Just finished Resident Evil 4


1 (100%)
I don't play many games all the way through, but once I got a handle on the controls I was seriously hooked. I first rented RE4 the same weekend I rented God of War. RE4 got play first, I played about 2 hours and then gave God of War a shot. My PS2 controller stayed in my hands the rest of the weekend..

Fast forward a few months and I give RE4 another shot.. man I was really into it. I did the ZOOM feature on my 42" 16:9 LCD and it looked spectacular. The sound design was awesome in so many spots... when the sewer creatures were running around you in stereo... good lord.

Anyways, a truly spectacular game. Huge big thumbs up and a recommendation for everyone. I have to say though... the "jet ski" portion at the end was more than a little aggrevating. I appreciate them trying to make it a true epic-scale-movie-like adventure with the "interactive cut scenes" (knife fights, running from boulders, etc..) but riding the jet ski ... my controller got some airtime ("JUST LET ME FINISH THE DAMN GAME!").

Anyways... I started up again in Normal difficulty with my guns but its too easy and takes away from the tense atmosphere. I am going to return it to Blockbuster and figure I'll buy myself a copy. I am kind of bummed that the GC version is still a full 40 bones. I think the just released PS2 version with more goodies is running $30 at some stores... I have a PS2 but it's hooked up to my 20" 4:3 tv right now, that ain't much fun... RE4 is $30 at gamefly used, that looks like the best deal around I guess.. sigh...

hehe, RE4 is a great game. I beat the GC version but never got the ballz to finish mercenary mode with all maps 5 stars. (So I can get that shity Handcanon) I managed to get all 5 stars for wesker and the army dude then I stopped playing.

Recently I played ps2 version of RE4 and I am again hooked. When you are in game it's actually tough to notice the grahpics flaw of the ps2 version, I must admit Capcom did a decent job converting them. (Unless you compare shot to shot of course)

Anyhow, Last night I finally popped my GC RE4 and finished the other three characters with all 5 stars :D

How intense. The twin chainsaw biggies in that water stage owned my Leon about 20 times at least. Finally managed to get a score of 70,000+

RE4.... game of the year!
Yeah, RE4 is a great game. Lots of value in that title. On my second quick playthrough, I mangaged to purchase the chicago typewriter 'tommy gun,' and Holy Cow!

and Mercenary Mode, wow, those mini-bosses are tough! GOTY!!
playing through it for a third time, just for kicks, killin Grandos with a maxed out standard rifle and the broken butterfly.

the mine thrower with the scope is fucking hilarious.
I beat RE4 awhile ago and i can still just turn on the cube and start playin blast the hell out of everything and then save and stop. I love it, prob the game of this gen consoles or at least top 3.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']i can still just turn on the cube and start playin blast the hell out of everything[/QUOTE]

Oh you just know that some hardcore RE fans are squirming over that comment right now.
just finished the game for the 4th time (1st on ps2) and beat Separate Ways as well...whether you're playing it on the PS2 or the GC, it's a great fucking game....and if you're not playing it at all, you're missing out on something great
[quote name='Sleepkyng']hey TSD, are the PS2 extras a lot better?[/QUOTE]

Definitly better. I woudlnt say "a lot" thought.

As for my comment about not noticing a lot of grahpical flaws... it's true. But as soon as I start PS2 version I instantly noticed a big difference - PS2 version is really dark. Dark on everything. things are not as colorful or sharp.. but it's seirously DARK.

Oh well maybe I have an old TV.
Beat the GC version when I first got it--and I've been telling everyone I know who plays games to play it now that it's on PS2.

My CLEAR CUT pick for GOTY. There is absolutely nothing that comes close to everything this game has to offer.
Im playing it on GC and cant get passed the part where your locked in the house and have to fend off all the not-zombies... shits hard especially with barely any ammo.
[quote name='JDMxB']Beat the GC version when I first got it--and I've been telling everyone I know who plays games to play it now that it's on PS2.[/QUOTE]

See, that's what gets me. I bought a Gamecube FOR this game and considered it worth it.
[quote name='karmapolice']Im playing it on GC and cant get passed the part where your locked in the house and have to fend off all the not-zombies... shits hard especially with barely any ammo.[/QUOTE]

You've only got to kill.... I think 40 of them. Try the shotgun, and start to move upstairs after a bit.
[quote name='Quillion']You've only got to kill.... I think 40 of them. Try the shotgun, and start to move upstairs after a bit.[/QUOTE]
I died there four times and almost gave up then I actually tried to focus on what I was actually doing (and stop shooting my partner) and it worked out fine. Shotgun is great and as always the stairway is your friend. Dang I want to play through it again now. The only other part of the game that I kept dying was the building with the two chainsaw people inside. I would always see one and start shooting and the other would run down the stair and bam, there goes my head again. ;) Again the stairway is your friend.
[quote name='Jarrett']I died there four times and almost gave up then I actually tried to focus on what I was actually doing (and stop shooting my partner) and it worked out fine.[/QUOTE]

It's amazing what that will do to improve your gaming performance. :lol:
I didn't really have a problem with anything... except the first blind bezerker where I couldn't figure it out.

