Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Guys, guys. Really, is there any other question that REALLY matters?

Does it have girls with big boobs?
You need to check out Keijo!!!!!! I don't know how many exclamation marks the title has in it. Or in Occultic;Nine that girl's rack is obscene how can she even stand up straight? Sometimes these go a little too far.

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While browsing KissAnime yesterday I noticed that SAO s2 (dub) has 10M views while good shows average 2-3M at best...

I think that's the biggest crime of this entire franchise that it makes casuals think "this is the best animu has to offer!"..  :wall:

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Watched the first episode of SAO and it's whatever to me. Maybe I'll continue but I wasn't super impressed. I did just finish the attack on titan anime and enjoyed it a lot. Wanted to know if the attack on titan game was worth playing

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While browsing KissAnime yesterday I noticed that SAO s2 (dub) has 10M views while good shows average 2-3M at best...
I think that's the biggest crime of this entire franchise that it makes casuals think "this is the best animu has to offer!".. :wall:
I feel that way about attack on titan.
Number of games release on the 25th this week..
One I have in mind is Corpse Party Back to School Edition for 3ds..
I picked up the 2 psp versions when they went on sale last Halloween..
And I own the Ps Vita Corpse Party Blood Drive Ever After Edition..
But 3ds lately is not being stocked in large quantities especially with limited editions.. On the other hand I know where I can still go and get a complete launch copy of Corpse Party for Ps Vita..
I'm just contemplating whether or not to pre-order and buy a copy of Corpse Party Back to School 3ds or play the odds and wait for a price drop.. then try and find it still complete somewhere.
Just $50 is a large pill to take for a game.
All of SAO is bad. The first arc is just not as bad as the rest.

SAO is bad because Kirito is invincible for no reason. Asuna starts off as a supposedly strong character but becomes a damsel in distress.

It's also awful because all the girls (including his sister) are in love with Kirito for no reason.
So... it is every popular anime ever?

Anyways back on track, I'm probably picking up Xenoverse 2... I put about an hour into the first... so I feel like maybe I shouldn't... but at the same time... it's a guilty pleasure to get DBZ stuff.

People that watch an endless stream of high school life, cutesy, moe, harem, comedy crap are going to sit there and rag on SAO?  Just, please.   A person could be even more critical of that stuff; it's been done a thousand times before. It's derivative. 

People are drawn to things like Sword Art Online, AKA the stuck in a video game genre, because it's different from all the things they've seen before.

There is also a lack of adventure (or adult action tragedy, however you'd like to classify it) anime like Attack on Titan.   So it's something new and interesting in the mature category for a lot of people. 

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Yeah like people that watch an endless stream of high school life, cutesy, moe, harem, comedy crap are going to sit there and rag on SAO. Just, please. A person could be even more critical of that stuff; it's been done a thousand times before. It's derivative.

People are drawn to things like Sword Art Online, AKA stuck in a video game genre, because it's different from all the things they've seen before.

There is also a lack of adventure (or adult action tragedy, however you'd like to classify it) anime like Attack on Titan. So it's something new and interesting in the mature category for a lot of people.
I thought of it more of super-light guro... I couldn't say it was much beyond that. :/ *shrugs*

I think after a point, almost everything new seems like a bad remake of something else, and whenever people go "This is terrible because..." it boils down to "Everything does that in the genre."

After seeing the Atelier Shallie PS Vita Plus physical edition reveal, I realise I should have gotten Atelier Escha & Logy physical edition at the time as well. Tracking that down for a reasonable price is like impossible >.<
Yeah, well, since I got the Arland digital trilogy recently for $31 on sale (digital), I won't care anymore even if this new Plus western release ain't that expensive (since I'd like to own them all CE's not just 1).

I guess I'll wait for a trilogy release on the PSN, and then when it goes on sale again, should be about time when I finish the Arland trilogy anyway.

