League of Legends anyone?

I got into nunu this weekend

Lane nunu is great vs any melee and some range people.

3 Doran rings, sorc boots, deathcap :D

with the 1:1 ratio on snowball and its low cooldown. You can just spam it over and over. You WILL make people go to the fountain.

I was whooping on a Vayne and taking her 1 on 1 since i could kite. Same with Singed. When i went mid vs Cass, i just ran up and snowballed her face in over and over till she had to leave.
Don't get 3 Doran's Rings, it slows you down on the Catalyst which you need for either Rod of Ages or Banshee's. Only get another if you go back and can't afford the Blasting Wand or Negatron Cloak.
Hm, so Wukong was my first blind purchase. He's interesting, but I don't see myself using him at all. Maybe after he gets some bugs of his fixed.
[quote name='icedrake523']Don't get 3 Doran's Rings, it slows you down on the Catalyst which you need for either Rod of Ages or Banshee's. Only get another if you go back and can't afford the Blasting Wand or Negatron Cloak.[/QUOTE]

3 dorans give you huge lane dominance like the old Alistar and maokai

your snowball is a huge ass nuke and has a low mana cost. Just autoattack minions till you got your free spell and consume a minion to heal :)

I guess it really depends on the lane though and match-up and what you want to build. I go for the AP caster route, so thats why catalyst isnt that important to me.

I just want to run around snowballing people in the face :D
Okay for those that play VS. AI

...is it me or does annie seem to have WAY too much health for the amount of Nukes she outputs?

Side note, I did test and it seems that the AI just flat out cheats in intermediate. Even if you deny them money and minions they automatically get items at certain intervals.
The bots have a higher gold gain. Annie has a lot of HP because she gets Doran's Ring, Haunting Guide, and Rod of Ages.

I played Morde for the first time in months, I did quite awful (didn't have a solo lane). Late game I just stayed with our Cait since their Trynd would always go after her.
I am terrible at this game. I've got some friends who have been playing for a while to play with, but I don't know if that's helping me or just letting me ride their coattails. So far, I'm enjoying Soraka, she plays a lot like a Cleric/Medic in other games so it's a fairly easy to grasp play style.
That's why I'm 20 games over now :roll:

I stumbled upon a strategy that actually got us a tower. I was Maokai with Ashe top against solo Lee Sin and about half health and mana. I went in the bush and stayed there for awhile while Ashe farmed the creeps. When they got to the tower, Lee Sin had recalled. I came out of the bush, we cleared the next wave fast and got the tower.

So many Tryndmere's because of the new skin (which I find overrated). Despite how annoying they are, I've yet to lose to one.
Trynd is super easy-mode now that they've changed him, but even still, 99% of pubbers have no clue how to play him. They all think they're invincible because of his ult, so they play really dumb. I agree about his skin too, it's lame, especially for 1800RP.
A lot of people are complaining about his rework though. I never played him much before, but I think it's better that his passive increases Crit Chance instead of Crit Damage. That way you don't have to have a rune page that's pure Crit Chance.

Also, Renekton and Malphite are getting some buffs next patch. Jarvan was supposed to get a nerf but they changed their mind. I hope they don't touch Jarvan more because I bought his skin recently. He relies so much on his Q+E combo which is easy to screw up and you can, you know, move out of the way. Never stand between Jarvan and his flag, just like you always keep a minion between yourself and Blitz when laning.
Renekton buff? I play Renekton almost exclusively, absolutely nothing about him needs to be buffed. This sucks because they'll buff him, make him OP (more so than he already is), then go way overboard in trying to correct him and wind up making him completely useless.

Also, this from Guinsoos Twitter:

Plus we decided not to nerf Jarvan IV. So he's actually getting a nice buff next patch.

Are you kidding? How the fuck does that make sense? You initially were going to nerf him, but then decided to buff him? Guess that means someone in the Riot office has decided to start playing Jarvan recently. So stupid.
The one change I'd like to see to Renekton is he not consume Fury if his Q and E don't hit a target.

They went a little overboard with Jarvan's recent nerfs, so buffing him would help. They could also be referring to the bug with armor reduction that's affected him, Wukong, and Urgot.
Hey folks, so Reds are hinting that Winged Xin Zhao is coming out this week. Along with an "All-You-Can-Eat-BBQ Chamber".

So, exciting times. Check out the topic here -- http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1049007

Aside from that, League of Legends was just nominated for the Golden Joystick award in best "Free-2-Play" game. You folks need to hop on that and vote for the game:


Last year when LoL won that award, they celebrated by giving every account a free rune page. SO GET ON THAT!

