Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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So whats the Shiren game about? Do you need to have played the previous entries to understand the plot?
Plot haha! These games are very simple. A wanderer goes around killing monsters, staying in villages and getting stronger as your traverse more dangerous terrain. This is one of the older console rogue like games. It's pretty simple to get into but very hard. You move one square at a time (not sure how co-op will work) and go into monsters to attack them. Really though it's pure gameplay really, and I love these games. It may have a plot, but it should be self contained.

And now for something completely different:

Minori and Mangagamer should be working together to get Trinoline as an international release. While it's still being developed it will also be localized by Mangagamer at the same time to make the time between releases shorter. Excellent and another one to my buy list when it is released.


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New Nendoroid Hatsune Miku: Lion Dance Version GSC Online Shop Exclusive:

Releases 12/2016


4500 Yen + shipping which is likely 2000 yen

Very cool looking but expensive. I'm a sucker for exclusive Miku Nendos.


New Nendoroid Hatsune Miku: Lion Dance Version GSC Online Shop Exclusive:

Releases 12/2016


4500 Yen + shipping which is likely 2000 yen

Very cool looking but expensive. I'm a sucker for exclusive Miku Nendos.


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Very nice though the nendo cost an arm, while the figma cost an arm and a leg. Racing Miku Figmas and Nendos with their sponsership prices never seem worth it to me. I may skip this Nendo as the Yen is just very strong. I am a sucker for the Nendo exclusives and have gotten the GSC and Wonfes ones for a while now.

I agree on the absurd price nendoroids and figmas are going for lately, it sucks.
I was really interested in the Gilgamesh figma recently announced.


But for 9800 Yen, there's no way I'm getting it. That's almost like twice the price of any other figma....

Gah, I want that Miku nendo but I really like the forced EMS 2000 Yen shipping that GSC requires. At least with Ami Ami, I can usually got Registered mail and it will be cheaper for shipping and they usually have a some money off the MSRP too.

So many reasons to get PS VR

Gah, I want that Miku nendo but I really like the forced EMS 2000 Yen shipping that GSC requires. At least with Ami Ami, I can usually got Registered mail and it will be cheaper for shipping and they usually have a some money off the MSRP too.
Eh. The savings you see on the item itself on Amiami are usually negated by their shipping being higher due shipping things in oversized boxes.

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Another month is a big deal once you accidentally read a spoiler somewhere. Considering the main appeal of the game is the story, having that spoiled pretty much kills the main reason to play it.
That's actually a fair point I hadn't considered.
True, that is a fair point, though I'm personally not too concerned. I don't recall any 999 or VLR spoilers back when they released. I think it's pretty niche that it shouldn't be a big worry for most, but I can understand why some might be.

Sorry to ask what has probably already been covered, but has there been any update on Amazon's ZTD situation? Have any shipped, at all?

I haven't had too many oversized boxes and I opt to choose SAL Small Package Registered for most of my shipments except for my Greatest Idol Miku 1/8th which I chose EMS. Honestly, I don't see myself  ordering anything anytime soon with as strong the yen has gotten and what it could be 5 months down the road when these pre-orders are set to ship.

They're more like a brother-in-law still at the moment.

I'd considered them blood once they start making these CEs affordable on release! :D

May as well get this Star Ocean 5 review/rant out of the way. I also just finished up Tokyo Mirage Session so I will likely give that a bit of a review as well. I had to stop myself from writing too much on SO5 as well as it basically sounds like one giant " fuck you" rant. So there are a couple things I left out that aren't as big of a deal.

Before I start, I just want to say that it’s going to sound more negative than it is. I don’t consider it a good game, but I don’t consider it a terrible game either. Just very disappointing for a Star Ocean game and a lower budget title than it should have been. Probably released way too early as well.

The story for the most part is pretty standard fare, however I feel some changes should have been made. First I think they should have taken the current story and smashed it together a bit to shorten it (plus give you fast travel sooner) and then opened up to what is the current end of the game for a second planet with new areas/enemies. I believe this would have greatly improved the overall feel and pacing of the game to put in more in line with what we want from a Star Ocean game. It also would address issues you have with the enemy of the game, allowing them to properly expand on them.