I thought of it more of super-light guro... I couldn't say it was much beyond that. :/ *shrugs*

I think after a point, almost everything new seems like a bad remake of something else, and whenever people go "This is terrible because..." it boils down to "Everything does that in the genre."
Every novelty in any form of writing is just that: a novelty. That's why anime that essentially use the same plot can vary so much in quality. For example, Naruto and Bleach are generally considered terrible while Hunter x Hunter and One Piece are generally considered great, even though their basic formula is the same. What it comes down to is that there must be something exceptional besides novelty; be it writing, music, animation, etc.

I'm glad anime & anime based games are being ported to the usa more frequently & faster now than before.
Usually we'd be watching shows that aired 10 years ago in japan, now we are getting shows shown on cartoon network that aired within a year in japan, which helps in the speed of localizing games to match the tv show.
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People that watch an endless stream of high school life, cutesy, moe, harem, comedy crap are going to sit there and rag on SAO? Just, please. A person could be even more critical of that stuff; it's been done a thousand times before. It's derivative.

People are drawn to things like Sword Art Online, AKA the stuck in a video game genre, because it's different from all the things they've seen before.

There is also a lack of adventure (or adult action tragedy, however you'd like to classify it) anime like Attack on Titan. So it's something new and interesting in the mature category for a lot of people.
actually sword art online is pretty derivative since it just compounded a bunch of popular themes and cliches. on top of the poor writing and pacing and multiple personality identity crisis thing going on theme wise. First it can't stick to a tone to save its life. one arc its slice of life the next its murder mystery. The stuck in a game backdrop lasted all of one season. stuck in a game themes been done in multiple anime and not only that but there were three or four of them airing around the same time as sword art online.

note that the themes you listed up top were all present in sword art online so if anything they have the right to rag on it the most.

as for attack on titan even ignoring the anime never finished and it has already spawned a spinoff comedy thing the characters were too copy pasted too tell a number of them apart, the writing was really predictable and alot of the plot happens off screen then gets a flashback later.

Every novelty in any form of writing is just that: a novelty. That's why anime that essentially use the same plot can vary so much in quality. For example, Naruto and Bleach are generally considered terrible while Hunter x Hunter and One Piece are generally considered great, even though their basic formula is the same. What it comes down to is that there must be something exceptional besides novelty; be it writing, music, animation, etc.
naruto and bleach had the worst pacing of probably any anime for starters. So much so that in bleaches case it lead to the cancellation of the anime and manga. though you ignore that chuni, rescue sasuke and soul society arcs for both were highly regarded. Other issues didn't help but the biggest reasons for their hate was the pacing and filler.

hunter hunter is definitly not well liked. most people don't even know of it. Its got just as horrible pacing as bleach and naruto but without as much filler in exchange for years and years of hiatus.

then we come to one piece which had too many issues with the localization but is still popular in japan.

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I'm glad anime & anime based games are being ported to the usa more frequently & faster now than before.
Usually we'd be watching shows that aired 10 years ago in japan, now we are getting shows shown on cartoon network that aired within a year in japan, which helps in the speed of localizing games to match the tv show.
I don't recall much anime making it to cartoon network in recent years. majority come via streaming services like netflix crunchy roll hulu ect and only a sliver are dubbed. Times between japan and na getting something are definitely up though I agree.

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stuck in a game themes been done in multiple anime and not only that but there were three or four of them airing around the same time as sword art online.
I think Accel World aired first, being the first major one since .hack, which is near 20 years old. Then came SAO (same person that did Accel World), and Log Horizon, etc.
naruto and bleach had the worst pacing of probably any anime for starters. So much so that in bleaches case it lead to the cancellation of the anime and manga. though you ignore that chuni, rescue sasuke and soul society arcs for both were highly regarded. Other issues didn't help but the biggest reasons for their hate was the pacing and filler.
hunter hunter is definitly not well liked. most people don't even know of it. Its got just as horrible pacing as bleach and naruto but without as much filler in exchange for years and years of hiatus.

then we come to one piece which had too many issues with the localization but is still popular in japan.
Are we talking Japan or US? Because even with the hiatuses, Hunter x Hunter is still really popular. Here it's popular enough with the shonen crowd, I would say similar to Jojo.

