large supply of marvel vs capcom 2 at gamestop/

for some WEIRD reason, gamestop/ebgames online websites just received a very large number of marvel vs capcom 2s in stock. I ordered 2 and both have are shown as shipped (chose value shipping as im cheap). a couple of my friends ordered one too and theyve all been shipped. Its still showing as in im guessing they have a ton left...any guess as to why?
[quote name='GAMERMASTERMAN']im curious as to why it is so expensive?
are eb/gamestop pricing games to rarity now? :roll:[/quote]

Sadly, yes. It makes it a lot harder for gamers and collectors most of the time but, well, sometimes it's nice to be able to eyeball and handle a title in-store and see what you're getting upfront rather than hitting up an eBay auction.

Then again, it's not like they haven't been doing this for a few years. It's just that it's more widespread and a bit more extreme, that's all. I remember back when there was a dearth of Suikoden 3 in the stores and the Used prices skyrocketed from around $25 to $35 to $45, depending upon the time of year.
[quote name='Apossum']you're the n00biest n00b that ever n00bed.[/QUOTE]

I'm not the one considering paying $50-$60 for a used copy of this terrible game.
What I don't understand that, unless you're a collector or game seller, why everyone wished they hadn't opened the game to play it. Isn't that what it was meant for? To be played? I have tons of sealed games like SMT: Nocturne, Magna Carta and Disgaea that because of my backlog haven't had the chance to open and play yet (I'm a big PC gamer). But I will eventually.

Besides, is there really much of a price difference between a sealed game and a Mint copy if it was taken care of? Gotta go check ebay and see...
[quote name='Number83']What I don't understand that, unless you're a collector or game seller, why everyone wished they hadn't opened the game to play it. Isn't that what it was meant for? To be played? I have tons of sealed games like SMT: Nocturne, Magna Carta and Disgaea that because of my backlog haven't had the chance to open and play yet (I'm a big PC gamer). But I will eventually.

Besides, is there really much of a price difference between a sealed game and a Mint copy if it was taken care of? Gotta go check ebay and see...[/QUOTE]
It all depends on why you buy games. Some people buy them literally to keep them pristine, sealed up, etc., much like some people will do with toys. A friend of mine is a toy collector, but I always admired his take on it that they were meant to be played with, or at least scene outside of plastic bubbles, so he always opens them to display them.

There's a good amount of wisdom in keeping things sealed like you are until you're ready to play them. For one, you could return it if you don't want it. And the second is the sad part, if you want to sell it, a sealed copy will bring it a ton more.

Even at the height of my collecting drive (which thankfully has come WAY down), I never understood buying and keeping games sealed. With case and a manual? Sure. Without teeth marks in the disc? Uh, yes. But sealed up never to be played? Why bother?
This is one of my favorite games of alltime. How can you not like it? I wouldn't buy this to flip though as the price is high for something thats not guaranteed to be in good shape. I still don't think its right when EB/GS sells old used games for above retail.
I got a mint, complete copy recently on It was $79 in credit, but it was worth it in the end (I obviously loaded them up with the cheap CC clearance games that held good value). Now, MvC2 for PS2 doesn't even show up on the site, so I consider myself lucky.

Although, I must admit, it was more fun when I played it on the Dreamcast 2 or 3 years ago. It just lost it's luster...I suppose I just like the Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive series more. :)
my prayers have been answered! hope I'll see this in B&M somewhere soon.

anyone want to sell me their copy? I'll offer $40 + $3 shipping for a complete copy; non-resurfaced disc only. (Xbox preferred; PS2 okay). shoot me a PM.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']my prayers have been answered! hope I'll see this in B&M somewhere soon.

anyone want to sell me their copy? I'll offer $40 + $3 shipping for a complete copy; non-resurfaced disc only. (Xbox preferred; PS2 okay). shoot me a PM.[/quote]

lol yes...ill sell you a pristine copy for 43 after just buying a 55 dollar disc only
[quote name='Demontooth']I'm not the one considering paying $50-$60 for a used copy of this terrible game.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure you're not confusing MvC2 with the original Street Fighter. I could see if we were talking about MvC (PS2) because it sucked compared to the DC version, but MVC2 is a great game. It has a great selection of characters and there is no lag in gameplay. What more could you expect from a 2D fighter? I don't agree with the high pricing, but to degrade the game for anything other than the price is absurd. Go play your Kakuto Chojin and Tao Feng because you obviously don't know what a good fighter is.
Almost had a mint copy yesterday for $40

Was at a local EB paying for a purchase when this guy brings in a bunch of older Xbox games. While the clerk is ringing me up at one register, the manager is scanning in the games for the guy at the other and I hear the customer say something like, "$30 for that old game? - cool!"

