League of Legends anyone?

I absolutely loathe the HoN playerbase, its made entirely of assholes. I'll definitely be checking this out.
Granted it was a 5v4, but their 4 were fed and 3 of our 5 were pretty bad most of the game.

Still, I was a pretty awesome Nunu carry. My iceball could follow Kass even after his ult and kill him.

Whats this? Co-op vs AI? Sounds like Nunu Bot shall have his vengence!

I'll probably start playing again in a few days. Right now I'm still too out of it to be effective, and I dont know if I can sit up for a hour without the pain kicking in. They got me on vicodin, but that doesnt do much to me other than take the edge off the soreness. Until then you guys will have to somehow manage without Kat ;)
[quote name='Waughoo']Whats this? Co-op vs AI? Sounds like Nunu Bot shall have his vengence!

I'll probably start playing again in a few days. Right now I'm still too out of it to be effective, and I dont know if I can sit up for a hour without the pain kicking in. They got me on vicodin, but that doesnt do much to me other than take the edge off the soreness. Until then you guys will have to somehow manage without Kat ;)[/QUOTE]

I missed you earlier in the week when no one else was on and I kept losing in solo queue :whistle2:(

As you can tell, I've been playing Nunu now. So when you get back, we'll lane together and push push push push push push push pushing
[quote name='icedrake523']I missed you earlier in the week when no one else was on and I kept losing in solo queue :whistle2:(

As you can tell, I've been playing Nunu now. So when you get back, we'll lane together and push push push push push push push pushing[/QUOTE]

I like laning with Nunu! Our ults together are almost a garunteed kill. Kat got a slight buff if I remember right (read the patch notes while doped up on morphin) so that's good too.

I was disappointed with Irelia. She has alot of potential but is so easy to shut down. When I've played her, it seems like she's only really good for pushing lanes quickly, or chasing down low health enemies. However I don't play her as a jungler, and that's probably the best way to play her.

So how annoying is the new champ? He seems like the type that will either rape or feed the whole game.
[quote name='shkibb']I absolutely loathe the HoN playerbase, its made entirely of assholes. I'll definitely be checking this out.[/QUOTE]

Never played HoN, but my experience with LoL hasn't been that bad. There are stretches like earlier in the week where I can't win and I have bad teammates or the people on the other team are assholes. For the most part, it's not bad.

[quote name='Waughoo']I like laning with Nunu! Our ults together are almost a garunteed kill. Kat got a slight buff if I remember right (read the patch notes while doped up on morphin) so that's good too.[/QUOTE]

I actually don't use his ult a lot. It's just difficult to really get a chance to use it. Best places to use it are in the jungle where there's not a lot of spots to escape or if you hit them with a slow and run up next to them and activate it.

In one game, Flippr told me to ult in the middle of the lane because Teemo was hiding in it. Sure enough, he was there.

I mostly spam his ice ball (movement and attack speed slows) and use my W on an ally in fights or chasing/escaping.

So how annoying is the new champ? He seems like the type that will either rape or feed the whole game.
From what I've seen, he needs a lot of changes. His ult sucks, just gives an instant health boost, the AoE damage from it is negligible. His cooldowns are earlly long, so you have to get the CDR boots and Spirit Visage or Brutalizer. He seems to suck early game and does much better late.
[quote name='Waughoo']So how annoying is the new champ? He seems like the type that will either rape or feed the whole game.[/QUOTE]

The new champ pretty much feeds. He seems decently tanky, but not tanky enough to eat constant harassment during the laning phase, and doesn't possess the moveset to force harassment off of him. In teamfights, he's often the first to die. His ult acts more of a 1v1 deterrent, in teamfights, it doesn't seem to do much to keep him alive. I have yet to see one get into late game without feeding.
I would be mad if I was Riot.

Pouring all these resources into making new champs, that are barely played one week after they come out.

Lux is seen most often.

