League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='panzerfaust']50 minute game, came back from like a 1 - 12 early game. Very salty enemy team saying LeBlanc is OP.

None of them got magic resist.[/QUOTE]

So smart not to build defenses if someone is wrecking you.

I just bought Gragas. I really wanted to try him but he's not free this week. Realized there's no point in just hoarding IP if I want to play a champ.

Tried him out in a practice and wrecked the bots. He didn't seem as mana hungry as I thought he'd be. Definitely fun to play and will have to try him in a normal game.
Can't wait to try out Jarvin, see if he works for me. Curious since Jarvin and any caster I own seems to be win.

Also been experimenting with Nunu. I have an odd build, but it fits my play style of Nunu and seems to be working great.
[quote name='Morphx2']he sucks now[/QUOTE]
Not as much as Lee Sh**.

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Can't wait to try out Jarvin, see if he works for me. Curious since Jarvin and any caster I own seems to be win.[/quote]
If it wasn't for his ult, I'd play Jarvan a lot more. Just so hard to use it well. I did use it to trap 2 enemies who were chasing my near-dead Corki.

Also been experimenting with Nunu. I have an odd build, but it fits my play style of Nunu and seems to be working great.
What's your build?
[quote name='icedrake523']Not as much as Lee Sh**.

If it wasn't for his ult, I'd play Jarvan a lot more. Just so hard to use it well. I did use it to trap 2 enemies who were chasing my near-dead Corki.

What's your build?[/QUOTE]

Lee Sin > Gragas

His ult is fine, the person controlled him must not know how to use his ult effectively :)
i just had a kickass game as Lee Sin. We had a great team comp as well:

Us: Lee Sin, Annie, Teemo, Alistar, and TF

vs: Garen, Rammus, Vlad, Trundle, and Veigar.

Annie and I got 1-2 kills bottom, then the tower and we just did some whooping after that the rest of the game. Annie didnt even die 1 time.

I was a pretty sturdy Lee Sin and doing good damage, saving people, and kicking people!

I think I was like 9-2-13 or something like that.

I built: Doran Blade, Merc Tread, Frozen Mallet, Atma's, Aegis. Worked out pretty well.
It's been a fun couple of days :). I finally bit and bought the 7 rune page bundle. Kinda struggling to have runes fill up all the pages.

I also finally purchased Maokai. Next to Rammus, I can't think of a more fun tank. Still not fairing well with my matches though. Almost lvl 30 and I still don't have 100 normal wins under my belt ^^; Good timing though! Check this out~

Tribunal Maintenance

Thanks for visiting the League of Legends website! We are performing some minor hardware upgrades right now. We anticipate our website to be back online in about 3 hours. Game servers will remain online while the website is down. Thanks for playing, and well see you on the Fields of Justice.
[quote name='icedrake523']

If it wasn't for his ult, I'd play Jarvan a lot more. Just so hard to use it well. I did use it to trap 2 enemies who were chasing my near-dead Corki.

What's your build?[/QUOTE]
Tried Jarvin. He is a bitch to play, fun but a bitch. I might buy him, still unsure.

Also I been focusing more on a AP/Attack Speed build. My build order is
Catalyst > Mejas Soulstealer > Phantom Dancer > Rod of Ages

I haven't really got anywhere past the rod, my games have been that quick so far. It suffers the problem of not being a tank build for Nunu, but I found I don't play like a tank, I am more of an offensive person. The Phantom Dancer is great for minions since you get higher crit and speed and it's great for those running champions.
Lucky SOBs. Played a "solo" match last night. Sure as hell felt like a solo match. Our tank (morde) never once used his flipping metal shard shield and preferred to try to back door the enemy in the exact opposite side of the map from where all their champs were pounding on the rest of us.

*twitch* I admit, I almost lost my temper until I started repeating "it's only a game." I really wanted to yell at the dude.
[quote name='RisenShadow']

*twitch* I admit, I almost lost my temper until I started repeating "it's only a game." I really wanted to yell at the dude.[/QUOTE]

There are sometimes I play this game or most other online games I want to yell at the people. I know it's only a game but some people seriously do things so fucking stupid it's like they have no common sense.

I am waiting for Caitlyn to go on sale. Since you can apparently buy Riot Points off the cell phone, I might just use my crappy prepaid phone that I never use (that has like $200 worth of minutes on it), to buy Caitlyn (combined with the 360 we got for free because of the server screw ups) .
Hey, you all should buy Lee Sin.