I look over and of course it's MvC2 and looks to be in perfect shape (at this point the manager himself was inspecting it closely, checking the disc) so I offer the guy $40 cash for it. The manager then goes on a rant about it being against coporate policy and not allowed in his store and if the guy sold me the game there, we'd both be banned forever. I say no problem, we don't have to do the deal here and tell the guy I'll meet you outside after you trade in those other games.

I wait outside a few minutes for the guy to come out but he's empty handed so I ask him why he traded it in for less credit - did the manager threaten him some more? His reply - "Sorry dude, the manager offered me $40 cash for it too so I just sold it to him."

Doh! - I was out-Cagged by an EB manager.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Almost had a mint copy yesterday for $40

Was at a local EB paying for a purchase when this guy brings in a bunch of older Xbox games. While the clerk is ringing me up at one register, the manager is scanning in the games for the guy at the other and I hear the customer say something like, "$30 for that old game? - cool!"

I look over and of course it's MvC2 and looks to be in perfect shape (at this point the manager himself was inspecting it closely, checking the disc) so I offer the guy $40 cash for it. The manager then goes on a rant about it being against coporate policy and not allowed in his store and if the guy sold me the game there, we'd both be banned forever. I say no problem, we don't have to do the deal here and tell the guy I'll meet you outside after you trade in those other games.

I wait outside a few minutes for the guy to come out but he's empty handed so I ask him why he traded it in for less credit - did the manager threaten him some more? His reply - "Sorry dude, the manager offered me $40 cash for it too so I just sold it to him."

Doh! - I was out-Cagged by an EB manager.[/QUOTE]

that got to suck.
what an asshole manager.
the manager bitching to you about how it is against corporate policy and threaten to ban you.
the only purpose was to drive you out of the store temporarily just so he can buy it for himself with the same cash offer.
that is pathetic.
i would report him to corporate.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Almost had a mint copy yesterday for $40

I wait outside a few minutes for the guy to come out but he's empty handed so I ask him why he traded it in for less credit - did the manager threaten him some more? His reply - "Sorry dude, the manager offered me $40 cash for it too so I just sold it to him."

Doh! - I was out-Cagged by an EB manager.[/quote]

So it's against store policy and you'll get banned for life yet totally acceptable for the manager to do it, hmmmmm. :roll:
Just checked EB & GS sites and MvC2 wasn't listed anywhere. Maybe they only had a handful of copies and sold-out already?
[quote name='norkusa']Just checked EB & GS sites and MvC2 wasn't listed anywhere. Maybe they only had a handful of copies and sold-out already?[/quote]

same didn't see anything
I think MvC2 was $60 for a while at GS/EB. What probably happened is that they were sitting around it the stores collecting dust so corporate had them send back all their copies to sell online so they could sell them faster.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Almost had a mint copy yesterday for $40

Was at a local EB paying for a purchase when this guy brings in a bunch of older Xbox games. While the clerk is ringing me up at one register, the manager is scanning in the games for the guy at the other and I hear the customer say something like, "$30 for that old game? - cool!"

I look over and of course it's MvC2 and looks to be in perfect shape (at this point the manager himself was inspecting it closely, checking the disc) so I offer the guy $40 cash for it. The manager then goes on a rant about it being against coporate policy and not allowed in his store and if the guy sold me the game there, we'd both be banned forever. I say no problem, we don't have to do the deal here and tell the guy I'll meet you outside after you trade in those other games.

I wait outside a few minutes for the guy to come out but he's empty handed so I ask him why he traded it in for less credit - did the manager threaten him some more? His reply - "Sorry dude, the manager offered me $40 cash for it too so I just sold it to him."

Doh! - I was out-Cagged by an EB manager.[/QUOTE]
Get the managers name and report him to corporate. Its bullshit that he did that.
personally, i think the DC version is better ;-) but that might be because i have that and there's no way i'd ever shell out that much for a single games -- well, unless it was zelda-related ;-)
Can you imagine the value of the Xbox version if it had online capabilities through live like it should have? It would be through the roof.

Reprint or not, it's a great game and worthy of purchase. I have the DC version and I still love playing that game.
[quote name='bxvang']Why not just download Mugen and get the dream match game for FREE? MVC2 is a dead game.[/quote]

Dead game? You do know that they still play MvC2 at the Evo tournaments right? I don't know your criteria for a dead game, but MvC2 doesn't qualify as one in my book.

