Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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using paypal isn't safe either as they had their own breach a year or two ago. I closed my paypal account then and there after it happened since I was one of the people hit by it despite not having even used it in like 15 years.
This is the first I've heard of PayPal being not safe for the VGP site. Granted I only purchased from them once before, but I may have to reconsider since I considered buying both Gal Guns

This is the first I've heard of PayPal being not safe for the VGP site. Granted I only purchased from them once before, but I may have to reconsider since I considered buying both Gal Guns
Yeah, I think he may be referring to not VGP, but just PP in general, if I'm reading that correctly. But PP having a breach on their own is like anyplace else having one, it happens. But using PP at an online retailer is way safer than using your own CC directly, so it's still the lesser of two evils in regards to ordering and having breaching issues. Any place where digital is used over cash, there is a risk, and I was just offering the recommendation I've seen posted here many times in the past.

Sony skipping E3 next year:

Snarky response: Yeah, I'm sure Sony is skipping E3 so they don't have to face angry fans when they realize more games are going to get censored. (I'm kidding. or am I though?)

Actual response: I agree with Nothing371 that most new stuff that they are working on is likely for PS5, which they don't feel ready to announce yet either.
I don't like that reason. Even Nintendo supported the WiiU while working on the Switch. Sony is getting ahead of itself. This is basically declaring that they are done supporting PS4, with several years to go.

If they weren't beating the Xbox so hard right now, this wouldn't have happened. Even the censorship crap.

i don't think sony will stop supporting the ps4. The ps2 was a gen leader too and sony supported the hell out of that beyond ps3's launch.
Ps3 had a strong launch in the beginning too with full sell outs and scarcity for months. So Sony didn't think the ps3 wasn't going to be market leader yet.
Sony really is the only company to support older gen consoles beyond it's competitors, except the handhelds.
i don't think sony will stop supporting the ps4. The ps2 was a gen leader too and sony supported the hell out of that beyond ps3's launch.
Ps3 had a strong launch in the beginning too with full sell outs and scarcity for months. So Sony didn't think the ps3 wasn't going to be market leader yet.
Sony really is the only company to support older gen consoles beyond it's competitors, except the handhelds.
sony wasn't exactly supporting the ps2 though that was almost entirely third party and we all know the ps3 was a mess and took years before it got to where it was. The ps4 didn't have any of those issues thankfully.

What probems it did have like the lack of exclusives were issues with all consoles these days. Now that more and more companies have been going multiplat and pc to cover their bases and get significantly more sales because of it.

And while the ps2 got amazing titles after the ps3 such as persona 4 those were third party that got attention due to the drought on consoles at the time. Third party didn't stick with the ps3 nearly as long so we ended up missing the ps3 versions of some games though luckily ps4 versions were made for a few of them at the time or later.

Wether they stick around longer for the ps4 is anyones guess. Though with the strong switch sales and censorship issues I can definitely see companies jumping ship.

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Right, Sony is coasting right now. We won't see any more God of War and ect on the PS4 now. We are entering the Vita phase, despite the PS4 having a lot of life left.

I could've sworn I read some where talking about how there's another clause in Sony new policy that prohibiting publisher from disclosing Sony as the source of censorship.

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Sounds familiar as well, but regardless I'm sure most companies would want to avoid being too negative about Sony and their policies if they want to still have a relationship with them.

Thanks for the heads up :)

VN Weekly News:

Mangagamer's next release is If You Love Me, Then Say So! It releases on December 13th and has a pre-order discount on Mangagamer site. I don't know if it will appear on Steam, but I'm guessing it's likely since it's a moege.

Mangagamer (NFSW)


Sol Press is also releasing Sakura Sakura finally on November 19th. It should release on Steam with an 18+ patch available. 


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sure 3rd party, but Nintendo or Xbox don't even have 3rd party support after new console launch. They are just dead.

it's easy to find new old gen Playstation consoles and accessories past their generation while the other console brands all dry up before the new console even launches.

You could buy a new ps3 till just 2 years ago.

Switch is not even 2 years old. Where are the new wii u consoles for purchase ?
So I checked my Amazon orders today after buying Shining Resonance for $25 and I noticed my copy of Smash I had preordered is mysteriously gone. Anyone else have that happen to them?

