League of Legends anyone?

Here is part of a song I made soon after this most recent patch came, i just ran out of things to finish it since its a long song. But if i could make it about the WHOLE game, i would win

Sir Mix-A-Lot "Baby got back" redone to the patch

I like big patches and I cannot lie
You other summoners cant deny
And when a patch comes in with a few big nerfs
and an Urgot buff in your face
You get stung
Wanna put up wards
Cause you notice that bush had a sword
Deep in the capes of the sun hes wearing
Only one stacks now and hes quite despairing
Oh locket, I wanna go buy you
And enjoy you
Udyr and Gragas tried to warn me
But that regen you got (Oh it makes you so OP)
Ooh, spam those abilities
Locket has too much utility
Its OP its OP and Riot wont hear your plea

I've seen Twitch prayin'
The hell with Sprayin'
its damage, no more speed, wont even make em bleed

Im tired of big giant tanks
Saying DPS are their thing
Take the average squishie and ask them that
Those tanks give them a heart attack

So Ashe (yeah) Veigar (yeah)
Has that tank got you hurt (hell yeah)
Well nerf it, nerf it, nerf it, nerf that DPS
Riot got your back

This patch is big and fat
Gotta give some buffs to Kat
Riot cant help themselves
My wards have 1 HP
Its crazy dont you see?

Undead Sion sees you and
And POW, super stun , POW POW
There aint no more escaping
Cause flash does no more popping
Played my first post-patch game as Morde. Man is he awful. I laned against Cassiopeia and Eve which was a horrible combination. Posions always hurt me a lot, too. So Cass would stay in the bush and hit me. If I went too far, Eve just popped up behind me and the 2 would come after me. Couldn't do farm or push which is all Morde can do now since he's too weak to do anything else early.
This patch nerfed me :(, havent been able to play much with you guys, some friends always asking me to play 3v3 with them, since we win easily for some reason lol
Ok Flippr, it took like 5 games before I had a decent one to try your build on, but I finally got one. It's really not bad, and the added slow really helps. However it does seem like you take longer before you can really start raping faces with it. It did change it up a little though. I go...

Doran's Shield + HP Pot
Sword of the Occult + boots

after that the game should be already over. If not I gotta weight survivability over pure face raping for items.
Like all Kat builds, you need to get a lot of gold very quickly before you are useful. I keep getting stuck in a lane versus 2 tanks, or a strong tank + healer. Kat's early game depends on harassment, so you NEED a squishy in your lane or you'll never get the kills you need. Once you've got Rageblade though, you're in great shape. You can slow with gunblade/shumpo/ult/ignite(if needed)/BB then maybe even shumpo a 2nd time. Then the Rageblade gives you the attack speed stacks so auto attacks are more usefull. Rageblade's also great on towers.

I'll keep messing with the build cause it's a nice change of pace for me.
Cool Waughoo, glad you liked it :D

I got it from the penny-arcade forums, they are really knowledgable and thieir thread moves so fast. Like 10-12 pagse a day :p

I havnt been playing much all week cause my wife finished school and didnt change her work schedule so she is home a lot, but hopefully she will be working next week :p
I like Shen but there is one problem with him. He's pretty much built to save teammates. So when you have idiot teammates, it means you're going to die a lot when you try to help them.
We had a Shen the other night who was ticking me off. We were laning against a Trynd and a Mord. We're already pretty screwed in our lane cause you just cant damage either of them. Plus we'd push them alittle and they'd rush me. I couldnt run cause of Trynd's slow, so I'd have to fight but Shen would just kinda leave me. Then there was a few times when they had pushed us clear to our tower, and he'd ult to another teammate to try and gank. Unfortunately Tryn can tower dive Kat no problem, even at full health. Plus he had Mord for help. My only options were to stay and die, or run. :(
Of course not. I'd never abandon Waughoo and I only use my ult to save allies, not gank.

Next time you do lane against a Morde, harass the crap out of him. Weak shield, long CDs, and health costs for his spells make him very vulnerable and you'll force him to tower hug.
Kind of funny how I was complaininga bout the patch and we were having such a hard time winning against Morde and Udyr (Shaco, Kog, and Kennen were the others). I had such a hard time since Kog and Shaco had Madred's Bloodrazors.

