Kill some crackers!

I have a story brewing in the back of my mind about an assassin who kills off elite people only to find out they're being cloned and restored to perfect health.

Essentially, he learns there is no freedom in murder.

I would hope this random person claiming to represent the Black Panthers would already know killing Joe 4pack doesn't improve his lot in this life.
New Black Panthers. The old ones were respectable and, I believe, most of the leaders have denounced this "new" organization that uses their name.
Yeah these guys are scum. Equivalent of the KKK. They should have been prosecuted if the Justice Department felt they could win.

On a sidenote, how many actual voters (i.e. people who could vote in south philly and were not republican poll watchers) were intimidated and walked away from the polls? How many filed a complaint saying they were intimidated? I'm just curious.

From what I hear, even some of the Republican members of the Civil Rights Commission want to throw this case out. Curious.
So its ok for black people to hate white people and say they want to kill them. Thats fine because their black. But if I would be dead by dawn if I went on tv calling black people $$$$ers and saying I hated them on the news.

fucking hate to see reverse racism in action.

Black people like him and racist white people and everyone else if they would stop acting like they do and stop acting like a stereotype and started acting like human beings instead of black people, white people, mexicans or whatever then everything would be fine. Problem is he doesnt hate white people, he just hates people and uses that as an excuse to act out his aggresion and get on the news and get attention.

Black power my ass. Its dumb shit like that that makes white people hate them. If they would knock off that black power bullcrap and just acted like people then not so many people would care. Being black doesnt make you special.........infact I think Ill just continue this in my own thread in here shortly because I have to much to say.
[quote name='gargus']So its ok for black people to hate white people and say they want to kill them. Thats fine because their black. But if I would be dead by dawn if I went on tv calling black people $$$$ers and saying I hated them on the news.

fucking hate to see reverse racism in action.[/quote]

It's perfectly ok. Everyone accepts it as fine. It's a double standard, I know, clear "reverse racism." They're.

[quote name='gargus']Black people like him and racist white people and everyone else if they would stop acting like they do and stop acting like a stereotype and started acting like human beings instead of black people, white people, mexicans or whatever then everything would be fine. Problem is he doesnt hate white people, he just hates people and uses that as an excuse to act out his aggresion and get on the news and get attention.[/quote]

How do white people act? In general I mean, when they're acting stereotypically. And how should they act instead?

Also, I think he does hate white people.

[quote name='gargus']Black power my ass. Its dumb shit like that that makes white people hate them. If they would knock off that black power bullcrap and just acted like people then not so many people would care.[/QUOTE]

Clearly, if it wasn't for the "new black panthers" just think of how well black people would be treated.
Racism involves nothing but race, you don't think there is a single legitimate reason for any black person to not like white people?
[quote name='beerme']I like Ritz crackers but they leave my hands greasy.[/QUOTE]

You know, I used to not find the idea of being called a "cracker" offensive. Until it was explained to me (by a black guy, btw) that "cracker" had nothing to do with the white color of one's skin compared to a Saltine.
[quote name='gargus']So its ok for black people to hate white people and say they want to kill them. Thats fine because they're black. But I would be the tea party presidential candidate by the end of the year if I went on tv calling black people $$$$ers and saying I hated them on the news.[/QUOTE]

Fixed, I'm cheeky me ;)
In his May 14 testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Thomas Perez, assistant attorney general for the DOJ's civil rights division, highlighted a case that completely undermines the notion that the DOJ's decisions in the Black Panthers case were unprecedented or racially motivated. Perez testified that in 2006, the DOJ "declined to bring any action for alleged voter intimidation" "when three well-known anti-immigrant advocates affiliated with the Minutemen, one of whom was carrying a gun, allegedly intimidated Latino voters at a polling place by approaching several persons, filming them, and advocating and printing voting materials in Spanish." [U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 5/14/10]

Anti-immigrant activist in 2006 case reportedly had "9mm Glock strapped to his side" at polling place.
A November 8, 2006, Austin American-Statesman article reported (from the Nexis database): "In Arizona, Roy Warden, an anti-immigration activist with the Minutemen, and a handful of supporters staked out a Tucson precinct and questioned Hispanic voters at the polls to determine whether they spoke English." The article continued:
Armed with a 9mm Glock automatic strapped to his side, Warden said he planned to photograph Hispanic voters entering polls in an effort to identify illegal immigrants and felons.

WHEW, that was close, I almost thought that the DOJ was racist.
[quote name='Capitalizt']I am deeply disappointed that I've never been called a cracker.[/QUOTE]

Come to DC. You'll get called a cracker ass cracker, an oppressor, and a white devil. And that's in the nice areas.
I've only been called a snowbunny by someone who drank a little too much. I was in no place to be phased by it.