He kicks ass. *pun intended*

Nothing is more satisfying in lane then hitting someone with a Q, dive kicking thier face in with the Q again, then quickly using W to go back to a minion. EASIEST HARASS EVER and its so damn fast. Rammus
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Tried Jarvin. He is a bitch to play, fun but a bitch. I might buy him, still unsure.

Also I been focusing more on a AP/Attack Speed build. My build order is
Catalyst > Mejas Soulstealer > Phantom Dancer > Rod of Ages

I haven't really got anywhere past the rod, my games have been that quick so far. It suffers the problem of not being a tank build for Nunu, but I found I don't play like a tank, I am more of an offensive person. The Phantom Dancer is great for minions since you get higher crit and speed and it's great for those running champions.[/QUOTE]

If you want attack speed, you should really get Nashor's Tooth instead of Phantom Dancer. I would also finish the Rod of Ages a lot earlier so you have it's bonus more.
[quote name='RisenShadow']preferred to try to back door the enemy in the exact opposite side of the map from where all their champs were pounding on the rest of us..[/QUOTE]

As opposed to back dooring them right in their face?
[quote name='Morphx2']You should go the fun Nunu route

Rylia's, Frozen Mallet, Hextech, Randium Shield.

No one will be escaping you with that combination :D[/QUOTE]
If I play League tonight I am so trying that combination. That sounds godly and what I need with Nunu. Although the prices are a bit high gold wise, but I guess it can work out.
[quote name='Morphx2']Hey, you all should buy Lee Sin.

He kicks ass. *pun intended*

Nothing is more satisfying in lane then hitting someone with a Q, dive kicking thier face in with the Q again, then quickly using W to go back to a minion. EASIEST HARASS EVER and its so damn fast. Rammus[/QUOTE]

I'm interested in Lee Sin, The Blind Monk, but I can't afford him atm x_x. I still have rune pages to fill up. And mouths to feed. There ain't nothing in this world for free. But I can't slow down. I can't hold back; though you know I wish I could. Oh no, there ain't no rest for the wicked; till we close our eyes for good.
[quote name='SEH']As opposed to back dooring them right in their face?[/QUOTE]

Sometimes you really need all 5 of you for a team fight. Last night, me and Waughoo played a game. Our Vayne was always in a side lane while we fought them and we really needed her because they had a Cho. We lost the fights we didn't have her. When we did though, we wrecked them badly. I was Xin, my ult with Vayne's Silverbolts and Bloodrazor made Cho go down faster than their Veigar.
[quote name='icedrake523']Sometimes you really need all 5 of you for a team fight. Last night, me and Waughoo played a game. Our Vayne was always in a side lane while we fought them and we really needed her because they had a Cho. We lost the fights we didn't have her. When we did though, we wrecked them badly. I was Xin, my ult with Vayne's Silverbolts and Bloodrazor made Cho go down faster than their Veigar.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know, just making fun of that fact that he said "backdoor on the opposite side of their team" when that's the definition of backdooring.
[quote name='SEH']Yeah, I know, just making fun of that fact that he said "backdoor on the opposite side of their team" when that's the definition of backdooring.[/QUOTE]

But if you backdoor right in front of them, you will confuse them with your decision and win.
I finally found a melee AD person that I am good with!


Dorans Blade, Merc Treads, Frozen Mallet, Atma's, Aegis

i never got past there.

I have been winning games too, im sure Icedrake is surprised that Lee Sin can do something good!
[quote name='Morphx2']I finally found a melee AD person that I am good with!


Damn I need to try Lee Sin now. I suck with AD champs.
Playing on lowbie accounts with my friend (I'm level 2 they're level 4) and we got matched against someone who was level 18. Highest level on our team was some dude at 6. The matchmaking in this game is horrendous. The level 18 person had Kat and went 23-7. We still won, but the thought of the game taking someone level 18 and matching them with people level 2, 4, and 6 is ridiculous.
[quote name='icedrake523']How is that possible? Even if everyone on his team was level 1, that shouldn't happen. Level 20 should be the cutoff because of tier 3 runes.[/QUOTE]

The people on his team were all under level 5. I have no idea how it worked out that way, but it was incredibly stupid.
Also of note (posted Jan 2011) -- has anyone any news on how this has been working? I'm actually looking forward to 30 now just to be in the tribunal (assuming it's still around).