My plan of having Teemo aggressively poison Morde was good. However, I was not the right lane partner to be able to get the kill, especially without ignite.
I had such an annoying game just now. We kinda sucked early game. We were kicking ass in mid, then just couldn't do shit late.

Here are some rules you all should follow:

1) If you are low in health and Shen saves you, DO NOT STAY AROUND TO FIGHT. The point of Shen saving you at low health is so you don't die. It's not a reverse gank. If you die, Shen wasted your ult on you. There is nothing more annoying than when you're Shen and that happens.

2) After we get Baron, do not go for Dragon or their blue buff. Those are meaningless late game and don't help you win. Destroying their turret and inhib does.

3) When you are low health and are told to go back, that does not mean stay around to die. It means go back. You living is more important and being prepared for the next fight is very important.

4) If we're being chased, let the tank (such as Shen) stay back and distract them. The tank is not fighting them to kill them, he is fighting them so you don't die. It is better to let the tank die and they get one kill rather than you run back and give them another kill.

Most of my teammates violated all of these at one point.
Welcome to the world of Shen :)

I hated when I saved someone with his ultimate, and then they continue to fight instead of running away.

I also hate when I just go save people so they can escape and I sacrifice myself, and then they stick around and die :\

Im into Poppy again :D

I raped with her in a ranked game like it was nobodies business. I even got to 20-stacks of Mejia and 2-shotted a Sona with my charge and Q. It was hilarious. Smacked that ass!
I was mad at Bazinga's games yesterday when I played with him. One game we should of won, but then people decided to not finish it, then it dragged on and their team won because of their auto-attacks.

My characters I picked were just totally shut down too for some reason. I was poppy and they were all like anti-poppy.

Then I was Swain and midded against Lux and a hidden Teemo the whole time and I couldnt do anything much 1v2. Eventually in teamfights I did good, but the start to mid was so horrible.
[quote name='icedrake523']
3) When you are low health and are told to go back, that does not mean stay around to die. It means go back. You living is more important and being prepared for the next fight is very important.

I've seen people do this often during the laning phase. If you have someone who can hold the lane you should go back. They can hold the lane and get exp when you are gone. People are just greedy and want to soak up exp and gold and risk dying from a quick easy gank. You are also probably losing last hits to the turrret, so you are just screwing your laning partner.
So the new champ is revealed and here are her new abilities from one of the developers at Riot

The Sheriff of Piltover

All-Points Bulletin(Passive): Whenever an allied champion is slain, Caitlyn gains vision of the killer for a limited time.

Aimed Shot(Q): Caitlyn channels her shot, increasing damage and range over time. If the shot hits, Caitlyn can fire a second shot shortly after, but if it misses, Caitlyn is revealed to the enemy.[Caitlyn channels to take careful aim, gaining @Effect1Amount@% damage and 20 range per second charged. Caitlyn can cancel the charge at any time to reset Aimed Shot's cooldown.] [If Aimed Shot hits a target, it deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage and Caitlyn can fire a single extra shot one second later with half of the bonus damage of the first. [If Aimed Shot misses on the first attack, Caitlyn is revealed to the enemy for 1 second.]

Bulletproof(W):Caitlyn passively resists projectile damage, and can actively double the resistance for a short time. While on cooldown, Caitlyn's movement speed is increased.[Caitlyn's bulletproof vest helps to protect her, reducing projectile damage by @Effect1Amount@%.][Caitlyn improves her defenses, doubling her projectile damage reduction to @Effect3Amount@%. While Bulletproof is on cooldown, Caitlyn's movement speed increases by @Effect2Amount@%.]

Authority of Law(E): Caitlyn fears an enemy for a short time and is immune to that enemy's debuffs for a time afterwards. If Caitlyn takes damage from her target during that time, her damage and defenses are improved.[Caitlyn flashes her badge at an enemy champion, causing them to panic in fear for 1 second. For @Effect1Amount@ seconds afterwards, Caitlyn is immune to her target's debuffs, and if Caitlyn takes damage from them during that time, she gains @Effect2Amount@ attack damage, armor and magic resistance.]