How often do you see:

MF now

They should take a hint and stop releasing all of these champs.
[quote name='Morphx2']I would be mad if I was Riot.

Pouring all these resources into making new champs, that are barely played one week after they come out.

Lux is seen most often.

How often do you see:

MF now

They should take a hint and stop releasing all of these champs.[/QUOTE]

I think Swain and MF are still very viable (played against a very strong Swain yesterday). Irelia and Cass seem a little weak. Caitlyn and Renek either are terrible and/or have terrible people playing them. I find most people playing Renek have names like "Ballzinurface", so that may explain some of that.

I've seen a good number of good Luxes, so I think Lux is mostly done at this point.
You forgot Trundle, Flippr.

The problem with Swain, Irelia, Cass, and Trundle is they're more of a niche champion. Take Swain for example. He's a tanky mage, but his damage is over time. People would rather play Vlad where you build nuke and get him to be a tank as well and it's more fun to see a big red bar disappear on your enemy.

Renekton needs a lot of changes. If you look at his profile, his rating are nearly identical to Pantheon. However, Pantheon is much better because he's more of a burst melee DPS since his spells have short CDs. Renekton's CDs are so bad, you HAVE to build the CDR boots (so no Merc Treads to prevent CC) and Spirit Visage (also needed because the lifesteal on his ability is awful early). That's already, what, 2500 gold for 2 items most champions don't need. Your other option for cheap CDR is Brutalizer, but Phage into Frozen Mallet would be a lot better since it makes him tankier and is better for chasing. His dash has terrible range and his stun, even with Fury, doesn't last that long. His ultimate is also a shitty version of Nasus'.

One thing I wish they'd stop doing is making all these new champions and make older champions more viable. Nasus seriously needs a buff on Wither because Merc Treads ruins it. The increased movement speed was nice, but the buff on Siphoning Strike still isn't enough nor is it that great. You still have to grind it and it has a long CD early on. They should change his passive as well. It does give him a good ability to help stay in lane, but it screams "jungle with him" when he can dominate a lane, even 1v2.

They also need to add more options for Magic Resist items. If you're a tank and want to build HP/MR, you have 3 options: Aegis of the Legion, Spirit Visage, or Banshee's Veil. Banshee's, while a great item, is kind of a waste on manaless champs and the increase in MR is negligible at (48 vs 50). Especially with the new Zhonya's and Deathcap, more options are needed. Not saying there needs to be a 100 MR version of Thornmail, just more options.
Force of Nature gives good HP regen and movement speed :D

I probably wont be playing much LOL for now, got DC Universe online and enjoying it :)
[quote name='Morphx2']I would be mad if I was Riot.

Pouring all these resources into making new champs, that are barely played one week after they come out.

Lux is seen most often.

How often do you see:

MF now

They should take a hint and stop releasing all of these champs.[/QUOTE]

I've been seeing a good amount of Swains, but the rest I rarely see anymore. MF is still good, but because she's no longer OP, people pretty much stopped playing her all the time. It's the same with Sona, Heimerdinger, Galio, etc. Once they got their series of nerfs, a lot of people stopped playing them because they took more skill to play at the level they were at before, and people would rather move on to the next FotM champion than relearn how to play a nerfed one.

I think Riot shifted from releasing viable champions then nerfing them after people QQ to releasing underpowered champions then buffing them slowly until people no longer QQ as much. I think I preferred the old way, without the inevitable major nerfs incoming phase. In my opinion, a new champion should be powerful enough to force people to change their strategies. Older champions like Eve, Twisted Fate, and Blitzcrank embody this ideal, as if the other team has one, you need to alter your playing style to account for their abilities. They aren't OP, but if you ignore their special traits and play against them like you would against a typical vanilla champ, you can get expect to get owned, and rightfully so.
[quote name='icedrake523']
They also need to add more options for Magic Resist items. If you're a tank and want to build HP/MR, you have 3 options: Aegis of the Legion, Spirit Visage, or Banshee's Veil. Banshee's, while a great item, is kind of a waste on manaless champs and the increase in MR is negligible at (48 vs 50). Especially with the new Zhonya's and Deathcap, more options are needed. Not saying there needs to be a 100 MR version of Thornmail, just more options.[/QUOTE]

