Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

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Yeah, that's very true, but that "N" company is very different from the one of today, as when was the last time "N" used previous resources to make another game faster on the same system? Yeah, Majoras Mask of 20 years ago, and I guess Mario Galaxy 2 which was an almost identical game to the first for the most part, and it still took almost 3 years between titles.

Comparing a HUGE open world adventure of BotW to MM is apples to oranges at best, as these guys take generations to release a new Mario Kart each time around, with very little improvements to speak of. Another game at the level of BotW is years away from them showing the few minute clip before you even get a playable version. Bayonetta would be the best bet for this holiday, and I wouldn't be holding my breath for that, but who knows?
I mean we're all kinda talking out of our asses here but judging from the footage we have see of BoTW2 it looks like the same engine...

I mean what we saw could have actually turned out to be DLC rather than the sequel and none of us would have blinked an eye.

Edit: I actually think the next MK will come out before BoTW2. Just my crazy idea!

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Edit: I actually think the next MK will come out before BoTW2. Just my crazy idea!
If I was placing bets, I would say the same, as MK takes way less resources to make, and sells just as well, and the NS really didn't get it's own game. As the MK currently offered is just the Wii U game, so I think we would see an OG MK title on the NS, before they offer up a second new Zelda title.

If I was placing bets, I would say the same, as MK takes way less resources to make, and sells just as well, and the NS really didn't get it's own game. As the MK currently offered is just the Wii U game, so I think we would see an OG MK title on the NS, before they offer up a second new Zelda title.
There's a whole lot of Nintendo IP that would make a whole lot of sense to use for new Switch exclusives, but ports are easier and seem to be making enough money to keep them happy. Maybe the PS5/Series X will convince them to kick it up a notch to compete?

Yeah, that's very true, but that "N" company is very different from the one of today, as when was the last time "N" used previous resources to make another game faster on the same system? Yeah, Majoras Mask of 20 years ago, and I guess Mario Galaxy 2 which was an almost identical game to the first for the most part, and it still took almost 3 years between titles.

Comparing a HUGE open world adventure of BotW to MM is apples to oranges at best, as these guys take generations to release a new Mario Kart each time around, with very little improvements to speak of. Another game at the level of BotW is years away from them showing the few minute clip before you even get a playable version. Bayonetta would be the best bet for this holiday, and I wouldn't be holding my breath for that, but who knows?
I disagree. BOTW was already using the same graphics and physics engine, which are the hardest things to develop. And the open world was reportedly the same. Monolith soft was also helping with development. I think the game had a good chance to come out this holiday. And I disagree that bayo 3 would be good as a holiday (black friday/christmas) game. Action games like that are lucky to sell 2 million. They don't have the same appeal as mario, zelda, or pokemon, which all sell over 10 mill which is why they are great holiday games.

I disagree. BOTW was already using the same graphics and physics engine, which are the hardest things to develop. And the open world was reportedly the same. Monolith soft was also helping with development. I think the game had a good chance to come out this holiday. And I disagree that bayo 3 would be good as a holiday (black friday/christmas) game. Action games like that are lucky to sell 2 million. They don't have the same appeal as mario, zelda, or pokemon, which all sell over 10 mill which is why they are great holiday games.
Yeah, my mention for Bayonetta as a holiday release had nothing to do with it being a good a holiday title, but that we would see that long before the new Zelda this holiday. We would probably see a new 3D remake or 2D Zelda, before we probably see the new BotW, but to each his own, believe what seems plausible to you, and I'll do the same.

I'm expecting Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD or Seasons and Ages remake(s) before BoTW2 but honestly knowing Nintendo i wouldn't really expect them to do more than one game at a time so i don't know.
Yeah, my mention for Bayonetta as a holiday release had nothing to do with it being a good a holiday title, but that we would see that long before the new Zelda this holiday. We would probably see a new 3D remake or 2D Zelda, before we probably see the new BotW, but to each his own, believe what seems plausible to you, and I'll do the same.
You know, we've seen more of Breath of the wild 2 than bayo 3. So, while I think bayo would have made a better release for like october and zelda in november, there is really no way to know how bayo's development is going or where it's at. And as for thinking we'd be getting another zelda remake or 2d zelda before botw2, i mean, wasn't that the point of the last one? to tide us over until botw 2? I don't see any reason to believe another would come out before botw 2. what's your reasoning behind that one?