And Mugen sucks.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Almost had a mint copy yesterday for $40

Was at a local EB paying for a purchase when this guy brings in a bunch of older Xbox games. While the clerk is ringing me up at one register, the manager is scanning in the games for the guy at the other and I hear the customer say something like, "$30 for that old game? - cool!"

I look over and of course it's MvC2 and looks to be in perfect shape (at this point the manager himself was inspecting it closely, checking the disc) so I offer the guy $40 cash for it. The manager then goes on a rant about it being against coporate policy and not allowed in his store and if the guy sold me the game there, we'd both be banned forever. I say no problem, we don't have to do the deal here and tell the guy I'll meet you outside after you trade in those other games.

I wait outside a few minutes for the guy to come out but he's empty handed so I ask him why he traded it in for less credit - did the manager threaten him some more? His reply - "Sorry dude, the manager offered me $40 cash for it too so I just sold it to him."

Doh! - I was out-Cagged by an EB manager.[/quote]

You should use this to your advantage. Tell the Manager that you will report him to Corporate, if he doesn't let you pre-order a Wii/PS3 and guarantee you one at launch. That'll learn him!
There will be no reprint on this game... whoever owns the Marvel license now (Is it EA?) won't give it up so easily. Why does EA want someone to reprint a highly popular Marvel game that will just stand up against whatever Marvel game they are doing?

Not only would GQD have to get the rights from EA to license it, but then from Capcom for the game... I highly doubt it's worth the money to them, or else they would have done it by now.

I mean, EA (or whoever owned the Marvel license) wouldn't even let Capcom add in Live play to the Xbox version when they ported it over... Capcom had a hell of a time even getting the port to come out.
[quote name='Roufuss']There will be no reprint on this game... whoever owns the Marvel license now (Is it EA?) won't give it up so easily. Why does EA want someone to reprint a highly popular Marvel game that will just stand up against whatever Marvel game they are doing?

Not only would GQD have to get the rights from EA to license it, but then from Capcom for the game... I highly doubt it's worth the money to them, or else they would have done it by now.

I mean, EA (or whoever owned the Marvel license) wouldn't even let Capcom add in Live play to the Xbox version when they ported it over... Capcom had a hell of a time even getting the port to come out.[/QUOTE]
actually Marvel is the one who wont let Capcom add Live.

"Capcom had originally planned for the Xbox version of the game to have Xbox Live (online play) capability. However, Marvel complained that Capcom only held the rights to the game as it was and could not add any new features without purchasing more licensing. Capcom refused to purchase more licensing from Marvel and Xbox Live was pulled from the game just before it shipped. Retailers had already begun advertising the game with the Xbox Live logo. "
I was kinda wondering if there was a reprint on this too. I walked into the Wal-Mart in Fairfield, Ohio last week and picked up two copies of MvsC2 on XBOX for $40 each. Needless to say they found their way onto Ebay quickly.
[quote name='dchadwell']I was kinda wondering if there was a reprint on this too. I walked into the Wal-Mart in Fairfield, Ohio last week and picked up two copies of MvsC2 on XBOX for $40 each. Needless to say they found their way onto Ebay quickly.[/quote]

nice try ;) walmart sells them for 20
[quote name='ureadyforacold1']nice try ;) walmart sells them for 20[/quote]

Eh, no. I bought them for $40 each. I'm not a fucking liar.
[quote name='dchadwell']I was kinda wondering if there was a reprint on this too. I walked into the Wal-Mart in Fairfield, Ohio last week and picked up two copies of MvsC2 on XBOX for $40 each. Needless to say they found their way onto Ebay quickly.[/QUOTE]

can you help me out? I just want 1 for myself, to play.

can you get one for me? on top of the total cost (game+tax+packaging+shipping+DC#) I'll pay you $10 more. can you do it?
I'll check this weekend to see if they have more in stock Mospeada and let you know. Probably around Monday or so.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Almost had a mint copy yesterday for $40

Was at a local EB paying for a purchase when this guy brings in a bunch of older Xbox games. While the clerk is ringing me up at one register, the manager is scanning in the games for the guy at the other and I hear the customer say something like, "$30 for that old game? - cool!"

I look over and of course it's MvC2 and looks to be in perfect shape (at this point the manager himself was inspecting it closely, checking the disc) so I offer the guy $40 cash for it. The manager then goes on a rant about it being against coporate policy and not allowed in his store and if the guy sold me the game there, we'd both be banned forever. I say no problem, we don't have to do the deal here and tell the guy I'll meet you outside after you trade in those other games.

I wait outside a few minutes for the guy to come out but he's empty handed so I ask him why he traded it in for less credit - did the manager threaten him some more? His reply - "Sorry dude, the manager offered me $40 cash for it too so I just sold it to him."