Both Attack on Titan and SAO are serviceable, and have their flaws like anything else. The backlash is mainly because of their popularity. Once something becomes popular enough to attract the masses the backlash inevitably sets in and becomes more vocal. Meanwhile there's tons of crap being shoveled out that few care to comment on.

Back on topic, for xenoverse is there any carryover from the first game?
Both Attack on Titan and SAO are serviceable, and have their flaws like anything else. The backlash is mainly because of their popularity. Once something becomes popular enough to attract the masses the backlash inevitably sets in and becomes more vocal. Meanwhile there's tons of crap being shoveled out that few care to comment on.
Precisely! There are a vocal bunch of anime snobs and bigots on various anime forums whom I find truly ridiculous. I don't understand these guys. It's not hip to like anything mainstream for them. They think their credibility is derived from name dropping their favorite obscure titles. That's crazy otaku line of thinking for you. It's their version of naming Indie bands. You'd think they'd just be happy that other people are getting interested in anime and perhaps spending money on shows, supporting the industry. But I guess there are huge snobs in most hobbies so what can you do.

btw No Game, No Life is awesome. (as far as shows from the stuck in a video game genre) It has its own unique art style/color palette too. I hope there is a second cour coming soon.

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You think wrong. It's not a case of it's good, but just not my kind of thing. It's a case of it's just bad. The fact that so many people talk about how it goes downhill fast after the first arc makes that pretty evident. 

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SAO is bad because it's bad, not because it's popular.
It's a wish-fulfilled anime at it's worse.Kind of hard to have any sort of drama or anything to challenge the main character's ideas when he's a Gary Stu. Also the show using sexual assault as a plot device for drama at points (always the sign of a great writer!)

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I think SAO is okay, but I understand all of the criticism it gets. My main issue with it is that it continues to be a harem type anime, even after that one scene where Kirito commits to Asuna. That's when it becomes dumb to me. I never got around to watching GGO, but still plan to eventually. I really like the blacksmith girl Lisbeth (even though she had the spotlight for only part of an episode) and Sinon too.

As for the games, I played some of both but never got around to finishing them. I really liked the UI and battle style of the first game but it had a difficulty spike that came out of nowhere and irritated me. The second game focused more on exploring, which was okay but I sort of lost interest after a while because of the action oriented battles. I will likely get the new one next month, but it depends on how the battle gameplay looks to me.

Overlord was another one, and I really enjoyed that show. They never show any real-life stuff though, it's just all the MMO. They also never go into any depth whatsoever at all as to how his body is in the real world.

I hope they come out with season 2, but I heard the company is pretty well-known for only doing 1 season.

Every novelty in any form of writing is just that: a novelty. That's why anime that essentially use the same plot can vary so much in quality. For example, Naruto and Bleach are generally considered terrible while Hunter x Hunter and One Piece are generally considered great, even though their basic formula is the same. What it comes down to is that there must be something exceptional besides novelty; be it writing, music, animation, etc.
...all four of those are terribly dull.

Also the show using sexual assault as a plot device for drama at points (always the sign of a great writer!)
See, I was WAITING on someone to actually bring this up, and this is a valid complaint about a show. :p Everything else is pretty much just commonplace anime tropes anymore. The fact that SAO randomly gets all super-sexual-creepy-rapey for no reason numerous times is why I gave the show up pretty quick. It's an awful plot device, and they keep going back to it from what I know.

See, I was WAITING on someone to actually bring this up, and this is a valid complaint about a show. :p Everything else is pretty much just commonplace anime tropes anymore. The fact that SAO randomly gets all super-sexual-creepy-rapey for no reason numerous times is why I gave the show up pretty quick. It's an awful plot device, and they keep going back to it from what I know.
That's a very valid point. Both
Sinon, and Asuna
are at involved in a storyline that has them being sexually assaulted. It's so cringe worthy that it took away from the show. I liked Sword Art Online initially, but it turned into too much of a slice of life style anime.
had a great backstory, and I really liked her character development, but it could have done without the rapey-crazy-eyed attempted sexual assault scene. I really liked Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, not so much Lost Song. I'm sure I'll more than likely buy Hollow Realization because I don't learn.