I'm expecting Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD or Seasons and Ages remake(s) before BoTW2 but honestly knowing Nintendo i wouldn't really expect them to do more than one game at a time so i don't know.
I could see this perhaps, but the switch already gets so much slack for being a port machine. You'd think they'd want to release an original game before porting another old zelda.

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NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... Teaser Trailer (PS4 / XBO / Steam)


NieR Re[in]carnation Teaser Trailer (iOS / Android)


This is the one that never came out in the west, right?
Not exactly. Nier Gestalt (the version we got as just Nier) and Nier Replicant were essentially the same game, only in Replicant Nier is a candyass generic Japanese pretty boy (and Yonah’s brother), and in Gestalt he’s a weirdo ugly-ass old man with zero fashion sense (and Yonah’s father).

Personally kinda prefer the hideous old man version, but that’s me.
Not exactly. Nier Gestalt (the version we got as just Nier) and Nier Replicant were essentially the same game, only in Replicant Nier is a candyass generic Japanese pretty boy (and Yonah’s brother), and in Gestalt he’s a weirdo ugly-ass old man with zero fashion sense (and Yonah’s father).

Personally kinda prefer the hideous old man version, but that’s me.
If they are basically the same game otherwise, they should add the oldman option. Didn't they develop the old man for western audiences anyway?

I could see this perhaps, but the switch already gets so much slack for being a port machine. You'd think they'd want to release an original game before porting another old zelda.
Nah. Why bother with new content when you can resell ported releases and still get millions of units sold? This throws nuch incentive to work on new content largely out the window. I can't fault a solid, working business plan.

I can see Nintendo using the Zelda engine from Link's Awakening on new "ports" of the Oracle of Seasons/Ages games.

Given all the world turmoil, seems likely companies would want to push off any cost heavy risks or big releases anyways. Nintendo hasn't made any big announcements, which is in part because Sony and Microsoft still plan to put out PS5 and the new Xbox later this year.

A new "port" most younger players have never played and which tugs on nostalgic heartstrings of older players (many of whom will be yearning for something familiar and comfortable) may be a perfect product this fall/holiday season.
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A new "port" most younger players have never played and which tugs on nostalgic heartstrings of older players (many of whom will be yearning for something familiar and comfortable) may be a perfect product this fall/holiday season.
Well, as of a few hours ago, the rumor mill is running over-time, as now 4 Mario titles are due for the NS in 2020(or so the rumor goes). Mario Sunshine, 3D Mario World, Mario Galaxy & Mario 64, and I would personally see M64 getting the most of an upgrade in this situation if it happens. I could easily see all of these titles being made, for the exact reasons stated, it's easy, cheap, and all of these titles will sell very well, so why bother with anything new?

I don't think they would offer all 4 in one year(they don't operate that way), but I could easily see one this summer, and one other for the holidays, and then the next two in 2021.The minute I saw Links Awakening 1st shown, I figured we would see the Oracle games at some point, as no way "N" doesn't milk that engine for all they can, and why not? I for sure see us getting those before any new BotW2 as well, as it's a cheap fix, with millions in sells to look forward to, and a fan base that will pay full price for the privilege.

EDIT: This is for Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary this year, so if the push is big enough behind this milestone, we may see all 4 titles, or just all things Mario for the year, so I guess time will tell.

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Well, as of a few hours ago, the rumor mill is running over-time, as now 4 Mario titles are due for the NS in 2020(or so the rumor goes). Mario Sunshine, 3D Mario World, Mario Galaxy & Mario 64, and I would personally see M64 getting the most of an upgrade in this situation if it happens. I could easily see all of these titles being made, for the exact reasons stated, it's easy, cheap, and all of these titles will sell very well, so why bother with anything new?

I don't think they would offer all 4 in one year(they don't operate that way), but I could easily see one this summer, and one other for the holidays, and then the next two in 2021.The minute I saw Links Awakening 1st shown, I figured we would see the Oracle games at some point, as no way "N" doesn't milk that engine for all they can, and why not? I for sure see us getting those before any new BotW2 as well, as it's a cheap fix, with millions in sells to look forward to, and a fan base that will pay full price for the privilege.

