League of Legends anyone?

that sucks

we had a fun CAG in-house game.

Waughoo, me, and Exploding Rat and 2 pubs who did real good

Then Bravo!! came on, but I had to finish watching tv show
Does anyone have any suggestions for a cost 3150 hero looking for one that does melee and ranged (or just ranged), something that can take down heroes?

Right now I am using morgana (who I love) but I need someone a little more beefier on the attack side for when I play with my buddies. We tend to need more attack or at least someone beefier in the hp department.
For a Melee DPS, I'd recommend Xin Zhao. He's pretty powerful and barely uses any mana. I didn't play much of Jarvan but he's another tanky Melee DPS and has a good support ability. Olaf is really fun too. You don't have to build any DPS items, I go straight tank items and a Wriggle's and Atma's. His W gives him extra AD equal to 1% of his HP (as well as lifesteal and spell vamp), his ult gives immunity to disables as well as passive armor pen (combined with armor pen marks and quints, I get 55 total so never really need Last Whisper or Ghostblade), and his passive ability gives him increased attack speed equal to 1% health he's missing. Downside is he's a crappy laner with no good harass. He's a fast jungler because of his passive but it also makes him vulnerable until he recalls the first time. But late game when you have all your items, you're pretty unstoppable.

Never played much ranged so I don't know many good ones.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Does anyone have any suggestions for a cost 3150 hero looking for one that does melee and ranged (or just ranged), something that can take down heroes?

Right now I am using morgana (who I love) but I need someone a little more beefier on the attack side for when I play with my buddies. We tend to need more attack or at least someone beefier in the hp department.[/QUOTE]

If you need AD and someone to initiate xin zhao is good.

Gangplank is a strong initiator with a strong ranged AD harass also.

Not sure how much either of them cost.
Gangplank sounds right to me. His skills are ranged based (attacks physically though), he's beefy and dishes out AD. But I'd wait till he's free to try him out before you get him. I thought I'd love the guy, but I sucked with him. He only has one attack skill aside from his ult. A fairly decent self heal, and an attack boost buff.

Ranged, AP and Beefy makes me think of Swain and Vlad, but both are 6300. Vlad's HP pool and vamp can be a joke. Swain is lower in terms of HP, but with his toggle ult, he's pretty much a ranged Cho.

I'd recommend Olaf if you don't mind going melee.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Gangplank sounds right to me. His skills are ranged based (attacks physically though), he's beefy and dishes out AD. But I'd wait till he's free to try him out before you get him. I thought I'd love the guy, but I sucked with him. He only has one attack skill aside from his ult. A fairly decent self heal, and an attack boost buff.

Ranged, AP and Beefy makes me think of Swain and Vlad, but both are 6300. Vlad's HP pool and vamp can be a joke. Swain is lower in terms of HP, but with his toggle ult, he's pretty much a ranged Cho.

I'd recommend Olaf if you don't mind going melee.[/QUOTE]

I tried gangplank and liked him when he was free two weeks ago. I was curious if you guys knew of anyone else. So I think it's going to be gangplank then. I just need 270 points now :lol:
I used Kog for the first time

First game: My team sucked

Second game: We came back strong and I was whooping the crap out of their tanks. Holy crapola Kog is strong late game
Kog is interesting. I only used him in a Co-op mode though. I love that he can increase his range on demand. Makes running a joke when you can still get 4 standard attacks in standing in the same place.

I made him ASPD and not AP though.
Kog is only good if you have a team that can get focus off of you.

You gotta build him Malady, Wits End, Bloodrazor. When you activate his W, there goes 10% of your health per hit. I think he gets to around 2 attacks per second as well.

He just MELTS people if they dont attack him. It is pretty amazing to watch :)

His ooze is nice to farm with as well.

I went R>E>W>Q

I used flash and ghost i think
I'm not really the melee type. But I'm considering getting her too. Just a small problem though, I went out and bought a Collectors Pack from Target today for the RP, 20champs (well 19 after Sivir) and Runes, but it didn't come with anything :bomb:!

It was just a slip cover, gamedisk and a sealed case without any artwork or pins.

