LE Halo 3 Scratched Discs - MS Offers Free Replacement Through 12/31/07


LinkinPrime Edit:
Update 9/25:
Xbox Disc Replacement Program

If, for any reason, you have a damaged Microsoft® Xbox 360™ disc and like to replace it, please review the information below:
NOTE: This program covers the Halo 3 Limited Edition Game Disc and Essentials Disc at no charge through 12/31/07.
This program only applies to games where Microsoft is the publisher, and is subject to availability. To check and see if your game is available for replacement, please review which Microsoft products currently fall under this program here.
You will need to print and complete the program form.
For additional terms and conditions on this policy, please review the Terms and Conditions.
Please allow two weeks for delivery.
I heard about the limited edition version getting scratched from consumers who already received their copies early. I'm a little worried about this because I purchased mine through best buy online. Can I still take it to a best buy store and exchange the disc for a new one? Or will they give me the cold shoulder?
I just got back from waiting at BB.... they're ass holes. They let me open 2 then told me I had to take the third and yes they were scratched. After I left with my horrid discs I put them in myself and shook it like crazy the discs both stayed in there perfectly so Bungie just didn't feel like putting them in there right ~_~ /angry
Picked mine up at Wal-Mart tonight and had the go through 3 before I found one that wasnt scratched. Dude behind me was still trying to get a non-scratched one when I left. The guy at customer service was pretty understanding though.
[quote name='Wicketrules']I just got back from waiting at BB.... they're ass holes. They let me open 2 then told me I had to take the third and yes they were scratched. After I left with my horrid discs I put them in myself and shook it like crazy the discs both stayed in there perfectly so Bungie just didn't feel like putting them in there right ~_~ /angry[/quote]

You should've shaken the box while you were there before opening all those up.

I just picked up the regular edition from Walmart a couple of minutes ago. A couple of people opened up their limited editions and they were scratched as well. Not sure what management did about it.
Guy in front of me had 4, yes FOUR CE's scratched before he got a game clean. The Essentials disc wasn't though. He was still there when I left.
Good lord. How could MS louse this up ? I'm getting the standard version but it sucks for everyone who is getting the CE. And there must be a ton of people who get it online and will never get the chance to shake their copy and make sure it's not scratched.
We already have a Halo 3 thread, how you missed it is anyone's guess.

Oh, and my CE if fucked up as well. What is with Bungie and crappily made CEs.

And who the hell thought it would be a good idea to recyle the ugly ass Gears of War CE with the H3 CE???
[quote name='spmahn']As long as the game plays fine, I fail to see why this is taht big of a deal.[/QUOTE]

Cause no one should pay almost 80 bucks for something thats not perfect.
[quote name='spmahn']As long as the game plays fine, I fail to see why this is taht big of a deal.[/QUOTE]

Because you don't apply it to the big picture. If you went to buy a new car for full price and they pulled it up front for you to drive away and it had scratches all down the sides, you would ask for another. Sure it is only a disc, but it is a disc you paid $70+ Brand new and the company owes it to you as the consumer to deliver an undamaged product. Also most gamers don't just buy games to play they also collect them and this depreciates the value. You can enjoy your scratched one that plays, but most CAG's will try to obtain a mint copy. Glad I got the legendary.
[quote name='ispeshaled']You should've shaken the box while you were there before opening all those up.

I just picked up the regular edition from Walmart a couple of minutes ago. A couple of people opened up their limited editions and they were scratched as well. Not sure what management did about it.[/quote]
They guy at the service desk was flipping them saying its just the art books and I'm like I doubt it so he was opening them... I was talking to them while waiting they said their orders were fine didn't hear rattles while taking them out.
[quote name='neudog']Because you don't apply it to the big picture. If you went to buy a new car for full price and they pulled it up front for you to drive away and it had scratches all down the sides, you would ask for another. Sure it is only a disc, but it is a disc you paid $70+ Brand new and the company owes it to you as the consumer to deliver an undamaged product. Also most gamers don't just buy games to play they also collect them and this depreciates the value. You can enjoy your scratched one that plays, but most CAG's will try to obtain a mint copy. Glad I got the legendary.[/quote]

