Killzone 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='KingBroly']Is there an alternate control scheme? The default one is awkward as hell to me. Also, waaaaaay to dark. The brightness part at the beginning said look for the Helghast logo to be barely visible. I couldn't see it at all, even with the brightness turned all the way up.[/quote]

Yeah you can go into options and pick different layouts. Don't know why that you can't customize all controls in this day in age... but Alt 2 is similar to Resistance 2 for me. Clicking on Hold to Zoom (or something like that) helped with that too because you have to hold button down to aim.

And it sounds like you might need to tweak your Tv's settings a bit or even the PS3's... I forget what they suggest you do though. Turn superwhite on maybe? /shrug

I'd like to see the devs' responses to the demo's responses. I wonder if the AI was toned down because everywhere you look they praise the AI in the full game reviews. Here I felt they were a little weak, wondering if that was because of the game setting.
Ok, played the demo a few times.

First time, I thought it was cool, but I wasn't blown away, mostly trying to figure out what to do and getting used to the controls.

Played it a few more times later on, and really got the controls down (default setting) and enjoyed it MUCH more. Game just feels good.

This is supposed to be the most vanilla part of the game graphically so I can only imagine what else is going to be there in the rest of the game.

I LOVE the lighting. I liked going into a dark corner to shoot and seeing everything light up. Smoke, explosions all looked and felt great.

We'll see, we'll see.
I'm thinking it's going to be a fun ride, but the demo is too short for me to judge. Probably because it was on "Normal" level, as things were a bit easy. (sorry myke)

[quote name='Richlough']Apparently my PS3 wireless in on the fritz , I connected in to my XBOX wireless bridge and everything is 'normal' .
I even finally downloaded the Burnout update .[/quote]Yeah, I kept seeing you sign in and out.
My problems with the controls were the following:

- Click the Right Analog Stick to zoom instead of L1 (like Gears or COD)
- You have to hold L2 to stick to cover (not press to stick, then press to unstick)
- You couldn't zoom while in cover
they tell you to adjust the brightness till you can just barely see the Helghast logo. If the in game adjustment doesn't work, it says you may have to adjust your tv's brightness setting, which is what I did.

and damn i suck somethin fierce lol. I can't aim delicately enough, even with toned down sensitivity. Didn't want to lower the sensitivity down too low either cuz then I'd be turning hella slow.
-Change to Alt 2 if you want to zoom with L1.
-I also didn't like holding L2 to crouch/cover, but it made more sense after playing through a few more times. At least it felt better rather than awkward my first time.
-You can zoom when in cover.... what did you do? Just peek up/left/right with the left stick while in cover and then zoom.
You have to peek out first in case you didn't do that.
But yeah, I was definitely using the zoom when in cover and peeking.

I should have mentioned that once I learned how to use the cover system, I really liked it. Cool new way to play FPS.
I also did a lot better once I stopped zooming in for every single enemy like I used to do for Call of Duty or Gears.
Shooting from the hip did much better for me in this game, and I used the zoom for long distance enemies of course.
[quote name='KingBroly']I tried clicking the Right stick, but it never did anything.[/quote]

I think melee attack might be that in alt 2 setting.

I felt the 'Weight' when I was play this too. Saw a dev mention that it isn't as fast-paced between doing different things. In R2 you and sprint, change direction, shoot, sprint again and jump off a building all in a small amount of time. Halo you could buzz all over the place and combine moves. Here I felt I had to plan ahead a little bit which I liked.
I couldn't get used to the controls the first go around...2nd time around was pretty cool. I'd love to try this out on a harder level. I already got it pre-ordered, I'm definitely keeping the pre-order and look forward to seeing it's full potential.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I hated the cover system... now I love it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah when I first heard about it on some podcast, I was kind of pissed. Like "what is the point of a half-assed cover system"

Having played it now, I'm very impressed with the fact that they manage to have cover without taking you out of first person.
Don't understand how people are "dissapointed" by the demo. It's like 5 minutes long... oh well. I enjoyed it, wasn't enough though! Can't wait for the full game. I'm going to try L1 for aim mode next.

The surround sound in this game is amazing...

