League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='BigPopov']It's not MLG level but Lulu could be a decent ADC with focus on attack speed. Her passive is + extra damage per attack from Lulu.

But when you play in the scrub division, realistically, you can run ADC Sona and if you're better than them win.[/QUOTE]
bruiser lulu used to be a thing before she got nerfed. not sure about adc because her passive sucks as a steroid.

adc sona is fun because she does a ton of damage early game, but she falls off because of short range, squishiness, and lack of mobility. the initiating power of your ult is also wasted because you can't get close enough to use it without getting blown up. as support you're not high priority but as adc... yeah.

you can avoid the tough late game by getting fed early game if you can properly abuse your damage.
think Rumble is def my new champ. He's such a POS,

Even better, he directly counters Fizz and Singed in lane; two of the most annoying champs in the game when fed by dumb ass teammates who lane against them. Carrying hard as shit out of bronze with him =0

My problem is the GD picking order. What dictates this? I swear me and my roommate are -always- last pick so often I have to support.

My ELO will be 25-30 points higher than everyone elses, and I'll even be a division ahead of everyone else. And I still get last pick.
had a tyrn on my team get dominated by the enemy jungler, was 0/4.

Then he proceeded to berate us bronze players cause he is better than us cause he's silver, and we would always be in bronze.

I'm so glad our team was saved by my silver overlords.
[quote name='BigPopov']think Rumble is def my new champ. He's such a POS,

Even better, he directly counters Fizz and Singed in lane; two of the most annoying champs in the game when fed by dumb ass teammates who lane against them. Carrying hard as shit out of bronze with him =0

My problem is the GD picking order. What dictates this? I swear me and my roommate are -always- last pick so often I have to support.

My ELO will be 25-30 points higher than everyone elses, and I'll even be a division ahead of everyone else. And I still get last pick.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was partially based on group size. So you and roommate are after a group of 3 you are teamed with. Dunno for sure if that's how it works though
I know regular draft games it's now completely random. The only thing it does is if you have a group of four and you are the one who invited everyone, you absorb their chance to be first pick. It used you go by group size and then the person who invited was guaranteed first pick.

For ranked I'd always been under the assumption that pick order was based on ELO. Back when my friend and I would play, there was such a large ELO gap between us he was pretty much guaranteed first pick and I was always last pick, with various pubbers filling in the ELO gap.
Please no more karma players in my games, unless it's the enemy team...

So far they have all fed horribly...

And I've already seen a couple "I was a karma player before the rework," as if it's A true, and B actually relevant
[quote name='kainzero']i've been watching asian scene games. they seem so much better than NA LCS games.

i mean look at this. syndra support?
(game starts at 15:50)

What league is it? I think you have to pay for OGN vods and I don't follow the Asian scene for LoL at all, but are there other leagues with free vods (I didn't click on that link yet)?
this is the tencent chinese proleague

it's been going on for a while, you can click here to find all the vods:

then on the left, click on 比赛视频 to view all the matches. i think the other videos are like interviews and stuff.
i think the weirdest icon is karthus. i dunno even know what it's supposed to look like.

american karthus reminds me of shadowgate though. oh man, that game.
Been almost a month, and I've only just reached level 18. I'm Jax almost every game at this point — nearly always top lane. Tried Renekton, since he's free this week and did poorly; lucky for me, we still won.

I do like support Alistar, though.

I also enjoyed playing Riven, but she's gone now and 6300 IP to own, so that's not gonna happen for a long time. Why are so many of the cool champs so expensive? Bah.

Mostly just saving for runes at the moment, so I can hit the ground running at 20.
[quote name='ID2006']

I also enjoyed playing Riven, but she's gone now and 6300 IP to own, so that's not gonna happen for a long time. Why are so many of the cool champs so expensive? Bah.

because you are supposed to buy them with RP instead of IP duh.
I played a real game for the first time in months last night. Is this the league of throws now? It was only a 45 minute game and the final score was 61 to 45. Our Zed had 32 kills. I was Graves, not a great ADC but I was the only one who actually tried to fight as a team and do things like push lanes and take out towers. All my team wanted to do was get kills. Even if there was one enemy low on health surrounded by their 3 teammates, they'd go for the kill. The other team was just as aggressive. I was in mid clearing minions, their Ashe hit me with an arrow and ALL OF THEM used their ultimates on me. I wasn't mad since I was careless, but it seemed dumb. I was done once Ashe stunned me and Maokai rooted me.