THe car comparison is hardly apt. Scratches on a car are clearly noticable and have an impact on the car from an aestetic point of view. Scratches on a disc however have no real impact on anything. Should the game come free of scratches for the price your paying for it? Absolutely. Is it the end of the world that it doesn't? No, not as long as if doesn't affect the ability to preform it's primary function which is to play the game. Depreciating the value is hardly a good argument here either as the game is going to have zero long term value anyways.
Optical media is such a finnicky media. Take into account the older the actual hardware itself gets, the more problems may crop up in playing the game later on and the problem is magnified. Add to that, scratched game data sections may not be into the game a good deal later and some stores having relatively short return windows and you see why it is a problem. Some people don't have the time to get to every single part of the game within 30-45 days to see whether those scratches will or will not affect the game from playing correctly.
[quote name='spmahn']THe car comparison is hardly apt. Scratches on a car are clearly noticable and have an impact on the car from an aestetic point of view. Scratches on a disc however have no real impact on anything. Should the game come free of scratches for the price your paying for it? Absolutely. Is it the end of the world that it doesn't? No, not as long as if doesn't affect the ability to preform it's primary function which is to play the game. Depreciating the value is hardly a good argument here either as the game is going to have zero long term value anyways.[/QUOTE]

The car does apply to the scenario just on a grander scale idiot. Regardless of what item is purchased the manufacturer is obligated to deliver you a mint product if that is what you paid for. I could careless if your disc runs it is still scratched, just like a scratched vehicle will run. Sure comparing the car and the disc is like comparing apples to oranges, but the argument of providing a mint product for said price for both items is comparing apples to apples. Everything depreciates once you take possession, but that depreciation shouldn't start with you getting a damaged item right off the bat that you had no clue about.
Picked up the limited edition tonight and found my game disc to be scratched and there was no bonus feature disc included with mine. Kinda pissed right, but hopefully I will still get to play the game.
[quote name='KingDox']Good lord. How could MS louse this up ? I'm getting the standard version but it sucks for everyone who is getting the CE. And there must be a ton of people who get it online and will never get the chance to shake their copy and make sure it's not scratched.[/quote]

Shake it very lightly. Yeah, you pay $80, you should get your monies worth. If this was a previous problem, I don't get why they didn't correct it or change the design before H3 release.
They all seemed loose at Wallyworld. I got mine home and it had 2 very light scratches on the game disc but no problems in 2.5 hours straight playing. Extra disc was pristine.....

If you are getting yours via UPS or USPS expect a nice scratched up disc or more likely discS.
Found this on EvilAvatar, thought I'd share...

Damn! I think it's absurd that people will pay $60 for games consistently, but you can bet if they do those discs better be in mint-fucking-condition.
[quote name='Undertaker4eber']Cause no one should pay almost 80 bucks for something thats not perfect.[/quote]

Almost $80? I paid $66 for my CE at walmart.
I was pissed to find my game dvd loose in the case with scratches :(

Seems to work fine but I wonder if they would let me exchange it.. even used stuff I buy doesnt have scratches so def dont wanna somthing purchased new w/ scratches all over it.
[quote name='sp00ge']Almost $80? I paid $66 for my CE at walmart.[/QUOTE]

Well the CE is 70 plus tax and with TN tax it was like 76 and some change. So almost 80 but not quite. Im not sure how you got the CE for 4 bucks cheaper than the MSRP, unless you are an employee.
Mine's scratched, too! This is some sh*t. I'm taking it back tomorrow to get a clean one! Can someone scan the disk from the regular edition? If it is the same as the CE game disk, it will save us CE returners a lot of trouble!!!
[quote name='game_collector_83']Mine's scratched, too! This is some sh*t. I'm taking it back tomorrow to get a clean one! Can someone scan the disk from the regular edition? If it is the same as the CE game disk, it will save us CE returners a lot of trouble!!![/quote]

Don't Look Like They Are.

I have the CE preordered from liongames.... i know it'll be scratched but alwell i can bitch and moan about it, or i can just suck it up and play.


As i've said before, so long as the disc works for the first few days, i'll be happy. But MS is sure as hell going to replace my disc, simple as that.
[quote name='NorthX08']got mine at midnite last nite
2nd disc was a little scratched....they gave me number to call MS[/quote]

Could you kindly post that number? I believe many of us will be needing it...
I got a Limited Edition and the disc was loose in the case and scratched quite a bit. I'm gonna see what the fallout is from this fiasco then I will decide to take it back to Walmart or not.