[quote name='SEH']Also, this from Guinsoos Twitter:

Are you kidding? How the fuck does that make sense? You initially were going to nerf him, but then decided to buff him? Guess that means someone in the Riot office has decided to start playing Jarvan recently. So stupid.[/QUOTE]

I agree with their decesion. It's not really a buff at that. His armor shred attack is currently bugged -- the same for all armor shreders like Wukong and Kayle. They're fixing that to do what it was originally intending to do, as seen on the tooltip.

They did this with Teemo's mushrooms, while they nerfed the cooldown rate and damage. But fixed another portion so it correctly did what the previous tooltip stated and called it a buff.

His nerf is going to get reevaluated after they see the change on J4 with his correctly working shred.
Ahh, I didn't know they were just fixing the armor reduction aspect (the Twitter message did not convey that whatsoever). I take it they're doing that for all champs with an armor reduction ability?
[quote name='icedrake523']Prepare to be disappointed.[/QUOTE]

Haha, yeah. I still haven't played any ranked games, so if any of this excitement is for season-end rewards, I'm already outta luck.

And there's this really neat thing called a "redtracker" so you don't have to rely on quotes or ditch through 120page topics. It's easier to read about the excitement here -- http://clgaming.net/redtracker/topic/10571/?l=en&p=1 .

[quote name='SEH']Ahh, I didn't know they were just fixing the armor reduction aspect (the Twitter message did not convey that whatsoever). I take it they're doing that for all champs with an armor reduction ability?[/QUOTE]

Everyone but Urgot, apparently.
I really hate Master Yi. It's such bullshit that his ultimate's CD also refreshes if he gets a kill while it's active. The other skills I'd get, but not the ultimate. Pretty much can't do shit if your team doesn't have a ton of CC.

Needless to say I had 2 awful games tonight. Laned with an idiot Lux who would get into fights, then we'd all try to help and they'd kill 4 of us. I couldn't solo top since I was Maokai and against Galio. The next game I tried Galio solo top, fed their Yi 3 cheap kills. Then our Kat fed him even more.
So they announced their season-end rewards. I was really considering doing all 10 ranked games duo queue with a friend tonight until they announced them. But now... yeah, not so much. Apparently it's gonna last until late August too, so no real rush.

Additionally, after your stats have been archived, and all players that are currently holding a tiered rating (bronze, gold, silver, or platinum) in our ladder rankings will receive the following additional rewards:
  • Bronze-rated players will receive a bronze banner in their summoner profile.
  • Silver-rated players will have their summoner icon framed in silver and receive a silver banner in their summoner profile.
  • Gold-rated players will have their summoner icon framed in gold and will receive a special skin for Jarvan IV, a gold banner in their summoner profile, and a gold forum badge.
  • Platinum-rated players will have their summoner icon framed in platinum and will receive a special skin for Jarvan IV, a platinum banner in their summoner profile, and a platinum forum badge.
I use their forums a lot, but I'd never be able to get a forum badge. I also rather like Jarvan IV, but FAR from a 1800elo player. Heh, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to pick up a Bronze Banner for my in-game profile. Go-me.
I got my first triple kill in ranked as Singed yesterday. 3 people chasing me after a teamfight when I have a rylai's and my ult popped lolz.
[quote name='TLPRIME']I got my first triple kill in ranked as Singed yesterday. 3 people chasing me after a teamfight when I have a rylai's and my ult popped lolz.[/QUOTE]

I love playing Singed so much, but absolutely hate seeing him on the enemy team. He's one of those champs that you cant ignore, yet if you try to do anything against him you get wrecked.
[quote name='SEH']I love playing Singed so much, but absolutely hate seeing him on the enemy team. He's one of those champs that you cant ignore, yet if you try to do anything against him you get wrecked.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree. That's why I've been playing him whenever I can lately, because I hate when he's on the other team.
[quote name='icedrake523']I really hate Master Yi. It's such bullshit that his ultimate's CD also refreshes if he gets a kill while it's active. The other skills I'd get, but not the ultimate. Pretty much can't do shit if your team doesn't have a ton of CC.

Needless to say I had 2 awful games tonight. Laned with an idiot Lux who would get into fights, then we'd all try to help and they'd kill 4 of us. I couldn't solo top since I was Maokai and against Galio. The next game I tried Galio solo top, fed their Yi 3 cheap kills. Then our Kat fed him even more.[/QUOTE]

Thats another ability to add to icedrakes "XXX IS OP!!!"

