League of Legends anyone?

Unrelated to the tournament, I wish Riot would remove any AP damage Tristana does. Not because I think it's overpowered but because dumbasses think just because they got super dunked by an AP tristana mid in 5s, they can come to 3s and do the same thing.

It doesn't work like that. Sure you can burst down ONE person using your escape AND your ult, but when there's 2 people left and you do dog shit for auto attack damage and get killed instantly by a Diana, what fucking use are you? Then when you tell them they rage and say you're bad and that you fed the enemy team even though you have the least deaths. When they turret dive 3 people, it's your fault cuz you have 10 less CS than the Trist. I hate this community so much most of the time.
Riot needs to update Trist so something at least scales off AD besides her AS boost. I hate when people build an AD Carry as AP. When MF got an AP % boost added to her ult, people started building her hybrid.
This is just pathetic. 3rd time the internet went out at the whole venue, after they've already had 2 regames. I guess a 3rd is coming. CLG.EU should have been given the win for that last regame.
I was watching the stream today, it was terrible, every single big fight, it lagged till the fight was over. fucking amateur broadcast at best.

Also, once again, why is there not an option for matchmaking to prefer a language.
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Judging by the lack of activity in this thread recently, I'm figuring a lot of people have stopped playing LoL.

Anyway, Riot is becoming dumber. They're selling Halloween themed ward skins. Some cost IP (200-800), some RP (25-165). Sounds kinda cool, right? Until the part where they only last for one week.

Then there's bonus icons for buying a certain amount of RP. You can't choose, so if you want the one that requires you to buy 10,000 RP, have fun!

Both threads have been downvoted like hell as you can imagine.
i'd just like to see more skins than just for those few champs

I wish Riot would remove any AP damage Tristana does. Not because I think it's overpowered but because dumbasses think just because they got super dunked by an AP tristana mid in 5s, they can come to 3s and do the same thing.

Many aspects that make LoL enjoyable are also ones that have no place in a competitive game. Running AP tristana is a fun time, but once you hit level 30 and want to take the game seriously, that side of Trist no longer has a place. You can get kills, sure, but a number of mages will do that job better than her. Half the champ designs in this game are obsolete when you take this game to the competitive level, it's really sad.

Instead of taking that from Trist, I'd like Riot to actually consider making their game work like it was supposed to. They would really need to rework everything though, and most of all the items.
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I still play, but I'm just so tired of the stupid noobs that plague their current ranked games. I just don't understand why people would play ranked games if they have no grasp of the basic game play mechanics such as target priority strategies and team placement. It's just stupid. You try to teach people in the games and they end up reporting you for being too cocky. Great community there. When I play ranked games now I pretty much just ignore everyone right off the bat to avoid all the crap the stupid players say.
i still play. been playing this and dota 2 concurrently.
yesterday in the teamliquid channel someone challenged one of the 1900 elo players to a "scrim" despite not having a team so he just invited 4 randoms, me being one of them, and we stomped them. was hilarious. i even died 4 times in lane, lol, doesn't matter.

riot wants money, no surprise there. don't buy it if you don't want it, i don't see why you have to hate it.

[quote name='panzerfaust']Many aspects that make LoL enjoyable are also ones that have no place in a competitive game. Running AP tristana is a fun time, but once you hit level 30 and want to take the game seriously, that side of Trist no longer has a place. You can get kills, sure, but a number of mages will do that job better than her. Half the champ designs in this game are obsolete when you take this game to the competitive level, it's really sad.[/quote]
it's funny because you say competitive and then you say solo queue. when people refer to competitive play they mostly mean arranged 5s.

even then i've seen double AD comp win in a TSM invitational with an AD ez mid.

the community is mostly a bunch of sheep so when people try to break meta or something and it doesn't work they instantly assume it was because of the meta break that they lost instead of really evaluating why they lost. i've seen all sorts of weird crap work in solo queue by accident, and i know it's an accident because my team is complaining all the time in chat about it even though it's working.

