, with the curent Switch being an older gen more or less failed Tegra product Nvidia had warehouses of - side note, anyone remember those early Switch rumors about two processors and pin compatible x86/ARM 'Project Skybridge' designs from AMD? And 20nm products being canceled for yield concerns around the same time? https://www.kitguru.net/components/cpu/anton-shilov/amd-officially-cancels-20nm-chips-takes-33-million-charge/ )

Not making the Switch successor bc would be a perfectly Nintendo move, so I suppose it's possible.

Also, Nintendo has a history of botching successors to its best hardware (SNES to N64, Wii to Wii U, DS to 3DS) so certainly within reason that the next console could be a fisco.
blargh I forgot the copy of prelude to the fallen I own is the eu one I imported back when na copies were oop. So I went and bought the atuy dlc for it and can't use it since it's na regions dlc for an eu region game.  You'd think that the games dlc page wouldn't let you go to it when the disc is obviously not the same region. 

The PS4 versions will likely always be worth more since they work on two platforms and most get upgrades for free.

I still get PS4 copies of anything that gets a free upgrade because of that.
You can still redownload everything you’ve previously downloaded on most systems.  Would digital upgrades work the same, are they in download history?  I don’t like the all digital future’s long term prospects, but the more it is pushed and relied upon as the only option, the more it’s in companies interest to show they aren’t pulling the rug out from under us yet.  It seems like Sony has entered a period where PS5 on, the digital storefront should remain, and it doesn’t matter what happens to the PS4 servers in this case.  

bread's done