There is one thing that really bothered me with the story. I can’t really go into detail on it, but I just want to say that they never really address the elephant in the room AT ALL which bugs the hell out of me. They make brief mentions of it and then brush it aside with the MC saying shit like “I totally trust them, it’s ok guys.” which is pretty terrible. If they went Jean-Luc Picard and done some light diplomacy instead of James T. Kirk’ing worse than Kirk himself fucks up, I think it would have resolved any of the angry sentiment I have towards the story itself.

Next are the environments, which do look pretty good in general. They fit the aesthetic of the theme/world which is good, however they also fail by giving a false sense of world size by making it feel smaller than it actually is supposed to be. This ties in to another issue, which is lack of fast travel for most of the game. Because of this, sidequests require insane amounts of running around/backtracking that feels horribly grindy and not particularly fun.

To expand on sidequests, they are basically 95% kill and fetch quests. The couple that aren’t, you’re tracking down some dude by running all over the god damned world only to find out the asshole is basically back where you started from. Simply put, this is not fun. However, there are a number of specialties and skill books tied to quests which makes many of them hard to skip.

Tied into sidequests you have enemies. Some require unique enemies that show up only when you have the quest in certain areas. That itself is fine, but what really irks me is when I get sidequests that require work-a-rounds because of insanely low drop rates (Empyrea Fish) or are impossible to get any other way (Sandfish) because enemies change world-wide two times through the entirely of the game or because an enemy with 100% drop rate didn’t drop it due to you not having the quest during another quest and thus the enemy no longer shows up.

If that wasn’t bad enough, you also have the Private Action system. It basically boils down to you going to a town, running to a circle with a whistle on it and then your party splits up. Some of them you can go talk to and then once done either leave town or re-enter the PA circle. Now the bad part sets in that when you transition into the nearby inn and then back out the PA circle is active again (most likely) and more PA’s are available. Repeat this probably around a dozen times taking 30 minutes every visit to a new town after a story event.

That’s only half of the issue of it though. The other half are the passive PA’s you get when you start running from a map and then your party members start talking and you have no idea how many there are for that map or when they are supposed to trigger during the story. On top of that there are active and passive PA’s that have roles you earn through them for characters. Many of those gained are actually quite useful too, which makes it feel even worse. Oh and if you get into battle, the passive PA will also stop and there is no way to re-view them, which is a shame because some of the ones that were skipped I did want to listen to the entire thing. It would have really benefited by trying to be like skits in the Tales series honestly.

Now for the battle system which is the meat and potatoes of the game. Going through the main story, you won’t have many skills on your physical attackers for the vast majority of it which sucks because they don’t really get that many skills compared to the two casters. On top of that, you can only hotkey two for close range and two for long range. Skills don’t combo well into other skills and you often have issues hitting enemies that are knocked down. Plus, in the latter game the spell effects are so over-the-top that you can’t even see anything else on the screen except for that spell effect which is a little dumb. So usually in the end you end up picking one skill and just spamming it, constantly. For me, controlling the main character, that was his very first skill Double Slash. Everything else he has just is not as useful honestly even after leveling them up.

Then you have roles and AI. Your roles determine your characters AI and you can have 4 or 5 equipped at once per character. Leveling them only increases their bonuses and doesn’t mess with their AI. Them being tied together is unfortunate because I can sit there with a boss attacking me and then suddenly most of my ranged characters will run somewhat close behind me and start using abilities instead of spreading out far from the boss. This will cause them to all end up taking massive damage and getting hit multiple times from the boss while it attacks me. The same thing happens with the melee characters as I try to put myself on a different side of the enemy or boss and they just mosey on up next to my controlled character. It is very infuriating and gets AI killed all the damned time.