[quote name='kaiyouske']I still play, but I'm just so tired of the stupid noobs that plague their current ranked games. I just don't understand why people would play ranked games if they have no grasp of the basic game play mechanics such as target priority strategies and team placement. It's just stupid. You try to teach people in the games and they end up reporting you for being too cocky. Great community there. When I play ranked games now I pretty much just ignore everyone right off the bat to avoid all the crap the stupid players say.[/QUOTE]
although i generally play normal 5s with friends nowadays, when i play ranked i just play my best and concentrate on how i can improve instead of ranting too much about other people on the team. can't change how they play, can only change how you play.

i still remember one game where an olaf would repeatedly dive our AD carry and somebody on our team complained. "why did you focus the tank." and it's like, no shit, because the olaf was running straight at them.
teamfights are way more than "focus the carry" and it really annoys me when people simplify it to that. i'd say that the biggest impact in a teamfight is the initiation, 9/10 if you have a good initiation you will win the fight regardless of who you are focusing.

of course i've had my fair share of games where someone threw horribly but that's what you get if you play solo queue and until you find your team of 5 to play arranged 5s then you're pretty much boned.
I read the jungle will be getting changed again since they feel it's too dependant on champs building tanky/gold per 10 items and ganking/camping in order to stay ahead. They mentioned that Warwick and Fiddlesticks would benefit from the changes. They were always good back in the day because of their strong sustain but their speed was too poor to thrive in the new jungle. That might be able to get me back into the game.
I'll play again when Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2 lose their appeal. I'll probably do some games before that though if I get a night where I have time + people playing.

Oh yeah, and those temporary ward skins are such BS. If they were permanent they'd be awesome.
I still play but its usually 3s, I stopped playing 5s because the people I get matched with, it's way easier to carry 3s than carry 5s. I don't mind either way anymore, I usually just get on, get my win of the day then log.

If anyone wants to group for whatever add me I'm always down to play with CAGs. Username: Hustletron
Played this for the firs time in awhile today.

Our Anivia goes AFK for around 5-10 minutes, lets Kat free farm, then comes back and complains I didnt get them blue buff or gank when they were AFK. What? Then, she decides walling me off from my jungle would be hilarious all while trash talking me the whole time.

Myself and the other three on the team all ask the enemies to report Anivia for trolling hard and they respond by taking her side, saying that we just suck.

Glad to see the community for this game is still dogshit. Back to not playing this for months on end again.
[quote name='SEH']Played this for the firs time in awhile today.

Our Anivia goes AFK for around 5-10 minutes, lets Kat free farm, then comes back and complains I didnt get them blue buff or gank when they were AFK. What? Then, she decides walling me off from my jungle would be hilarious all while trash talking me the whole time.

Myself and the other three on the team all ask the enemies to report Anivia for trolling hard and they respond by taking her side, saying that we just suck.

Glad to see the community for this game is still dogshit. Back to not playing this for months on end again.[/QUOTE]

Oddly similar to my experiences last night, I tried ranked solo q for a bit, 3 kids rage for jungle, one kid finally establishes that he is jungling then the last person to pick, picks yi with ignite and smite. :applause: At least this game is good for comic relief once you learn to not take it seriously haha
i overplayed this game yesterday

i had a game where i just decided to farm hard as riven and just buy dumb items. i got 5 bts, lol
I'm aware solo queue isn't the true competitive side of the game. My point was that when someone is playing to win then something like an AP trist would no longer be viable. Not because of the community's lockstep but because there are flatly better mages. This game's roster is huge, no one will ever have an excuse to settle for an AP trist unless they're fucking around.

I agree with all your other points, but the only thing I was trying to say is AP trist is obsolete.
i dunno i hear that kind of stuff and then some top player goes and plays AP Yi or something and then community bandwagons and says its good... yeah, haha.

(this explains all the massive ori/singed play i see nowadays)
Orianna is one of those champs that I can't play as or against. I absolutely suck using her ball effectively and I get slaughtered by the range on that thing, I just don't get it. I've only used her a couple times, maybe I should try her out again.
it is my opinion that in life, when you suck at something but you want to learn it, you do it over and over and over again until you get it right.

my vayne is 8-22. lolol

btw anyone here add me? we should get a group going and troll some normals
[quote name='tcrash247']Orianna is one of those champs that I can't play as or against. I absolutely suck using her ball effectively and I get slaughtered by the range on that thing, I just don't get it. I've only used her a couple times, maybe I should try her out again.[/QUOTE]
The one time I played Zilean and went mid, I was against her and actually won somehow.
[quote name='kainzero']it is my opinion that in life, when you suck at something but you want to learn it, you do it over and over and over again until you get it right.

