Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity/Colbert's March to Keep Fear Alive


3 (100%)
Any CAGs into this? I really want to go, but I'm in California and can't afford it. Maybe they'll do a smaller thing in San Francisco or something, too.

Can any CAGs make it to DC on the 30th? It would be so awesome to shatter Glen Beck's numbers!
I know it may be difficult but when we see these marches why not have a main one and many auxillary?

I mean it's not like everyone or most people can afford to go to Washington. I'm sick and fucking tired of it being inferred that if you're not marching on Washington then fuck it. I think if you get those people marching locally as well it can make an impact.
[quote name='Sarang01']I know it may be difficult but when we see these marches why not have a main one and many auxillary?

I mean it's not like everyone or most people can afford to go to Washington. I'm sick and fucking tired of it being inferred that if you're not marching on Washington then fuck it. I think if you get those people marching locally as well it can make an impact.[/QUOTE]

The whole idea of these types of rallies is to make an impact of how many people show up in one place (well the place where our nation's leaders are). It loses it's power when it is spread out across the country. 100,000+ in DC, impressive. 10,000 in ten different cities, ehhh.
Not if it's in enough different cities. Even smaller numbers would have an impact. The issue about Washington right now is most people can't afford it.
You get on XBL ever nowadays Sporadic?
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[quote name='Sarang01']Not if it's in enough different cities. Even smaller numbers would have an impact. The issue about Washington right now is most people can't afford it.
You get on XBL ever nowadays Sporadic?[/QUOTE]

It's easier for the media to cover 1 location instead of 10+ and they want to show massive crowds.

No, I sold my Xbox over a year ago. If you want to chat, I do use Steam but my gaming habit has been whittled down to just Team Fortress 2.

Free Ass Gamer!

LAN Parties, Not Tea Parties!

Zombies Ate My Labors!

Make Lines, Not War!
(Tetris image for clarity)

That's the Second Biggest Monkey I've Ever Seen!
(Pic of Beck/Bush/Scalia/Biden)

War War War!
(Elite from Halo 1)

I'm sure I'll come up with more later, but that should get you started.
[quote name='IRHari']I'll be there. I need an ironic sign or something though. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

"I traveled all the way to Washington and all I got was sex in the airport men's bathroom."
[quote name='irhari']i'll be there. I need an ironic sign or something though. Any suggestions?[/quote]

keep big gov't out of my medicare (in all caps)
I really hope people bring the appropriate attitude similar to the signs that John suggested. If they do I feel like this will be really awesome.
I didn't quite understand that myself when I saw it. they may be right about him criticizing not the idea that Bush is a war criminal, but the way it's expressed.
Perhaps he used a bad example. I think people just associate the term "war criminal" with more concrete cases like some guy ordering his platoon to mow down a bunch of unarmed prisoners.

Not saying Bush isn't responsible, but that people probably have a harder time drawing that connection to someone so high up on the pyramid.
[quote name='IRHari']

Interesting article criticizing Jon Stewart's 'false equivalence' between the Left and the Right. I guess the idea that the Right sometimes embraces the Far Right, while the Left gives the Far Left the finger. Read it yourself and decide.[/QUOTE]

This is just like when someone takes Fox news seriously.

People - it's comedy! Of course it's not going to stand up to objective analysis.
[quote name='camoor']This is just like when someone takes Fox news seriously.

People - it's comedy! Of course it's not going to stand up to objective analysis.[/QUOTE]

...And yet, we've come to the point where we generally expect more objectivity and critical thinking from Comedy Central than we do from any of the major news networks. Most of Stewart's material does stand up to objective analysis, but because he's a comedian, he's got a legitimate fallback position if it doesn't.

The fact that the best news show on TV is on Comedy Central says something, either about the state of our media or about the articulate intellect of Stewart and his writers. In my opinion it's a little of both. (well, actually, a lot of both, but who's counting.)
[quote name='Justme8800']Most of Stewart's material does stand up to objective analysis, but because he's a comedian, he's got a legitimate fallback position if it doesn't.[/QUOTE]

No, no it doesn't. Seriously - go pick up a newspaper.
Who on the west coast wants to rent a bus so all cags can go to the rally? I'm willing to chip in for the fair.
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A bus? idk, I bet that would be crazy expensive... I'd probably miss some classes, too. :(

We'd be better off joining a local rally, I'm sure there'll be some. It's not like we're the only ones who watch the Daily Show around here.
[quote name='IRHari']I'll be there. I need an ironic sign or something though. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Go dressed as an FBI agent with a sign that reads "The truthiness is out there."
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Bring a sign reading "Give back my pet rock" and a copy of Van McCoy's "The Hustle" and dance to a neverending loop.
So apparently Stewart already has 15000 RVSPs on facebook? Wow.

I've noticed a lot of satellite rallies being planned, too. Just search "rally to restore sanity" and the nearest big city.
[quote name='IRHari']K bought my Amtrak tickets. I'll cya there[/QUOTE]OMG, want to meet up with me.

[quote name='Quillion']Nobody else from CAG? I am disappoint.[/QUOTE]I'm looking to go. Only concern is the massive crowds.

I'm going to try taking the DC metro in, not sure which station yet. I'm not too far from the Metro. I have friends from online and work going, so I might as well.
[quote name='Quillion']Nobody else from CAG? I am disappoint.[/QUOTE]
most of us on CAG (vs forum) work for a living, and when it comes to the weekend we do enjoyable things.
Watching live right now. I really wanted to be there but with my panic attacks chances are id be passed out within a few minutes from being around that many people.

Anyone want to bet $20 that fox news or someone is complaining right now that its all music and just an excuse to have a big concert. If you listen to the music though its all fitting, singing about hard times and worry and what not. Its not like its lady gaga or anything.

Edit - Two biggest differences I have noticed so far between this and the Tea Party rallies.

1. Smiling faces. They are everywhere.
2. Black faces.....they actually exist.
There some lame bits, but hey they're live, but for the most part this is a lot of fun to watch.

P.S. Anybody else spot the little girl in the princess costume with the sign that read, "I want my tea party back"?
I love that my town, Eau Claire, was mentioned in that poem. Colbert had mentioned us about a year ago, too (specifically that the people here are fat, heh).
Hmmm well not surprised at all, but I was really hoping that they were going to use this truly as a rally to restore sanity vs an excuse for celebrities to do a massive live show with the message in the background. Would have been nice if more time was spent interviewing and talking to the audience trying to show/portray people on the left and the right that really are interested in finding middle ground or at least communicating in an intelligent way.

As I said I am not mad or surprised what so ever, but wont lie and say its not disappointing to see the show just be a cross of the normal Dialy Show with a ton of music guests.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Not sure if this sign is from this rally or not, but I rather like this sign:


Thats fucking awesome!
I doubt there are too many people on the right even there. This has already been spun as some liberal hippie festival.
bread's done