Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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^ Thanks to you both. All I got was the standard your order has been received email. I've been on the fence about FFXV and preordered less than 48 hours ago, so I'll see if I get it tomorrow before I contact support.
It took two days after I preordered before I got mine, so the 48 hour thing was pretty spot on.

There was a rumor a few days back about PlayStation potentially adding PSN name changes.

Could PSN Name Changes Be Right Around the Corner?

I know it's not niche gaming related but it could mean something for any PlayStation players in this thread who have wanted such a feature. I have no use for it, but you never know perhaps some people here really want to change their names due to reasons.

Like maybe Thatguy1513 is no longer an angry polar bear and finally had a change of heart and is happy, or maybe dsman3717 has a new waifu he loves more and wants everyone to know that. Then there's BlackRockWaifu who is perhaps tired of being a waffle and wants to be a waifu in gaming so he can do things like this.


Like maybe Thatguy1513 is no longer an angry polar bear and finally had a change of heart and is happy, or maybe dsman3717 has a new waifu he loves more and wants everyone to know that. Then there's BlackRockWaifu who is perhaps tired of being a waffle and wants to be a waifu in gaming so he can do things like this.
Waffles forever!

Or maybe EdJericho can have a heel turn or something, and turn into EdChris... or... wait nvm...

Whoknows? Maybe someone doesn't like pepsi anymore, and we'll get mmmsprite.

Surprised no one posted this yet, but IFFY store sent out an email about a sale from 11/28-12/22 (typo on the email says 11/12 but it wouldn't be a whole year right?)

I think the prices were 20% off MeiQ LE, 40% off FFF Advent Dark Force LE (Funny fact, Fairy Fencer F is actually one of Noire's moves in Neptunia) and 60% off Amnesia LE (PC)

Also discounts on their apparel including the very fashionable Top Nep hat (32% off), T Shirts (37% off), and the Nepu Nepu Plushie (41% off) (I guess it counts as apparel, it was a hat in Megatagmension)

Also a light up ornament for sale to moe up your Christmas tree. Releases 11/28

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For those few people interested in Cold Steel III, another character has been shown/revealed [customspoiler="via an image"]
[/customspoiler] and being circulated around the net. No other information.

Wouldn't surprise me. Most of their current games feel like old NES RPGs or RPGMaker games which isn't exactly a good thing.
I'll just leave this here: (NSFW - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!)


NieR: Automata has a Final Fantasy XV collaboration


Waffles forever!

Or maybe EdJericho can have a heel turn or something, and turn into EdChris... or... wait nvm...

Whoknows? Maybe someone doesn't like pepsi anymore, and we'll get mmmsprite.
Actually it'd be EdGe... yeah okay that didn't work well either...

I used to have Edge's Rated R Superstar t-shirt that I bought 10 years ago and wore all the time just because it was an awesome shirt... I lost it a few years back and still cry to this day. At least I still have my nWo t-shirt safe and sound, wish I could've gotten the Nexus scratched logo shirt but never got around to buying it. There's never been a Chris Jericho shirt I ever wanted, but I would kill to have his sparkling jacket.

Also discounts on their apparel including the very fashionable Top Nep hat (32% off),
Being lazy and not checking out payed off!! Laziness for the win!!


I'll just leave this here: (NSFW - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!)

Aw man, that's not even that NSFW, you got me excited for not much...
The artist's name is Kagura Yuuto, now go to Danbooru and see the light.

I am a huge fan of XSeed and have most of their games.

Need to finish up Cold Steel 1 and play 2 and be ready for three. Not huge fan that they changes the magic gem system from Trails In the Sky, which 1 is still by far one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

And also can not wait til they port Stardew Valley to the console and and co-op, as I can not wait to play with my friends.

Whoa, hold up there. Their press release doesn't say Steam, but the [customspoiler="image at the end of the trailer"]
[/customspoiler] totally does. Is Atelier finally coming to PC? If so, please don't butcher it like you do many of your other ports, Koei Tecmo.

I am a huge fan of XSeed and have most of their games.
Need to finish up Cold Steel 1 and play 2 and be ready for three. Not huge fan that they changes the magic gem system from Trails In the Sky, which 1 is still by far one of my favorite RPGs of all time.
Well, Falcom is very protective of their games. XSeed won't even be able to begin translating it until it releases in Japan first. So it's still some time away. Possibly one year after the Japanese release if we're lucky. So you've got plenty of time to go through it.

Also the Orbal system changes are supported by lore. The large jump from Sky -> Cold Steel is a bit more of a stretch since we're missing the Crossbell arc that takes place in between those (with some overlap with Cold Steel).