Also; for 80 bucks you would think they could throw a d-skin on these things for added protection. I guess that would require hiring an actual worker to apply the skin since I doubt a machine has good enough fine motor skills to apply one.
Heh I thiink I got screwed the most out of everyone, as I stated before my disk was scratched. As well I am missing the feature disk and the theme and pic codes. pretty crappy if you ask me, I hope wally world doesnt inquire about the missing contents.
[quote name='SynGamer']Could you kindly post that number? I believe many of us will be needing it...[/quote]


I would have to guess that just from the CAG community this was a widespread problem and MS will be proactively addressing it, it's just a matter of time until the rest of the country has the same problem.
[quote name='guyver2077']the themes and pics come on the extras disc[/quote]

that's convenient, Has anyone else encountered this problem missing the feature disk?
Wow, so Halo 3 sales were supposed to finally put the Xbox division into positive profits, and here comes the massive errors. Reminds me of the Red Rings of Death. It's not funny for consumers, but kind of funny for MS. Sony has done everything to hand them this console generation and they keep flubbing it up. Meanwhile, Nintendo can't even make enough consoles to sell. Will someone please run these companies right for a change? It's like watching the Three Stooges as of late.
[quote name='elwood731']Will someone please run these companies right for a change?[/QUOTE]
I will, but maybe later.

I've said this in the other bitching thread, but this is a good reason why you don't let the marketing department sign off/design game packaging. The irony that MGS' cash cow will likely cost them money instead of garning them profit is irony at its finest. (BIG IF, I have no clue how much profit each disc turns up or what it costs to replace)
[quote name='Sacsquash']Heh I thiink I got screwed the most out of everyone, as I stated before my disk was scratched. As well I am missing the feature disk and the theme and pic codes. pretty crappy if you ask me, I hope wally world doesnt inquire about the missing contents.[/QUOTE]

Not to be a jerk, but I just want to make sure...you did open the other side of the metal case---it opens on both sides, with the extra disk located behind the other "door"....

Just wanted to make sure you checked that out...it actually confused me a little at first...
[quote name='loserboy']Not to be a jerk, but I just want to make sure...you did open the other side of the metal case---it opens on both sides, with the extra disk located behind the other "door"....

Just wanted to make sure you checked that out...it actually confused me a little at first...[/quote]

*No need to call yourself a jerk, reading what you said was like getting twice as many presents unexpectedly for Christmas, I really appreciated the info.

LOL... oh man do I feel a bit silly, I guess I was so flustered about the scratch on the disc. I just assumed it wasn't included, that plus being a bit tired. Anyways I was able to play through the entire single player campaign cooperatively with my friends and brother, it worked fine. Now I am going to scope out the multiplayer deathmatch and other gametypes, if all is well I will not bother returning it.
[quote name='Undertaker4eber']Well the CE is 70 plus tax and with TN tax it was like 76 and some change. So almost 80 but not quite. Im not sure how you got the CE for 4 bucks cheaper than the MSRP, unless you are an employee.[/quote]

Nope. I don't know if it was just my Walmart or not, but it rang up $66.47 (Was 69.92, You Save 3.45). I'm not sure how much the regular edition was though.
I picked up my CE from Target this morning and the game disc was scratched. Before I picked it up I was debating how much I cared about the bonus disc so long as it was readable, but it turned out to be pristine. I'm going to try to exchange it at lunch.
[quote name='jughead']Hey guys. Here is something from Microsoft on disc replacements. It appears to be a generic policy but this does mention Halo3: Limited Edition.


No charge for Halo 3 until the new year. It appears you will have to pay to ship your scratched copy back.[/quote]I'm betting that someone edited that form quickly last night to add in Halo 3 as a no-charge replacement. :lol:
well if definately blows that you have to go haloless for like a week. I'm going to have to strategically time when i mail it back in to them. And they better send it back with the quickness. I would just take it back to Walmart but the odds of getting one that worse is probably just the same as getting one that is unscathed.
I remember having the same problem with Halo 2 when they came out and the Collector's Edition packaging causes the discs to scratch. I had to replace mine.
bread's done