King of Fighters XII - Gen Discussion and Info.


110 (100%)
I searched and didn't see a topic for this. I hope I didn't miss it, but if I did please let me know.

I got an automated call last night from Gamestop saying that my pre-order for this game should be in today after 12 noon. If anyone else has pre-ordered you may want to call your store to confirm.
I was looking too and I'm positive it was there but I didn't see it the other day. 1UP posted reviews from Famitsu the other day. 5/7/5 I believe it was. They said the game was gorgeous and played well, but it was VERY barebones. There's no story modes and apparently really no reason to play single player. I believe the multiplayer is probably typical standard fare for fighting games. I'm renting it first.
Picked this up today. I'm enjoying it but I can't help feel that this game is incomplete. My major complaint is it needs some other kind of Single Player mode besides Arcade. I was also disapointed in some characters move-lists (i.e Mature & Clark) They're lacking depth and only have a total of 2 moves and 1 Super. Hopefully by the next one they can expand on some of the existing characters movelist while adding more modes & stages.

Anyways those are the negatives, but like mike.m wrote it plays & looks fantastic. The animation is probably the best I've seen in any 2D game. I haven't played much competitivly but it does seem rather balanced. I haven't ran across spamming yet.

I want to get in some player matches tonight if anyone's game. My current main team is Chin,Ralf & Raiden.
[quote name='Puffa469']Frakkin Amazon lists my ship date for this as Aug 3rd! :roll:[/QUOTE]

Yeaaaaaah. Amazon screwed up on this one. I bitched about twice already on the fighting thread. I put in free shipping instead of release day rush, and if I see it a local mall hopefully I can cancel my order and I'll put my amazon rewards towards something else instead. Bummer.

I'll be getting this game by the end of next week hopefully, so add me if ur looking for someone to play against.
So far the game is ok. Nothing special IMO. While the graphics did recieve an overhaul compared to years past, they still are not what I think they should be. The animation itself is great, and the characters don't look horrible, but characters in this day and age shouldn't have jaggies and with recent games like BlazBlue and SFIIHD Remix, this is somewhat disappointing.

I haven't played with all the characters yet, but I noticed Terry only has one super special (unless I overlooked something). I actually like the time trial arcade mode. Although short, I prefer that over the tedium of going through teams to face an infamous SNK boss. The roster is too small IMO and leaving out Mai for this graphical overhaul was flat out foolish. If they don't have downloable characters to address the small roster it will be a shame. The gameplay seems fine from what I can tell, but the two online matches I have played have been laggy. I also didn't recall seeing the usual "game needs to update" message when I put it in. That seemed weird.
The game looks good, and plays alright (nothing phenomenal, nothing horrible) but I'm really having a hard time getting into the game, when I also have SF4, Soul calibur 4 and BlazBlue sitting right next to it. That being said, as big of a fighting game nerd as I am, there was no way I was NOT going to buy it :p
I'll also say this...

For a game that is supposed to be celebrating the 15th anniversary of KOF they really should have had a nice LE edition on the game if the game itself was going to be as barebones as it is.
Ok that was wierd last night when Me, Guile and Rodimus were playing. I was playing Rodimus and winning (atleast on my side) it kept saying "synchoronizing" and I would wait a bit so he had equal chance to beat me down. The drunk guy was my last opponent and I was winning, then all of a sudden it said connection lost and Guile and Rodimus was fighting. WTF man? lol.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Ok that was wierd last night when Me, Guile and Rodimus were playing. I was playing Rodimus and winning (atleast on my side) it kept saying "synchoronizing" and I would wait a bit so he had equal chance to beat me down. The drunk guy was my last opponent and I was winning, then all of a sudden it said connection lost and Guile and Rodimus was fighting. WTF man? lol.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was kind of weird. Sorry I had run on out a bit last night. I had a stomach ache.
How are the controls on this game? I love the KoF series, been playing it since it came out, but your comments make me wonder how good it actually is.
My ideal team would be Kyo, Iori, and Terry. :D
So that's what happened, I tought something odd was going on. From my end everything seemed fine besides waiting about 30 seconds for the synchoronizing.

sang321 - The actual game plays just fine. The complaints are focused torwards the lack of game modes and graphics. Unfortunatly you may be disapointed with Iori. They pretty much threw out his entire moveset and gave him new ones. He plays like ass now.

I still crack up everytime I hear "Select yoar meemba"
So far I'm a bit disappointed at how poor the online is at the moment. I already knew going in that was going to be where the game was going to have to shine. A patch can't come soon enough.
After playing it more and more my top three gripes are: Price, Roster and Online. Price because only us fighting fanatics can really justify spending $60 on this, roster because when I go play 98 UM it makes me cringe when I play this, and online because SNK can't seem to set in stone a solid net code.