The Long Arm(Ultimate): Caitlyn channels for a period of time, then fires a high-speed bullet at a target, getting double the payoff if it kills.[Caitlyn readies her rifle, locking onto and tracking an enemy champion. After channeling for four seconds, Caitlyn fires a high-velocity shot at her target, passing through minions and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage if it hits an enemy champion. If this shot deals a finishing blow, Caitlyn receives twice the victim's bounty in gold.]

Opposing Tips
*If Caitlyn's Aimed Shot misses, she'll be revealed on the map for one second. Use that brief glimpse to hunt her down.
*When Caitlyn locks on with The Long Arm, you have an very short time after the targetting reticle disappears to get out of the way. Use summoner flash, if you have it.
*Caitlyn's Authority of Law prevents her target from casting debuffs on her, wait until the effect disappears before trying to stun her.

Character Tips
*Aimed Shot and The Long Arm leave you vulnerable while you channel. Place wards near where you're charging to keep an eye out for enemies.
*Bulletproof only increases Caitlyn's speed while it's on cooldown, so take this into account when trying to escape.
* Use The Long Arm in combination with Caitlyn's passive in order to finish targets off after a fight.
[quote name='Morphx2']So the new champ is revealed and here are her new abilities from one of the developers at Riot

The Sheriff of Piltover

All-Points Bulletin(Passive): Whenever an allied champion is slain, Caitlyn gains vision of the killer for a limited time.

Aimed Shot(Q): Caitlyn channels her shot, increasing damage and range over time. If the shot hits, Caitlyn can fire a second shot shortly after, but if it misses, Caitlyn is revealed to the enemy.[Caitlyn channels to take careful aim, gaining @Effect1Amount@% damage and 20 range per second charged. Caitlyn can cancel the charge at any time to reset Aimed Shot's cooldown.] [If Aimed Shot hits a target, it deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage and Caitlyn can fire a single extra shot one second later with half of the bonus damage of the first. [If Aimed Shot misses on the first attack, Caitlyn is revealed to the enemy for 1 second.]

Bulletproof(W):Caitlyn passively resists projectile damage, and can actively double the resistance for a short time. While on cooldown, Caitlyn's movement speed is increased.[Caitlyn's bulletproof vest helps to protect her, reducing projectile damage by @Effect1Amount@%.][Caitlyn improves her defenses, doubling her projectile damage reduction to @Effect3Amount@%. While Bulletproof is on cooldown, Caitlyn's movement speed increases by @Effect2Amount@%.]

Authority of Law(E): Caitlyn fears an enemy for a short time and is immune to that enemy's debuffs for a time afterwards. If Caitlyn takes damage from her target during that time, her damage and defenses are improved.[Caitlyn flashes her badge at an enemy champion, causing them to panic in fear for 1 second. For @Effect1Amount@ seconds afterwards, Caitlyn is immune to her target's debuffs, and if Caitlyn takes damage from them during that time, she gains @Effect2Amount@ attack damage, armor and magic resistance.]

The Long Arm(Ultimate): Caitlyn channels for a period of time, then fires a high-speed bullet at a target, getting double the payoff if it kills.[Caitlyn readies her rifle, locking onto and tracking an enemy champion. After channeling for four seconds, Caitlyn fires a high-velocity shot at her target, passing through minions and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage if it hits an enemy champion. If this shot deals a finishing blow, Caitlyn receives twice the victim's bounty in gold.]

Opposing Tips
*If Caitlyn's Aimed Shot misses, she'll be revealed on the map for one second. Use that brief glimpse to hunt her down.
*When Caitlyn locks on with The Long Arm, you have an very short time after the targetting reticle disappears to get out of the way. Use summoner flash, if you have it.
*Caitlyn's Authority of Law prevents her target from casting debuffs on her, wait until the effect disappears before trying to stun her.