Just called Target and they said I was SOL. Think complaining to LoL would help?
Seriously?! Wtf. They really need to update their description for it then. It states that it comes with everything the digital version does, but has a Silver Kayle skin instead of Goth Annie.

Edit - Just got confirmation. The boxed set comes with an install disc, poster, collector's pack code card (with Kayle), and an RP card for 1350.
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I got it in store. I spoke with them again and they told me that I'd be able to exchange it for the same item at a different location, then told me that there was another one in the city that had it. So I drove over there and theirs was in the same condition. Had nothing in it cept the install disc.

They kept that copy and put it as "defective". And I still have my crappy copy too. Sent a ticket into riot thanks to one of their forum Wretchmen. Anybody know about their response times?
Ugh, I hope that they're able to credit my account with the stuff. I wouldn't mind if I get Annie or Kayle or any of that nonsense x.x I just want it before April 1st in case a funny new skin comes out.

That Count Vlad on sale looks pretty good too.
from amazon

Collector's Pack Content: One exclusive alternate Champion skin model -Kayle the Judicator; 20 playable Champions; 4 special Summoner Runes; $10 of Riot Points for use in the Store

So what didnt you get??
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Seriously?! Wtf. They really need to update their description for it then. It states that it comes with everything the digital version does, but has a Silver Kayle skin instead of Goth Annie.

Edit - Just got confirmation. The boxed set comes with an install disc, poster, collector's pack code card (with Kayle), and an RP card for 1350.[/QUOTE]

Mine came with a CD and one code (this was purchased from a target 2 weeks ago). The code unlocks everything, the champions, the skin and the points. Kinda sucks they don't include the poster but hey $10 of riot points and 20 champions is awesome.
Eh? You didn't get the poster? Wonder if that Wretchmen was wrong on that then. I agree, it's awesome. I was looking forward to it for a while, but I finally bit for this whole April 1st ordeal. I just can't see myself purchasing a 10 dollar Riot card, when stores have this entire thing for 20.

[quote name='Morphx2']from amazon

Collector's Pack Content: One exclusive alternate Champion skin model -Kayle the Judicator; 20 playable Champions; 4 special Summoner Runes; $10 of Riot Points for use in the Store

So what didnt you get??[/QUOTE]

I didn't get anything you just listed. I just got an install disc and a slip cover for the PS2 case it came in.
i forget what i got :)

Actually, I may have gotten a poster. I dunno :)

I just knew I was on my way to kicking some ass in League of Legends.


Use the $10 in riot points and put that towards the other champion bundle. 20 more champs for an extra $15? Yup!

I cant wait to use Renekton some more. Got a possible new build.

I hope I can get some game time tonight!
Nah, don't get that second bundle. It's not worth it.

I played a real game as Taric and it was great. I just in a bush and denied Kat and Trynd while Ashe farmed. One great moment was we had gotten their bot turret down. Trynd came after us from behind so we chased. But our Akali came too. They chased him around the front of Dragon. He spun back up where I was, stunned him and then Akali caught up and killed him. Another was when Ashe fired an arrow at Trynd just as his ult ended when he was past their turret. Our Ashe was kind of annoying since she would often run away when we were getting a turret and I had my ult on.
2nd bundle is totally worth it

Ice is whack!

Taric is so fun

What build do you do?

He definately needs some attack speed.

I like Nashors Tooth, but it is very expensive.

I usually go Mejia, then Nashors, then defensive/hp stuff.

R>W>Q>E. Gotta love his early burst. Close range stun, then a W and they will be feeling the pain!!!

I usually get 20 stacks with him if I am cautious. Then his heals rock n roll. With some attack speed he heals for 400+ every 2 seconds since hitting lowers the CD on the heal

Summoner spells are a toss-up. I think Clarity is a must. Use your R in a team fight, then clarity when its over. Last time I used Taric I forgot to get clarity and I totally felt it. The other summoner spell is a toss-up. Premade team get CV, otherwise maybe teleport to help another lane if they get attacked or flash or ghost.