And then I had that moment of clarity... :lol:
Quick question:

I'm going to start a new game on hard. I want an experience slightly harder than the one I had on normal. So, is it better to start a hard game with all the stuff you had when you beat the normal game, or does that make it too easy? Or is it too impossibly hard to play on hard from scratch?
love this game. hands down my favorite game this year. difficulty I thought was just right. the only problems I had was the boss that you used Nitrogen canisters against (I didn't get the Rocket Launcher originally), and the boss in the cage. Those were the hardest battles for me.

everyone needs to pick this game up :)
[quote name='Jarrett']The only other part of the game that I kept dying was the building with the two chainsaw people inside. I would always see one and start shooting and the other would run down the stair and bam, there goes my head again. ;) Again the stairway is your friend.[/QUOTE]

The only place in game that reminds me of 2 chainsaw at once is the little 2 storage structure in the .. sand cave area? You can snipe the 2nd floor one then break the door and shoot the 2nd chainsaw. You don't even have to enter the building.

[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']So, is it better to start a hard game with all the stuff you had when you beat the normal game, or does that make it too easy? Or is it too impossibly hard to play on hard from scratch?[/QUOTE]

If you mean switching from Normal to Pro difficulty, you would have to start from scratch without a choice because anything leftover from Normal will not show up in pro . Anyhow, Pro isn't that bad, enemies take more ammo to kill, and they do heavier damage on you.
For example, one toss of the flame grenade will probably not kill regular villagers.
El giangante will take 4 knife chop actions to kill (normal only takes 2 times)
In general, you can only take up to 2 ~ 3 regular villager attacks and you are down to RED HP. From my experience, the only problem you might have is the boss type characters. Regular enemies you can simply conserve the ammo, use knife as much as you can. On bosses, pay that extra 30k for bazooka and 1 hit kill sometimes is necessary, when you are running out of healing items. For my first pro game, I don't plan on saving money since blowing them on bazooka makes things easier. After first time, I will just handcannon their ass in the 2nd round.
[quote name='pinkkirby']The only place in game that reminds me of 2 chainsaw at once is the little 2 storage structure in the .. sand cave area? You can snipe the 2nd floor one then break the door and shoot the 2nd chainsaw. You don't even have to enter the building.

If you mean switching from Normal to Pro difficulty, you would have to start from scratch without a choice because anything leftover from Normal will not show up in pro . Anyhow, Pro isn't that bad, enemies take more ammo to kill, and they do heavier damage on you.
For example, one toss of the flame grenade will probably not kill regular villagers.
El giangante will take 4 knife chop actions to kill (normal only takes 2 times)
In general, you can only take up to 2 ~ 3 regular villager attacks and you are down to RED HP. From my experience, the only problem you might have is the boss type characters. Regular enemies you can simply conserve the ammo, use knife as much as you can. On bosses, pay that extra 30k for bazooka and 1 hit kill sometimes is necessary, when you are running out of healing items. For my first pro game, I don't plan on saving money since blowing them on bazooka makes things easier. After first time, I will just handcannon their ass in the 2nd round.[/QUOTE]

Ah. When I beat the game it started me back at the beggining with all items, and I just assumed that it was starting a new game in pro-mode.

Call me crazy, but I'm not a big fan of games that give you items that make the game easier on a second play through. I think the idea should be to increase challenge with each play. All these crazy unlockable guns like the chicago typerwiter and infinite rocket launcher sound mildly amusing for a few minutes as a novelty, but going through a game multiple times with it being easier and easier just sounds boring to me.

On a slightly unrelated topic, could anyone answer my first question juxtaposed to apply to Devil May Cry 3? As in, should I start hard mode with all my earlier stuff, or does that make it too easy? Or is starting hard mode form scratch too impossibly hard? I'm leaning towards starting hard mode from scratch though.
bread's done