Hi there folks, anyone think .hack//G.U. Last Recode will go any lower than its current, normal Amazon price of $20? More than willing to pay that for such an experience, but lower is always better.

Hi there folks, anyone think .hack//G.U. Last Recode will go any lower than its current, normal Amazon price of $20? More than willing to pay that for such an experience, but lower is always better.
It might go down to $15, maybe, but you could do worse than $20, especially for the three games and 80+ hours of gameplay you'd get.

It might go down to $15, maybe, but you could do worse than $20, especially for the three games and 80+ hours of gameplay you'd get.
Yeah, absolutely. Played Vol. 1 a long time ago, enjoyed it immensely. $20 is an amazing price for the complete story, especially considering they added so many QoL improvements, and a Vol. 4 to close it off, even. They went above and beyond with this release.

vgp.ca has a black friday deal including Root letter and Chaos;child for 30$ CAD (so, much cheaper USD but I don't know exactly how much)


Having said that, I haven't enjoyed a good murder-sim VN since Danganronpa 1 and 2 (that counts, right?) and it was especially due to the over the top characters and deep level of interaction, a la Phoenix Wright. I don't enjoy story-only VNs too much, other than Hakuoki I guess. Wasn't a huge fan of Steins;Gate either. Would I enjoy either of these?

I've got nostalgia for it, it was my thing in 7th grade. Wonder how I'll feel about it as an adult, lol.
G.U. is very much an adolescent sort of thing. It's okay if you don't stop to question anything, but huge elements of it just don't make any sense—there are people withholding information for no other reason than it makes them seem mysterious, Haseo's behavior is frequently inconsistent, a lot of characters just have no real stake in what's going on but remain a major part of the plot, and the way people react about minor MMO stuff like PKing is so overblown as to completely break any sense of immersion.

I don't have a problem with any of the anime-typical tropes G.U. tries to use, it just does a really bad job justifying any of them.
Yeah, absolutely. Played Vol. 1 a long time ago, enjoyed it immensely. $20 is an amazing price for the complete story, especially considering they added so many QoL improvements, and a Vol. 4 to close it off, even. They went above and beyond with this release.
You're sure it was G.U. and not the original .hack, right? The original .hack is 4 games, and well received. G.U. was 3 games and not well received.

Edit: Nevermind, Recode has a 4th game. You already know.

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gu doesn't have the greatest pacing or writing but the gameplay was good for its time.  My disappointments were from not having all the skills let alone spells from the original quad.  The lack of equipment and huge level gaps between them was also a poor choice.  Twin blade weapons were the only type that got variety for attack extensions as well.  Loved the needle rippers since they work like ghost wolf from tales of vesperia.

vgp.ca has a black friday deal including Root letter and Chaos;child for 30$ CAD (so, much cheaper USD but I don't know exactly how much)


Having said that, I haven't enjoyed a good murder-sim VN since Danganronpa 1 and 2 (that counts, right?) and it was especially due to the over the top characters and deep level of interaction, a la Phoenix Wright. I don't enjoy story-only VNs too much, other than Hakuoki I guess. Wasn't a huge fan of Steins;Gate either. Would I enjoy either of these?
The site lets you change the currency. It comes up to $22.91 (estimate). It's worth pointing out they're the launch/special editions and include an artbook or something.

The site lets you change the currency. It comes up to $22.91 (estimate). It's worth pointing out they're the launch/special editions and include an artbook or something.
Yeah, most of the PQube titles that get art books from Rice Digital, normally have the same books included as bonus items at VGP. Once I stopped shopping at Rice, I moved most of those games over to VGP. All I ever wanted from those CE where the books anyways, so VGP was the perfect place to shop.

But how censored is it going to be now?
Yeah - it'll be interesting to see whether Sony is willing to take any of the same "policy" measures it placed on XSeed or PQube when that company is now Koei Tecmo, a much larger publisher and one that supports the platform with many other major games (Dragon Warrior being the obvious one). You'd think Sony wouldn't want to step on those toes.

Then again, the whole censoring issue makes me wonder how willing Koei Tecmo will be in releasing an Asian version with English in it.