We still won in spite of poor team work.
I actually got on the other night, just did a bot game. I miss LoL, I might try and get on if Lauren's here to watch the baby some night.
You're right, lots of people throw the game.

Never ceases to amaze me that you can play a sixty minute game, enemy team is running down your mid lane, you say "wait for the 2 respawns, only 10 seconds"

Instead of waiting for the 2 respawns, the other 3 just rush out from under the turret to defend. You could not wait 10 seconds in a 60 minute game...
[quote name='BigPopov']You're right, lots of people throw the game.

Never ceases to amaze me that you can play a sixty minute game, enemy team is running down your mid lane, you say "wait for the 2 respawns, only 10 seconds"

Instead of waiting for the 2 respawns, the other 3 just rush out from under the turret to defend. You could not wait 10 seconds in a 60 minute game...[/QUOTE]

Seriously, I just gave up on Summoner's Rift because of events like that. Now when I play, it's just Dominion and ARAM.
[quote name='tcrash247']I've been doing ARAMs a lot lately, they're a lot more fun and carefree.[/QUOTE]

This. Since they released the ARAM queue, my friends and I have played something like 120 ARAM games. They're shorter, people aren't as annoying, and you can do more wacky builds.
Played another real game yesterday. It was like 60 min, and a decent back-and-forth game. No trolls even. I was Sejuani and when I noticed our Jayce was wrecking, I pretty much babysat him all game.We won, too, in spite of some poor teamfights where we were out of position.

I still like ARAM more. You don't have to worry about jungling, ganking, warding, etc. It's also easier to accept losing since most games are won or lost at champ selection.

tcrash247 said:
I've been doing ARAMs a lot lately, they're a lot more fun and carefree.
This. Since they released the ARAM queue, my friends and I have played something like 120 ARAM games. They're shorter, people aren't as annoying, and you can do more wacky builds.
Or you can just do all that in ranked at laugh at people crying to report you as you carry them to victory on some junk build.

Been playing duo-queue ranked as nothing but Veigar no matter what for my first 10 games. Got in Silver while my friend who I was playing with got in Bronze. How does that work?

Played another real game yesterday. It was like 60 min, and a decent back-and-forth game. No trolls even. I was Sejuani and when I noticed our Jayce was wrecking, I pretty much babysat him all game.We won, too, in spite of some poor teamfights where we were out of position.

I still like ARAM more. You don't have to worry about jungling, ganking, warding, etc. It's also easier to accept losing since most games are won or lost at champ selection.
I saw you were on a few times and then shed a single tear when I saw all of your recent games were co-op vs ai and ARAM.

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So, with nothing else really to play lately, I've been putting some time into ranked.

As I've mentioned before, my friend and I purposely tanked our ELO a long time ago because being the geniuses that we are, we figured it'd be easier to start at like 700 ELO and work our way up by getting on a win streak. Probably the biggest mistake I've made in this game.

Anyways, I've been flirting at the top of Bronze I since they switched everything over. Just the other day I got into the promotional series where you have to win three out of five to advance to Silver V. My first promotional series was terrible. I lost the first one because of a horrendous ADC, won my next two, then lost the last two thus being thrown back into the Bronze I pool.

So this morning I figured I'd bust my ass and get out of shitty Bronze. First game, win. Awesome, only two more to go. Second game we lose. I'm top Teemo against Kayle. I get FB on her. I'm dominating my lane no problem. I force her to back at one point. I ping missing like three times and even type MIA. All while this is going on, my jungle and bot are being stupid trying to dive bottom lane in-between their two towers.

I can read the writting on the wall. This fucking Kayle that I have shutdown is going to go bottom and ride out on these morons. I type in all caps "KAYLE IS MISSING PROB GOING BOT CARE". What happens? You guessed it, she shows up bottom. Since my team is being stupid trying to get kills between towers with half life, Kayle shows up and wrecks all three of them. Triple kill Kayle, awesome. From that point on she had me locked down top while our mid Khazix fed Zed. Fed Zed and Kayle = GG.