After that you have a few battles that are HORRIBLY designed mechanically. Three or four where you need to protect a certain person and if you don’t, it’s game over. The first time you may get a game over simply because you didn’t hear the audio cue mention that you need to protect said person, but that battle isn’t bad. The second one is the pain in the ass because there are mobs that spawn which can use a very destructive skill, but I still don’t think is particularly hard. I did receive a game over the first time because when the character hit half health I went to use an item but another enemy used a move that took the remaining half of their health before I could get an item or heal off. These should have been changed to a progress bar and when they die, no progress can be made until revived. It’s an easy thing to get around and makes you say ‘What the fuck were they thinking?’. The remaining ‘protect’ battles like this aren’t bad. (You can level up Killer roles to get the Humanoid/Mechanical Killer roles to make this completely trivial as leveling only provides some HP/MP)

Now the other horrible designed battle mechanic you’ll come across a few times is where they start talking in the battle and then one of your characters has to use an ability. I don’t know if they died to cause this or if it was a bug, but the dialogue literally cut off at a certain point and I could no longer progress with the fight. The only way for me to continue was to reset the game at that point and reload to my latest save point. This is of course worse because you can’t really skip long dialogue scenes in the game which is another stupid decision.

The last thing I want to touch on is the body language of characters in the game. In Japanese games, you get very exaggerated body language with characters flinging their arms and legs around. I’m used to this and don’t really mind it. In this game however, I feel it takes it to an insane level that really takes away from the game. An example would be Welch who you go to gain your crafting specialties. Her dialogue is fine and very Welch when compared to the rest of the series, but her body actions are so off beat, over-the-top and just downright terrible that it made me dislike her character. If the game would have done some light mocap for characters, it would have made the presentation of dialogue and character interaction so much better. Sadly through, the game was pretty obviously low budget (or at least I hope it was).

Despite all this I did somewhat enjoy the game, though it was only a minimal amount sadly. If they could have fixed the story like I said early on, provided fast travel sooner, fixed the overly egregious character body language and separated out AI with actual customization options it would have been significantly better I think.


- It still has some things that make it Star Ocean? Specializations and such. I'm kind of stretching it to find something to write here.
- General aesthetic. It's not great nor has many environments but the ones it did have were kind of nice.

- Miki's character model is a bit out of place and Anne's costume felt out of place to me as well.
- Battle system.
- Roles. Like the idea for boosts and such, but hate how it determines a characters AI.

- Private Action System. It's not player friendly and has rewards (Roles) tied to it.
- The quest system and the games lack of fast travel for most of the game.
- The extreme body language of characters that I felt went far beyond typical very Japanese games and made it feel pretty bad.
- AI system and how its tied to Roles (This can't be overstated)
- Stupid battle decisions. Ones to protect someone that can result in game overs and others that result in something not happening due to either the person being dead or a bug and forcing you to reset.
- Post-game dungeon is pretty boring compared to past titles in the series. Caused me to stop running it because of how repetitive it was.

Recommendation: Rent it if you really want to play it. It's about 35 hours long with all sidequests (Significantly shorter without). If you're doing trophies, then you're probably looking at around 50 hours. I can't really recommend buying it even at a discount.

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Glad to hear about the confirmed localization for Valkyrie Drive.

Even though I thought the game was mediocre (a dumbed down version of Senran Kagura), I'm glad it was considered at all to be brought over. Hopefully this sets the way for other niche games that haven't been localized yet.

Also, Uppers when? :)

May as well get this Star Ocean 5 review/rant out of the way. I also just finished up Tokyo Mirage Session so I will likely give that a bit of a review as well. I had to stop myself from writing too much on SO5 as well as it basically sounds like one giant " fuck you" rant. So there are a couple things I left out that aren't as big of a deal.
I was really hoping SO5 wouldn't be as bad as it seemed but reviews like yours are pretty damning. I can't see myself putting time into a game that poorly designed with all the quality titles I have yet to play in the backlog. I appreciate your thoughts man, keep it up.

May as well get this Star Ocean 5 review/rant out of the way. I also just finished up Tokyo Mirage Session so I will likely give that a bit of a review as well. I had to stop myself from writing too much on SO5 as well as it basically sounds like one giant " fuck you" rant. So there are a couple things I left out that aren't as big of a deal.

