Konami goes on a PS3 cancelling spree... MGS4 feelin 360 bound.

Glad to see that this isn't true.. Gradius V on PS2 rocks. I can't imagine a new Gradius on the PS3, that'd be amazing. :)

Now I just hope Konami announces a new Suikoden.. I'll buy a PS3 that same day.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Actually, it says its "feelin" 360 bound, not that it means its coming to the 360. I'm speculating opinion, nothing more.[/quote]

Fair enough.

As for David85, you're a class-A retard, so I dont feel I need to repeat this. Just get someone to transcribe it into idiot-speak. I've seen you come up a few times in threads I can believe you're not banned, you only post to start flame wars and to be an all around asshole.

Why mods will sit and watch me, and remove my posts about stupid shit I've jokingly said, that not even the person it was directed towards took offense to it, but they'll let you sprinkle a taste of your ignorance in every thread, I'll never know.

[quote name='Mookyjooky']Actually, it says its "feelin" 360 bound, not that it means its coming to the 360. I'm speculating opinion, nothing more.

As for David85, you're a class-A retard, so I dont feel I need to repeat this. Just get someone to transcribe it into idiot-speak. I've seen you come up a few times in threads I can believe you're not banned, you only post to start flame wars and to be an all around asshole.

Why mods will sit and watch me, and remove my posts about stupid shit I've jokingly said, that not even the person it was directed towards took offense to it, but they'll let you sprinkle a taste of your ignorance in every thread, I'll never know.[/QUOTE]

Don't you all love when xbox360 fanboy's jump on the slightest bit of news that would make it seem like their system is doing better and then it turns out that news is false?

Making yourself look like an idiot on Cag = priceless.
[quote name='agws']mgs2: susbstance for the Xbox sold like shit, I wouldn't expect mgs4 to be released on the 360 but theres still a chance.[/quote]
Let's not be ridiculous here. Yes, the Xbox version of Substance sold like shit compared to the original... but that was because it came out one year later, and the hype for that game has worn out by then. Hell, many people disliked that entry in the series, so why would they shell out $50 for it one year later? More people also had PS2s at the time. The circumstances are totally different now, and a 360 port of 4 would make more sense this time. Also, Substance on PS2 sold worse than the Xbox version.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Unless of course PS3 production and sales problems continue. Konami is far more interested in making money than they are in minor system specs.[/QUOTE]

It's true...these same problems certainly held back the 360 last year. *rolls eyes*

As for the MGS4 on 360 thing...while I agree completely that going multiplatform generally makes for better business, I doubt this one for some reason.

Staying exclusive makes MGS4 a much bigger deal, and I'm sure there will be more sales on the PS3 if people feel they "need" to get it / support their system / whatever. Just look at all the hooplah surrounding Lost Planet, an ok game at best, because it's the next "big" game coming exclusively (as far as we know) to the 360...a title like MGS4 will have tons more support, especially if PS3 is hurting for exclusives.

Secondly, I'll bet dollars-to-doughnuts that the "rolling" mechanic in MGS4 is done with the tilt technology in the PS3 controller. As MGS already uses every button for some sort of action, I'm not sure how they would get around porting it to the 360 (something tells me Kojima planned that).

Third, as many have said, MGS sold terribly on Xbox. The MGS fanbase is simply on Sony machines, plain and simple, and I'm guessing they're unsure if the extra time and effort it would take to port the game, advertise it, etc. is really worth it (and if you think that the PS3 isn't going to be in at least as many homes as the 360 is now by next Christmas, you're a fool, mark my words. I'm not a Sony fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I have no doubt this will be the case). Maybe we'll see some MGS love on 360 (say, the original on Live Arcade or something), but anything that's more work / more of a financial burden than that seems doubtful to me.

Of course, I wouldn't be totally shocked if it DID appear on 360 someday, but for now, I'm leaning towards PS3 exclusivity.
[quote name='jughead']I just wish they would have MGS3 for Xbox a la Substance. Because MGS3 was my favorite in the series and I'm an Xbox backer.[/quote]

Same here, MGS3 with online mode would have rocked on Xbox Live. I'm just glad that Winning Eleven hasn't been cancelled on PS3. I'm a huge Winning Eleven fan and I want to see this title do well, though I'll be more inclined to get it for Xbox 360 if it features better Live support and custom tracks.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']It wont matter if MGS4 comes to 360.

It didnt effect PS2 when MGS2 came to Xbox.[/quote]

Last time the PS2 had an excellent library. This time MGS4 is the PS3's biggest title. This would affect the PS3 more than it did the PS2.
[quote name='shipwreck']Whether MGS4 comes to 360 or not, I'll be waiting for the version with all the extras to come out and not even bother with the initial version that is put out.