No problem, I'm 1-1. I got this. Second game I win, once again playing as Teemo. Our team just synergized really well and worked together. I'm now 2-1. This shit is in the bag, all I've got to do is win one of my next two.

Fourth game is a loss. Once again, I'm playing Teemo. I'm mid this time again Anivia. I'm killing her over and over and roaming to other lanes and setting up ganks. Without realizing, their bot is getting fed when I'm not down there ganking. Their Ezreal is like 8-3 because without help from myself or our jungle, our bot has no clue how to not die repeatedly. I go from 6-2 in the laning phase to getting gang banged over and over in teamfights. Game snowballs out of control and we surrender.

This is it, my last chance to get into Silver, better make this one count. I end up as last pick so I just tell them I can fill. I get throw into ADC, so I pick MF. I played my fucking ass off (not even from a gameplay perspective as I didn't do that well, but from a "oh shit my team is all yelling at each other I need to pull us back together" perspective).

Our middle is complaining about us bot the entire time because at one point their Varus had eight more CS than me (yes, eight). "WHY ARE YOU LETTING BOT FREE FARM YALL SUCK". Then we have our top yelling at the jungle the whole time because our jungle keeps trying to tower dive. 15 minutes in and mid is already typing GG and shit to the other team, calling for a surrender at 20.

I somehow talked our team into not surrendering, pleading with them just to try and win it. One teamfight is all I asked for. We baited baron and somehow aced them. That was all it took to raise the team morale (well, aside from Gragas who took issue with everyone still over everything). The rest of the game was still really shaky, but we wound up getting the win.

So now, here I sit in Silver V dreading the climb through all the divisions just to get into gold.


Bronze fucking sucks. The players are all mentally challenged. That said, if you can somehow keep your team focused and on the same page, getting out is possible. Stay strong my fellow Bronze players. Oh, and I wish something else would fucking come out already that my friends and I can all play so this doesn't have to be our main source of frustration.

This might be hard to believe, but silver and low gold is even worse.

It is unfortunate that you're trying to climb out of it, I find it to be the most fun part of the ladder before gold 3+ and everyone becomes super serious maximum rage tryhard all the time. Trolling them is only fun for so long.

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Oh yeah, from my 10 or so Silver matches, they're definitely worse. I'm at that part where my teammates are complete shit, yet they all try to come off as an LOL pro (CUZ THEY WATCH STREEMZ DOOD), despite clearly not even understanding the basics. Some of the people I've been matched I'm pretty sure purchased their account. There is no way you hit 30 and can still be that clueless.

A friend of mine was Gold for the last season and said it was awful. Pretty much what you said, everyone is mega tryhard. One little fuckup and three of your four teammates instantly start raging on you and typing GG in all chat.

One thing that's weird though is when I play I always get paired with people in Silver V through II, yet I get put against dudes in like Gold III through I. Kinda not fair.

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What's with this trend of junglers now that when you ask for assistance in your lane, they immediately respond with "I CANT WIN YOU LANE FOR YOU~!~!~!".

It's happened in like 10 fucking games now. Their jungle will gank my lane repeatedly with no sign of our jungler ever coming to help. Despite that, I can keep up in farm and kills. As the game goes on, I ask our jungler if he could come hang out top for a minute because I know they're going to try and gank me again and I'm met with that dumb fuck response.

Like, I'm not asking you to win my lane. I'm asking you to do what the jungler does, assist other lanes. Specifically ones that have already been ganked 3+ times.

What's with this trend of junglers now that when you ask for assistance in your lane, they immediately respond with "I CANT WIN YOU LANE FOR YOU~!~!~!".

It's happened in like 10 fucking games now. Their jungle will gank my lane repeatedly with no sign of our jungler ever coming to help. Despite that, I can keep up in farm and kills. As the game goes on, I ask our jungler if he could come hang out top for a minute because I know they're going to try and gank me again and I'm met with that dumb fuck response.