Before I start, I just want to say that it’s going to sound more negative than it is. I don’t consider it a good game, but I don’t consider it a terrible game either. Just very disappointing for a Star Ocean game and a lower budget title than it should have been. Probably released way too early as well.

The story for the most part is pretty standard fare, however I feel some changes should have been made. First I think they should have taken the current story and smashed it together a bit to shorten it (plus give you fast travel sooner) and then opened up to what is the current end of the game for a second planet with new areas/enemies. I believe this would have greatly improved the overall feel and pacing of the game to put in more in line with what we want from a Star Ocean game. It also would address issues you have with the enemy of the game, allowing them to properly expand on them.

There is one thing that really bothered me with the story. I can’t really go into detail on it, but I just want to say that they never really address the elephant in the room AT ALL which bugs the hell out of me. They make brief mentions of it and then brush it aside with the MC saying shit like “I totally trust them, it’s ok guys.” which is pretty terrible. If they went Jean-Luc Picard and done some light diplomacy instead of James T. Kirk’ing worse than Kirk himself fucks up, I think it would have resolved any of the angry sentiment I have towards the story itself.

Next are the environments, which do look pretty good in general. They fit the aesthetic of the theme/world which is good, however they also fail by giving a false sense of world size by making it feel smaller than it actually is supposed to be. This ties in to another issue, which is lack of fast travel for most of the game. Because of this, sidequests require insane amounts of running around/backtracking that feels horribly grindy and not particularly fun.

To expand on sidequests, they are basically 95% kill and fetch quests. The couple that aren’t, you’re tracking down some dude by running all over the god damned world only to find out the asshole is basically back where you started from. Simply put, this is not fun. However, there are a number of specialties and skill books tied to quests which makes many of them hard to skip.

Tied into sidequests you have enemies. Some require unique enemies that show up only when you have the quest in certain areas. That itself is fine, but what really irks me is when I get sidequests that require work-a-rounds because of insanely low drop rates (Empyrea Fish) or are impossible to get any other way (Sandfish) because enemies change world-wide two times through the entirely of the game or because an enemy with 100% drop rate didn’t drop it due to you not having the quest during another quest and thus the enemy no longer shows up.

If that wasn’t bad enough, you also have the Private Action system. It basically boils down to you going to a town, running to a circle with a whistle on it and then your party splits up. Some of them you can go talk to and then once done either leave town or re-enter the PA circle. Now the bad part sets in that when you transition into the nearby inn and then back out the PA circle is active again (most likely) and more PA’s are available. Repeat this probably around a dozen times taking 30 minutes every visit to a new town after a story event.

That’s only half of the issue of it though. The other half are the passive PA’s you get when you start running from a map and then your party members start talking and you have no idea how many there are for that map or when they are supposed to trigger during the story. On top of that there are active and passive PA’s that have roles you earn through them for characters. Many of those gained are actually quite useful too, which makes it feel even worse. Oh and if you get into battle, the passive PA will also stop and there is no way to re-view them, which is a shame because some of the ones that were skipped I did want to listen to the entire thing. It would have really benefited by trying to be like skits in the Tales series honestly.

Now for the battle system which is the meat and potatoes of the game. Going through the main story, you won’t have many skills on your physical attackers for the vast majority of it which sucks because they don’t really get that many skills compared to the two casters. On top of that, you can only hotkey two for close range and two for long range. Skills don’t combo well into other skills and you often have issues hitting enemies that are knocked down. Plus, in the latter game the spell effects are so over-the-top that you can’t even see anything else on the screen except for that spell effect which is a little dumb. So usually in the end you end up picking one skill and just spamming it, constantly. For me, controlling the main character, that was his very first skill Double Slash. Everything else he has just is not as useful honestly even after leveling them up.