This will probably interest some people. It's PC, but it's also steelbook. None are really Japanese, however Axiom Verge is talked about occasionally here.

Indiebox "collector's editions" are coming to Gamestop in November


Indiebox has come a long way since we looked at it shortly after its debut in 2014. Back then, it was a handful of guys, many of them volunteers, folding and stuffing boxes by hand, and then hauling them off to the post office to mail out to subscribers. Now, it has a deal with Gamestop to package up hit indie games in Steelbook-encased collectors editions, and sell them in roughly 1200 stores across the US. 
The partnership arose out of Gamestop's Gametrust program, which is essentially an in-house publishing arm for indie studios. The first game to come out of Gametrust was Insomniac's Song of the Deep, which was available in physical format exclusively through Gamestop. The Gametrust Collection, as it's called, will also be Gamestop-exclusive, and thus not offered to Indiebox subscribers. They're "starting with" ten games, implying that more may be on the way. For now, this is what coming:

  • Nuclear Throne
  • Rogue Legacy
  • Axiom Verge
  • Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
  • Punch Club
  • Jotun: Valhalla Edition
  • Awesomenauts
  • Chariot
  • Stories: The Path of Destinies
  • Thomas Was Alone
"Clearly we’re fans of all ten of these games, and we may feature some of them as collector’s editions to subscribers in the future, but for now the games we have on the horizon for our subscription service do not include any of the titles in this list," the company said. "Plus, keep in mind, we have some specific requirements and considerations for our subscription service, so not all of them are even eligible at the moment.
The games will be out in November and sell for $20 each, and will include a DRM-free copy of the game, an instruction manual, soundtrack CD, a "mini art print with a Steam key," and the Steelbook case. Surprisingly, in some cases the pricing isn't very far off of what you'd pay for the standard, no-stuff-included Steam release, but even so these obviously aren't for everyone: I think recent history has taught us that most people are quite happy not to have to deal with the clutter of boxes and feelies lying all over the place. But as an inveterate box collector myself, I think it's great to see these games literally coming to store shelves—and I hope that more are on the way.

Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/indiebox-collectors-editions-are-coming-to-gamestop-in-november/

Original Source: https://www.theindiebox.com/indiebox-at-gamestop/

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I think it's funny that there is actually more anime discussion going on here than in either of the two anime threads on this site.

Not that I care since I'm subscribed to all three; I just wanted to point that out.

This will probably interest some people. It's PC, but it's also steelbook. None are really Japanese, however Axiom Verge is talked about occasionally here.

Indiebox "collector's editions" are coming to Gamestop in November


Indiebox has come a long way since we looked at it shortly after its debut in 2014. Back then, it was a handful of guys, many of them volunteers, folding and stuffing boxes by hand, and then hauling them off to the post office to mail out to subscribers. Now, it has a deal with Gamestop to package up hit indie games in Steelbook-encased collectors editions, and sell them in roughly 1200 stores across the US.

The partnership arose out of Gamestop's Gametrust program, which is essentially an in-house publishing arm for indie studios. The first game to come out of Gametrust was Insomniac's Song of the Deep, which was available in physical format exclusively through Gamestop. The Gametrust Collection, as it's called, will also be Gamestop-exclusive, and thus not offered to Indiebox subscribers. They're "starting with" ten games, implying that more may be on the way. For now, this is what coming:

  • Nuclear Throne
  • Rogue Legacy
  • Axiom Verge
  • Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
  • Punch Club
  • Jotun: Valhalla Edition
  • Awesomenauts
  • Chariot
  • Stories: The Path of Destinies
  • Thomas Was Alone
"Clearly we’re fans of all ten of these games, and we may feature some of them as collector’s editions to subscribers in the future, but for now the games we have on the horizon for our subscription service do not include any of the titles in this list," the company said. "Plus, keep in mind, we have some specific requirements and considerations for our subscription service, so not all of them are even eligible at the moment.

