Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

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As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Something like this. Perhaps if the Wii U had been comparable in specs/3rd Party support as the X1/PS4 a game like Bayonetta 2 could have been a deciding factor. But it's not enough to sell a console on its own. People who want Mario games are not quite the same as those who would want a Bayonetta. You'd almost have to hope those people get a Wii U as a second console, but Nintendo has never priced it as such. Heck, you can get an Xbox One for less than a Wii U and it has a much more robust library. If the Wii U were in the $199 range, it could have been an impulse type pick up.

I rather wanted to get one to play Splatoon and Bayonetta 2. I think my kids would dig Splatoon, but the $300 buy-in was a bridge too far (particularly when my kids are still young enough to be entertained by the 360 Kinect games). Getting my 'adult' gaming elsewhere (PC), it's just no point for us.

If it somehow got to come to PC though, even if not until the NX has replaced the Wii U, I'd buy B2.
I've never understood that logic. I like Mario and Bayonetta. I've always enjoyed a mix of genres and themes in games, and every console I've had since the NES has catered to that. Heck, the PS4 will soon be selling Crash Bandicoot right alongside The Last of Us.

I've never understood that logic. I like Mario and Bayonetta. I've always enjoyed a mix of genres and themes in games, and every console I've had since the NES has catered to that. Heck, the PS4 will soon be selling Crash Bandicoot right alongside The Last of Us.
I'm like you in that I just like "games", it doesn't matter the style, type or origin. But, out of 6-7 of my friends who play games, I'm the only one who uses "N" systems on the regular.

A few friends got the OG 3DS when it came out due to the hype I guess, but they never played it, I don't even think any of them acquired the Ambassador games, as they just didn't care.

Another friend was the only one to get a Wii U, and within 6 months sold it to a friend at work. In the end, none of the games they play are on a "N" device. They also play online with one another 90% of the time. I'm the odd man out, as I don't pay for online, and most of the games they play, I don't have much interest in.

So just based on my own life experience, I would say what sales show, is pretty much what my own life reflects. The Wii U should have been $200 or less rather quickly, but as per the norm, it is over priced and the mass majority just don't care, or "get it".

I bought a Wii U for my son last year, but it is the first "N" system since the NES I didn't buy at launch, and I even imported most systems due to not wanting to wait for US releases. While there are some good games on it, I just find that tablet to be a waste of space, cost and time. I do enjoy the off screen play, but not all games function that way, and overall I just can't justify the price.

Without 3rd party support or decent specs, the Wii U is dead in the water. Even if the NX is great spec wise, it won't matter, as it will only sale to the same crowd as the Wii U did, and maybe even less, as a lot of fans feel burned by it, and aren't looking to jump in to bed with the NX as fast, but taking a wait and see attitude.

I've never understood that logic. I like Mario and Bayonetta. I've always enjoyed a mix of genres and themes in games, and every console I've had since the NES has catered to that. Heck, the PS4 will soon be selling Crash Bandicoot right alongside The Last of Us.

I'm like you in that I just like "games", it doesn't matter the style, type or origin. But, out of 6-7 of my friends who play games, I'm the only one who uses "N" systems on the regular.
There are 2 really good reasons for this 'mis-understanding'- 1) You are a self described "gamer", not merely someone who plays an occasional game, but one for whom playing games is part of your 'identity' (for lack of a better word). You have a tendency to appreciate all types of games. 2) It's not really "logic", it's all opinion. You don't have to understand it, just observe that's how it is.

Sure, pretty much all platforms have games of all genres, but if say, my favorite genre is point and click adventures, I'm probably going to lean PC, though some exist on consoles. If I like JRPGs, I'm leaning Sony. Family friendly platformers - Nintendo. I'm just saying that there are better options for mature-themed character action games than the Wii U. Bayonetta 2 may be great, but if locked into Wii U, you miss out on things like Infamous, DMC, Mordor, Assassin's Creed, Lords of the Fallen, etc.. It just depends on where ones tendencies lie.