Then you have roles and AI. Your roles determine your characters AI and you can have 4 or 5 equipped at once per character. Leveling them only increases their bonuses and doesn’t mess with their AI. Them being tied together is unfortunate because I can sit there with a boss attacking me and then suddenly most of my ranged characters will run somewhat close behind me and start using abilities instead of spreading out far from the boss. This will cause them to all end up taking massive damage and getting hit multiple times from the boss while it attacks me. The same thing happens with the melee characters as I try to put myself on a different side of the enemy or boss and they just mosey on up next to my controlled character. It is very infuriating and gets AI killed all the damned time.

After that you have a few battles that are HORRIBLY designed mechanically. Three or four where you need to protect a certain person and if you don’t, it’s game over. The first time you may get a game over simply because you didn’t hear the audio cue mention that you need to protect said person, but that battle isn’t bad. The second one is the pain in the ass because there are mobs that spawn which can use a very destructive skill, but I still don’t think is particularly hard. I did receive a game over the first time because when the character hit half health I went to use an item but another enemy used a move that took the remaining half of their health before I could get an item or heal off. These should have been changed to a progress bar and when they die, no progress can be made until revived. It’s an easy thing to get around and makes you say ‘What the fuck were they thinking?’. The remaining ‘protect’ battles like this aren’t bad. (You can level up Killer roles to get the Humanoid/Mechanical Killer roles to make this completely trivial as leveling only provides some HP/MP)

Now the other horrible designed battle mechanic you’ll come across a few times is where they start talking in the battle and then one of your characters has to use an ability. I don’t know if they died to cause this or if it was a bug, but the dialogue literally cut off at a certain point and I could no longer progress with the fight. The only way for me to continue was to reset the game at that point and reload to my latest save point. This is of course worse because you can’t really skip long dialogue scenes in the game which is another stupid decision.

The last thing I want to touch on is the body language of characters in the game. In Japanese games, you get very exaggerated body language with characters flinging their arms and legs around. I’m used to this and don’t really mind it. In this game however, I feel it takes it to an insane level that really takes away from the game. An example would be Welch who you go to gain your crafting specialties. Her dialogue is fine and very Welch when compared to the rest of the series, but her body actions are so off beat, over-the-top and just downright terrible that it made me dislike her character. If the game would have done some light mocap for characters, it would have made the presentation of dialogue and character interaction so much better. Sadly through, the game was pretty obviously low budget (or at least I hope it was).

Despite all this I did somewhat enjoy the game, though it was only a minimal amount sadly. If they could have fixed the story like I said early on, provided fast travel sooner, fixed the overly egregious character body language and separated out AI with actual customization options it would have been significantly better I think.


- It still has some things that make it Star Ocean? Specializations and such. I'm kind of stretching it to find something to write here.
- General aesthetic. It's not great nor has many environments but the ones it did have were kind of nice.

- Miki's character model is a bit out of place and Anne's costume felt out of place to me as well.
- Battle system.
- Roles. Like the idea for boosts and such, but hate how it determines a characters AI.

- Private Action System. It's not player friendly and has rewards (Roles) tied to it.
- The quest system and the games lack of fast travel for most of the game.
- The extreme body language of characters that I felt went far beyond typical very Japanese games and made it feel pretty bad.
- AI system and how its tied to Roles (This can't be overstated)
- Stupid battle decisions. Ones to protect someone that can result in game overs and others that result in something not happening due to either the person being dead or a bug and forcing you to reset.
- Post-game dungeon is pretty boring compared to past titles in the series. Caused me to stop running it because of how repetitive it was.

Recommendation: Rent it if you really want to play it. It's about 35 hours long with all sidequests (Significantly shorter without). If you're doing trophies, then you're probably looking at around 50 hours. I can't really recommend buying it even at a discount.
Thanks for this very detailed, well-written review. I'm so disappointed to read about SO5's failings, as I was really hoping for a worthwhile reawakening of the franchise. At this point, it might take a miracle for Squeenix to allow another one, even though it's likely their fault the game had such a low-budget, rushed development anyway.