That said, there's still no way this is making it to the U.S. We can hope there will be an English subtitle version for the PS4 which will at least make it import friendly.

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HD Rumble is just a cell phone vibration device instead of the traditional larger spinning wheel used on PS4/Xbox. There's not really anything special about it.

This is just a re-release of Fortune with 2 extra girls and probably some of the anime tie in costumes removed. Just buy the Asia English of Fortune on PS4 and wait for the update. Scarlet on PS4 is probably just a second printing of the game with updates rolled in but Sony's new policy required the removal of the indirect touch feature.

HD Rumble is just a cell phone vibration device instead of the traditional larger spinning wheel used on PS4/Xbox. There's not really anything special about it.

This is just a re-release of Fortune with 2 extra girls and probably some of the anime tie in costumes removed. Just buy the Asia English of Fortune on PS4 and wait for the update. Scarlet on PS4 is probably just a second printing of the game with updates rolled in but Sony's new policy required the removal of the indirect touch feature.
Yeah, that sounds right. This doesn't look like anything new. It looks more akin to what Squenix did with Final Fantasy Worlds - just the same game with some add'l content. That's not worth a double-dip. It may even be just sold as a DLC code for PS4 owners or in the game case.

Yeah - it'll be interesting to see whether Sony is willing to take any of the same "policy" measures it placed on XSeed or PQube when that company is now Koei Tecmo, a much larger publisher and one that supports the platform with many other major games (Dragon Warrior being the obvious one). You'd think Sony wouldn't want to step on those toes.

Then again, the whole censoring issue makes me wonder how willing Koei Tecmo will be in releasing an Asian version with English in it.

That said, there's still no way this is making it to the U.S. We can hope there will be an English subtitle version for the PS4 which will at least make it import friendly.
I think this is a bigger issue. The censorship is starting to hit the original source. It's not just censoring for it to be allowed in the US market. If you import, it would be the same thing. I don't know what Sony is thinking these days, but apparently they aren't being transparent about it, and forcing companies affected to not speak up on the issue.

Yeah - it'll be interesting to see whether Sony is willing to take any of the same "policy" measures it placed on XSeed or PQube when that company is now Koei Tecmo, a much larger publisher and one that supports the platform with many other major games (Dragon Warrior being the obvious one). You'd think Sony wouldn't want to step on those toes.

Then again, the whole censoring issue makes me wonder how willing Koei Tecmo will be in releasing an Asian version with English in it.

That said, there's still no way this is making it to the U.S. We can hope there will be an English subtitle version for the PS4 which will at least make it import friendly.
yeah this news is hard to believe, definitely not a preorder and wait and see after release, that said i do like the game mechanics changes of easier to level up and get money taking some of the grind out, well if its true, wish the would just update the old versions but that might also take out some of edited out stuff from this version which i assume is alot

I think this is a bigger issue. The censorship is starting to hit the original source. It's not just censoring for it to be allowed in the US market. If you import, it would be the same thing. I don't know what Sony is thinking these days, but apparently they aren't being transparent about it, and forcing companies affected to not speak up on the issue.
well they are shutting people up to not affect current in development and companies from scaring them off and looking to blame others, also saw that they arent allowing vn's on their systems anymore except the ones trying to pass inspection right now, a very dangerous policy and company, luckly i have very few good games on the ps4 and have already been able to buy xbox replacements cheap for them

biggest take away for me was all those that scoff at censorship and said  " get over it,  you can still play the game. " but this is proof of the  greater fear I and others had is that when does it stop? they will keep taking little more away every time...

ps4 doax3 scarlet is getting censored so the original doax3 fortune edition might become highly sought after due to being uncensored and receiving the scarlet characters update in the future.
ps4 doax3 scarlet is getting censored so the original doax3 fortune edition might become highly sought after due to being uncensored and receiving the scarlet characters update in the future.
maybe but the problem is if the update for the dlc characters will have to include the changes in order to get them

Will the upcoming update retroactively censor the initial version?
A good portion of the removed features weren't even in the published version of the game. In theory the updates could just be pulled and the only thing technically patched out would be the fans (which had a day 1 patch to make it work in all game modes.)

bread's done