Wasn't this suppose to include Multiplayer?

Played with Alternate 2, It's ok but it makes it really hard to aim while in cover. So, i'lll be sticking with default.
Anyways this game is really great, the sounds are top notch. And I played in the room right before the end for like 20 minutes shooting everything, it's pretty cool. Anything that isn't super heavy or strapped down can be shot apart. Even barrels can be dented and tables can be destroyed. Also if you shoot the gas canisters (especially the long tube ones) at the end, they turn into little rockets and you hear the gas slowly spewing out and explodes leaving a erupted gas can, nice touches.
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Great everything, but the controls are unresponsive. I don't care if they call it "simulated weight" or whatever, I had to wrestle with the analog stick to aim.
I HATED the controls, especially the sensitivity settings (which I played around with) it just feels slow and weird (the sensitivity, I mean) I'll try it a couple more times but so far, REALLY dissapointing. Damn, and I really wanted to like the game. I know I'm the minority though.
And I got it off the european store, which took about five minutes to make an account, and a long time to dl the demo.
[quote name='lolwut?']
The graphics are nice, but I wasn't blown away. I did have fun playing it, but the PS3 controller kept reminding me how much ass it sucks. Hopefully those FPSFreek joystick enhancers will make it a bit better for me.[/QUOTE]You have to look at all the details of things falling apart and so on, that's what makes the game look amazing.

I disagree about the controller part since I actually like the DS3 better for FPS than the 360 pad. I felt the game was great for the demo, although the controls were a bit different than what I was use to (because I've been playing R2 so much. I even find BioShock's controls a bit weird due to being use to R2). Also I'll mention, SCE has a VERY long history of releasing old builds as demos. They did it to MotorStorm: PR, their MLB games, Resistance, GT5P, Uncharted, R&C Future, etc.
For those thinking the AI is not that great, keep in mind that GG has said to play on Veteran on your first try if you are used to FPS games. When you beat that, they said to beat it the second time on Elite which is more challenging since it removes the hud and enemies get tougher. Thats when we'll see the enemy AI shine. The demo plays on Normal which is comparable to easy. While Easy mode is really meant for casuals. This was posted on the Official PS forums BTW.
Tried out some more control schemes and alternate 2 is my favorite so far. Definitely makes the game more enjoyable. It uses L1 to zoom and I selected hold to zoom so it feels more like the controls of R2. Perhaps I spoke to soon about the quality of the game. Hopefully graphics look better in the final product.
EDIT: And what's up with no rumble? I mean, I know it will be in the game but maybe that says more about the age of the demo than anything else. Can't really think why the demo wouldn't have it unless it was pretty old.
My expectations were fairly high for this game and I have to say the demo really shattered them.

The graphics are amazing (and I'm sure better on the disk) little details are really what makes the graphics great. Shooting someone and have them fall back and still shooting wildly just made me grin.

The controls do take a bit to get used to but after I did I loved how guns felt heavy, the cover system rocks.. by the reviews and general "No innovation" label I've read I practically expected Call of Duty 4 controls with KZ style.

I'm really impressed, it felt so intense, I thought the AI (especially for easy) was really impressive

[quote name='sotc1988']Tried out some more control schemes and alternate 2 is my favorite so far. Definitely makes the game more enjoyable. It uses L1 to zoom and I selected hold to zoom so it feels more like the controls of R2. Perhaps I spoke to soon about the quality of the game. Hopefully graphics look better in the final product.
EDIT: And what's up with no rumble? I mean, I know it will be in the game but maybe that says more about the age of the demo than anything else. Can't really think why the demo wouldn't have it unless it was pretty old.[/quote]

I have rumble, sure you are using our DS3 and have rumble on?
[quote name='sotc1988']Tried out some more control schemes and alternate 2 is my favorite so far. Definitely makes the game more enjoyable. It uses L1 to zoom and I selected hold to zoom so it feels more like the controls of R2. Perhaps I spoke to soon about the quality of the game. Hopefully graphics look better in the final product.
EDIT: And what's up with no rumble? I mean, I know it will be in the game but maybe that says more about the age of the demo than anything else. Can't really think why the demo wouldn't have it unless it was pretty old.[/quote]