EDIT: This is for Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary this year, so if the push is big enough behind this milestone, we may see all 4 titles, or just all things Mario for the year, so I guess time will tell.
I'd gladly buy all of those Mario "remasters", provided Nintendo doesn't do something stupid like release each one separately for $60.

...Who am I kidding, that's probably exactly what they'll do.

I'd gladly buy all of those Mario "remasters", provided Nintendo doesn't do something stupid like release each one separately for $60.

...Who am I kidding, that's probably exactly what they'll do.
Yeah, sad thing is even if they bundled one of them and sold it for $59.99, all the media folks will scream how amazing a "deal" that is.

Frankly, we can expect most of the critics will still scream deal if they release them each for $49.99.
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The current rumor is Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy will come bundled together on a single physical cart.  If that's the case, I'll pay $60 for it, no problem.

3D World will be a separate release.  Which, I didn't find the game as fun as others... so... an easy pass unless they revamp the camera and controls or something.

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The current rumor is Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy will come bundled together on a single physical cart. If that's the case, I'll pay $60 for it, no problem.

3D World will be a separate release. Which, I didn't find the game as fun as others... so... an easy pass unless they revamp the camera and controls or something.
So does that mean they will be straight up original games, just placed on the NS as is? I can't see "N" adding one color change to one of those games, without turning around and then asking $60 for each. But if all 3 games as pretty much just the original games, now running on the NS, then I could see a bundled 3 pack for $60. But I can also now see myself no longer wanting a single title if that's the case., so damned if we do, damned if we don't I guess. LOL

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I'd imagine they will at least get revamped controls, higher def, and wide screen support.  Beyond that, we'll have to just wait and see.  As long as it's all 3 on the cart for $60, I'm fine with it.  If it's just emulated roms, I'd still consider it just for Sunshine and Galaxy.

I'd imagine they will at least get revamped controls, higher def, and wide screen support. Beyond that, we'll have to just wait and see. As long as it's all 3 on the cart for $60, I'm fine with it. If it's just emulated roms, I'd still consider it just for Sunshine and Galaxy.
Yeah, I just looked around, and one of the rumors is it will be like Mario All-Stars on the SNES, were all 3 games(maybe four, as MG2 is a possibility) will get some polish and the bundle will be a standard level retail offering. For me to buy in, will depend on what was done to those original games, but I just can't see "N" offering all these in one package, unless they don't do much work. Which in turn means, for me personally, I wouldn't be interested as I have all 4 of those games on my Wii currently.

Now I could see Galaxy 1 & 2 on a cart, and then Sunshine & M64 on another, as then they can do more work, and 2 remastered games done decent isn't bad for $60. But I would love to be proven wrong with all three(or even four) on one cart, and still have enough new features and graphic overhaul to warrant the full price. Fingers crossed for a "very cool" N moment(as they do happen, just not nearly enough), but I'll prepare for my normal "WTF!?" N moment instead.

At least they're asking?

Can't fault them for weighing a business decision and directly asking the player base as part of that process.
But based on how incredibly popular Persona games have become in the West, they shouldn't need to.

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But based on how incredibly popular Persona games have become in the West, they shouldn't need to.
I don't see how it's an issue. This isn't a P3 Remake we're talking about.

mosuo games in particular probably have a track record of pretty weak support in the west, causing publishers to at least question the decision from a business standpoint

"would you like to go out to dinner on our anniversary this week?"
"I'm so upset at you for even asking. You should know that I want to."

I almost always to the survey on sega games. I appreciate the platform that most publishers don't even provide. I'll probably just beg them to release Valkyria Chronicles 2+3 on :switch: again.

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I mean, they’re rhythm games, if they didn’t expect low sales numbers that’s on them.
Pretty sure they also launched at $60 USD as well right? And lacked story modes on the level of P4D which had a lengthy fully voice acted story mode.

I loved P4D, like a lot, but I remember reading about what was included in the P3 and P5 games combined with the price and decided to just pass on them.

Pretty sure they also launched at $60 USD as well right? And lacked story modes on the level of P4D which had a lengthy fully voice acted story mode.

I loved P4D, like a lot, but I remember reading about what was included in the P3 and P5 games combined with the price and decided to just pass on them.
For me, that P4D wasn't even released physically for PS4 was the dealbreaker. Made no sense that Atlus decided to leave that one out.
And then they bundled it with the double pack iirc.  Can't recall if that was the only way to get it physical much like fire emblem fates.