Character Tips
*Aimed Shot and The Long Arm leave you vulnerable while you channel. Place wards near where you're charging to keep an eye out for enemies.
*Bulletproof only increases Caitlyn's speed while it's on cooldown, so take this into account when trying to escape.
* Use The Long Arm in combination with Caitlyn's passive in order to finish targets off after a fight.[/QUOTE]

Ok, I need this one! :D

In other news, had a terrible game last night. Had a Gangplank on our team get a bad start, so he blamed everyone else for it. Then he intentionally fed the other team's Xin, and spent the rest of the game spamming chat and yelling at us for not helping him. Then our team would not surrender. I still went like 15/7 or something like that though.
I played 2 games today. Rocked the house as AD Sion. I think Sion is my main AD character, so Im happy I finally have one.

I played ranked today and told the Xin to lane with me at bottom.

We were against a solo laning blitz. We kicked his butt, then went to jungle and kicked fiddle's butt, then went to mid and kicked Vlads butt, then we went top and killed 1 out of the 2 there. We were just mopping the floor. It was great. The Xin was REALLY good and had great map awareness and everything, it was great playing with someone like that. Xin + Sion = chemistry
One thing that bugs me while watching my boyfriend play is that everyone is so quick to blame team members for feeding. Can't you just say, wow that player is really good? I mean as a teacher at an elementary school I watch kids with a better mindset of wow that was a really good play, instead of bashing each other for sucking.
I have really only seen two legitimate feeders. One because they got mad at the team for "sucking" and the other seemed mentally retarded and ran in and died like 7 times but then started playing really well. Makes me think that their little brother took over the computer cause he was saying he was a retard and shit like that.

One game last night was particularly hilarious. It was a rough start. The Miss Fortune on the team was really good, but not in my boyfriend's lane. She had like 18 kills at the end of the game. My boyfriend was accused of feeding, yet MF was not in his lane. His team had the opportunity to turn it around after losing two inhibitors because they won two team fights and the inhibitors were ready to spawn but his team just stood at the base refusing to fight because my boyfriend and his friend refused to surrender. It was so upsetting.
So then next game, they were up against that Miss Fortune but he had picked Sion this time. I mean his team was bitching about them last game to the other team calling them pugs and whatnot. Well my boyfriend owned that game with 20 kills and his partner got 10. It amused me because one of the teammates that was in the last game had started talking shit about how they were going to feed on purpose and then they first blooded the Sion that was so great as Miss Fortune last game. I mean everyone is so quick to blame teammates instead of just admitting the other team had a better game.
So anyways that's my rant.
In many cases, they are feeding by making stupid decisions.

I'm torn on how to use my IP. I liked Shen last week but have been enjoying Nasus. However, I run out of mana with him since I don't have runes. I'd also like to buy Xin or Olaf, someone I can be a carry with. I like Tanks since you can afford to make mistakes, but there are many games where we can win, but my team just doesn't get on the same page and work together. And as a tank, I can't do a great deal in team fights which is frustrating if I'm doing well.
I bought full sets of blue and yellow mana regen runes because thats what I saw the high ELO people use for casters. Seems to be working ok. I do miss the blue cooldowns, but I will live.
Nasus isn't a Tanky DPS. His attack speed sucks, he has no strong offensive ability (have to grind his Q), he's slow, and has no gap-closer (Wither is a CC).

That said, I was essentially our carry in a game. I finished 10/3/15. Bought Trinity Force early, also picked up Soul Shroud and Atma's after a couple team fights. Only defensive items I had were Heart of Gold, Doran's Shield, and Merc Treads.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']One thing that bugs me while watching my boyfriend play is that everyone is so quick to blame team members for feeding. Can't you just say, wow that player is really good? I mean as a teacher at an elementary school I watch kids with a better mindset of wow that was a really good play, instead of bashing each other for sucking.
I have really only seen two legitimate feeders. One because they got mad at the team for "sucking" and the other seemed mentally retarded and ran in and died like 7 times but then started playing really well. Makes me think that their little brother took over the computer cause he was saying he was a retard and shit like that.