A New And Maybe Better Way To Stop People From Being Jerks Online

Stephen Totilo — The people running the video game League of Legends knew they had a problem. They had the same problem that makes much of the Internet unpleasant. Too many people were being jerks online. They're hatching a novel solution: citizen justice.
Starting some time in the next few months, the creators of League of Legends, a free online computer game that boasts several million players who battle each other in a swords and sorcery virtual setting, will implement a system capable of delivering crowd-sourced justice. They're calling it a Tribunal System, and their tribunal will be staffed not by professional customer service personnel, not by real judges but by gamers.
Online jerks, you will be judged not by a higher authority but by the kinds of gamers you're being jerks to.

The game's elite players will become, in effect, the judges of the misbehavior of anyone allegedly causing a ruckus in the game.
Online jerks, you will be judged not by a higher authority but by the kinds of gamers you're being jerks to.
The Right Time To Strike Back At Internet Obnoxiousness

"This is innovation that was bred from necessity," Steve 'Pendragon' Mescon of Riot Games told Kotaku in a phone interview and who said his company was too small to manually deal with a level of player frustration that emerges in a community that is filing 10s of thousands of complaints a day, as League of Legends players were.
"We had to find a way to have a bigger impact and get rid of a much bigger number of these toxic players who are creating a toxic atmosphere in a way that was more meaningful and efficient.
Should the tribunal system work, the small group of developers at Riot Games would be doing one of the hardest things there is to do on the Intenet: turn back the tide of negativity.
Players who become part of the game's new Tribunal system will review cases of people using offensive language, cases of people bullying other players and cases of any other sort of imaginable or unimaginable infraction that might occur during the play of a game and generate a complaint from one or more gamers. (A sample case file that a player-judge would see is included with this story.)

The list of quasi-crimes a player tribunal might judge even consists of misbehavior that is more native to a game like League of Legends than it is a blog's rowdy comments section or the mess of a vandalized Wikipedia page. For example, a League of Legends player judge might have to rule on a player who has been AFK for too long — that is, being away from their keyboard when they were supposed to be competing in a match.
Being bad at League of Legends won't be a punishable offense, the developers noted.
Player-judges will review case files, which includes chat logs and information about what happened in a game during the alleged infraction. (When asked how the tribunal system would handle possible criminal infractions, say, violent threats by a player that another gamer might be complaining about, Riot Games' Mescon said such players should "always contact their local law enforcement.")
Tribunal members will receive points if they prove to be a consistently wise justice.

The tribunal members will be allowed to punish or pardon those whose deeds have been brought before them. They will receive points if they prove to be a consistently wise justice. And the player judges will have to follow a series of clever rules that ensure their justice is fair.
The presence of misbehavior in League of Legends is not unusual. Obnoxious behavior on online forums and in online games is as prevalent as rust on a truck. Anyone who runs anything online suffers the problem; as do members of most online communities. League of Legends isn't helped by the fact that it is a free computer game, one with such low barriers to entry than anyone can play it and have little financial reason to act respectably.
"We have millions of players and an extremely competitive game that's multiplayer and team-based," Mescon said. "You have a tendency in that kind of environment to attract people who have negative attitudes or toxic players who breed that kind of behavior. No one likes losing. There's lot of trashtalking, unsportsmanlike conduct, etcetera, etcetera. ... The percentage of the player base that is creating a negative atmosphere is relatively low. But, in an environment like this, a single player can have a really big impact."
Riot Games started considering a solution to the problem after the small team at the company realized that the 10s of thousands of complaints being filed by players against other players each day was more than they could handle. Enlisting players to dole out justice solves that math problem.
How Crowd-Sourced Internet Justice Will Work

Here's how the League of Legends Tribunal system is supposed to function on day one:
Any League of Legends player will be able to become a member of the tribunal as long as they reach the class of "Summoner Level 30," the highest rank possible in the player community and one attained by regular play of the game. That experience requirement keeps anyone from just hopping in and trying to judge cases.
A player who qualifies to be a judge will be able to access a randomized selection of cases, each case generated by a player or players who have complained about the behavior of a League of Legends gamer.
The tribunal player won't be able to pick their cases. They also won't be told how many votes will be required to cause the player in question to be punished or pardoned.
Tribunal players will know the gamer names of the alleged perpetrator and those who have filed the grievance. The players won't be told the names of the other judge deciding the case and will have no way of communicating with them. Riot's team believes that will reduce the likelihood that judges could unfairly gang up on a player.
"What we want to create is a system that is better than a lot of the alternatives... This is essentially a jury system."

