Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days -- New Scans!


PLOT - Game Takes Place from the Time when Roxas Entered Organization 13 and the time where Sora Woke Up.

--Game is confirmed to have Multiplayer Up to Four Players, and will have its own chat system in the game.







I dunno how that is possible on a DS. Looks like First Gen PS2 Graphics.

It will be so awesome If I can play as Roxas in this game.

New Info 3-18-08
358/2 days
Made by studio hand (Chocobo Tales) and co-directed by Tomohiro Hasegawa (FF8, Kingdom Hearts), Nomura obviously helms all the projects linked to the series, 358/2 Days benefits from a detailed totally 3D presentation with fluid animation. The cut-scenes do not [this is an awkward sentence even in French and it's not an expression that I'm familiar with] blush while compared to those from KH2. Decidedly though the DS is not done shocking us... The L and R buttons let you re-orient the camera to better see the enemies and exploring the levels, which are carefully recreated from their game and movie predecessors. Explore Illusiopolis, Twilight Town, Agrabah, and Wonderland--there will be NO NEW UNIVERSES.

The DS game will have a totally new multiplayer mode where you direct the members of Organization XIII. Their missions will have variable objects, independent of the major plot, and each character will have his or her own strengths and weaknesses. The bottom screen will have a map, but a chat system could also be included. No touch controls. In the solo mode, Roxas fights the Heartless in many environments and then returns to Illusiopolis. The normal menu and combat system is recreated, including jumping, gliding, defending... Nomura promises that the customization and level-up systems will give us great freedom.

Like the other games from Kingdom Hearts, the music for 358/2 days will be written by the talented Yoko Shimomura who decidedly works often with Tetsuya Nomura--the young woman is also the composer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Because of the story, few new tracks will be added, so we risk hearing the Organization theme and Rxoas' theme often... New worlds are also not in the program, and there's a big chance we'll hear the same Disney themes from KH1 and 2 will be re-used and re-mixed, like in Chain of Memories.

Written by Daisuke Watanabe, like the PSP version, the story of 358/2 Days takes place during Roxas' life, from his introduction to Organization XIII to his fatal duel with Riku. These events are covered in mystery or brief treamtnets, and fans demanded impatiently to know more about Roxas and his relations to Org. XIII (plus the DS prints money). Also, we'll discover what Mickey is doing and the identity of the 14th Nobody... who obviously didn't change the name of the Organization. The game will be filled with revelations about the most important characters of the series.
I realized in KH2 that what I wanted them to do was to take out all the Disney and just give me a bunch of Nomura characters. Didn't think they would ever do it but I hope this game (or Birth by Sleep) is it.
[quote name='pete5883']I realized in KH2 that what I wanted them to do was to take out all the Disney and just give me a bunch of Nomura characters. Didn't think they would ever do it but I hope this game (or Birth by Sleep) is it.[/quote]

Yeah I feel the same way too. The Disney characters just feel like an crappy add-on.
[quote name='InuFaye']
I dunno how that is possible on a DS. Looks like First Gen PS2 Graphics.

No it doesn't. See Screen #3 for the biggest proof.

Still looks damn nice for DS though.
[quote name='pete5883']I realized in KH2 that what I wanted them to do was to take out all the Disney and just give me a bunch of Nomura characters. Didn't think they would ever do it but I hope this game (or Birth by Sleep) is it.[/quote]

That's funny, I think the opposite. I love seeing a where all these previously-innocent Disney characters are in more serious roles as Court Magicians and royalty and whatnot, and cringe every time the emo relationships start up. Which is every 5 seconds.
The textures a re a bit garbage in some of the shots, but the character models look pretty fantastic, lets hope it has a decent frame rate, because choppy KH would be AWFUL
I hope they change the name like they did for The World Ends With You. I know the number is supposed to have in-game meaning but it still an absurd title. It's like naming Metal Gear Solid after the codec frequency you're supposed get from the back of the box.
[quote name='DarkKnightCecil']Well we are supposed to see how significant it is by the time we beat the game.[/quote]

Come on, how many Square games make sense after beating them?
[quote name='Vegan']Come on, how many Square games make sense after beating them?[/quote]

Great question. :applause:

As much as I love their games, I only need one hand to count them.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Both this and the PSP game are looking great.[/QUOTE]

There's PSP game too? fuck... looks like S-E is going to milk this series for all it's worth... meaning we'll get a steady stream of crap.