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I am Setsuna is $26.79 and GGXrd: Revelator is $17.99 on PSN for their BF sales...

Looking to the experts in this thread... both are no brainers at these prices, yes?

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I am Setsuna is $26.79 and GGXrd: Revelator is $17.99 on PSN for their BF sales...

Looking to the experts in this thread... both are no brainers at these prices, yes?
If you want them that's the lowest they've been I believe. Almost everything in the sale has PS+ discounts so I'd give it a little bit to see if they are added for the games that don't have them.

Fairy Fencer Advent for $12, and Megadimension Neptunia VII for $5 are some other highlights, good sale.

Edit: Also looks like there is a 10% off store wide coupon. d9ngj7nf3l

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FFA I've been waiting for the drop so that's a no brainer. I may get Revelator, but I don't play fighting games enough. Also Senran Kagura Bon Apetite DLC on sale for half off as well....which some have been waiting for after getting the original game cheap.

Maybe im too much of a CAG, but $26 for I am setsuna seems way too much...im looking for sub $20 ($20 max). 

FFA and HN VII are good prices tho, GG:Revelator is a a considerable price (same price the first was last black friday, which i picked up). 


Wish they would put up the FF XV Season Pass standalone already, will pick it up with the 10% off since that will most likely be the cheapest itll be till BF 2017 (or ever, knowing how theres NEVER sales on season passes).

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Maybe im too much of a CAG, but $26 for I am setsuna seems way too much...im looking for sub $20 ($20 max).
Same here, especially since I don't think it looks all that great. I think I'll enjoy it, but expecting a 7/10 experience. I might be more tempted if there weren't going to be a lot of deals this week.

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Maybe im too much of a CAG, but $26 for I am setsuna seems way too much...im looking for sub $20 ($20 max).
nah, I couldn't agree more. It costs too much for a digital, smaller-budget game.

I am Setsuna needs to either have a physical release or else become much cheaper. It's crazy how many other people feel this way; they are into this game and want to buy it, but won't pull the trigger. Of course SE will never recognize this fact and will instead blame customers for low sales like they always do.

The way prices are right now during the holiday season I think I would regret spending even $20 on this game digitally. There's another reason why people don't want to fork over the cash; a physical release feels like an impending inevitability.

I keep finding myself wondering if SquareEnix would ever deal with LRG. It's such a no-brainer to release this game physically. SE doesn't know their target audience well enough.

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SE doesn't know their target audience well enough.
You mean people don't want digital only Vita releases, dudebros in a car roadtripping, selfies and a million remasters (people actually want this last one haha). My standards are so low for FFXV anything I play will likely be good for me. The game seems to have too much random stuff for me to like it...but who knows maybe I will want to level up my picture taking, or catch a big fish.

The important issue is that most people would gladly pay $40+ for the physical I am Setsuna.  Rather than pay $20-26 for a sale digital download.  That says everything.  

There's no reason why they can't throw it into a box and add a couple of extras and sell it for $49.99.  NIS does this all the time.  And with dozens of lesser titles.   SE has just screwed everything up since the merger, imagining themselves as one one of the AAA big boys.  They've lost their way and forgotten their identity. 

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Whoa, hold up there. Their press release doesn't say Steam, but the [customspoiler="image at the end of the trailer"]
[/customspoiler] totally does. Is Atelier finally coming to PC? If so, please don't butcher it like you do many of your other ports, Koei Tecmo.
Gematsu got a confirmation from Koei Tecmo that the Steam logo was not a mistake and it is coming to PC.


"A PC version is also coming via Steam. Koei Tecmo told Gematsu it will share more information on the PC version’s release at a later date."

Nice sale.

I've been waiting for I Am Setsuna to go on sale even though I'd still rather have the Vita version. I'll probably get that, FFA, and maybe Jojo.

No new free shit on PSN this week it looks like.

Oh and I don't think Setsuna is really worth more than $20 even if it were physical. They just made a lot of really strange gameplay decisions that I don't really agree with. Not that I specifically remember what they are anymore.

Gematsu got a confirmation from Koei Tecmo that the Steam logo was not a mistake and it is coming to PC.


"A PC version is also coming via Steam. Koei Tecmo told Gematsu it will share more information on the PC version’s release at a later date."
Yep. Looks like they didn't include it in their press release because it didn't have a date attached to it. Kind of stupid, but it's Koei Tecmo, what're you going to do.


The important issue is that most people would gladly pay $40+ for the physical I am Setsuna. Rather than pay $20-26 for a sale digital download. That says everything.