It is good to see you moving onto support roles :)
I go R>Q>W>E. I start with a Meki Pendant and build that into a Tear of the Goddess. Then I work on Merc Treads, Aegis of the Legion, and then a Soul Shroud. The Co-op/AI games usually end by then but after that I get a Spirit Visage but might get Chalice of Harmony instead since it's cheaper and synergizes with his ult. Then I work on Nashor's Tooth. I prefer building the Tear into Archangel so the heal is more powerful. I have some AS runes but I'll probably buy more later.

I go Clarity and Ghost. I might do Tele instead.

I definitely prefer the support champs. I rather be the one to help my team than rely on them to help me. Though it's really annoying when they don't run to me to be healed or get Clarity.
I play Co-op vs AI often because it's a guarantee to get the win of the day bonus plus my ping sometimes sucks and I don't want to risk it happening in a real game. It's also more relaxing.
I like the 2nd bundle, especially since it has a few 6300 champs in it. But I already have Anivia and that'll hold me over for a while. I want to use the RP for a skin or three.

Speaking of Anivia... I just had my first game using her that I ended up feeding. Worst player on both sides x.x.
Summer and I got stuck with stupid people in 2 games in a row.

Malphite tanking with glacial shroud and warmogs in one game and initiating without an ult

My Renek did fine though :)
You know how laning against a Taric and Sion is like the worst combination? There's a way to beat it. Someone with a stun and a Poppy who just hides in grass waiting to slam you into the wall.
I played a couple hours last night after not playing for like a week.

I'm finding this game to be less balanced as time progresses. It seems to really be rewarding early game champs and tower pushers now. We had a Heimer on our team (they did too) after taking their middle inhibitor I go back to my old ways and take out the 2 top towers and then the top inhibitor. Ok!!! Now we have 2 inhibitors down wooo let's all B and .... game over. Our Heimer took out both nexus towers and the nexus by himself.

I also had 1 game where I died twice as singed. Lost 50% of my health to turrets each time. I'm not saying Heimer is too strong, just that it really seems that certain champs are getting better with all the other changes they are doing.

Cho gath got hammered early game, I got turret dove twice as him.... I mean come on... I've never had that happen before. Singed is noticeably weaker, he is still useful, but you really just have to play at a higher level now.

Forgot how long I've been playing this but I never really found anyone overpowered. Oh... Panths heartseeker damage was way too high, but I would have been ok with them increasing his HP and base armor along with nerfing it (shouldn't he be a little more durable?), but they just nerfed it, now panth isn't played very often. I don't even play panth, but it wouldn't have broken the game to give him a few more hp and armor.
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I think you got turret dived because of Janna and Garen

Possibly Garen had his ult him and you were low hp.

That Garen was doing real big damage to me a well, as Renekton.

Maybe he had a lot of armor pen. BUT Janna was shielding him as well, so he was at like + 30 AD at LEAST. We both did not have armor items at the start, so he was hitting a lot harder than normal.

We just got stuck with crappy teams :)

I never went Rod of Ages Cho too. Try starting with a resist item for the damage the enemy does in your lane instead of a doran's ring. Ive been doing that on Xin and its been working well. Usually Cloth armor and 5 HP pots works for me.

Cho has the built in last-hit regen, even though the mana part is now halved, but its still regen

Or get a mana crystal + hp pots. Will bring you to a catalyst a lot faster. I then save the catalyst for later on when I make my banshee's

It seems like a strong top solo and a jungler is very strong now. It was good before, but with more action early game those extra levels and ganks really play a huge role. I love having a morde on my team to solo top when I jungle. He is very strong mid game with a solo lane.

Of course i often have solos on my team who feed. Unless you are super confident with soloing just friggin take teleport.
I was doing ok solo top as Renekton vs Yi and Amumu

If I didnt take cleanse, i would of been dead a lot.

Kept cleansing their stuns/exhausts all game.

Those 2 are annoying as melee
I just picked this game up recently and I'm really hooked. I feel like a total noob though since I never played DOTA before. Do you guys got any sites you guys recommend me checking out?
Here's a tip for normal matches... lol.

If you want your team to be more tanky and less burst AP (I usually do), insta pick soraka at the beginning of each match. It works much better than requesting players to be tanks or beefier characters. Then pick your spells and masteries and runes and then select your real champ.
Talk about funny games

I solo queued in normal game.