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I was really hoping SO5 wouldn't be as bad as it seemed but reviews like yours are pretty damning. I can't see myself putting time into a game that poorly designed with all the quality titles I have yet to play in the backlog. I appreciate your thoughts man, keep it up.
I wish there were some positive things I could say about it so I could off set the negative rant feel of it, but the only thing I think I could say is that the voice acting was good (I used JP voices)? Maybe the music too now that I think about it. Although nothing really stood out to me music wise except maybe the final dungeon.

Thanks for this very detailed, well-written review. I'm so disappointed to read about SO5's failings, as I was really hoping for a worthwhile reawakening of the franchise. At this point, it might take a miracle for Squeenix to allow another one, even though it's likely their fault the game had such a low-budget, rushed development anyway.
I left a lot out, but when I realized I was already hitting page 3 while typing it out in Word with single spacing, I knew I had to stop. Probably could have gone on for at least another two pages. But yeah, I feel it tries to stay a little to close with older Star Ocean gameplay wise instead of dipping, into say, some Tales gameplay that would make the game so much smoother and better.

If you're interested in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, I can say it's significantly better than SO5 and a good stop-gap game until Persona 5. It has its issues and I won't be as glowing about it than the reviewers were, but it's a pretty good solid game. I've already got the tl;dr written out for it, so it should be out either later today or tomorrow.

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I wish there were some positive things I could say about it so I could off set the negative rant feel of it, but the only thing I think I could say is that the voice acting was good (I used JP voices)? Maybe the music too now that I think about it. Although nothing really stood out to me music wise except maybe the final dungeon.

I left a lot out, but when I realized I was already hitting page 3 while typing it out in Word with single spacing, I knew I had to stop. Probably could have gone on for at least another two pages. But yeah, I feel it tries to stay a little to close with older Star Ocean gameplay wise instead of dipping, into say, some Tales gameplay that would make the game so much smoother and better.

If you're interested in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, I can say it's significantly better than SO5 and a good stop-gap game until Persona 5. It has its issues and I won't be as glowing about it than the reviewers were, but it's a pretty good solid game. I've already got the tl;dr written out for it, so it should be out either later today or tomorrow.
I definitely plan on buying TMS at some point, but I still look forward to reading your thoughts on it.

May as well get this Star Ocean 5 review/rant out of the way. I also just finished up Tokyo Mirage Session so I will likely give that a bit of a review as well. I had to stop myself from writing too much on SO5 as well as it basically sounds like one giant " fuck you" rant. So there are a couple things I left out that aren't as big of a deal.

Before I start, I just want to say that it’s going to sound more negative than it is. I don’t consider it a good game, but I don’t consider it a terrible game either. Just very disappointing for a Star Ocean game and a lower budget title than it should have been. Probably released way too early as well.

The story for the most part is pretty standard fare, however I feel some changes should have been made. First I think they should have taken the current story and smashed it together a bit to shorten it (plus give you fast travel sooner) and then opened up to what is the current end of the game for a second planet with new areas/enemies. I believe this would have greatly improved the overall feel and pacing of the game to put in more in line with what we want from a Star Ocean game. It also would address issues you have with the enemy of the game, allowing them to properly expand on them.

There is one thing that really bothered me with the story. I can’t really go into detail on it, but I just want to say that they never really address the elephant in the room AT ALL which bugs the hell out of me. They make brief mentions of it and then brush it aside with the MC saying shit like “I totally trust them, it’s ok guys.” which is pretty terrible. If they went Jean-Luc Picard and done some light diplomacy instead of James T. Kirk’ing worse than Kirk himself fucks up, I think it would have resolved any of the angry sentiment I have towards the story itself.

Next are the environments, which do look pretty good in general. They fit the aesthetic of the theme/world which is good, however they also fail by giving a false sense of world size by making it feel smaller than it actually is supposed to be. This ties in to another issue, which is lack of fast travel for most of the game. Because of this, sidequests require insane amounts of running around/backtracking that feels horribly grindy and not particularly fun.