Price will go away eventually as me and my friends are predicting this will hit $40 in a month or so, characters DLC? Online... well I can always dream I guess.
It's rumored that 3 DLC characters may be on their way. I saw some images of Mai & Geese floating around bit it's possible they're fakes. I'll try to find them.
[quote name='Rodimus']It's rumored that 3 DLC characters may be on their way. I saw some images of Mai & Geese floating around bit it's possible they're fakes. I'll try to find them.[/QUOTE]

The fact Mai wasn't in there to start with was absurd anyway. Mai is as iconic as any character has ever been.
Here they are. Mai looks like a Fraggle

I am disappointed in this game. I got it and have been playing it for a few hours. The graphics, which have had a large overhaul, still dont look good. The character models look terrible IMO. The game play seems slow compared to other games (like BlazBlue and SFIV). The lack of a single player mode is disappointing (please dont call the Arcade mode single player). If you are buying this and intend on playing by yourself dont waste your money. I had high hopes for this game and it disappoints on all accounts. I think this will probably be the last King of Fighters.
[quote name='NJMane']I think this will probably be the last King of Fighters.[/QUOTE]

KOF XII may not be up to snuff, but it definitely wont be the last. This franchise has always taken a back seat to other fighters. Still I understand what you're saying, the "re-birth" is a little premature.
KOF will die when arcades die outside of the US. As long as everyone still puts their quarters into those machines KOF will exist.

Even then they still might make KOFs if they can get a profit off a small amount of sales (and obviously the next games will keep the same sprites most likely with a few new moves and characters, so they won't spend much on the next game).
Still I think if they just pulled the camera back a little bit the sprites would look better.


Graphic-wise if KOF wants to stay in the competition they need to focus on animation. Like Monsta said these sprites aren't going anywhere. Most all the standing animations are gorgeous but the win poses are lacking. And no taunts :(
This game is fantastic with good connection players, and a lot deeper and well put together than many give it credit for.

I played with a guy named "DeveloperJP" Today... his ping was so bad there was no ping box (O.O) but at the off chance that he COULD be a Developer on the game, I gave it a run. Fun match, even if laggy. Watching the replay made my Kim look fierce XD.

Anywho, here's a translated not from SNKP, from the kof12 official Facebook:

[quote name='""']
SNK Announcement: Direct Translation
Today at 12:48pm
Dear King of Fighters XII fans,

This week’s launch of THE KING OF FIGHTERS XII represents the culmination of four years of hard work to deliver a rebirth for the KOF franchise, but several key issues have arisen since its release that must be addressed. Rest assured that SNK PLAYMORE is fully committed to supporting the King of Fighters XII community by working to further improve the gameplay experience.

We’re pleased to announce that the next software update will address the animation glitch that users have encountered in which Elisabeth’s character sprite becomes “frozen” for the duration of the round when the character Raiden performs a specific move on her.

While software update solutions are being devised, we can offer some tips to those users who are experiencing exceptionally poor online performance. First, we suggest limiting the number of players in a room to two, as the addition of a spectator with a slow connection can currently create latency for all users in the room. Also, if your Internet connection is configured behind a firewall using NAT Type 3, we recommend reconfiguring your setup to utilize NAT Type 1 (for PS3) or an “open” setting (for Xbox 360).

Also, we’d like to take this opportunity to explain one feature of the Xbox 360 version. When playing online with the Xbox 360 version of KOF XII, players who continually battle the same opponent in multiple Ranked Matches in the same lobby will not receive additional True Skill Rank Points. This is an intentional decision to keep players from abusing the system to reap massive rewards by preying on one player. If you want to earn True Skill Rank Points, you must make a new room or leave simply leave the room and come back.

-SNK Playmore

It'll be interesting to see were this all goes...
This game is hardly worth 10 cents, the netcode is PUTRID, and the sprites really look horrible. When you're in the stadium stage and the confetti comes down, it literally makes the game look like a low res avi video, its so pixelated and ugly. The game is disasterous on so many levels its absurd.

That said, the gameplay is awesome, and it feels great control wise. Its just a shame the game is ruined otherwise, since no modern fighter can exist without a competent online mode.
Been doing the Arcade Mode, trying to beat it clean through with all the characters for achievements. It atleast gives me a reason to play single player. I got stuck with Iori. He's just so ineffective now.

Also if you guys want to get those speed run achievements, put it on easy, 30 second rounds, and pick Raiden. Spam his deep HK, standing HK, HCF+HK. However I'm still not able to get the two of them.
Sheesh, you guys weren't joking when you said the online was laggy. Dayyyuummnn, talk about unplayable. I had one half-decent game, and that's it. Ranked Matches are a load better than the Arcade ones with spectators at least.

Meh, just renting it from Gamefly so I can't be too harsh against it, but there really is a lack of content here. I guess I want to look the other way and ignore the faults, cause I know this had to have been a huge financial hit to a company like SNK...but I mean god...5 stages?
I had 10 straight lag free matches. You gota make sure your opponent has at least two bars. I've only met one with all green.