With Mundo I hate when AP champs on the other team rack up a lot of kills. I have M treads and Spirit Visage, but after that I can get force of nature, but the HP recovery is a waste on Mundo. They do indeed need another high priced MR/HP item, so you have somewhere useful to put your gold towards. It would also encourage people to buy something besides banshee's.

I like the Nasus Q buff. Overall I think he's balanced, it would be easy to make him stronger by just buffing his R a bit. He is supposed to be kiteable and somewhat easy to get away from.
[quote name='Morphx2']Force of Nature gives good HP regen and movement speed :D

I probably wont be playing much LOL for now, got DC Universe online and enjoying it :)[/QUOTE]

HP regen is pretty useless late game, though. I built that first on Morde because the bonuses were really useful early and made AP nukes do barely any damage. But since I've stopped playing Morde, I've bought it once which was my awesome Nunu game. I only bought it b/c they were all AP and that with Consume let me stay out longer so I could keep picking them off one at a time.

[quote name='wakawakawa']With Mundo I hate when AP champs on the other team rack up a lot of kills. I have M treads and Spirit Visage, but after that I can get force of nature, but the HP recovery is a waste on Mundo. They do indeed need another high priced MR/HP item, so you have somewhere useful to put your gold towards. It would also encourage people to buy something besides banshee's.[/quote]

Yeah. The more I buy Banshee's, the more I don't like it. It's still a great item against Karthus, but the nerf to it was unncessary, IMO, and you need something for manaless characters to get for HP/MR.

I like the Nasus Q buff. Overall I think he's balanced, it would be easy to make him stronger by just buffing his R a bit. He is supposed to be kiteable and somewhat easy to get away from.
My issue with the Q buff is that a good Nasus won't go off on his own and grind it after the laning phase. They still need to modify his Wither so that Merc Treads doesn't kill it so much. He's still a good champ who is my top pick when my team has a jungler. I really don't think there's a better 1v2 champ than him.
I've been playing Akali and I wound up buying her. I really like her, but man if you aren't laning with a good harrasser you pretty much are glued to your tower. I was just shut down early game by a good Lux who would nail all her skillshots (even in my cloud).
I've sen lux's name pop up alot on this page lol.

She is a pain in the rear, especially her ult, wich albeit you can avoid, positioned right can kill anyone just cause they move into it as they are leaving a battle, uggh. Also nice little bug from time to time where the visual doesnt pop up and boom your dead, what no lazer?

been playing janna alot, since playing galio was pretty much support role, i figured i'd go with a more support character. Been having alot of success, and its nice to feel like i keep the whole team going and really make an impact on the battles. We probably had a 5 minute span of team fighting where we never had to b, cause i'd just keep healing us up and returning mana (clarity) shields, etc etc. I'm rather tired so i apologize for the bad spelling grammar etc lol
I love playing as Lux. I'm terrible with the skill shots though :(
If you build her right and get the blue buff you can fire her ult every 20 seconds. At that point you can use it to clear minion waves and push like crazy. You end up completely out farming the other team.
[quote name='Waughoo']I love playing as Lux. I'm terrible with the skill shots though :(

If you play someone like Mundo who has a skillshot on a short cool down you get a lot better at them. I originally missed often, but if you throw 100+ cleavers per match you get better.

I've found all the champions that I'm pretty good with, I was fairly decent with them from the start, there's certain champs I just don't get and cannot learn how to play.