There's no reason why they can't throw it into a box and add a couple of extras and sell it for $49.99. NIS does this all the time. And with dozens of lesser titles. SE has just screwed everything up since the merger, imagining themselves as one one of the AAA big boys. They've lost their way and forgotten their identity.
Not sure where you came up with the idea that "most" people would pay $40 for a physical copy. As a collector and fan of these kinds of games, I would, but most gamers and frankly most CAGs probably wouldn't, especially if they were forced to buy some boxed "limited edition" for $50. Also, despite how easy LRG now makes it look, it's not always a simple process to publish and distribute a physical game, especially if retail distribution is planned.

10% off coupon? Time to get all those Neptunia VII icons I've been wanting along with Senran Kagura Bon Appetit! and the DLC.

>Limit of 10 items allowed in the cart at one time


Guess I'll just get the Senran Kagura and Gessen x Hebijo Expansion... and only the Neptune icon.

10% off coupon? Time to get all those Neptunia VII icons I've been wanting along with Senran Kagura Bon Appetit! and the DLC.

>Limit of 10 items allowed in the cart at one time

Guess I'll just get the Senran Kagura and Gessen x Hebijo Expansion... and only the Neptune icon.
Yeah, only 10 sadly. But if you are looking for avatars, the Senran Kagura ones come in a bundle, which is already cheaper and will be even cheaper with the 10%. There are also SK and Neptunia themes.

I don't know if the Bon AppeTits game is on sale, I thought only the DLC was, which it rarely is. I'll have to pick up the P4DAN dlc too.

Also the Rockband's The Killers and My Chemical Romance pack, but those come in bundles as well.

Yeah, only 10 sadly. But if you are looking for avatars, the Senran Kagura ones come in a bundle, which is already cheaper and will be even cheaper with the 10%. There are also SK and Neptunia themes.

I don't know if the Bon AppeTits game is on sale, I thought only the DLC was, which it rarely is. I'll have to pick up the P4DAN dlc too.

Also the Rockband's The Killers and My Chemical Romance pack, but those come in bundles as well.
You're right I didn't notice it was just the DLC. I guess I can just get the DLC it's not like I'll be playing the game anytime soon if I did get it. I had no idea they had Senran Kagura PS4 themes. I'll have to check out videos for them but I honestly love the Neptunia themes and usually leave it on Noire's theme since it fits well and her song is the best one unlike Neptune's which gets annoying after a few loops. I'd get the Senran Kagura icons but I don't like that they censored them by adding that water splash.

Atelier Firis launches spring 2017 in the west - Physical & Digital for PS4, Digital Only for Vita
I'm really hoping this game doesn't disappoint.

Snow Miku Figma/Nendo 2017 figure reveals. Need them...can't wait to see all the accessories.
That's funny because I saw it leak the other day & I was thinking how boring it looked but everyone here likes it... Although I hadn't seen her sitting on the moon, that does look nice.

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No one who frequents this thread lives in the EU right?

Here is the full list of IFFY PSN games on sale


EU list is separate on their email.

Also, this might be a weird request, but when the IFFY LEs goes on sale on the 28th, can we refrain from posting links for the first few hours. I feel like the second we post that link, the CAG front page twitter is gonna redirect it, and lurkers are gonna jump on it before the regulars. I still think we should share the deals, but perhaps we can get in on it first before the flippers/scalpers.

Actually it'd be EdGe... yeah okay that didn't work well either...
I got another one... EdGuerrero... okay, I'l stop.

Thought you already got the Top Nep hat, but it's on sale now so I might pick one up too.

Whoa, hold up there. Their press release doesn't say Steam, but the [customspoiler="image at the end of the trailer"]
[/customspoiler] totally does. Is Atelier finally coming to PC? If so, please don't butcher it like you do many of your other ports, Koei Tecmo.
......I'm stunned. I feel like I'm in a state of shock. Dunno what to think right now.

Doesn't feel real yet. Like it hasn't hit me.

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I got another one... EdGuerrero... okay, I'l stop.

Thought you already got the Top Nep hat, but it's on sale now so I might pick one up too.
When I sent that message to you I was in the check out but decided to wait until the next day since I was considering using PayPal instead. I never got around to ordering it and figured "BRW will never find out anyway" but looks like I was wrong. tee-hee!


......I'm stunned. I feel like I'm in a state of shock. Dunno what to think right now.

Doesn't feel real yet. Like it hasn't hit me.

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Out of the sale games, which ones are digital only? I'm fairly new to Vita. Greatly prefer physical copies, but if that's not an option I might as well grab things when they're on sale. Thanks!

bread's done