my vayne is 8-22. lolol[/QUOTE]

How is your Vayne now? I don't adc much, but I need to learn a couple just in case I need to do that. I'm good with Graves but I don't really like Corki, Ezreal, Tristana or Caitlyn. Thinking of buying Vayne and/or Miss Fortune.
[quote name='aspanrafael']Can i play this game by using Garena plus? I also want to play this League of Legends too.[/QUOTE]
lol uses its own client. fwiw garena distributes the LoL client in SE Asia.

[quote name='tcrash247']How is your Vayne now? I don't adc much, but I need to learn a couple just in case I need to do that. I'm good with Graves but I don't really like Corki, Ezreal, Tristana or Caitlyn. Thinking of buying Vayne and/or Miss Fortune.[/QUOTE]
i've stopped playing vayne in ranked because she needs to be baby sat a lot and the current trend is with aggressive supports like leona/blitz. but vayne is probably the hardest ad carry, you need reflexes to tumble out of the way while also being positionally aware to condemn properly. on top of that you're squishy as hell and you better hope you don't misclick or you might waste your silver bolts.

in normals i'm fairly decent, my last hitting with her is not that great. since playing dota my teamfight concept is off so i keep charging in the front lines, lol.

for adc i play ashe/vayne/sivir, i tried mf but i can't say i'm a fan at this moment. trist is fun but i never got the hang of her early game burst, and if you can't get that down then you'll never make it past your horrid midgame. draven looks like a solid pick up too, i'm surprised more people aren't playing him because he synergizes really well with aggressive supports.

generally i play support or mid though so i haven't had time to work on my adc lately.
[quote name='kainzero']nope
lol uses its own client. fwiw garena distributes the LoL client in SE Asia.

i've stopped playing vayne in ranked because she needs to be baby sat a lot and the current trend is with aggressive supports like leona/blitz. but vayne is probably the hardest ad carry, you need reflexes to tumble out of the way while also being positionally aware to condemn properly. on top of that you're squishy as hell and you better hope you don't misclick or you might waste your silver bolts.

in normals i'm fairly decent, my last hitting with her is not that great. since playing dota my teamfight concept is off so i keep charging in the front lines, lol.

for adc i play ashe/vayne/sivir, i tried mf but i can't say i'm a fan at this moment. trist is fun but i never got the hang of her early game burst, and if you can't get that down then you'll never make it past your horrid midgame. draven looks like a solid pick up too, i'm surprised more people aren't playing him because he synergizes really well with aggressive supports.

generally i play support or mid though so i haven't had time to work on my adc lately.[/QUOTE]

Same with me, I'm support first and mid second. I'lll check out Sivir, I think I only played her once. I tried Draven once and I hated him because of his axe catching mechanic.
New 3's map blows ass. Derp, lets combine Dominion into 3's while also adding a ton of broken ass new items (*cough*Blade of the Broken King*cough*).

I love that they said the new 3's map will make games faster paced. Wrong. The stupid Dominion shit makes games a hell of a lot slower because people just focus on capturing the stupid base things rather than pushing lanes. Both 3's I just played lasted 30+ minutes.
[quote name='SEH']New 3's map blows ass. Derp, lets combine Dominion into 3's while also adding a ton of broken ass new items (*cough*Blade of the Broken King*cough*).

I love that they said the new 3's map will make games faster paced. Wrong. The stupid Dominion shit makes games a hell of a lot slower because people just focus on capturing the stupid base things rather than pushing lanes. Both 3's I just played lasted 30+ minutes.[/QUOTE]
if my old 3s games did not end at 15 min, they routinely went into 40+ because of how the towers/inhibitors work.
[quote name='kainzero']if my old 3s games did not end at 15 min, they routinely went into 40+ because of how the towers/inhibitors work.[/QUOTE]

While there were games that could go long, I felt that the majority of the 3's I played ended in 20 minutes or less. This new 3's map is pure garbage and misses the mark completely.
usually someone dominated so there would be a surrender at 15-20, or do the slow turtle thing until 45-50.