It's like Flipper and his natural ability to play large red monsters.
played with a team of 5 friends. early on someone (in my group of friends) did poorly and decided to afk, so his lane mate joined in. since two people had decided to stop playing then my lane mate thought there was no point in continuing 3v5. Our Annie stayed mid while the two sidelanes were destroyed, and as Soraka there wasn't anything I could do to stop the rape train, so I waited at the Nexus turrets, not afk mind you, just chilling in the base since an Annie and Soraka weren't gonna do jack to a team of 5.

After awhile the other team starts asking where did everyone go so Annie tells them everyone went afk and how lame the match is. Then a player on their team made some comment about how luckily the new AFK buster stuff was added in this patch. I responded saying that it still doesn't work if the person is moving around. That same person replied with something to the effect of Yea it does or we'll see or something like that.

The round ended soon enough, they were merciful and didn't draw it out. So we're at the stats screen and Annie starts freaking out telling me there must have been a glitch with that last game because instead of the 100 or so points we should have got for the loss, he got 1100 points. A minute later, the game crashes with a server problem error message. This is no surprise to me, as LoL crashes with random stuff all the time so I think nothing of it. I restart LoL and attempt to login only to be greeted with a message congratulating me on a 1 day ban. I ask my friends on Skype to get their asses back to their PC's and try to login. Sure enough, everyone is banned for a day, except Annie.

So my guess? We played against a mod or someone with some sort of power at Riot. 4 of us got banned, and 1 of us got 1k points free.

So the moral of this story? Pray you never play against a mod. Them bitches is unjust.
I don't get how you were banned instantly. The new Judicator system would have to review the game, I can't imagine they reviewed that game instantly and ban.
[quote name='icedrake523']I don't get how you were banned instantly. The new Judicator system would have to review the game, I can't imagine they reviewed that game instantly and ban.[/QUOTE]
that is why i said i suspect a mod or someone in a position of power (ie. a dev) was on the other team. how else would my bro get 1k ip and how could we have been banned so fast without someone immediately acting?

also i haven't played since then which was a few days ago, and that judgement system wasn't even out yet, if its even out now.
judgement system is not in place yet, so i'd have to agree that it could've been someone working for riot?

also janna's ult might be the only heal, but its about a minute cooldown with my build and within that minute i can keep my peeps shielded enough, as well as disrupt with my tornadoes (forget the name atm lol) to keep them alive long enough to group up and heal the team over and over and over lol
[quote name='Waughoo']I love playing as Lux. I'm terrible with the skill shots though :([/QUOTE]

Kennen is pretty good for learning skillshots. Free shurikens let you spam them all day. The range is deceptively short though.
I'm actually not terrible with skill shots depending on the champ. I never seem to have much trouble with Ez's Q, but I cant hit Lux's for crap.
im a beast with Lux's shots! A BEAST!

i got a new video card today. Woot woot. Then my rear case fan broke. Waah Waah. So gotta go to Radioshack after work. Uuug uuug.
We've noticed you haven't been playing League of Legends for a while.

To welcome you back to League of Legends, we'd like to offer you Pantheon and the Perseus Pantheon skin for free!

If anyone wants my Promo Code just PM me.
[quote name='icedrake523']Riot should have Champion giveaways.[/QUOTE]

One of the websites I spotlight on my list has give aways for LOL and other FREE MMOs games all the time.

Alienware and a few others gave out some also...all you needed to do was make a free account on their sites and such. Sometimes it's skins and sometimes it's champions like the FB giveaway and such.
I'm happy with free skin giveaways if you can get to them in time. I have the UFO Corki, Facebook Tristana, and the Nightmare Cho Goth from them. Problem is you never really know when they are doing ones like the Cho one.
Should have wrote this yesterday...

Code was given out to the first person that responded. I keep ya posted if I get another.
[quote name='Waughoo']I'm happy with free skin giveaways if you can get to them in time. I have the UFO Corki, Facebook Tristana, and the Nightmare Cho Goth from them. Problem is you never really know when they are doing ones like the Cho one.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. They don't announce them at all. The only one people know about is Tristana and no one users her.

