Last game you paid full price for at launch, and why?


I would assume most of us here (myself included) rarely, if ever, pay the full $50-60 retail price for a game. But I recently went out and picked up Rock Band 2 (game only) at launch because I had to have it and because I figured it would be a long while before the price dropped. A couple weeks prior I picked up Web of Shadows at full price because I'm a huge Spider-Man fan and the game looked amazing (although it came with a $15 gift card at Toys R Us so I guess that was still a deal). Those were the first times in about a year that I picked up a game at launch date (the last time before that was the original Rock Band).

So as I sit back and begin working my way through the 8 or so PS3 games I got at $10-30 each thanks to deals posted on this site, I found myself wondering how many of you still pick up games at full retail price ($50-60), when was the last time you did it, and why?
I got Resistance 2 at full price, but then again it did come in a buy 2 get 1 free deal from TRU. I actually held returned the previous game when R2 was released. I guess, I really paid 40 for all 3 games.
I got R2, Little Big Planet, and Star Wars TFU. - technically for 40 dollars each, that wasn't such a bad deal. Looking back though, I wish I hadn't bought SWTFU, game was a rental wasn't really worth 40, now I want fallout 3.
That would be Beatmania IIDX 15, which I bought... uhm, yesterday.

I'd rather play a game than wait indefinitely for the price to drop.
Wow, truely full price at launch, I'd have to go back to Wind Waker (and I only got that because it was a Nintendo game and I was getting the Ocarina of Time disc). Before that, it was MGS2.

However, I did recently buy a used copy of Left for Dead for $55 (but part of a buy 2 get 1 free sale) shortly after launch, and that's probably about the most I've paid in recent history for a game.
Fallout 3 - Because it's fucking Fallout 3. Although I did have some cheap credit at Gamestop from some sort of deal that I've since forgotten so I probably paid something like $35 + an hour of driving around for Fallout 3.
Would have to go back at least to the prior gen. Probably even earlier. Closest was the TRU RB2 deal for $109, and Left 4 Dead for $40 for multiplayer.

There's too many good games for $10-$15 that I haven't had time to play yet. By the time I get through them the other ones I want that came out now will be down.
Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Prince of Persia, Dead Space, CoD: WaW, LBP

I'm pretty much a video game junkie.

Plus a boatload of XBLA and PSN games... do those count?
Gears of War 2. Though I did get a $10 GC for preordering it from Amazon and used some Amazon Gift cards I had laying around to pay for it.

Had to have it day 1 as the first was my favorite game this gen so far, and my buddy and I were dying to play through the new one in co-op We weren't disappointed at all. Having a hard time getting into the online multiplayer though.
King's bounty, world of goo, Lost Winds, and portal
I bought persona 4, but it wasn't full price on amazon

but I've paid full price on other games as gifts recently
Yggdra Union PSP, because I wanted the GameStop exclusive preorder bonus (a soundtrack CD).

Many other games for just a couple bucks below MSRP, but hey... it's something.
I've totally tried to swear off buying it at full price day-1 unless I have a damn good reason. And I actually just did it with two games recently. Kinda.

Left 4 Dead. Had the pre-order for $5 off, and some loose credit hanging around from like 6 months back. So that took my cost down to $20. Bought it right away because I had some friends getting it and the game is about playing online with friends. Getting it in 2 years and playing alone was not sounding good to me.

Prince of Persia. Again, I had trade in credit and a $25 gift card from doing those erewards surveys. So I didn't pay out of pocket. I just really love the series.

I think the only game I bought for full on this generation was GTAIV. And it's still wrapped. I bought it because my g/f and I were going to play together but we never did. We mostly :argue:
P4 on Amazon even though it was like 33 dollars after Gold Box. Does that count?