The games will be out in November and sell for $20 each, and will include a DRM-free copy of the game, an instruction manual, soundtrack CD, a "mini art print with a Steam key," and the Steelbook case. Surprisingly, in some cases the pricing isn't very far off of what you'd pay for the standard, no-stuff-included Steam release, but even so these obviously aren't for everyone: I think recent history has taught us that most people are quite happy not to have to deal with the clutter of boxes and feelies lying all over the place. But as an inveterate box collector myself, I think it's great to see these games literally coming to store shelves—and I hope that more are on the way.

Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/indiebox-collectors-editions-are-coming-to-gamestop-in-november/

Original Source: https://www.theindiebox.com/indiebox-at-gamestop/
I love this, even though I'm not particularly interested in any of the games in the first batch. Reasonably priced physical media for PC that's actually useful physical media (DRM-free copies of the game - Steam key also included), and a steelbook to boot.

I think it's funny that there is actually more anime discussion going on here than in either of the two anime threads on this site.

Not that I care since I'm subscribed to all three; I just wanted to point that out.
Partly my fault since I asked about SAO. Didn't know it was such a polarizing anime.

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[whatever, I dunno- but STEELBOOKS!]
So THAT is what was missing from my Civilization VI 25th anniversary CE! 2K...come on smh.

I'm sorry...am I in the wrong topic? :lol:

Yeah I'm still running through Cold Steel II and even Project Diva X. Slowly. I'll drop by later when I progress through a bit more on both.

SG/ZH School Girl/Zombie Hunter Japanese first-print and shop-specific purchase bonuses announced

It's a crime to restrict these swimsuits to one per retailer.


Access World > Sword Art Online

Just pointing that out for anyone who hasn't checked out Access World. Both series are done by the same author yet I've found Access World overall more enjoyable.

Partly my fault since I asked about SAO. Didn't know it was such a polarizing anime.

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Don't worry this thread barely has deals anyway and it's more of a niche games news thread.

I know it's more or less a joke, but there used to be a lot more activity in other sub-forums... In recent years? Not so much. Some are at the point or almost to the point where they basically don't exist anyways. I've cut back on where I post because I'm lazy and most places I was more active in have more or less died out. Not that I post a lot anyways.

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Access World > Sword Art Online

Just pointing that out for anyone who hasn't checked out Access World. Both series are done by the same author yet I've found Access World overall more enjoyable.
I think you mean *Accel* World. But I did enjoy that one more than SAO. I wish there were some decent games based on that series...

See, I was WAITING on someone to actually bring this up, and this is a valid complaint about a show. :p Everything else is pretty much just commonplace anime tropes anymore. The fact that SAO randomly gets all super-sexual-creepy-rapey for no reason numerous times is why I gave the show up pretty quick. It's an awful plot device, and they keep going back to it from what I know.
yep they went to it again during the gun girls online arc -_-

Overlord was another one, and I really enjoyed that show. They never show any real-life stuff though, it's just all the MMO. They also never go into any depth whatsoever at all as to how his body is in the real world.

I hope they come out with season 2, but I heard the company is pretty well-known for only doing 1 season.
Yeah it was a shame that overlord doesn't seem to be getting a second season.

You mean this thread, right?

There's also more rpg talk here than the rpg thread.
there's an rpg thread?

Oh and while french code lyoko is another good one for trapped in a game kinda stuff. though they resolve that plot point early in so meh.

I also quote liked log horizon before it spent most of its time on the little kids.

I think Accel World aired first, being the first major one since .hack, which is near 20 years old. Then came SAO (same person that did Accel World), and Log Horizon, etc.
I would like to point out that they made numerous .hack animes though. 3 series plus a bunch of ovas also its only 14.

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bread's done