John McCain Wins GOP Nomination

Wasn't offical then :D

And It's an Easy Win For McCain...
Obama is losing steam with 7 months left. His bull will soon be realized. While McCain has always been real.

If Hillary wins, then he can sleep and win.
Turn on your TV now and watch McCain struggle with the teleprompter live!

Unfortunately, I can't say with certainty that the Democratic candidate will secure the win in November. The Republicans are putting up one of the biggest softball candidates ever, and it had to come at a time when he's the only white male running for office.
Well, the Republicans ran out softball Bush for the last 2 elections and won... Bush should be happy that the Democrats managed to put out 2 of the most unlikable, officious, and incompetent cream puffs against him.

McCain struggles with the teleprompter... Obama is great at repeating scripted prepared speeches, but he's not so hot thinking on his feet. He stuttered quite a bit and began to equivocate when presented with the Farrakhan issue. A few years ago, in the Illinois debates, Alan Keyes definitely beat him on style (kind of fun to watch)... Hopefully the illogical Messiah appeal of Obama will diffuse over time.
I thought mccain was gonna have a stroke trying to read that teleprompter. They probably had it set to 48 point font for him.:lol:
McCain will lose to Clinton (who will clearly win because she is evil) because in the debates Clinton will hang him and he will be there with a look of "brain overload".
[quote name='KoA']While McCain has always been real.[/QUOTE]

Was he real when he opposed the Military Commissions Act, or when he voted for it? Both, perhaps? ;)
If Clinton wins the nom. McCain becoming President is a cinch. If Clinton wins the Presidency it's because she STOLE it plain and simple. I'm not saying it because Clinton is a woman it's because we're talking about Hillary. Hillary is divisiveness personified in politics. She comes off VERY controlling and not in the LEAST Charismatic. All this coupled with her history guarantees she won't win. There are Democrats AND Republicans who don't like her.
McCain is divisive with Republicans yes but when they hear it's Hillary running as the Democratic nom. they will run in droves to vote for McCain.
Mccain is a piece of s hi t my friends.
Bush sounded high and drunk today when he gave his pitiful endorsement.
[quote name='Xevious']McCain got an endorsement from Bush. Is that a good thing? Hmmmmmmmmmmm....[/quote]

More like the kiss of death.

Speaking of death, it looks like the Grim Reaper has McCain on an installment plan.
McCain wins the conservative nomination. In other breaking news, the sun rose this morning, and set not hours ago this evening.
I wish watching the footage on CNN from before they began speaking, they caught bush doing one of his hokey shoulder moving laughs. That shit doesn't look natural when he does it. Can he not laugh without moving his shoulders up and done?
McCain will be our next President. The Democrats are pouring their entire resources to tear each other apart. They deserve to lose this November.
I wouldn't exactly say that republicans have been group hugging. That is until they're out of the race anyway, then they're best friends.
[quote name='rumblebear']McCain will be our next President. The Democrats are pouring their entire resources to tear each other apart. They deserve to lose this November.[/quote]


I think most people are sick of eight years of republican fuckups. Bush's endorsement of McCain, the war, the scandals- I'm certain McCain is going to lose.

The only thing that would make me happier is to see more of those hypocritical moral-values republicans busted for buying meth and doing the nasty with male hookers.
He'll die of teh old.

My friend's father had the "why Huckabee's still in it" conspiracy. This way, if McCain drops dead before election day, Huck's the logical choice as a replacement candidate.
[quote name='mykevermin']He'll die of teh old.

My friend's father had the "why Huckabee's still in it" conspiracy. This way, if McCain drops dead before election day, Huck's the logical choice as a replacement candidate.[/QUOTE]

McCain's best chance of winning the presidency:
Hillary wins the democratic nomination and all the conservative democrats say "fuck no!" and vote for McCain.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']economy is in the shitter, lets cut taxes that always helps![/quote]

...and fund a war while we're also pissing off every foreign country we can so the value of our currency is the equivalent of shit to them.

[quote name='CrimsonSnipette']McCain's best chance of winning the presidency:
Hillary wins the democratic nomination and all the conservative democrats say "fuck no!" and vote for McCain.[/quote]

If that happens I will write in Obama's name and vote for him.

And on the news tonight they talked about McCain being a wacko and that the military people don't trust him.
bread's done