I don't need to explain why, it's a cheap game that is pretty darn good.
The only ones I can think of in maybe years are Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit. I knew those would be sold out for "who knows how long" and decided they were worth having. "Hardcore" games or mainstream games are so easy to get for reduced price that it doesn't make sense to ever buy at MSRP. I got Animal Crossing and SSBB for a fraction of the cost a couple of weeks after everyone paid full price for them. And those are Nintendo first party titles (usually the hardest to find deals on). I also bought GHIII during launch week for a reduced price (the Wii version, no less), got SMG for half off on launch day, got RB SE (PS3) about a year ago for $99.99. I mean, I could go on forever about the mainstream AAA titles I have bought for almost nothing at or right near launch, all because I was patient.

Some of the more expensive deals I have dived in on were MGS4 for like $40 a week or so after launch and Chrono Trigger DS for $36 + bonus CD (which I consider of great worth in itself), plus CT came with a $5 off coupon to boot. I just generally think it's stupid to pay full price for anything.
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If memory serves me correctly, Yakuza 2. And I don't regret it One Bit.

The games I've bought over the past two months have been through the eBay cash-back program, or Black Friday deals.
You could sort of say Fable 2. But I didnt really spend *real* money as it was BBV flip credit (and a couple of days after launch). I think the last game I paid full price for (cash, no flip credit) was Wii Fit. But, like many others, I am no longer buying games so quick as I still have games I want to play on my backlog.
Hmmmmm, at launch you say? Thanks to all this HWV flipping I was able to get the following at their launch date for full MSRP:

Valkyria Chronicles
Luminous Arc 2
Persona 4
Eternal Poison
Chrono Trigger DS

The upcoming Feb/March releases look pretty tempting (especially the stuff from Atlus) so most likely I'll be picking some of those up as well.
I pretty much never buy games full price because almost none of them are worth it. I traded in RB1 to BBV to get RB2 for $32, if that counts.
Mass Effect -- even pre-ordered that one. I'd read so much about it beforehand that I couldn't wait on that one! Fortunately, it turned out to be more than worth -- taking my time on the first playthrough and doing all the sidequests, I ended up with about 75 hours --- less than $1 / hr -- not a bad deal!
I just pre-ordered Fight Night Round 4. Doesn't come out till like june, but I am that pumped for it after seeing the new Ali/Tyson trailor. I'm just prayin for some Klitchko brothers in the game
gta4 and God of War and KH2.

gta4: I actually bought it before i got a ps3 because after the whole gta san andreas debacle where they scrapped the original version and came out with a new one sans hott coffee i figured there was a chance gta4 would get censored later on and i wanted an original copy. that was a bust but i do have an original san andreas copy.

KH2. Loved KH 1 was very excited for the sequel so i got it on day 1 and ive been regretting ever since. worst sequel ever.

God of War 2: damn game was amazing and i was hungry for the sequel and it didnt disappoint at all. one of the only and few videogame sequels that actually was better than the original.

I also bought those psp to ps2 gta games when they first came out but they were 20 bucks a piece and worth the money since they wer cheap.
Fallout 3 PC collector's edition. I preordered it from Gamestop's website, which also got me preorder bonuses (a poster, soundtrack sampler and wasteland survival guide) along with free overnight shipping (though I got it on release day).
last i paid full price for, gears of war 2 , the next game i will buy at full price is reseident evil 5, i played the demo and it seems good,
Call of Duty : World at War. Because I love the CoD4 perks system, the WW2 guns, and Treyarch's multiplayer.
Dead Space probably, remember pre-ordering. Got it because I had a survival-horror itch after not-really-enjoying Silent Hill Homecoming. Dead Space ended up being one of my favourite games ever.
Chrono Trigger DS, although I exchanged my Red Alert 3 PE for it instead. Now, it's just sitting there with my DS backlog. It will have its turn when FF IV is finished.

I brought Persona 4 and ToS 2 from Amazon at launch, but they were not charged at full price.
San Andreas... I'll probably pay full price for SFIV and Tekken 6 though. Only problem is SFIV and GTAIV pack come out the same day so I might wait for SFIV to drop in price.
Call of Duty WaW 360 on release. Actually, the "last" game should have been Mirror's Edge, but I returned it for a used copy along with 2 other games during the BF B2G1 at Gamestop.
bread's done