Fool me once Kojima, shame on you.
Fool me twice Kojima, shame on me.
Fool me thrice, no fucking way.[/quote]

MGS:portable Ops that just came out in the US/Japan, is getting extra features for PAL realease the already.
Konami clarified that the following next-gen game titles were not canceled, as reported by Famitsu and Dengeki, instead the release date of these games were undetermined. However, Code Arms: Assault for PS3 was indeed canceled. Famitsu already posted a correction.

* Gradius series (PS3)
* Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball (PS3)
* New Action Game (PS3)
* New RPG (PS3)
* New Action Adventure Game 2 (Wii)
* New RPG (Wii)
[quote name='Rozz']Last time the PS2 had an excellent library. This time MGS4 is the PS3's biggest title. This would affect the PS3 more than it did the PS2.[/quote]

Umm... no it didnt. PS2's launch lineup was crap.

MGS2 was its saving grace.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Umm... no it didnt. PS2's launch lineup was crap.

MGS2 was its saving grace.[/quote]
GT3: A-Spec
Twisted Metal Black
Red Faction
Dark Cloud
Devil May Cry
Grand Theft Auto III
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
SSX Tricky
and many others arrived before MGS 2 came out.

You're right, what a crappy lineup.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Umm... no it didnt. PS2's launch lineup was crap.

MGS2 was its saving grace.[/QUOTE]
Metal Gear Solid 2 came out a YEAR after launch. Not to mention that there was another game that came out at the same time, a little game called Grand Theft Auto 3. Now, if you want to put the PS2's success on just one game within the first year, it would HAVE to be GTA 3. Metal Gear is a very popular series but its NOT a very popular mainstream game. Sure most gamers know Metal Gear but your average person doesn't have a clue. EVERYONE knows GTA.
[quote name='icruise']Yeah, but those aren't *launch* titles.[/quote]
So what? It came out a year after the launch, so what does the launch have to do with what MGS2 meant to the system's success?
Well, he mentioned the PS2's launch lineup. Admittedly in the context of MGS2, that doesn't really make sense, of course, since it came out a year later. The question is, how many good games will be coming out for the PS3 in the time between launch and when MGS4 is released?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Metal Gear Solid 2 came out a YEAR after launch. Not to mention that there was another game that came out at the same time, a little game called Grand Theft Auto 3. Now, if you want to put the PS2's success on just one game within the first year, it would HAVE to be GTA 3. Metal Gear is a very popular series but its NOT a very popular mainstream game. Sure most gamers know Metal Gear but your average person doesn't have a clue. EVERYONE knows GTA.[/QUOTE]

Listen! He speaks the truth!
[quote name='icruise']Well, he mentioned the PS2's launch lineup. Admittedly in the context of MGS2, that doesn't really make sense, of course, since it came out a year later. The question is, how many good games will be coming out for the PS3 in the time between launch and when MGS4 is released?[/QUOTE]

This is a good question.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']That better not happen. I don't want the 360 to ruin the game.[/QUOTE]

yeah same here
i want mgs4 on the ps3 first then port it to the 360 a year later or whatever
[quote name='Rozz']Let's not be ridiculous here. Yes, the Xbox version of Substance sold like shit compared to the original... but that was because it came out one year later, and the hype for that game has worn out by then. Hell, many people disliked that entry in the series, so why would they shell out $50 for it one year later? More people also had PS2s at the time. The circumstances are totally different now, and a 360 port of 4 would make more sense this time. Also, Substance on PS2 sold worse than the Xbox version.[/QUOTE]
Why is the ps2 substance worth 40 bucks on ebay and the xbox is 5 bucks?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Umm... no it didnt. PS2's launch lineup was crap.

MGS2 was its saving grace.[/QUOTE]

PS2 had a decent launch lineup.... madden, tekken, bouncer, summoner, not bad launch titles... just enough to cover the basics. That's all you really need.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']That better not happen. I don't want the 360 to ruin the game.[/QUOTE]

How exactly would the 360 "ruin" the game?
Having a 360 version come out at around the same time as the PS3 version might mean that the developers would just make one version that could run more or less without changes on both platforms. That could mean that the PS3 version wouldn't fully take advantage of the PS3 hardware. This assumes that the PS3 is indeed more powerful than the 360, of course.
[quote name='icruise']Having a 360 version come out at around the same time as the PS3 version might mean that the developers would just make one version that could run more or less without changes on both platforms. That could mean that the PS3 version wouldn't fully take advantage of the PS3 hardware. This assumes that the PS3 is indeed more powerful than the 360, of course.[/QUOTE]

Either way, I hardly would consider that "game ruining." Gameplay should be the main concern and being released on the 360 too wouldn't harm that. And, its not like it would suffer *that* much (if at all) graphically by being designed to run on the 360 too. MGS4 should look great running on either system.
something i came about on the ign boards:



Take this with a small grain of salt, but it is most likely true. The true power of the PS3 and blu-ray is showing.