The game is great but what Relentless said in the GFT It's a transition game in a sense that we all know the next will be better. Probably 3x the backgrounds, more characters and mroe moves. It's gonna make me buy every KOF game from now on (lol).
Fewest fighters in any of the KoF series, and the fewest female fighters in any of the KoF. I hate what SNK has done with this franchise in the last few sequels. Sad face.
Just to be nit-picky KOF 94 & 95 only 4 female characters were available as well. And KOF R-2 only had 14 characters.
So yeah after playing another 20 matches my only advice is play 1v1 and never have more then one person in the room unless you live in the same fucking building. The net code is that bad. With that said the lag is hardly noticeable with 1v1 as long as the other person has atleast yellow for a ping.

Edit: Looks like just playing matches will get your rank up as long as your doing ranked or arcade, or atleast most of other people claim. A couple of guys played 600 matchs and are at Rank A, so not sure how much is required for S,SS and SSS.
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King of Fighters XII would like to thank everyone for their patience! SNK is currently undergoing testing and will issue an announcement regarding online play this week.

Taken from there Facebook. Not sure what the announcement will be. I hope it is a patch for the online. I highly doubt it though.
Well I find it a bit odd that people "viewing" the match cause the game to lag unbearably. I think they will at least patch that.

Try some 1v1 matches sometimes with a person with yellow or higher ping and It's pretty decent online experience. When it's red u can forget it.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Well I find it a bit odd that people "viewing" the match cause the game to lag unbearably. I think they will at least patch that.

Try some 1v1 matches sometimes with a person with yellow or higher ping and It's pretty decent online experience. When it's red u can forget it.[/QUOTE]

Yep that's what I figured out. As long as it is yellow you are good to go. If its red get out while you still can. :lol:
I do pretty good when it lags.

I'm not sure how the ranking works but I'm still only ay rank F. I know I've won at least 30 or more fights but it says I've only won 15. With the lag and odd ranking system it seems like a daunting task to get the online achievements.

Been working on the single player achievements and I'm halfways there. I found a good combo with Leona that I kept spaming. Finished with a time of 4:04.
For the initial ranks, you seem to get a new rank every 100 battles.

I'm currently at a D myself, though I have seen some Bs online, but have yet to fight any.

Lag can be very horrible for characters who depend on by-the-second reactions (Like Elizabeth, or Shen Woo), but it's workable for characters who aren't so punishable after moves, or who have safer ways of getting in (such as Kyo, Terry, maybe even Ash.)

The online battles that are counted are Arcade and Ranked matches, I believe. I don't think it counts player games. You also don't get bonus true skill points for fighting the same person over and over in Ranked, in the same room. SNKP says this was intentional, to prevent preying on single players.

In other news, Shane of Ignition, left a message on his twitter that they were testing out a promising software patch for the netcode last night.

Some very encouraging test sessions with an upcoming KOF XII software update last night...

Then the KoF facebook states:

[quote name='"KoFXII Facebook"']
King of Fighters XII Attention King of Fighters XII fans, we just wanted to let you know that we’ve been testing an upcoming software update with SNK PLAYMORE and the online play results have been very good! Quality Assurance is ongoing, and will update the fans on its release soon. Thanks!
I just care about getting grades later for the rest of the acheevements which means I gota play a ton of arcade matchs myself. I hope the patch is out real soon as I can get working on that.

I know a lot of people here don't care for VGChartz, but some numbers are out there for sales.

I posted this on Facebook

King of Fighters bombed in sales according to VGChartz. Ouch.
- Debut Week -
KOFXII 360 15,766 15,766
KOFXII PS3 26,439 26,439

SFIV 360 21,593 716,235
SFIV PS3 (Under 3k) 670k

versus Blazblue
PS3 7,531 89,217 Blazblue
360 5,091 78,716 Blazblue

Interestingly SFIV is selling better on the 360 in the US, while Blazblue and KOF are doing better on the PS3. If this is any indication of sales KOF should be seeing a price drop roughly one month or so after It's release for those that are waiting (If SNK is dropping prices based on sales, rather then just not producing any more copies till the market drys up).
[quote name='Monsta Mack']So yeah after playing another 20 matches my only advice is play 1v1 and never have more then one person in the room unless you live in the same fucking building. The net code is that bad. With that said the lag is hardly noticeable with 1v1 as long as the other person has atleast yellow for a ping.

Edit: Looks like just playing matches will get your rank up as long as your doing ranked or arcade, or atleast most of other people claim. A couple of guys played 600 matchs and are at Rank A, so not sure how much is required for S,SS and SSS.[/QUOTE]

SS is 1000 matches played. SSS is 1400 matches played.
bread's done