Like, I'm not asking you to win my lane. I'm asking you to do what the jungler does, assist other lanes. Specifically ones that have already been ganked 3+ times.
Tell me about it more than once I have had junglers flat out refuse to gank because according to them its not their job to gank. So they just spend the entire laning phase farming jungle no ganks, no dragon, no counter jungle just farm.

I don't play jungle that often but a couple things:

1. There is no "gank quota." Don't think of it as well the enemy ganked my lane 3 times you owe me 3 ganks. If the jungler sees a good opportunity to gank, if he has any idea at all of what he is doing, he'll take it. Also understand that when you think there is a good opportunity to gank it doesn't mean the jungler sees it the same way. It is very easy to miss information when all you have to do is focus on your own lane and CS.

If you were succesfully ganked 3 times then the other team probably did a good job of setting up for those ganks in some way or another.

2. If your lane is a feeding piece of shit that does no damage you're not going to be a popular assist target because in the jungler's eyes all you can see is that bot has died 4 times and chances of a gank succeeding are low. Your lane probably DOES need the most help but a more attractive lane would be one where everyone can get kills. Maybe you are only just barely losing your fights/trades but if someone is focused on other lanes/fighting the other jungler, all you can see is numbers.

3. Help the jungle by making your lane as an attractive target as possible. Call out when and where the wards go if you see them. Pink to keep the popular gank routes open. Support isn't buying wards? Consider getting one yourself. Weigh the risk/reward. Is the 125g worth the potential gank? Ping your tower when the enemy is getting ready to push past river. Yes, a good jungler will see it anyway, but it is easy to get distracted securing buffs, invading, watching other lanes, etc. All this stuff makes a kill more likely.

Who you're playing also has a large affect on whether you'll get ganks. As a jungler, I'm going to have a much greater chance of a successful gank by helping Pantheon top instead of Mordekaiser mid because of his stun/gap closer. If I waste time on an unsuccessful gank, I'm going to fall behind faster.

Do you hate ARAM because of AP Yi? Well, here's his rework. Seems to be focused more on making him a more effective AD assassin.

Q deals bonus damage to minions and monsters all the time instead of RNG and his basic attacks reduce the CD.

W heals more effective the lower health he is, only reduces damage (no bonus armor/MR), and doesn't reduce turret damage.

E is still a steriod but gives a percentage of AD.

Ult still makes him a beast if he gets his cooldowns refreshed from kills (assists now only partially reduce CD).

Yi isn't anymore annoying than any other AP caster on Aram, and he isn't even effective unless you play with complete retards. He's also nowhere near the top in winrate.

Just like in SR, you have to very specifically know how to counter him. Problem is most of the player base wants to do their usually headfirst rush QWER and get easy kills, so they think things like changing tactics based on the situation to be annoying or OP.

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No, he is because of his ultimate. If your team doesn't have hard CC, you're screwed. Kind of a problem since your team is random and even re-rolling isn't guaranteed to get you a hard CC champ. With Yi, either they do a stupid build (I see so many build Lich Bane first, why?!) and don't do much or build Deathcap and Zhonyas and just wreck your face. No matter what, it isn't fun when he's in an ARAM game with his current kit. He needed a change to actually have a reason to fight in a team instead of just split-push and backdoor.

AP Yi actually annoys me.  It's all about the AD yi.  Why?  Because AP Yi can't take down towers like a BOSS.  And we all know that towers win games, not kills.  Well, at least I know that.  :p

AP Yi actually annoys me. It's all about the AD yi. Why? Because AP Yi can't take down towers like a BOSS. And we all know that towers win games, not kills. Well, at least I know that. :p
I'm pretty sure your damage to towers (and inhibs) is based off AP if it's above a certain threshold.

It's only off AP if your AP is more than your AD.  I believe it's only 40% of your total AP too, but don't quote me on that lol.  

Usually my AD with my full build is around 900.  That paired up with my attack speed runes makes Yi the ultimate backdoor tower melt-er.

My main issue with AP Yi is basically you end up wasting his passive.  

hey, i was in a ranked game

the other team had a huge lead and it was still back and forth

they had their outter mid turret and the rest of the towers

our tryn got a quadrakill, then they were all dead for 50 sec and we won the game

true story!

bread's done