Us: Teemo (me!), Amumu, Ryze, Tryn, and Lux


Them: Cait, Shen, Kog, Kennen, and Jarvin

Game starts: Lux disconnected and never came back

4v5!! Can we win!?!

Amumu takes top, Ryze mid, me and tryn bottom

Tryn and I fought against Cait and Shen. We did ok with our pokes, but it was tough.

Ryze was getting rocked in mid so I switched with him. I got rocked in mid.

Their Jarvin SUCKED jungling and died like 2-3 times in there.

Top tower went down somehow eventually. Then super gank squad of Amumu and Ryze commenced.

Those 2 just tore everyone up.

Then team fights came, we just tore them all up. Blind, poison, mushroom, pow pow pow, hold, stun, hold. Nothing could stop us!!!

Then the unthinkable happened!!!

We won! WOooohoooo.

We rocked the house 4v5 and then Kog says "you shouldnt pick people who are always banned"

Im like WTF, you have Shen.

Just had a fun game.

It was Taric (me), Teemo, Morgana, Akali, and Blitz against Kat, GP, Shen, Maokai, and Alistar.

Me and Teemo were bot. Couldn't get any kills against GP or Shen but we denied them. Our Akali and Blitz did good top against Maokai and Alistar. Their Kat sucked (almost as much as Waughoo :p) and our Morg did good. We got side turrets early and the rest of the game was like an All Random All Mid. It was chaotic. They were all tanky so it was hard to kill a lot at once for a big push. We finally killed enough pushed well with my ult.

What was annoying was our Akali, our burst damage, or Teemo, our AD, would go to a side lane and clear the minion wave. So me, Morg, and Blitz relied on his grab and the tower to kill them.

Then it to got a point where we couldn't leave our mid tower to heal, so it was up to me to heal everyone. Then we got into a fight in their jungle by blue buff and killed them all. Got a final push and just picked them off as they respawned and came after us.

I definitely like playing tanky support champs. Healing and stunning is fun.

Ever since I took a week off from LoL and stopped playing a bunch of games every day, it's more fun and I'm not losing all the friggin time.
I haven't been on much lately, got a bunch of games recently and have been distracted. A guy my wife works with is moving, and needs money. So he wanted to sell his 360 that wont read disks. I want another 360 to put in the bedroom so we can access our media server anyhow, so I said I'd take it for $10. So he sells me it :)
Included are a hard drive (40 gb I think), all the hookups, and a wired controller that looks like it's been thru a war. The back of the 360 is all tore to hell, cause it's been opened and cleaned once in an attempt to fix the disc read problem. So I have no issues with opening it myself and trying to fix it. A few youtube how-to vids, some WD-40, and several laser-realignments later I have a fully working 360 for $10.

But thats not all! He sent a big box of games. Some ok-ish PS2 games I dont really want, a handful of Xbox games, and a bunch of 360 games. I picked out 5 games I wanted to keep and told my wife to tell him I'd give him $25 for those 5 games. She said he didnt want any of it back, and would take whatever we'd give him for the games. Some of them are Halo 3, Gears of War 2, GTA San Andreas, The Last Remnant, Madden 11, and Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires.
Madden had those rings on the disk from being played in a bad system, so I sold it and a couple others at GS for only like $18. Which SUCKS for Madden 11, but I'd rather not sell a disk that may quit working to a friend. But it did take a little off my 3DS preorder :)

So yeah, REALLY good deal for me :)))
I seriously feel like cutting myself because I just lost a Co-op bot game. Shaco had no damage, Twitch had no HP, and Cait sucked. Now I get to see that fucking 1 under Loses now. How can people fucking lose to bots? I even bought a Starks so they all had lifesteal.
Yeah.. I've lost three Co-op matches so far. It happens. There's this fella ranting on the LoL forums about having four leavers in this one match. Must reallllly suck to lose against Beginner Co-op bots.

Edit - Make that four losses! Wasn't as bad as four leavers, but I did just run into three of them. One of them was kind enough to feed before leaving too :|. Jeez, I don't even team up for normal games, but I may have to start teaming up for Co-op.
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