And then they bundled it with the double pack iirc. Can't recall if that was the only way to get it physical much like fire emblem fates.
P4D was digital regardless. The double pack just came with a code. It was never released physically on PS4.
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Got an email from Amazon. My ffvii deluxe no longer has a shipping date. Other countries are getting the game early. I don't have a date to receive it. Thanks amazon lol
Got an email from Amazon. My ffvii deluxe no longer has a shipping date. Other countries are getting the game early. I don't have a date to receive it. Thanks amazon lol
Just got that email as well. Not exactly surprising and I don't even mind that much given the circumstances.

I've actually ordered a few prime eligible things since all this started and everything has still managed to make it to me in less than a week, so hoping this won't really be much of an issue.

Just got that email as well. Not exactly surprising and I don't even mind that much given the circumstances.

I've actually ordered a few prime eligible things since all this started and everything has still managed to make it to me in less than a week, so hoping this won't really be much of an issue.
Yeah I mean considering the circumstances I'm not too upset. I'd absolutely rather them get masks out to hospitals or medicine to whoever needs. That's absolutely priority and I'm not gonna pretend otherwise. Just a little bummed. Been so looking forward to it and it's at least a good time kill as I work from home remotely lol. May have to pick up RE 3 for the wait I suppose. Hopefully you're right though and it doesn't add too much time. Haven't ordered from Amazon since all this started to keep everything clear so hopefully things are still running as smooth as can be.
Cold Steel IV this fall based on a nisa tweet this morning

The gameinformer article contains what I would call spoilers so no linky.

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Cold Steel IV this fall based on a nisa tweet this morning

The gameinformer article contains what I would call spoilers so no linky.
I've seen a few comments around various sites now that this is supposedly a disappointing finale to the Cold Steel series? Can anyone here speak to that without spoiling anything from CS3? I've consistently been impressed by the writing and gameplay quality of each Cold Steel game thus far, so I find it odd that Falcom would suddenly drop the ball in the fourth entry.

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I've seen a few comments around various sites now that this is supposedly a disappointing finale to the Cold Steel series? Can anyone here speak to that without spoiling anything from CS3? I've consistently been impressed by the writing and gameplay quality of each Cold Steel game thus far, so I find it odd that Falcom would suddenly drop the ball in the fourth entry.
I haven't played IV, and have fiercely guarded against spoilers. The general consensus I've heard among kiseki fandom is that sen III and IV are a notch above I and II. I highly doubt it's a case of falcom dropping the ball in quality - just perhaps something different than what some people were wanting / expecting.

III and IV are really just part 1 and 2 of the same game, similar to how Trails in the Sky FC and SC ended up having to be split from an original monolithic project.

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I haven't played IV, and have fiercely guarded against spoilers. The general consensus I've heard among kiseki fandom is that sen III and IV are a notch above I and II. I highly doubt it's a case of falcom dropping the ball in quality - just perhaps something different than what some people were wanting / expecting.

III and IV are really just part 1 and 2 of the same game, similar to how Trails in the Sky FC and SC ended up having to be split from an original monolithic project.
Thanks. I always planned to get Cold Steel IV day-one (especially the Limited Edition for its steelbook to go with the steelbook for CS3) and hoped the negative thoughts I read were more subjective than objective.

Thanks. I always planned to get Cold Steel IV day-one (especially the Limited Edition for its steelbook to go with the steelbook for CS3) and hoped the negative thoughts I read were more subjective than objective.
Most bilingual fans I've heard place III and IV above I and II. So if you liked I-II, I don't think you have much to worry about.

I would add that these games really do need to be experienced in the framework of a proper localization to shine. For instance, I'm now finishing up Zero, which I formerly played with a rough fan translation. It's now moved from my least favorite kiseki game to somewhere around the middle of the pack. Best soundtrack of them all.

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Am I the only one who thinks $100 for that is a bit high? Maybe the cloth poster is really well-made, but I feel $80-$90 would have been more reasonable.
Probably a bit. The main thing that annoys me is the box being a different size than CSIII's CE. The fact that it includes a legit soundtrack justifies the purchase for me, as it did for III.

Anyone know a way to nab 5 quick rewards points on nisa's store? (I'm 495/500 with the minimum redemption being 500.)

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bread's done