Kung-Fu LIVE


Anyone try this yet? I saw it came out on PSN this past week, but I'm reluctant to plop $15 down on it w/o playing it.. mainly I'm just concerned for the living room setup.. Is the camera far enough if I leave it like with setup for The Fight or Sports Champions?

Game looks like a lot of fun, though. :)





You need a good deal of space to play it properly so I hope they release a demo soon so that players can determine for themselves if they'll be able to play it. However, with enough space, it's fun if you're looking for a good party game as it's not a serious kung-fu fighter.

Here's the guide that's found in-game: http://www.kungfulivegame.com/help/KungFuLive_RoomSetup_en.pdf

As for the exact room requirement:
How much space do I need to play?

  • You need about 2.5 x 3 meters of space to play comfortably if you are adult size. The smaller you are, the less distance you need to fit inside the camera view.
I had to move my couch to properly play but it was worth it IMO. It's gotten a couple of bad reviews already though but I think it's because those reviewers weren't able to get it to work in their space hence were disappointed. I'll have a review of it soon along with a video demonstration.
Thanks for the info. I think my play area set up for Move is just right for it (7 ft away from camera). though in games like The Fight and Sports Champions the camera only sees down to my ankles.. not sure if it will a problem for KFL, does the camera need to see my feet?

Saw this post on the blog

Looks like they are planning a demo early January

Hi Bigdaddy6703,
yeah I can totally understand your point. There is actually a demo coming but due to December being so tight and full month it will make it out in the beginning of January.
In my experience, I needed to be about 9 feet from my TV to play it (i usually play Move games in front of my coffee table, but I had to move the coffee table out of the way, and stand pretty much against my couch), the picture erasing functionality wouldn't get my couch to disappear (so it wouldn't acknowledge me walking, or kicking), and punching the ninja in the first level didn't work 50% of the time. I went back to playing something else after a few minutes.

I'm going to throw a white blanket over the couch in a few days, move my camera, and try again. I'll let everyone know.
Yeah I have it, the real issue is lighting. If you have good overhead lighting you should be good. The game is hilarious, pretty much anything that can be held and be seen by the camera can be used as a weapon.

[quote name='Sinistar'] Is the camera far enough if I leave it like with setup for The Fight or Sports Champions?


Short answer ,yes
You may need to angle your PS3eye so it captures your whole body (from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes
I've had the game for a while now and finally posted up my review of it, HERE if anyone's interested.

As denze pointed out, lighting is important but I still think space is more crucial as getting out of the camera focus is a bit annoying especially when you get into the game. Also, fighting giants is pretty cool BUT I had trouble defeating them due to the way moving around at a greater distance is detected. As you do this power punch move but it's a bit awkward and when it works, it's all good but when it fails to work, that's when it's a problem as you'll get killed by the giant if you don't get out of the way on time. However, it could have been an issue with the way I set things up but since I couldn't try it in a better room, not sure if it was really an issue on my end or if the game really doesn't register certain movements at times. Still, worth looking into for sure if your room meets the req.

Kind of shocked at some of the really low scored reviews though, I mean I understand it's not perfect but they must have played in some really crappy set ups for them to rate it that low or perhaps were expecting a serious kung-fu simulator instead of a hilarious party game.
bread's done