Just wanted to let you know CheapyD, the future still holds bright for your eyebrows.


Well, just got back from 2026...what a ride. Anyway somehow Megan Mullally has found a way to cheat death/old age, but everyone else can count on strong thick full eyebrows. Here's a pic


Anyway, I'm about to head back, so if anyone wants me to bring anything along with me let me know.
Hey Mr. Buncha-Numbers, next time you come back from the future, let me know if Wombat has struck it rich yet via a media onslaught the likes of which would make Regis Philbin jealous.

If the answer's yes, I'll have the pleasure of telling the non-believing smacktards around here "I told you so!"

If the answer's no, try going a little further into the future until you find the kid's inevitable breakthrough. To quote Morrissey, "I know it's gonna happen someday."
bread's done