To expand on sidequests, they are basically 95% kill and fetch quests. The couple that aren’t, you’re tracking down some dude by running all over the god damned world only to find out the asshole is basically back where you started from. Simply put, this is not fun. However, there are a number of specialties and skill books tied to quests which makes many of them hard to skip.

Tied into sidequests you have enemies. Some require unique enemies that show up only when you have the quest in certain areas. That itself is fine, but what really irks me is when I get sidequests that require work-a-rounds because of insanely low drop rates (Empyrea Fish) or are impossible to get any other way (Sandfish) because enemies change world-wide two times through the entirely of the game or because an enemy with 100% drop rate didn’t drop it due to you not having the quest during another quest and thus the enemy no longer shows up.

If that wasn’t bad enough, you also have the Private Action system. It basically boils down to you going to a town, running to a circle with a whistle on it and then your party splits up. Some of them you can go talk to and then once done either leave town or re-enter the PA circle. Now the bad part sets in that when you transition into the nearby inn and then back out the PA circle is active again (most likely) and more PA’s are available. Repeat this probably around a dozen times taking 30 minutes every visit to a new town after a story event.

That’s only half of the issue of it though. The other half are the passive PA’s you get when you start running from a map and then your party members start talking and you have no idea how many there are for that map or when they are supposed to trigger during the story. On top of that there are active and passive PA’s that have roles you earn through them for characters. Many of those gained are actually quite useful too, which makes it feel even worse. Oh and if you get into battle, the passive PA will also stop and there is no way to re-view them, which is a shame because some of the ones that were skipped I did want to listen to the entire thing. It would have really benefited by trying to be like skits in the Tales series honestly.

Now for the battle system which is the meat and potatoes of the game. Going through the main story, you won’t have many skills on your physical attackers for the vast majority of it which sucks because they don’t really get that many skills compared to the two casters. On top of that, you can only hotkey two for close range and two for long range. Skills don’t combo well into other skills and you often have issues hitting enemies that are knocked down. Plus, in the latter game the spell effects are so over-the-top that you can’t even see anything else on the screen except for that spell effect which is a little dumb. So usually in the end you end up picking one skill and just spamming it, constantly. For me, controlling the main character, that was his very first skill Double Slash. Everything else he has just is not as useful honestly even after leveling them up.

Then you have roles and AI. Your roles determine your characters AI and you can have 4 or 5 equipped at once per character. Leveling them only increases their bonuses and doesn’t mess with their AI. Them being tied together is unfortunate because I can sit there with a boss attacking me and then suddenly most of my ranged characters will run somewhat close behind me and start using abilities instead of spreading out far from the boss. This will cause them to all end up taking massive damage and getting hit multiple times from the boss while it attacks me. The same thing happens with the melee characters as I try to put myself on a different side of the enemy or boss and they just mosey on up next to my controlled character. It is very infuriating and gets AI killed all the damned time.

After that you have a few battles that are HORRIBLY designed mechanically. Three or four where you need to protect a certain person and if you don’t, it’s game over. The first time you may get a game over simply because you didn’t hear the audio cue mention that you need to protect said person, but that battle isn’t bad. The second one is the pain in the ass because there are mobs that spawn which can use a very destructive skill, but I still don’t think is particularly hard. I did receive a game over the first time because when the character hit half health I went to use an item but another enemy used a move that took the remaining half of their health before I could get an item or heal off. These should have been changed to a progress bar and when they die, no progress can be made until revived. It’s an easy thing to get around and makes you say ‘What the fuck were they thinking?’. The remaining ‘protect’ battles like this aren’t bad. (You can level up Killer roles to get the Humanoid/Mechanical Killer roles to make this completely trivial as leveling only provides some HP/MP)

Now the other horrible designed battle mechanic you’ll come across a few times is where they start talking in the battle and then one of your characters has to use an ability. I don’t know if they died to cause this or if it was a bug, but the dialogue literally cut off at a certain point and I could no longer progress with the fight. The only way for me to continue was to reset the game at that point and reload to my latest save point. This is of course worse because you can’t really skip long dialogue scenes in the game which is another stupid decision.

