

I was going to go ahead and lap my heatsink and cpu sometime soon. My cpu has been cranking some outrageous heat when I benchmark it. I took off my heatsink to reseat it and saw how uneven the tmi was. I saw that my heatsink and cpu aren't flat after I did a razor blade test on them.

I wanted to know if anyone here has lapped their heatsink or cpu before. Were you happy with the outcome? What grit did you use? I've seen different postings and people seem to use anything from 600 to 2500 (even saw some who went as far as 4000).
I've lapped my heatsink before, but I wouldnt lap my processor since there is too much of a chance of even the slightest bit of water getting on one of the pins or something.

I followed this guide for the most part:

I was sort of pleased with the outcome. I'm using a Xiggy heatsink and I took like 3[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]°C off my temps. I could probably get them even lower if I were to do the processor as well, but as I said, I'm a pansy when it comes to that.
I got my hands on a hand me down TRUE from a friend, so I'm probably going to go ahead and lap it and see how it works out. I found that site also, I'll probably go with that on what grits to get.

I wasn't worried about doing the cpu until you mentioned it lol. I'll probably give in and do it as well. Anything to help out my temps right now. My i7 right now is going well into the 80s on full load. I didn't even want to finish the test, as soon as I saw it spiking, I stopped it.
bread's done