One game last night was particularly hilarious. It was a rough start. The Miss Fortune on the team was really good, but not in my boyfriend's lane. She had like 18 kills at the end of the game. My boyfriend was accused of feeding, yet MF was not in his lane. His team had the opportunity to turn it around after losing two inhibitors because they won two team fights and the inhibitors were ready to spawn but his team just stood at the base refusing to fight because my boyfriend and his friend refused to surrender. It was so upsetting.
So then next game, they were up against that Miss Fortune but he had picked Sion this time. I mean his team was bitching about them last game to the other team calling them pugs and whatnot. Well my boyfriend owned that game with 20 kills and his partner got 10. It amused me because one of the teammates that was in the last game had started talking shit about how they were going to feed on purpose and then they first blooded the Sion that was so great as Miss Fortune last game. I mean everyone is so quick to blame teammates instead of just admitting the other team had a better game.
So anyways that's my rant.[/QUOTE]

You gotta remember that most of the people playing are moody teenagers. And in my experience most teenagers seem to think they can do no wrong, and refuse to accept advice. So you end up with a lot of games where the players blame everyone else for their problems.
[quote name='Morphx2']Sion can do AP or AD and be tankie

Nasus is tanky DPS

Xin is tanky DPS

Olaf is tanky DPS


I think teams with at least 2 beefy characters do better than teams with only 1.

I play tanks a lot and it takes a lot of pressure off and it's a lot easier to win team fights if I have a Olaf or Xin right behind me.

Then also your 2 beefy characters can get a mix of offensive and defensive items. If you have 1 tank who just gets all hp, armor, and mr items any smart team would just ignore him.
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So yesterday I was in champion select with my group and one was taking forever to pick. I had selected Nasus but not locked him in. I was waiting to see if I should take Clarity (if he was a jungler and I'm 2v1) or Exhaust (I take if I'm mid or 2v2). Finally he decides and I go to switch my spells. The box didn't close immediately so I clicked Ghost a couple times, it went away and at the VERY LAST second, I had clicked Morgana and it locked in. Needless to say I was really pissed and did terribly, finished 0/12/17. I had my Armor pen runes and 0/16/14 masteries (tanky caster for Nasus).
Played a bunch of solo ranked games today. First time. Won 1 lost 7.

I'm suprised. I expected the people playing ranked to be better. I did play against 1 Shaco and 1 Eve who were phenomenal and carried their team. Nobody on my team was buying wards either. I have better luck in normal matchmaking.
[quote name='icedrake523']So yesterday I was in champion select with my group and one was taking forever to pick. I had selected Nasus but not locked him in. I was waiting to see if I should take Clarity (if he was a jungler and I'm 2v1) or Exhaust (I take if I'm mid or 2v2). Finally he decides and I go to switch my spells. The box didn't close immediately so I clicked Ghost a couple times, it went away and at the VERY LAST second, I had clicked Morgana and it locked in. Needless to say I was really pissed and did terribly, finished 0/12/17. I had my Armor pen runes and 0/16/14 masteries (tanky caster for Nasus).[/QUOTE]
you can't really blame your masteries for that. getting pissed was probably the main reason as it threw you off your groove. morgana plays great as a tanky caster and really she doesn't need runes. you just need to land snares and be able to survive long enough for your ult and toss that shield out. being tanky lends itself well to that and keeps you around for those mejais stacks.
I did try to be decent. But they all focused me in fights and Blitz would go for me. Plus their Cho was huge and had a Banshee so whenever I used my snare, it hit him but didn't affect him.
Oh noes! My wife got me some RP for Christmas, and I cant get the Kitty Katarina skin! I didnt know it was limited time :mad:
yay waughoo :D How much riot points ya get??

Yup, the Kitty one was limited for halloween silly goose :p

I was rocking Janna on Sunday, had like a 7-game win streak till our 5-man premade split up and I got into random teams with at least 1-2 feeders.

I bought Nidalee with IP last night too and messed around with her a little in practice games. She is going to be tough to learn.

I made buddies with this 13 year old who is actually pretty good and acts normal. He lives in Europe though so we probably wont see much of him unfortunately.
[quote name='spandexninja']so i just played free sion... feels like a really tanky tryndmere with a stun[/QUOTE]

I make him AD and he rocks the house with his ultimate. E is always up too. Sure, with AP you get a hard hitting stun and shield explosion, but after that you just sit there
[quote name='Morphx2']yay waughoo :D How much riot points ya get??