There is rumble...maybe your DS3 is faulty? The Helghast gun packs a punch!!
I tried to lower my expectations just in case I ended up disappointed. I was really impressed with the audio. I have a large sub with my logitech set and I could feel the punch from the guns...hah. KZ2 is a riot and I can't wait for my Amazon sale copy.
[quote name='Maklershed']Call me stuped but didn't the demo meet your expectations instead of shattering them?[/quote]

They shattered his expectations. Above and beyond what he expected. Stuped!
I'm in same boat as most, I played through it twice, both took my damn time and getting used to things. It was really fun and I found out new things each time with varying things. I like the cover system a lot, but w/ L1 as zoom, I have to use two fingers while in cover system which will take some getting used to. I also noticed w/ having L1 as zoom-hold, you won't reload until you let go which took me a min to get used to from CoD. The demo deserves multiple playthroughs b/c I experienced various things each time.
I Have no complaints. I just wish they'd unlocked the Harder difficulties.

I managed 2 runs, With no Hud, tips, subtitles or anything just with my pistol.

I love the game, and the controls are a breeze once you get used to it. A+
My only complaints are exploding barrels and the flickering in the menu screen before it starts up.

I agree that Normal is way too easy but the game will have harder difficulties so I can't fault the demo for it. I liked that there was a certain sense of chaos on the battlefield and it felt like the first level of Medal of Honor Frontline.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
Played with Alternate 2, It's ok but it makes it really hard to aim while in cover. So, i'lll be sticking with default.[/quote]

Did the same thing and it's better now.
[quote name='aznguyen316']I also noticed w/ having L1 as zoom-hold, you won't reload until you let go[/quote]

This is something I wish was changed. It seemed kind of annoying to have to let go of zoom to reload.
[quote name='depascal22']It's not very realistic to expect to reload while you're zoomed in on the sites.[/quote]

I don't mean it should reload while zoomed it, but it should take you out of zoom when you run out of ammo so that you can reload automatically (like other games).
I played the demo a 2nd time, and now the controls feel very natural to me where I completely get it. Now the game is definitely a must own for me like before.

However, just by the demo, don't think I like it as much as R2 (I like R2 because it's more sci-fi and alien busting, compared to more realistic). Regardless, I do love it.
Yep you guys were right, I turned off rumble a few days ago because it was just kind of annoying in burnout after an hour or two and man the rumble is great in this game. I'm digging the game once I found the right control scheme. I just wish there were fully customizable controls.
Edit: Use six axis during the load times.
Just played the demo here at work. Game looks amazing, really like their cover system. I didn't have any problems with the controls, default was just fine for me.
I heard on twitter from a reliable source that the early sales are BS (At least at 7/11)
Though I'd definitely like to hear if there is a place I can get it early! (hot scoops!)
[quote name='zewone']Some places selling the game early, live stream of full game here:[/quote]
I do hope the 7-11 around me gets the game early.
They're pretty much next door, so I'll keep checking in.

Did you manage to get the single shot rifle yet?

I want to try some of the glitches in the demo when I get home.
[quote name='Fragonard']Just played the demo here at work.[/quote]

Either you have a super awesome job or a shitty one. I hope it is the awesome one. If it is, I hate you.
Hey folks,

I have been looking at this with one of our Game Designers and we are starting to come to the conclusion that this is down primarily to the design decision to make the game weightier. Killzone 2 is not a 'twitchy' shooter like some of you might be (rightfully) accustomed to and we think it might simply be down to some growing pains on some people's behalf. In this demo we also did not add the section that comes before this where a player would naturally climatize to the controls and have simply dumped you on Corinth River, so I think a lot of these complaints will be negated by the players natural progression through the full game.

So at this moment we are not considering it a bug, or anything that needs to be patched.

We do suggest however not having the sensitivity on full as this can make the appearence of a delay seem more aggressively. Work your way up the sensitivity scale slowly as you become more accustomed to the game.
Also seeing if there are any post-processing settings on your TV you could shut off without negating the visual quality of the game or if you have a 'Gaming' setting to try that as few TVs are set up as standard for gaming and often require some tweaking.