Doh! - I was out-Cagged by an EB manager.[/QUOTE]

I would have walked back into the store and grabbed the manager by his shirt and dragged him out the door. If any problems arose from this I would just say well you said "I'd be banned forever if I bought a game in your store" and seeing as how you just did it NOW YOUR BANNED FOREVER! Just following your rules dickless.
Can someone PLEASE explain to me why people are obsessed over MvC2 for Xbox? It got HORRID to average reviews (3.9 on IGN and 6.3 on Gamespot). Sure not all reviews are correct, but even if they were off by 2 whole points, that's still pretty bad. Why so special?
[quote name='icecubedx5']Can someone PLEASE explain to me why people are obsessed over MvC2 for Xbox? It got HORRID to average reviews (3.9 on IGN and 6.3 on Gamespot). Sure not all reviews are correct, but even if they were off by 2 whole points, that's still pretty bad. Why so special?[/QUOTE]

Because it's hard to find and I guess people enjoy it regardless of its review scores/average (I've got the Dreamcast version, and while allegedly superior, it's a blast).
[quote name='daroga']It all depends on why you buy games. Some people buy them literally to keep them pristine, sealed up, etc., much like some people will do with toys. A friend of mine is a toy collector, but I always admired his take on it that they were meant to be played with, or at least scene outside of plastic bubbles, so he always opens them to display them.

There's a good amount of wisdom in keeping things sealed like you are until you're ready to play them. For one, you could return it if you don't want it. And the second is the sad part, if you want to sell it, a sealed copy will bring it a ton more.

Even at the height of my collecting drive (which thankfully has come WAY down), I never understood buying and keeping games sealed. With case and a manual? Sure. Without teeth marks in the disc? Uh, yes. But sealed up never to be played? Why bother?[/QUOTE]

When I was younger, I couldn't keep myself from opening a new game before I got of the car. But when you get older you just get more patience. I have a couple of sealed games, but they're just that way until I get a chance to play em' I have Digital Devil Saga one and 2 sealed... I just want to play and finish Nocturne, and then I'll get to those.
[quote name='wbc1228']that got to suck.
what an asshole manager.
the manager bitching to you about how it is against corporate policy and threaten to ban you.
the only purpose was to drive you out of the store temporarily just so he can buy it for himself with the same cash offer.
that is pathetic.
i would report him to corporate.[/QUOTE]

From what spectreon told me, just as it is against policy for customer to customer transactions, the same goes for under the counter employee customer transaction. Deifnately report his ass and get him fired.

[quote name='jkam']I would have walked back into the store and grabbed the manager by his shirt and dragged him out the door. If any problems arose from this I would just say well you said "I'd be banned forever if I bought a game in your store" and seeing as how you just did it NOW YOUR BANNED FOREVER! Just following your rules dickless.[/QUOTE]

I would have probably done something similar. Don't try an blackmail him with preorder guarantees go straight to corporate. I know not every employee enjoys working at EB/GS, but there are benefits which we saw in this instance. In order to hit him where it hurts you take this privelage away. What a fucking asshole! This didn't even happen to me and I'm fuming, the nerve of some people. This guy is probably a cock blocker in every aspect of his life.
[quote name='neudog']
I would have probably done something similar. Don't try an blackmail him with preorder guarantees go straight to corporate. I know not every employee enjoys working at EB/GS, but there are benefits which we saw in this instance. In order to hit him where it hurts you take this privelage away. What a fucking asshole! This didn't even happen to me and I'm fuming, the nerve of some people. This guy is probably a cock blocker in every aspect of his life.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, nothing will happen because it's the manager's word against some guy who had already tried buying the game away from the company in the first place.

The manager will deny buying it, will claim it's just a customer who is mad because the manager told him he'd ban him for buying games out from under the company, and that's the end of that. Nothing will happen, nobody can prove the manager bought the game unless they track down the customer and ask him but nobody is going to go to those extremes over one incident in which the customer was already in the wrong in the eyes of Gamestop corporate.
[quote name='icecubedx5']Can someone PLEASE explain to me why people are obsessed over MvC2 for Xbox? It got HORRID to average reviews (3.9 on IGN and 6.3 on Gamespot). Sure not all reviews are correct, but even if they were off by 2 whole points, that's still pretty bad. Why so special?[/QUOTE]

You should read those reviews, IIRC IGN was basically just pissed it didn't have online play.

edit: Here is a link to the review.