Yup, the Kitty one was limited for halloween silly goose :p

I was rocking Janna on Sunday, had like a 7-game win streak till our 5-man premade split up and I got into random teams with at least 1-2 feeders.

I bought Nidalee with IP last night too and messed around with her a little in practice games. She is going to be tough to learn.

I made buddies with this 13 year old who is actually pretty good and acts normal. He lives in Europe though so we probably wont see much of him unfortunately.[/QUOTE]

Just $10, BUT you get a free 300 rp right now with any rp purchase. So it's basically like getting 1300 rp.
nice :p

Played Nidalee for the first time in a normal game. We won.

Played Nidalee for the 2nd time in a normal game. Our Garen, Galio, and Cass had no idea how to play. My buddy (Jax) and I were the only ones that knew how to play. Garen and Galio fed at the bottom lane. ONCE AGAIN, mid stunk and couldnt beat Anivia or Pantheon. I am really thinking I should always take mid since my teammates really stink.

Free champs should not be used in normal games at level 30 either!
I want the new rotation already, dammit. I like Nasus but I'm really dependent on my team. My last game with him I was 2/4/32, Waughoo was our carry and the rest of our team wasn't bad once they stopped running off to do their own shit. I liked how their Malphite pretty much had to use every single one of his abilities to kill Waughoo. Then when my team is bad, I'll be 1/7/2.
Best. Nasus Game. EVER

I went 17/5/24. Was pretty much our carry since Waughoo died more at 20/9/14.

Their Twitch was completely useless, didn't need oracles. Their Yi tried to backdoor but we kept raping their team in fights.

Yi got a quadra kill when we tanked 2 of their turrets. He and one of his teammates were like "owned by Yi lolz." Then he got all butthurt when I said the turret did 90% of the damage to us. We obviously won. Woulda been sooner if our Sivir hadn't afk'd during a team fight at their base.

This might be my 2nd best game since I went 10/0/11 as Garen and got a triple kill saving our Anivia (Kodos).
O snap, you called out Waughoo for being totally sucky!


I played a quick game during my lunch break.

Our team: Nidalee (me), TF, Anivia, Teemo, and Tristana

Them: Pantheon, Shen, Anivia, Teemo, Jax

Teemo and I were top with Panth and Shen.

This Panth had no idea how to play. He would randomly do his heartseeker strike to the minions and try to do it to us and we just walked out of it. Even his combo with his stun was nothing. He ragequitted after 10 minutes during his laning phase. Probably helped his team by leaving so he wouldnt feed. The rest of the game was just a domination. I was throwing out my heals left and right with some spear shots. Tried to get Anivia at her tower, but the stupid TOWER blocked my pounce and I didnt get her :\

I feel bad for teams with people who leave, just ruins the game. My team had a trash-talking person too, i was like uuugggg.

Their shen was stupid though too. We were mostly AP except Tristana and he went all armor :\
[quote name='Morphx2']O snap, you called out Waughoo for being totally sucky!


I didn't say he sucked, I meant I was more of the carry because I died less despite having fewer kills.

The guy who did suck was our Anivia who went off on a side lane too much and didn't help me attack their nexus at the very end.
I'm back into this game all the sudden. Currently at level 25, I've decided to diversify after mainly playing Rammus. I've really enjoyed Singe as of late. I figure I've got to learn a bunch of champs to get ready for ranked matches. Just curious do the other CAGs play 5 v 5 or 3 v 3, I've tried both and really prefer the 3 v 3.
We just lost a game mainly do to our Ryze. Apparently a Ryze has only 2 purposes in the game...

1). Follow someone around and take their minion kills.
2). Run up to an enemy champ, cast Rune Prison, run away.

He only used his other abilities on minions. It was really frustrating early game cause he'd hit them with prison, so I'd just in thinking "Hey we're initiating" only for him to run off and leave me 2 v 1.
bread's done