Chain of Memories sucked and S-E hasn't really made any great RPGs on a portable (those GBA ports of FFIV/V/VI don't count) so I'm holding off on this one.
I'm pumped for this... my only problem is that the "trapped in a box" level design will probably be magnified on the DS. You know what I mean -- lots of environments in the PS2 game feel very artificial and closed-in. Like you're supposed to be in the woods, but the area you're in is clearly a box with the woods painted on the walls. Here's hoping that the inevitable release of KH3 leaves that behind forever!
[quote name='catapult37']I'm pumped for this... my only problem is that the "trapped in a box" level design will probably be magnified on the DS. You know what I mean -- lots of environments in the PS2 game feel very artificial and closed-in. Like you're supposed to be in the woods, but the area you're in is clearly a box with the woods painted on the walls. Here's hoping that the inevitable release of KH3 leaves that behind forever![/quote]
Much like Disneyland.
[quote name='catapult37']I'm pumped for this... my only problem is that the "trapped in a box" level design will probably be magnified on the DS. You know what I mean -- lots of environments in the PS2 game feel very artificial and closed-in. Like you're supposed to be in the woods, but the area you're in is clearly a box with the woods painted on the walls. Here's hoping that the inevitable release of KH3 leaves that behind forever![/QUOTE]
Are you an in-game claustrophobe?
Iv never played a Kingdom Hearts game before, will you have to play a previous game to know whats going on in like the story?
[quote name='LCL']Iv never played a Kingdom Hearts game before, will you have to play a previous game to know whats going on in like the story?[/quote]
Mos def. KH1 is nothing more than a set-up for the rest of the games (not that I'm bashing KH, or anything). Chain of Memories was a good link between KH1 and 2, and KH2, while being painstakingly excruciating in the beginning, was a good game altogether.

Buying the DS/PSP games without playing any of the previous ones (or at least KH2) will leave you confused and angry.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Buying the DS/PSP games without playing any of the previous ones (or at least KH2) will leave you confused and angry.[/quote]

[quote name='pete5883']You bite your tongue. Jupiter developed that one, FYI.[/QUOTE]


A game that's bad, is bad, regardless of who developed it. I don't hold loyalty just because of a brand.:roll:

[quote name='InuFaye']bump for new info up![/QUOTE]

Thanks, the screens look decent enough. Here's hoping S-E isn't full of themselves and charge $40 for this. But they probably will.
[quote name='xeno']so what does 358/2 mean? or is it just something random?[/quote]

I always thought that this was in reference to the "Missing Year" between KH1 and KH2. Remember, we see the final week of that year (7 days) as Roxas. 7 + 358 = 365 (whole year). The /2 or "by two", IMO, refers to the story being the story of two people (nobodies): Roxas and Axel.

At least that's what struck me from the first time I heard about the game. Cant wait til this and the PSP game come out!
[quote name='Vegan']Heh, all the justification in the world isn't going to save a title like that.[/quote]

No doubt. Please let someone at Square USA change it.
[quote name='DQT']No doubt. Please let someone at Square USA change it.[/QUOTE]
If they change it I will :puke: Great title, or Greatest title?
I can't wait for this one. I wonder what the gameplay will be like, and whether or not we'll have a return of the chain of Memories card system (I really loved this card system, it worked so well). I will be for sure buying this one and the PSp game.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Also a day 1 purchase for myself.

And what was wrong with CoM? I thought it was great.[/quote]

For what they did with CoM, and what they managed to eek out of the GBA at the end of its life cycle, was simply amazing. Not only that, but the game was incredibly fun and translated the KH series to handheld incredibly well.
I like the song, it sounded the same as PS2.
IDK if that's hard to do, but I enjoyed it.
Hopefully they finish on time and don't push any dates back.
Yeah, I liked CoM too. The characters translated very well as sprites, and I was very impressed with what Jupiter did with the hardware.
This game looks awesome. I mean whenever you put Kingdom Hearts and DS in a sentence it has to be something epic.
To Veronica Mars: There is no release date so far for neither Japan nor US
bread's done