This does not mean we are going to pull a blanket over our heads and stop evaluating this and looking into it and allowing you guys an adjustment period and I will pick this up with some coders on Monday as well to see what they say.

What i am however interested in, what FPS games have you just recently or are playing currently. The majority of people on here seem to not have any issues adjusting and we think it might simply down to a certain mindset more than anything, which is of course of interest to us too from a playability standpoint.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you all to show some restraint and keep the forums a bit more tidy. We pride ourselves here on having a mature forum and encouraging healthy discussion, but the past few days it has been anything but healthy and a lot of the conversations have simply been drowned out. So please take a deep breath, take a break and if I have any more information about this I will let you know. I'll try and be on here this weekend, but with the massive amounts of posts and threads I can't promise to read and react to everything. I do after all have my actual job to do . I also want to thank those of you that have helped identify what is going on and to let you know that we will continue to take on all constructive feedback to help us make better games.

Have a good Friday folks.

Seb Downie - QA Manager - Guerrilla Games

If anyone was wondering about the heavy controls or twitch playing being used to CoD
[quote name='dallow']I do hope the 7-11 around me gets the game early.
They're pretty much next door, so I'll keep checking in.

Did you manage to get the single shot rifle yet?

I want to try some of the glitches in the demo when I get home.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got the single shot on my first try after I found out it was available. Pretty cool, but limited ammo didn't give me enough time to mess with it.
i enjoyed the demo alot. actually didn't mind the "different" control scheme. BFBC took some time to get used to because of the controls but to me thats a great game. I don't mind putting in time learning controls as long as the game is worth it. after playing the demo a few times I think its worth it.
I just tried to play this game for the first time and it said "invalid copyright protection data" or some shit like that..i figured it was because I was sigined into my regular US account but i signed into my Uk account and it still didnt work...anyone else encounter this problem?

I am redownloading the damn thing now :wall:
I'm 40% through downloading the demo. This is agonizing, it's like seeing the flight path of a 10 hour flight to Hawaii and having your plane barely move every hour, except in Killzone 2 form :(
After being super hyped by this game for a very long time, i have to say, it didnt grab me like id hoped based on the demo. My main complains is the controls. They dont feel like what im used to these days, and i know they want to do their own thing with the game, but at least give the option of COD4 style controls. It really took away my joy from playing the game and now im not even looking forward to getting it day 1. I just dont want to learn a new control scheme for a single game, seems silly to me, just like how RE5 controls suck because i expect games to play properly when i fire them up, not to have to re-learn controls that dont work as well as what we've been used to till now.

Graphics are AMAZING tho, wow.
How long does it take to tweak the controls to COD4 form? That's what I'll be doing, just do that and you won't have to learn a new control scheme.
Killzone 2 was as far off my radar as any game could be. With my recent disappointment in media-hyped games like this (Gears2) I wasn't even shooting this a second glance. That was until the demo came . . .

The only thing I'm going to say, is that I've played through it 5 times and planning a few more before the full release.

Off to the Amazon pre-order boat!
If anyone wants a Killzone 2 Gamestop demo code I have an extra one. I'll take any other type of code you have that you're willing to trade to me. How about a Resistance Retribution demo code?
[quote name='Malik112099']Either you have a super awesome job or a shitty one. I hope it is the awesome one. If it is, I hate you.[/quote]
An awesome one, I work for a game company.
[quote name='blitz6speed']After being super hyped by this game for a very long time, i have to say, it didnt grab me like id hoped based on the demo. My main complains is the controls. They dont feel like what im used to these days, and i know they want to do their own thing with the game, but at least give the option of COD4 style controls. It really took away my joy from playing the game and now im not even looking forward to getting it day 1. I just dont want to learn a new control scheme for a single game, seems silly to me, just like how RE5 controls suck because i expect games to play properly when i fire them up, not to have to re-learn controls that dont work as well as what we've been used to till now.

Graphics are AMAZING tho, wow.[/quote]

I hear ya, but there are like several control schemes under options that you could try out. It took me like 1 1/2 play through to get comfortable with the controls and I'm an old man.
bread's done