I wish they'd just make Ashe free when you download the game. Then they can make a different champion free instead of her every other week.
My only issue with unlocking the champions is that 6300 is just way too much for 1 champion. I don't own any of the 6300 guys. The other price points 3150 and below are fine.

I originally thought 6300 meant that they were champions that required a lot of skill and were possibly niche, but it seems more like they want to have premium champions so people break down and buy riot points.
I think the next champ is coming in at a lower price. I think I read she's 3150. The joke now is that the next two after her will be like 12600 each to make up for it.
[quote name='Waughoo']I think the next champ is coming in at a lower price. I think I read she's 3150. The joke now is that the next two after her will be like 12600 each to make up for it.[/QUOTE]

Somewhat related, but the next champ's moveset looks interesting. I'm wondering how they'll manage the lack of an ult on here, as you get R from level 1. Makes it feel like she won't scale too well into late game teamfights, unless her R makes Q/W/E into an ult-level spell as it levels (assuming R does level).

Just did my first solo queue in months, and the attitude (and skill) of 3 out of 4 people on my team was terrible. Good to know things haven't changed in the LoL community. I'm sticking to queuing with people I know.

Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever given my U/N here. My LoL name is Uainin, if anyone wants to add me. For the time being, I only play AP and support champs (I took an extended break from this game and came back terrible, so I'm slowly relearning what I used to be good at first).
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I just joined LoL today with some persuasion from a friend. Do you folks know of any decent, low-costing champions a newbie might enjoy?

My friend was suggesting I play has Ashe, but I just don't like the feel of it. I played Heimerdinger the past 4 matches and he's pretty fun. But a little to defensive and he won't be free forever :(.
Nunu is free this week and only 450 IP. I started playing him last week and he's pretty easy to learn. The recommended items have him go AP, but you're better off building as a tank and then getting AP items later.

I've never played Heimer, but he's best early game. After that, he's really not that good.

I'd suggest continue playing with free champs (you can get Tristana for free by liking the LoL facebook page) until you find one you like.

[quote name='wakawakawa']My only issue with unlocking the champions is that 6300 is just way too much for 1 champion. I don't own any of the 6300 guys. The other price points 3150 and below are fine.

I originally thought 6300 meant that they were champions that required a lot of skill and were possibly niche, but it seems more like they want to have premium champions so people break down and buy riot points.[/QUOTE]

6300 is a ridiculous price point for them. When I started, most of them were pretty powerful. But since then, every new champ is 6300. So much for that new price point of 4800 Trundle was supposed to introduce.

I think they do it, as you said, so people buckle and use Riot Points. Also, it helps keep the number people using them limited. If new champs were 1350, everyone would buy them because they're affordable.

The only 6300 champ I have is Vlad. I've never used him much. I doubt I'll buy one since they're either not my thing, weak (Irelia, Renekton) or have been nerfed to hell (Galio, Twitch).
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[quote name='RabbitSuit']I just joined LoL today with some persuasion from a friend. Do you folks know of any decent, low-costing champions a newbie might enjoy?

My friend was suggesting I play has Ashe, but I just don't like the feel of it. I played Heimerdinger the past 4 matches and he's pretty fun. But a little to defensive and he won't be free forever :(.[/QUOTE]

Just play the free ones. If you find any 1350 point champs you like buy them. I would say you could even buy any 1350 and less champs on a whim, without even trying them. I've found as I went from lvl 1 to lvl 30 my strategies and champs changed. I used to like Sivir and Yi a lot now, but don't like them at all now. Don't buy any 6300 or maybe even not any 3150 points until you play the game a lot and learn who you are going to play.