Gangplanks fruits
Yi's ultimate

[quote name='Morphx2']Thats another ability to add to icedrakes "XXX IS OP!!!"

Gangplanks fruits
Yi's ultimate


It's not that his ultimate is OP, it's just dumb that one of it's abilities (refreshing ability cooldowns when getting a kill) applies to the ability itself. Xin's W doesn't reduce it's cooldown when it's activated.
[quote name='icedrake523']It's not that his ultimate is OP, it's just dumb that one of it's abilities (refreshing ability cooldowns when getting a kill) applies to the ability itself. Xin's W doesn't reduce it's cooldown when it's activated.[/QUOTE]

Kat's passive does the same thing. She gets cooldowns with assists and kills.
[quote name='Waughoo']Kat's passive does the same thing. She gets cooldowns with assists and kills.[/QUOTE]

By far the most annoying of them all.

Derp, I ulted, got an assist and then ulted again five seconds later.
Kat's ult is at least a channel so it can be stopped. Also, you can just walk away from it. You can't walk away from Yi.

[quote name='panzerfaust']characters like Yi are just vicious counters to certain team compositions. but i can't really imagine a team rolling with no cc.[/QUOTE]

On the team I was with, all we had were Galio's ult and Lux's snare.

[quote name='Waughoo']Kat's passive does the same thing. She gets cooldowns with assists and kills.[/QUOTE]

But that's a passive ability, so it makes sense for all her other abilities to be benefited by it. Yi is just so annoying because he can use it again immediately after getting a kill. At least make it so the ult only refreshes by half per kill.

Also, you need to help me play Minecraft. I can play it for free for a few weeks, I have no idea what I'm doing. I was smacking pigs and sheep with seeds.
After getting tired of being so salty all the time playing HoN, I decided to give LoL a shot and am loving it so far. Same core gameplay, without many of the frustrations I had with bad games in HoN. Still can have the same bad games here, but they just don't annoy me as much as I can still progress with items and not be completely hosed. ;)

Feel free to add me (halfbent), have been getting a few games in during the evenings lately.
Instead of adding that game mode, I really wish they would've just added some kind of official ARAM mode or more options to custom games (I'd love to have games where you cant purchase items, or you're always level one, etc...)

It makes me laugh knowing it's taken them more than a year to develop a single map.
That end Baron ace is incredible. They never even have to show up on the enemies screen. I would rage so damn hard if I was playing against any of those team comps, especially the traps one. I love that Udyr and Leona tried to chase through all the traps not once, but twice.
They say they're releasing a new map and new game mode. Obviously a new game mode requires a new map, but will there also be a new map for standard play?
Had an awesome string of ranked games in the past two days, but I just had a really terrible one. We had an Ashe and Annie that within 10 seconds of the game starting, were calling my friend and I trolls. Anyways, game starts and Annie is having trouble up top, so I come up to help. She immediately says "I'm feeding until Renekton gets out of my lane". I leave, she dies. Obviously that's my fault.

Game ends, we lose because these two are complete morons. Annie goes on some tirade about how kids think they can always get their way these days or some shit, all while having said the aforementioned statement.

Ugh @ the people who play this game.
I won't be playing much for the next few days. I got addicted to Minecraft. I spent all day converting my small wooden shack into a 3-story stone tower. It's refreshing to play a game that isn't ruined by idiots.
[quote name='icedrake523']I won't be playing much for the next few days. I got addicted to Minecraft. I spent all day converting my small wooden shack into a 3-story stone tower. It's refreshing to play a game that isn't ruined by idiots.[/QUOTE]

Totally know the feeling. It's nice to play a game that doesnt leave you completely frustrated after you're done.
[quote name='icedrake523']I won't be playing much for the next few days. I got addicted to Minecraft. I spent all day converting my small wooden shack into a 3-story stone tower. It's refreshing to play a game that isn't ruined by idiots.[/QUOTE]

Obviously you haven't met a creeper or zombie yet.

Spiders are fricking scary.
actually, i wasnt fed.

I just came in at the right time and went away at the right times

I let most of my team initiate or they had a fight when i too far and i came in towards the ends. Laning phase I got a few kills here and there, but nothing to snowball me
Why do scrubbies assume a skin = skill? My friend was playing WW and was just doing okay, and the 1-8 Orianna says "Damn WW, you got a skin and you still suck, what a noob". Do these people realize skins can be purchased by literally anyone?
bread's done