The last thing I want to touch on is the body language of characters in the game. In Japanese games, you get very exaggerated body language with characters flinging their arms and legs around. I’m used to this and don’t really mind it. In this game however, I feel it takes it to an insane level that really takes away from the game. An example would be Welch who you go to gain your crafting specialties. Her dialogue is fine and very Welch when compared to the rest of the series, but her body actions are so off beat, over-the-top and just downright terrible that it made me dislike her character. If the game would have done some light mocap for characters, it would have made the presentation of dialogue and character interaction so much better. Sadly through, the game was pretty obviously low budget (or at least I hope it was).

Despite all this I did somewhat enjoy the game, though it was only a minimal amount sadly. If they could have fixed the story like I said early on, provided fast travel sooner, fixed the overly egregious character body language and separated out AI with actual customization options it would have been significantly better I think.


- It still has some things that make it Star Ocean? Specializations and such. I'm kind of stretching it to find something to write here.
- General aesthetic. It's not great nor has many environments but the ones it did have were kind of nice.

- Miki's character model is a bit out of place and Anne's costume felt out of place to me as well.
- Battle system.
- Roles. Like the idea for boosts and such, but hate how it determines a characters AI.

- Private Action System. It's not player friendly and has rewards (Roles) tied to it.
- The quest system and the games lack of fast travel for most of the game.
- The extreme body language of characters that I felt went far beyond typical very Japanese games and made it feel pretty bad.
- AI system and how its tied to Roles (This can't be overstated)
- Stupid battle decisions. Ones to protect someone that can result in game overs and others that result in something not happening due to either the person being dead or a bug and forcing you to reset.
- Post-game dungeon is pretty boring compared to past titles in the series. Caused me to stop running it because of how repetitive it was.

Recommendation: Rent it if you really want to play it. It's about 35 hours long with all sidequests (Significantly shorter without). If you're doing trophies, then you're probably looking at around 50 hours. I can't really recommend buying it even at a discount.
Aw man...So that leaves one question: What the fuck do I do with the Collector's Edition I bought? :lol:

Oh, and nice Star Trek reference.

But I guess I'll be opening the TMS LE I have.

Glad to hear about the confirmed localization for Valkyrie Drive.

Even though I thought the game was mediocre (a dumbed down version of Senran Kagura), I'm glad it was considered at all to be brought over. Hopefully this sets the way for other niche games that haven't been localized yet.

Also, Uppers when? :)
I'm happy cause Kenichiro Takaki had previously tweeted about being disappointed that it wasn't getting localized in the west.

As for ZTD my "expected for July 6th" copy is now" shipping soon. I'm more than half way done on the PC version now though so it's likely gonna go unopened for quite some time.

I'm happy cause Kenichiro Takaki had previously tweeted about being disappointed that it wasn't getting localized in the west.

As for ZTD my "expected for July 6th" copy is now" shipping soon. I'm more than half way done on the PC version now though so it's likely gonna go unopened for quite some time.
Just checked and mine says shipping today.

Shame I won't have it for the weekend, but whatever.

I have $10 amazon credit any suggestions on what to spend it on?
kettle salt an vinegar potato chips 72 counts 18$.

"To expand on sidequests, they are basically 95% kill and fetch quests."

Lots of backtracking and fetch quests. yep sounds exactly like so4. its bad enough the characters look like shit and the monsters and stuff are reused so4 assets. I'm almost glad it didn't release on ps3 saves me the trouble.

meanwhile they changed it back to so3's buttons for attacks? Thats stupid. Should of kept so4's as thats the one slight improvement they made. Though what would really help is if they got rid of the stupid cost system assigned to moves.

Not surprised that there's only a handful of moves to spam as that's star ocean mo in a nutshell sadly and why I vastly prefer tales of the majority of the time. since it has good sized artes pools in alot of the games while so you learn 5 maybe 10 moves max and in most of the games you can't even combo properly. So4 was a step in the right direction towards a better combat system. meracle reimi both had good combo artes.

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