I felt the same way, Capitalist. :
[quote name='UncleBob']You know, I used to not find the idea of being called a "cracker" offensive. Until it was explained to me (by a black guy, btw) that "cracker" had nothing to do with the white color of one's skin compared to a Saltine.[/QUOTE]

You're kidding right? Please tell me you're kidding , its late at night and I cant tell.
It would make an interesting story, but I'm too lazy to find the video (if its even out there for the public). I certainly don't need to have it for the event to have actually occurred.
[quote name='UncleBob']I assume you or Media Matters has video of these same guys at rallies spewing vile crap like "Kill some wetbacks!", right? Because that would make a really interesting story.[/QUOTE]

A really interesting story about how Americans are free! Free speech! Right to bear arms!
When people our out bringing weapons to vote, it'll be because they are against Obama and therefore racist.

Watch as the media and libtards spin it like that while ignoring things like this.
It doesn't really bother me that some people are hardcore right wing hacks, it doesn't bother me when said hack uses a word like libtard. What does bother me is that said hard on will post tomorrow about how centrist he is and the rest of us are crazy hippies and/or unfair.
Is it even worth commenting when someone cant differentiate the use of of 'our' and 'are'. Such a person should attempt be less liberal with their usage of of the adjective 'tard'.
Wow. The English major in me just lit a cigarette after reading this thread.

The physics major in me could have used more time in the oven.
[quote name='Msut77']It doesn't really bother me that some people are hardcore right wing hacks, it doesn't bother me when said hack uses a word like libtard. What does bother me is that said hard on will post tomorrow about how centrist he is and the rest of us are crazy hippies and/or unfair.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='EdRyder']Is it even worth commenting when someone cant differentiate the use of of 'our' and 'are'. Such a person should attempt be less liberal with their usage of of the adjective 'tard'.[/QUOTE]

Are, our, whatever. When you guys go so low as to argue semantics it shows how little of a life you have.

I'd argue more about this, but I actually have a life that isn't a forum troll.
[quote name='AdultLink']Are, our, whatever. When you guys go so low as to argue semantics it shows how little of a life you have.

I'd argue more about this, but I actually have a life that isn't a forum troll.[/QUOTE]
Semantics? Bitch, please.

Pointing out that you're (alternatively, your) an idiot isn't semantics. It's a truism.

Discussing that your (alternatively, you're) "life that isn't a forum troll" is far more interesting. Do you have challenges more difficult in your normal life than "keeping it down" in the basement so as not to disturb your mother, or selecting which "dewmocracy" flavor to purchase in the twenty-four pack size next?
EDIT: Images don't be workin'?
[quote name='Quillion']Semantics? Bitch, please.

Pointing out that you're (alternatively, your) an idiot isn't semantics. It's a truism.

Discussing that your (alternatively, you're) "life that isn't a forum troll" is far more interesting. Do you have challenges more difficult in your normal life than "keeping it down" in the basement so as not to disturb your mother, or selecting which "dewmocracy" flavor to purchase in the twenty-four pack size next?[/QUOTE]

Parents basement... You kids must think you are hilarious.

I have school and a job. I also have gym, friends, a social life, and sorry, but I don't live in a basement. Considering how often I post versus you guys, I think you and I both know who the forum trolls are.

And you guys aren't even worth my time to show my IQ score, which I'm assured is higher then all of you.

Considering you dumbasses act like you are more intelligent then me, surely you would've notice that I'M SITTING IN FRONT OF CURTAINS?

Do curtains normally exist in a enclosed basement underground? Seriously? It's like talking to people from 4chan here.
Basement? From the picture? No, I'm afraid that's an office area thats not in a basement.

I realize for some of you, basements are all you know, and you've never seen an office area before, but that window is at floor height and it ISN'T a basement! I know for some of you who have never seen sunlight before that may be surprising, but it's the truth!

Now, that doesn't mean that my areas can't LOOK like basements, while I'm doing things like building 6 monitor eyefinity setups for my bedroom:





But these areas aren't basements.
By viewing a picture of my 6 monitor eyefinity setup shrouded behind closed curtains on a beautiful sunny day, you can see that I am clearly not a nerd with no social life.
[quote name='camoor']By viewing a picture of my 6 monitor eyefinity setup shrouded behind closed curtains on a beautiful sunny day, you can see that I am clearly not a nerd with no social life.[/QUOTE]

Just like I'm in a parent's basement? Anymore assumptions you people wish to make for me to destroy?
[quote name='AdultLink']Parents basement... You kids must think you are hilarious.

I have school and a job. I also have gym, friends, a social life, and sorry, but I don't live in a basement. Considering how often I post versus you guys, I think you and I both know who the forum trolls are.

And you guys aren't even worth my time to show my IQ score, which I'm assured is higher then all of you.

Considering you dumbasses act like you are more intelligent then me, surely you would've notice that I'M SITTING IN FRONT OF CURTAINS?

Do curtains normally exist in a enclosed basement underground? Seriously? It's like talking to people from 4chan here.[/QUOTE]
My basement comment was a throwaway ad hominem. I no more believe that you live in a basement than I do that you have no job or... well anything else you listed above.

What I do truly believe is that you're an arrogant, ignorant, knuckle-headed douche. no six-monitor setup or baloney about your high IQ score (nestled gently in a sentence with no less than three grammatical errors, mind you) will convince me otherwise.


"I have school and a job. I also have gym." Here's a digital pat on the head. Good for you.
bread's done