LAST COPY!!Infinite Undiscovery $30-Shipping across CANADA!


7 (100%)
Saw this for $19.05 at my local FS.


Dunno if is only my FS thaat is doing it.....All copies were tagged at this price...Maybe KATHOS can EXPLAIN??


[quote name='gamer602']Kathos, the prices JUST 8pm EST...ALONG WITH THE BOXING DAY DEALS![/quote]

8PM EST? It's... midnight?

Ack, midnight, imma sleep ~_~.
Thanks for the heads up :)
I picked up Last Remnant during the 2 +$15 (stupid prices), but $22 for infinite undiscovery sounds good!
Sent out a bunch of orders, lets see if any go through =)

Edit: All processed. Waiting now.
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Mine processed. Only bought FFTA2 since it was really the only one out of them I really wanted. Sorta want Dragon Quest, but I can hold off. Short on cash :(
Sweet, good to see some CAGs take advantage of this and get in on some good Xmas deals (Hell this was way better then my Boxing Day deals I'll tell you that much XD), it probably took this long to fix because only a regular number of orders went through, RDF probably got in on this but since half of them don't have credit cards (bad credit and they're all punk kids) the RDF effect couldn't hit it full force.
I jumped on Dragon Quest IV, Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and Star Ocean. My order has been processed and hopefully my order will ship.

Thanks for the heads up on this deal. Too bad Final Fantasy IV wasn't available but this is still great.
What are the chances that the games will ship once the order has been processed? Will they still honour the prices?
You can change the title now I think =p
I love Future Shop! Just looked at my order history XD

[quote name='Firestorm']You can change the title now I think =p
I love Future Shop! Just looked at my order history XD


I remember that glitch.

Got Devil May Cry 4 and Oblivion GOTY both brand new for $25 each, Lost Planet PS3 for $7 and a free keyboard.
[quote name='kathos']How did you get Zack and Wiki for a dollar?[/quote]
$50 off purchase if you bought a BD-R (worth $22.50 or something). So basically ~$27.50 off anything. Somehow it never got on RFD. I think it was meant to be on BluRay players only? I still have those two BD-Rs!
Mine is processed but it's out of stock. I ordered Remnant and Star Ocean. I hope they ship when in stock.
[quote name='Firestorm']Anyone have their stuff ship yet?[/quote]

My order shipped. However both things that I ordered were in stock.
I picked up a 360 with some games and TLR and IU on Boxing Day.

They scanned at $60 each. I told the guy it was listed at $20 on their site (and it still was, even though the actual pages for the items were disabled). He said they couldn't check on Boxing Day, but he'd take my word for it. Hopefully the guy doesn't get in trouble...but anyhoo, $80 off two games. Sweet. :lol:

Cancelled the online orders that I had placed.
[quote name='bonnie b']just received an email from Future Shop, they regret to inform me they will not be fulfilling my order :whistle2:([/quote]

same for me too!
[quote name='bonnie b']just received an email from Future Shop, they regret to inform me they will not be fulfilling my order :whistle2:([/quote]

I also received this email from them :(
Got the email saying that since Last Remnant was a princing error they're cancelling my order for Dragon Quest IV which I didn't order. I'm confuzzled.
[quote name='arnoldrimmer']Yup, I didn't think it would work but it was easy.[/quote]I took a bunch of screens for the deals just in case though.

Here is one.

Now I'm glad I snagged a copy of Infinite Undiscovery at Rogers... I still really want to find a cheap copy of Last Remnant though. Oh well, I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere for $40 this past week but I can't remember where.
now the thread title is no longer a cover. It is real. :lol:

oh well. obvious price error--can't really blame them. this isn't Zellers for crying out loud...
Yeah, it's not as if the prices were too far out there. IIRC marked both TLR and IU down about as much back on black friday. So I was expecting to get those 2... Oh well, now I'll just wait till they get marked down for real.
I just got my shipping email from Future Shop. Lists all the games + price. So does the receipt. It's all with my USB drive. I'm assuming they charged me the $90 listed so I better get the games. I'm gonna be pissed off if I paid that much for a 16GB usb drive.
bread's done