Yowsers! The latest 1 UP podcast has confirmed that MGS 4 will most likely require a 50gb Blu-ray disc:


This bit of news will probably send the people who actually thought that 9 GB DVD's were enough for this generation of gaming into a frenzy, but as crazy as it sounds, Hideo Kojima recently said that "Blu-Ray is too small for Metal Gear Solid 4."

The current spec of Blu-Ray is only 25 GB, and he wants
the newer spec 50 GB Blu-Ray for MGS4. (Not a Dual Layer 25 GB Blu-Ray, but the single layer 50 GB Blu-Ray)

While Hideo Kojima doesn't necesarily care much about
HD, he says there's a lot you can do with sound that would fill up a
Blu-Ray disc really quickly. On top of everything else in the game this
apparently makes the game go way past the 25 GB limit. And Kojima said
that he wants to use the new higher spec 50 GB Blu-Ray for MGS4.

Well I guess that confirms it. MGS4 for Xbox 360, an 18 disc box set! lol

On a serious note though, it looks like MGS4 on X360 won't even be possible.


Skulpt (Site Admin)


mgs4 6 dual layer dvd boxset for 360?
Hmm... yeah, I buy that. Because, y'know, using any form of audio compression would be completely implausible. I don't know exactly what stuff Kojima is referring to in terms of sound, but the only thing I can think of that would come close to needing a whole Blu-Ray disc is leaving all of the sound completely uncompressed (though if there are other possibilities, let me know). Uncompressed audio is nice and all, but will the average user really notice or appreciate the quality difference that uncompressed audio provides? While I'm still unsure that we'll be seeing a 360 port of MGS4 anytime soon, I don't see this being the reason why it wouldn't appear.
considering that hideo kojima was claimed to have said he doesn't care about HD, i don't think he'd care about uncompressed vs compressed audio either. Maybe he's got something up his sleeves

guess all we can do now is wait
[quote name='Pylis']Hmm... yeah, I buy that. Because, y'know, using any form of audio compression would be completely implausible. I don't know exactly what stuff Kojima is referring to in terms of sound, but the only thing I can think of that would come close to needing a whole Blu-Ray disc is leaving all of the sound completely uncompressed (though if there are other possibilities, let me know). Uncompressed audio is nice and all, but will the average user really notice or appreciate the quality difference that uncompressed audio provides? While I'm still unsure that we'll be seeing a 360 port of MGS4 anytime soon, I don't see this being the reason why it wouldn't appear.[/QUOTE]
The actual quote (well, the translation of the actual quote) is here:

You may hear Blu-ray is huge, gigantic, 20 GB or so, but that's not really that big to us. One basic [gameplay] with HD visual and 5.1 sound takes up so much space that the capacity will become too small in no time.

So he never said anything about using up all the capacity with just sound. It's that with the HD visuals and 5.1 sound, they can easily use the space.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Metal Gear Solid 2 came out a YEAR after launch. Not to mention that there was another game that came out at the same time, a little game called Grand Theft Auto 3. Now, if you want to put the PS2's success on just one game within the first year, it would HAVE to be GTA 3. Metal Gear is a very popular series but its NOT a very popular mainstream game. Sure most gamers know Metal Gear but your average person doesn't have a clue. EVERYONE knows GTA.[/quote]

At the time GTA 3 came out it wasen't a household name, and barely anyone knew about it. I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed older GTA's before GTA III. No one talked about GTA III until it was actually released, and good reviews + positive word of mouth made its sales go through the roof. Most people thought it wouldent sell nearly as much as games like MGS2 or DMC2 ,but it became the hottest game of the holiday season in 2001.
Virtua fighter 5 is 360 bound too. no longer exclusive

SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced that the highly anticipated arcade fighting game, Virtua Fighter 5, will make its way onto the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system. Virtua Fighter 5 is scheduled for release on Xbox 360 in North America and in Europe late summer 2007. The game will also be available for the PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system on February 20, 2007 in North America and will be available in Europe simultaneously with the system's launch in March 2007.

Let the ship jumping begin.
bread's done