In a perfect world, everyone would have access to all the games (I privately dream of Denis Dyack's "One Console Future"), but the truth is, there is only so much money people allocate to gaming, particularly gaming hardware. If I can get "enough" of the games I like on one platform, one that particularly caters to the type of games I like most, then I'm less likely to get a second platform, unless the price is right or they offer something extraordinary.

I'm rambling, so I'm done.

jrpg wise you definitely aren't leaning towards anyone considering rpgs are multiplat and console wise they don't have much support anyway.

jrpg wise you definitely aren't leaning towards anyone considering rpgs are multiplat and console wise they don't have much support anyway.
I was thinking of World of FF, Star Ocean, and Persona 5 which I think are all Sony exclusive. But you may be right as I am not personally that deep into JRPGs.

He'd be smart to cancel his Anime Expo presentation,considering the type of reception he's going to get.
Well, reviews are already popping up and they're not good. People who are huge Mega Man fans that received a review copy are saying the the dash isn't terribly precise and the game overall is pretty boring with cheap difficulty where they couldn't even bother finishing it. Not to mention that backers haven't received any digital keys yet, but the retail keys start going out at midnight tonight. Also the graphics look worse now (with framerate issues) than they did in the playable demo, let alone the original video that showed what to expect during the kickstarter. Oh and the so horribly terrible marketing.

I'm wondering how many Steam reviews will just be from angry backers with 0 hours played.

Bloodstained is looking nice though. The E3 demo has been received rather well mechanics wise despite the tiny stage.

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Finally DL'd Project DIVA Future Tone!

But no Prelude, it seems like we won't get to play the "DEMO" until it's out in 2 days.

Either way... 2 DAYS until MIKU GOODNESS!


Well, reviews are already popping up and they're not good. People who are huge Mega Man fans that received a review copy are saying the the dash isn't terribly precise and the game overall is pretty boring with cheap difficulty where they couldn't even bother finishing it. Not to mention that backers haven't received any digital keys yet, but the retail keys start going out at midnight tonight. Also the graphics look worse now (with framerate issues) than they did in the playable demo, let alone the original video that showed what to expect during the kickstarter. Oh and the so horribly terrible marketing.

I'm wondering how many Steam reviews will just be from angry backers with 0 hours played.

Bloodstained is looking nice though. The E3 demo has been received rather well mechanics wise despite the tiny stage.
Bloodstained is looking great so far. MN9 was obviously mismanaged up the ass. What's going to be really annoying is people using it as the posterchild for why Kickstarters are "bullshit" or a "scam",despite the many great games that have come out of it.
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Though that is true, I was tired of Kickstarter long before Mighty No 9.  I've had a few projects that have gone sour.  One of which has gone so sour that it not only ruined the project and the company for me, it also managed to ruin the board game that the product was being made for as well.  

The biggest issue I have is that whole "Kickstarter is not a store" line.  Everyone trots that phrase out when it's a simple, convenient way to explain away problems/responsibilities.  It's completely ignored though when it comes to already successful companies selling products and add-ons for something that is already going to be released, usually at inflated prices, under the guise that they "need to gauge interest/raise funds before they can start production."

Edit:  I didn't realize how old the MN9 Kickstarter was.  Replace "long before" with "independent of"  

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Though that is true, I was tired of Kickstarter long before Mighty No 9. I've had a few projects that have gone sour. One of which has gone so sour that it not only ruined the project and the company for me, it also managed to ruin the board game that the product was being made for as well.

The biggest issue I have is that whole "Kickstarter is not a store" line. Everyone trots that phrase out when it's a simple, convenient way to explain away problems/responsibilities. It's completely ignored though when it comes to already successful companies selling products and add-ons for something that is already going to be released, usually at inflated prices, under the guise that they "need to gauge interest/raise funds before they can start production."
What actually happened was that you gave them money without understanding what you were doing. The real problem was that many people think the same way you do about kickstarter. Kickstarter is not a store, this is a fact. Whether you or anyone else chooses to believe this is a different story.