you wouldn't be able to take their inhibitor unless you were sure you could get nexus tower down, and if they were clever then you needed to farm to a huge exp/gold lead to do that to engage them in base. if you took an inhib, they could freeze the lane in their base and turtle for exp/gold while you only had jungle creeps. and if you engaged them in their base they could just fountain the super minions.
i bought elise. i like her character design, her abilities are cool but... i feel like you have to do a lot of work just to get average damage out of her. especially when your combo is some ungodly combination of human form QWR into spider EQW into human EQW or something.

and then if you mess up you die.
she's very, very, very good mid after the remake. even with the nerf (ulti got nerfed by half, DFG has no more CD and does less damage) she's still strong. i think i lost one game out of like the 15 i played with her pre-nerf, haven't played her since the nerf though.

-she can farm semi-safely with hate spike.
-with DFG she has really good burst and can pretty much take anyone out.
-stealth makes it super easy to roam. can't win your lane? go win someone else's. and after the first successful roam gank, you can stand in your own lane and put pressure on other lanes just because they can't see you. you can even do dumb stuff like stealth, walk around behind them through the bushes and DFG/ulti/E/Q burst them.
-stealth forces the other team to buy pink wards instead of green wards so if CS is equal they still might fall behind their lane.

pre-nerf she also sported a high 55%-60% win rate.
Whenever I watch these League "professional" streams..................

[quote name='mrsilkunderwear']I am interested in getting in LOL or Dota2. Any recommendations for a complete noob?[/QUOTE]

Don't play either if you play games to have fun.
i have plenty fun playing both games

it's always the tryhard people that ruin for everyone

if you never played rts seriously or played hon/lol/dota before, play lol because the matchmaking is much better for noobs
I see ice online all the time hahaha. But seriously, if you have low blood pressure just play a couple of ranked games. I guarantee it'll go up! :p
[quote name='Waughoo']Hey, I thought you retired!

I'm doing a better job of not playing LoL than you!

I was playing Co-Op/AI for awhile just for kicks. Then they announced a lot of changes for season 3 with the new jungle and items, so I'm interested in that. The item selection has been really stale and a lot of builds haven't changed since i started playing. The most drastic change I've seen with builds is Mordekaiser went from a solo top tank to a AP mid.
Started getting back into the game last night. People who I used to play with before were either not that good at the game or we wanna be pro so we will bitch about everything. So me and the 3-4 not so good players stopped playing because it wasn't fun anymore playing with my main group.

The not so good players wanted to actually play again and learn to play so I decided to create a scrub account to have fun.

Second game in we had a mid Vlad bitch about how no one could kill their fiddlesticks who was mid with him, yet he must of gave him double the creep kills in farm. So then he bitches at me that I suck because I had more deaths than him and could not kill their team which was fed because of the bot and mid lanes. He was saying I suck even though I had 7 kills and like 5 assists and he had 0 kills and 1 assist. :lol: I love having a scrub account and just trolling people who get so angry.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Second game in we had a mid Vlad bitch about how no one could kill their fiddlesticks who was mid with him, yet he must of gave him double the creep kills in farm. So then he bitches at me that I suck because I had more deaths than him and could not kill their team which was fed because of the bot and mid lanes. He was saying I suck even though I had 7 kills and like 5 assists and he had 0 kills and 1 assist. :lol: I love having a scrub account and just trolling people who get so angry.[/QUOTE]
i also made a smurf account to play with friends that just started.

the other day i played a game, i was anivia and we had a teemo. this teemo defined the term kill-stealing. now usually i don't care about who gets the kill, but this guy would not help in any fights until the very end when he'd pick someone off. one of the biggest examples was when we had a 2v1 on ashe at mid tower. i hit a perfect wall to prevent her from running, then i lay into her with my burst expecting teemo to hit her twice and then she'd die.
nope, he just stands there cloaked right outside of tower range, he watches me die as ashe is there with relatively low health. finally ashe crosses the river and he uncloaks and kills her.

whatever, it's level 5 games, right?

he gets mad at our corki for taking blue and then says he's the only reason we're still in this game.

...yeah. sure buddy.
bread's done