If you want to mess around with runes only buy lvl 1 ones. Don't buy any lvl 3 ones until you really know who your main champs are going to be. It's easy to blow a lot of IP on lvl 3 runes.
Karma, The Enlightened One

Even in her youth, Karma exhibited almost superhuman composure. While her peers explored the torrent of emotions that came with adolescence, Karma meditated in the Lotus Gardens. She was convinced that the true path to enlightenment was a journey inward, to a place within the self, overlooked by most. She exuded such inner contentment that she quickly became a go-to mediator and confidante in her village. Her instructors used to say: "That girl can not only weather a storm, but calm it." Karma did not live extravagantly; her parents owned a local business selling antiques in the Navori province and they often struggled to provide for themselves, though they did so with cheery optimism. Her most prized possessions were two exquisite fans taken from her family's shop.

When Noxian troops invaded southern Ionia, her village was one of the first to fall. The villagers who survived the assault were captured by Noxian forces. It was then that Karma found her calling. By exploiting the insecurities of the Noxian commander, she negotiated the safe release of the villagers to the northern lands. She was present at the Placidium, where the Elders had considered surrender until Irelia's impassioned last stand renewed the Ionians' hope. Karma used this hope to solidify the Elders' commitment to remain defiant against the Noxian onslaught. For her devotion and charisma, Karma was made the figurehead of the Ionian resistance. She never compromised, and she shared every hardship with her people, even when it came to combat. By tapping into her inner resilience, she discovered that she could bring great force to bear against her foes on the battlefield. She modified her fans into lethal implements, and was tutored by Janna to enhance their effects. The Noxians called her "The Enlightened One," a nickname she embraced, and one which they would come to dread. She joined the League to represent Ionia in the ultimate political arena.

"Her fan technique is a deadly art of grace and poise, but her truest strength lies in the hearts of those willing to die alongside her." –Irelia, the Will of the Blades


Heavenly Wave: Karma sends forth a wave of hidden blades from her fans, dealing magic damage to units in a cone in front of her.

Mantra Bonus: In addition to dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone. The amount healed is amplified depending upon the amount of life Karma, or her allies are missing

Spirit Bond: Karma bonds an ally or enemy creating a beam between them. Bonded allies have increased movement speed and bonded enemies have reduced movement speed. Enemy units that come in contact with the beam take magic damage, and champions who pass through the beam receive the same movement speed modifier as bonded champions.

Mantra Bonus: Karma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed modifier.

Soul Shield: Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage.

Mantra Bonus: In addition to the shield, energy radiates out from the shield, dealing damage to enemy units around the recipient.

Mantra (Ultimate): Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.

Inner Flame (Passive): Karma gains increased Ability Power corresponding to her missing Health.

She sounds pretty cool. Good to see another support champ, and I like how her ult is available lvl1. She's either gonna be terribly OP or just terrible. I'm expecting to see a lot of people trying to play her as a carry, and ending up feeding.
[quote name='wakawakawa']Just play the free ones. If you find any 1350 point champs you like buy them. I would say you could even buy any 1350 and less champs on a whim, without even trying them. I've found as I went from lvl 1 to lvl 30 my strategies and champs changed. I used to like Sivir and Yi a lot now, but don't like them at all now. Don't buy any 6300 or maybe even not any 3150 points until you play the game a lot and learn who you are going to play.

If you want to mess around with runes only buy lvl 1 ones. Don't buy any lvl 3 ones until you really know who your main champs are going to be. It's easy to blow a lot of IP on lvl 3 runes.[/QUOTE]

I don't think you can buy tier 3 runes until you're level 20. I would just pass on runes all together until then.

[quote name='Waughoo']Karma, The Enlightened One
She sounds pretty cool. Good to see another support champ, and I like how her ult is available lvl1. She's either gonna be terribly OP or just terrible. I'm expecting to see a lot of people trying to play her as a carry, and ending up feeding.[/QUOTE]

Her passive is going to make people be stupid and stay out longer instead of going to heal. I'm looking forward to seeing her every game next week and then never again.
bread's done