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Though that is true, I was tired of Kickstarter long before Mighty No 9. I've had a few projects that have gone sour. One of which has gone so sour that it not only ruined the project and the company for me, it also managed to ruin the board game that the product was being made for as well.

The biggest issue I have is that whole "Kickstarter is not a store" line. Everyone trots that phrase out when it's a simple, convenient way to explain away problems/responsibilities. It's completely ignored though when it comes to already successful companies selling products and add-ons for something that is already going to be released, usually at inflated prices, under the guise that they "need to gauge interest/raise funds before they can start production."

Edit: I didn't realize how old the MN9 Kickstarter was. Replace "long before" with "independent of"
People saying it's not a store is pretty wrong when that's exactly how it's treated. There's a list of things you can get and the prices you have to pay to get them.

Unlike a store the person running the Kickstarter can just take your money, not give you anything in return and tell you too bad. See: The scumbags of the Yogscast Kickstarter.

WTF is up with Kamiya Old tweet. Jeez.


If he's that flippant, I can sort of understand why the Wii U didn't get more Platinum games like the Transformers or TMNT if not because of Nintendo's typical negligence.
For context, someone from Kotaku wrote an article about PC gaming in Japan calling Kamiya "clueless" in the headline. Plunkett was pestering him for a comment. He generally seems like a reasonable guy as long as you're not giving him shit for a dumb reason.

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For context, someone from Kotaku wrote an article about PC gaming in Japan calling Kamiya "clueless" in the headline. Plunkett was pestering him for a comment. He generally seems like a reasonable guy as long as you're not giving him shit for a dumb reason.
It's true. He doesn't like it if you ask if Bayonetta 2 is going to be ported to Gameboy.

People saying it's not a store is pretty wrong when that's exactly how it's treated. There's a list of things you can get and the prices you have to pay to get them.
Just because you or a collective group of individuals treat X like it is Y doesn't mean X is equivalent to Y. And those "prices you have to pay" should be treated like a donation or better yet an investment. No where does it say that you must get said item because you invested Z amount; that is path of divergence between an investment and a sales transaction.

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Just because you or a collective group of individuals treat X like it is Y doesn't mean X is equivalent to Y. And those "prices you have to pay" should be treated like a donation or better yet an investment. No where does it say that you must get said item because you invested Z amount; that is path of divergence between an investment and a sales transaction.
"When a project is successfully funded, the creator must complete the project and fulfill each reward. Once a creator has done so, they’ve satisfied their obligation to their backers.” Right from the TOS....
"When a project is successfully funded, the creator must complete the project and fulfill each reward. Once a creator has done so, they’ve satisfied their obligation to their backers.” Right from the TOS....
I found this chunk of text beneath yours...

"If a creator is unable to complete their project and fulfill rewards, they’ve failed to live up to the basic obligations of this agreement. To right this, they must make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers. A creator in this position has only remedied the situation and met their obligations to backers if:

  • they post an update that explains what work has been done, how funds were used, and what prevents them from finishing the project as planned;
  • they work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion in a timeframe that’s communicated to backers;
  • they’re able to demonstrate that they’ve used funds appropriately and made every reasonable effort to complete the project as promised;
  • they’ve been honest, and have made no material misrepresentations in their communication to backers; and
  • they offer to return any remaining funds to backers who have not received their reward (in proportion to the amounts pledged), or else explain how those funds will be used to complete the project in some alternate form."
Edit: I took back the apology because a sales transaction is not completed when any of those above listed conditions are met. My argument still stands.

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The point you're intentionally ignoring is that the issue has nothing to do with what you or I treat Kickstarter as, it has to do with what the company running the project treats it as.  The original point I made was that the company can't reap all of the benefits of running their project like it's a store, then hide behind "It's not a store" whenever it suits them to do so. 

I found this chunk of text beneath yours...

