KOF XII $39.98 at Amazon (deal of the day PS3)

Not a bad price as I pre-ordered and paid in full. I was excited about this game, but it seriously disappointed. $39 is the top-end of what I would pay for it....
[quote name='ShadowHero10']Looks like the PS3 version is the only one for the DotD. May wanna update title.[/QUOTE]

Well, I tried getting back to where I could edit the Title but my Noobness wont allow it. I simply don't know how to get into that tool menu. :newbie:
[quote name='Thasmagal']Well, I tried getting back to where I could edit the Title but my Noobness wont allow it. I simply don't know how to get into that tool menu. :newbie:[/QUOTE]
Just hit edit, then advanced, and everything will be changeable. No worries either, it took me forever how to find it out.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']$39...cant bite just yet. 20 or less is the right number for this game[/QUOTE]

[quote name='nikkai']No Mai, no Blue Mary, no thanks[/QUOTE]

Can't argue with that there.
[quote name='Arakias']just wait a day and see if amazon matches best buy's B2G1 free[/QUOTE]
I am waiting on this regardless, I am hoping there will be further nice deals coming up on this.
$29.99 shipped please or no deal.

So what exactly is wrong with this game? bad controls? slowdown? VS online sucks? I need some feedback...
Horrible online lag , played like a slide show last time I tried. No Mai or few levels doesn't bother me nearly as much as the online being so shoddy.
The exclusion of a lot of my favorite characters is what kept me from paying full price for this game. No Billy Kane or Geese Howard means I won't pay more than $20 for this game, if that.
This game (both PS3 and 360) has been on clearance for $29.99 at one of the Best Buy's near me for about a month and they have only sold a single copy of each version in that time.
This game really does sound like a half-assed effort. It's not like SNK has that big of a fan base to pull crap like this.
there's not that many people playing online in this, even with the recent patch there's lag issues, I wouldn't recommend this
This game went from a pick up to this price to a definite no-buy for me pretty quickly. SNK really stunk it up with this one.
Seems like a good deal to me. In for one, thanks!
[quote name='mr_burnzz']$39...cant bite just yet. 20 or less is the right number for this game[/QUOTE]

QFT... along with all the reasons already mentioned, the graphics just aren't where they should be. They claimed it was the first hi-res game in the series with redone sprites. While this is technically true, in today's market that means that they shouldn't STILL be pixilated. You should not have to worry about graphic filters on a supposed "HD" game. The lack of characters and game modes really kills it, and it's unplayable online. I quickly sold my copy after getting it new to recoop any loses.
I would recommend buying it if you are a die hard fighting fan or a fan of king of fighters in general. People make such a big deal over no Mai. In all honestly I rarely used her in the old games it isn't that big of a deal. Also yes there is no boss in arcade mode,but really do you want one? As hard as they was in each game. Seems pretty pointless. People should look at kof xii for what it is. Yes it is extremely bare far as the options,but I do enjoy the online play now since they released the patch. Like I said far as ps3 version goes it really isn't bad anymore. I rarely get a match that lags. I would recommend people buying it around the 30 dollar range If they wasn't to sure about it.
[quote name='lee7sauce']Save your money people, SNK has stopped all support for this game and announced that KOF13 is coming out soon.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I really don't think SNK deserves any money for this, even if it drops to $20. For what this has to offer, you can get your fighting game fix from other games.
[quote name='jman619'] People should look at kof xii for what it is. [/QUOTE]

It's kind of hard to do that when this game was released as a full $59.99 release when past entries with more depth hit the home market at $9.99 - $14.99. Being on a next-gen console with updated graphics is not enough to justify such a price increase, especially with less depth than ever.
It's not like it's a bad game.. but compared to the other fighting games available on the PS3/360, it just can't compete. SFIV, BlazBlue, MvC2, SFII, heck I even prefer VF5 over this.

Tekken.. :drool:
[quote name='distgfx']I love my fighters and I can honestly say that this is about $25 too much :lol:[/QUOTE]

Absolutely THIS.
bread's done