Jedi Knight Wii???


Does anyone know when Lucasarts is going to get on the ball and make a jedi knight game for the Wii?

Hopefully the delay means they're taking time to get it right and just haven't announced the game yet.

As long as lightsaber moves are 100% accurate to wii mote's motion then it will take some serious flaws to not sell well.

I actually wouldn't mind a Jedi Academy port with accurate wii mote controls or something of the sort.
[quote name='Swingman']well if it came out tonight then it's the quietest release I've seen in a long time.[/QUOTE]
/slaps forehead

as for the actual topic, there are things in the works, jsut goto any game news site, do a search for Wii and Jedi, I am sure you will be satisfied.
Ever since the Wiimote was revealed , star wars gamers have been speculating a Jedi Lightsaber game in time for the launch of the Wii. Rumors indicated that lucasarts wanted to *wait* and see how other developers fully utilize the Wii mote before committing to such project. I am sure they have started early testing for such a product in house in the R&D department of Lucasarts. I guess they want to get it right the first time and work out the bugs before they truly develop a Lightsaber title for the Wii.

Don't worry my young Padawan, it will come..... but not this year... maybe late 2008/early 2009..perhaps after TFU.
Why does everybody think a lightsabre game will work? The collision detection would be impossible for 2-player, and I'm not sure a FPS view would be fun.
Following their hint that a game was in the works, they have clarified that the lightsaber work in Lego Star Wars is only a teaser. So there will be a lightsaber game.
[quote name='TimPV3']Why does everybody think a lightsabre game will work? The collision detection would be impossible for 2-player, and I'm not sure a FPS view would be fun.[/QUOTE]

what are you talking about? they just need to make sure lightsabers stop when they hit each other on the screen. And if you keep moving in the same direction then the sabers just push together, kind of like locking sabers or something.

If you're referring to something else then I'm not sure I understand where you're going with that.

Jedi Knight series was always a FPS mixed with third person lightsaber fighting.
[quote name='botticus']Following their hint that a game was in the works, they have clarified that the lightsaber work in Lego Star Wars is only a teaser. So there will be a lightsaber game.[/QUOTE]

I hadn't heard that. I remember IGN wondering if the Lego Star Wars was the lightsaber game at one point.

Great news.
The bad thing about this is that a Wii Lightsaber game is guaranteed to sell well no matter what, so there's no incentive for Lucasarts to develop a good game. Not that they won't, but their track record with the Star Wars license is less than stellar.
Here is what I see are the technical challenges for any type of Saber game for the Wii (even thought I don't have one)

-Proper collision detection
-Proper Force Feedback on the wii-mote
-Response time (from all the games I have played in stores, the Wii mote doesn't seem fast enough to respond to very fast movements)
-Because the Wii mote cannot apply actual weight to it, there is a good chance that people (kiddies) will throw this around (even with the new straps). Anyone who has ever used a replica saber knows that they have weight to it. The Wii mote is too light.


Force powers shouldn't be a problem. Push, Pull, Lightning, Choak and others should be very easy to pull off via the two controllers.
[quote name='ITDEFX']-Because the Wii mote cannot apply actual weight to it, there is a good chance that people (kiddies) will throw this around (even with the new straps). Anyone who has ever used a replica saber knows that they have weight to it. The Wii mote is too light.[/QUOTE]I'm not sure I agree with the other issues, but I do agree with this one. I can envision a weighted lightsaber accessory that you drop the wiimote into working well here.
I don't know of any device operated by remote that would cause it to become heavier or lighter... that would be the biggest technical challenge to overcome. I am sure that people would give bonus points if the specialize controller felt like a real light saber. Like you said a 3rd party, perhaps a device that actually looks like a light saber hilt with the inners of a wii-mote.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Here is what I see are the technical challenges for any type of Saber game for the Wii (even thought I don't have one)

-Proper collision detection
-Proper Force Feedback on the wii-mote
-Response time (from all the games I have played in stores, the Wii mote doesn't seem fast enough to respond to very fast movements)
-Because the Wii mote cannot apply actual weight to it, there is a good chance that people (kiddies) will throw this around (even with the new straps). Anyone who has ever used a replica saber knows that they have weight to it. The Wii mote is too light.


Force powers shouldn't be a problem. Push, Pull, Lightning, Choak and others should be very easy to pull off via the two controllers.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I think any saber action would just be swinging randomly to do generic sword swings ala Zelda, while force powers could work well--similar to stuff in The Godfather and Metroid Prime 3.

The Wiimote just doesn't seem to have the ability to do true 1:1 motions for something like a sword for the reasons you listed.

But I don't mind much, I'd so be there for a Jedi Knight game controlling like I described above.
if nintendo revises the Wii and puts faster chips for response times between the wii mote and the game it might work out. I am sure it could be possible as things are always improving in speed.
Kids could break the remote playing any game.

If you were stronger with the lightsaber by slowing down your swing speed, then players would adjust without a weighted wii-mote. Everyone wants to be the best so they wouldn't be swinging haphazardly if it wasn't helping and especially if it made them less effective.

I think you're just assuming people will only want to swing it wildly when they get the game. They might at first but after dieing a few times they will come around.

May not get true 1:1 without somekind of hardware upgrade but I think they can do more with it than zelda's implementation.

How would you do collision detection and why is it necessary for the game to be fun? As long as the game on the screen is factoring in the collision then it will work and that's been in the game since the original Jedi Knight.

Basically all that is being asked is take the normal Jedi Knight and then improve upon what was done in zelda for sword fighting. doesn't have to be exact 1:1 but they can get it close without much in the way of hardware upgrades. I'd welcome a hardware change though or a new controller if it meant perfect 1:1.
[quote name='dmaul1114']The Wiimote just doesn't seem to have the ability to do true 1:1 motions for something like a sword for the reasons you listed.[/QUOTE]We'll have to see how Dragon Quest Swords turns out. Has anybody imported this?
I am interested in seeing how Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire does as well since it is supposed to have sword fighting as well

After those 2 games come out, hopefully we'll have a better idea of what the current wii-mote is capable of unless they just go the zelda route for swordplay.
Yeah, I'm anxious to see those too. I mean they can definitely do more than zelda, as I'd think you could at least have it do horizontal and vertical slashes and thrusts etc.

True 1:1 movement doesn't seem possible though, given the level of responsiveness in the remote in games thus far.
I can see perfect 1:1 being too hard or impossible for the current wii but as you close would be great too.

if they can incorporate horizontal swing (left and right), vertical swing (up and down), spin, thrust, block, parry and make transitions between them fluid for combos then they are onto something.
Like I said before, I think it's all a matter of getting a faster wii-mote to system processor. Extra memory to handle the faster response time would help. I don't see it as a Wii 2.0, more like a Wii 1.25. Nintendo CAN do this if they want to.

So far the Wii is making a major profit for them that they can't keep up with the demands from retailers and it's been nearly a year.
sweet, but i like being the good guy lol

Sounds promising, especially the duel mode. If this thing has online multiplayer then it will rock. It will still be great as a single player game though if they do it right. Never heard of krome studios though but hopefully they're good.

I'll be keeping an eye on this one. Given Lucasart's history though, we might not see it til Christmas '08 :)
bread's done