"If a creator is unable to complete their project and fulfill rewards, they’ve failed to live up to the basic obligations of this agreement. To right this, they must make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers. A creator in this position has only remedied the situation and met their obligations to backers if:

  • they post an update that explains what work has been done, how funds were used, and what prevents them from finishing the project as planned;
  • they work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion in a timeframe that’s communicated to backers;
  • they’re able to demonstrate that they’ve used funds appropriately and made every reasonable effort to complete the project as promised;
  • they’ve been honest, and have made no material misrepresentations in their communication to backers; and
  • they offer to return any remaining funds to backers who have not received their reward (in proportion to the amounts pledged), or else explain how those funds will be used to complete the project in some alternate form."
Edit: I took back the apology because a sales transaction is not completed when any of those above listed conditions are met. My argument still stands.
Just because you and everyone else who is fine with Kickstarter project creators failing to deliver what they are legally obligated to deliver believe Kickstarter is not a pre-order doesn't change the fact that the Terms of Service provide the legal ability for project backers to go after a project creator for breach of contract in some respects just as if it was an incomplete sales contract. Indeed, there have been several instances where attorneys have sued project creators and extracted settlements for failed Kickstarter projects. While Kickstarter is not perfectly like a store or pre-order, it's also not a donation or an investment. It's somewhere in between and project creators have a legal responsibility to either deliver what was backed or to comply fully with the points you have posted.

Kickstarter is a pledge of funds, not a guarantee of anything.

I avoid it as much as possible.  Except in instances where you are fairly convinced the company can and will deliver, and they're offering something super exclusive.  Lots of projects go sour.  Backing tends to be very poor value. If the project makes it to market you'll have another chance to buy it anyways.  My bank account is not venture capital. 

To be honest, I'm really fuck ing tired of reading about Kickstarter stories and getting pressured from shills on every forum and website I visit. It's annoying.  KS has infected everything; it's 95% stuff I don't care about.  People are like the internet version of Jehova's Witnesses.  Just go away and leave me alone please.

Let's just all get along and make fun of the people who did stuff like this.





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Let's just all get along and make fun of the people who did stuff like this.




I'll post my favorite one.



I wish I could find the photoshopped version with the extra panel of Beck saying "Tight Budget" with everyone grinning.


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I was thinking of World of FF, Star Ocean, and Persona 5 which I think are all Sony exclusive. But you may be right as I am not personally that deep into JRPGs.
while those are sony exclusives alot of games are multiplat between their own systems so even then it comes down to why do I need a ps4 when I can play the same game on the ps3 or vita that I already own. or pc in some cases even since alot of games get steam releases nowadays due to the huge market.

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I'm still gonna get Mighty No. 9. It still looks pretty fun to me. It might not be Mega Man caliber... but I don't turn down a burger because it's not a steak.

I still love Inafune, and I fucking love Mega Man. I've been having some wicked Mega Man withdrawal, and I'll take my hits where they come.

...I'm pretty sad, though. Mighty No. 9 didn't answer the call, and even if Capcom decided to wake the fuck up and do another Mega Man game... without Inafune, I don't know if it would be the same, either.

I'm still gonna get Mighty No. 9. It still looks pretty fun to me. It might not be Mega Man caliber... but I don't turn down a burger because it's not a steak.

I still love Inafune, and I fucking love Mega Man. I've been having some wicked Mega Man withdrawal, and I'll take my hits where they come.

...I'm pretty sad, though. Mighty No. 9 didn't answer the call, and even if Capcom decided to wake the fuck up and do another Mega Man game... without Inafune, I don't know if it would be the same, either.
He really comes out of this looking like a fool. He talked such a big game with this,and this just sounds bland and mediocre from the reviews so far (which was is worse then being just a poorly made game). Am still going to play it due to being a backer,but I won't back another one of his projects. The man has to win people's trust back after how this whole mess turned out.

He really comes out of this looking like a fool. He talked such a big game with this,and this just sounds bland and mediocre from the reviews so far (which was is worse then being just a poorly made game). Am still going to play it due to being a backer,but I won't back another one of his projects. The man has to win people's trust back after how this whole mess turned out.

MN9 is the game you want it to be. If you buy his optional DLC
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bread's done