This is all you need to know

The head-to-head two player mode is still the heart and soul of this Capcom fighter. Unfortunately the whole concept of two players on a videogame at the same time was solved many many years ago and doesn't carry the same impact that it used to.
[quote name='icecubedx5']Can someone PLEASE explain to me why people are obsessed over MvC2 for Xbox? It got HORRID to average reviews (3.9 on IGN and 6.3 on Gamespot). Sure not all reviews are correct, but even if they were off by 2 whole points, that's still pretty bad. Why so special?[/quote]

The rating were not based on the gameplay alone, which kinda defeats the point. The rating, from all that I've read, is based on the xbox version in comparision to the other versions. The major complaints was that it was just a 4 yar old port with nothing new and outdated graphics. The gameplay was the same, but the fact that it was just a straight forward port was what brought the scores down. Also the false xbox live promise also tarnished the score.
[quote name='Roufuss']Unfortunately, nothing will happen because it's the manager's word against some guy who had already tried buying the game away from the company in the first place.

The manager will deny buying it, will claim it's just a customer who is mad because the manager told him he'd ban him for buying games out from under the company, and that's the end of that. Nothing will happen, nobody can prove the manager bought the game unless they track down the customer and ask him but nobody is going to go to those extremes over one incident in which the customer was already in the wrong in the eyes of Gamestop corporate.[/QUOTE]

I understand what you're saying, but if everyone went along with what society says and does we'd be robots. One wrong doesn't negate another. Sure JP tried to by the game from the customer, but the manager did the same. I would make complaints daily until I didn't see the guy at my store. Sure he might get relocated and not fired, but believe you me if I saw his ass again I would begin the complaint system all over. Now of course it would not just be me, I would recruit friends to make complaints as well.

Now you might be saying to yourself that this is pointless and not worth it, but not for me. It is the principle that matters to me. Prime example is the new "smoke free" rule at Austin Peay State University. It is not that you can't smoke there, are just designated areas. Of course the immature smokers feel some right has been taken from them, so they're protesting, smoking wherever they feel like it and removing/stealing signs posting the new rule. Should these acts go unpunished because a smoker can't smoke where they want, hell no they shouldn't. I'm all about fighting for a cause, but there are good ways and bad.

So reguardless of the careless world we now live in if you want something bad enough, firing of an employee, you will stop at nothing to do it.
You could try to report him. In the end it MAY not make a difference. As a former manager of a GS, I know the company really only cares about the bottom line. If the guy's pulling in reservations, subscriptions and presales up the wazoo, he'll get a slap on the wrist at most.

Now, if he's not pulling in the numbers, then you'll probably get more results.

All this is also assuming you can prove it as well. You can bring in friends to file the same complaint but that really won't do anything. More than likely it'll make them more likely to dismiss it if someone calls in saying "this happened to my friend and we want the maanger fired".

Best of luck with whatever you choose to do though.
[quote name='neudog']I understand what you're saying, but if everyone went along with what society says and does we'd be robots. One wrong doesn't negate another. Sure JP tried to by the game from the customer, but the manager did the same. I would make complaints daily until I didn't see the guy at my store. Sure he might get relocated and not fired, but believe you me if I saw his ass again I would begin the complaint system all over. Now of course it would not just be me, I would recruit friends to make complaints as well.

This to me is just childish I think, complain once, say what you have to say, but don't go on some moral crusade to get a guy fired just because he beat you to the punch on a game.

I mean, yea, it sucks, but getting the dude fired is stepping way over the line I think. One wrong dosen't negate the other but you're talking about taking the guy's job, and what he did really shouldn't cost him his job.

Just call up, complain, say what you have to say and whatever happens, happens. Karma is really a bitch, that dude will get his, no need to recruit friends in some kind of devious plot to cost another human being his job.
Just had to pipe in. Yeah, it does suck that he beat you to the punch (stealing from roufuss) but you have to realize you would have done the exact same thing in his situation. maybe he has been looking for the game for a while or something. who knows. if he is a manager, that is his full time job, i do not think you should really make too big of a deal out of it. sure, let someone know to keep an eye on him, but you should not go on a mission to try to cause the guy to get fired. imagine if you were in his situation, what would you have done.

also, on a totally different note, to the person who asked if MVC2 is worth much more factory sealed than opened but minty, there is a massive price difference. you might be able to pull $100 in mint condition if you are lucky. sealed? you could pull $300+ easily. wait until december or january and possibly $500. there is one that just ended from someone with very low feedback and no picture with a $250 buy it now within 1 hour of him adding it. does not show up sealed very often for the PS2. the xbox version, though is not worth too much more sealed (forwhatever reason) and the DC version pulls about $110 (I think thats low and it will raise a lot in the next couple years once people realize how collectible and amazing the DC as a whole was).
bread's done