The judge player will be able to punish, pardon or skip, but they won't be allowed to issue their justice with mouse-click swiftness. Riot plans to enforce a minimum of 60 seconds for each case to be reviewed and will require the input of special typed characters when a vote is made. These systems are intended to guarantee that players can't issue a judgment without having had time to review a case and can't program a robot to do it for them.
The gamer judges will be rewarded with "influence points," one of the game's currencies with which they can buy new characters and gear in the game. But the judges will only get those points if they vote in the majority, the majority verdict being the one Riot will assume is the right verdict. Those who consistently vote in the minority will lose their tribunal privileges.
Riot is still working out what the punishments for the guilty will be. Player-judges certainly won't be able to take that part of the law into their own hands, setting sentences they see fit. Instead, the Riot people plan to use a tiered system of penalties, consigning any first-time offender to the first tier of punishment: possibly a warning of some sort. A second offense will merit a more severe punishment and so on.
A verdict that is going to subject a player to the most stringent punishments will trigger an alert to Riot's internal teams, who will review such cases to be sure the penalty is deserved. Good behavior will cool an offenders' level of possible punishment, so someone who has been punished once, for example, could eventually find themselves with a clean status.
The people at Riot don't consider their players to be any rowdier than the average Internet community. And they don't claim that the new system of justice they are introducing to their game could solve the problems of horrible behavior that persists across online communties.
"No system you ever create to solve any problem is going to be perfect," Mescon said. "What we want to create is a system that is better than a lot of the alternatives. The way we are doing that is by putting power in the hands of the players. This is essentially a jury system."
Riot Games doesn't intend to change the way misbehavior is policed across the Internet, to stop the gutter commentary beneath the average YouTube video or silent the chirping of racist teenagers on Xbox Live. But imagine if their system actually works.
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I just had something odd happen in a game. I was playing Co-op/AI for my win of the day. I was at their first base nexus in top lane. Shen was under it and started to tele. I was Xin and used my E to dash to him and hit him a few times. And then it said "an enemy has been slain" and that I killed Soraka.
I never dealt with the tribunal system, but it seems like in all seriousness this is one of those things I would not want the community to handle.

Seriously, you could get some jackass player report you for having a bad day or something, and then some jackass lvl 30 going wow, noob. I will punish you, or they hate the player name or something. It's just too random to let every 30 handle cases.
I tried the Tribunal. Looked at 3 cases and they were straight-forward. It's not just one game that's reported for, you see 5-6, some up to 11. One guy fed intentionally a series of games, one was constantly cursing, and the 3rd did a little of both.

I also played a game with an annoying Eve. She instalocked and told me and the other guy who hadn't locked in to pick a range. I said I had none and went as Xin. We laned together and almost killed Rammus but she ended up dying. She raged at me for picking my Q (knock-up) over E (gap-closer/slow). I told her E has a longer CD and does 70 magic damage where as Q has a shorter CD, does AD (15+59+my 25 armor pen) and I have exhaust for a slow. She was still pissed but I told her to keep QQ'ing. We were against Veigar and Rammus. Eve ran off once she got Sheen and bots and did her thing. I defended top and just farmed. I got Veigar and he must have been looking at a shop menu b/c he was recalling in front of their tower and never moved. Later 4 of them ganked me and we lost our tower. I wasn't really fed and didn't have my preferred items (got Last Whisper over Brutalizer b/c of Rammus and Garen). Our Brand, Vlad, and Eve were all fed and they surrendered. I'm slowly making my way to having a .500 record.
So if you're being heavily focused late game, should you switch your game plan into more of a tease -- staying alive but drawing fire (not doing much of your DPS). Or do you go at their carry and try to do your job.

I'm usually an Irelia built for survival, I get focused often and it just seems that going for a kill after tank initiates always ends badly. I feel I'm more effective going in with a quick stun, running out, and Qing back in immediately after. I can take a full combo from Brand, for example, and retreat -- he's wasted it, and when I go back in the tide will be more in our favor.

It's less of a question as LeBlanc where I just zip in and take a life before zipping out.
[quote name='panzerfaust']So if you're being heavily focused late game, should you switch your game plan into more of a tease -- staying alive but drawing fire (not doing much of your DPS). Or do you go at their carry and try to do your job.

I'm usually an Irelia built for survival, I get focused often and it just seems that going for a kill after tank initiates always ends badly. I feel I'm more effective going in with a quick stun, running out, and Qing back in immediately after. I can take a full combo from Brand, for example, and retreat -- he's wasted it, and when I go back in the tide will be more in our favor.

It's less of a question as LeBlanc where I just zip in and take a life before zipping out.[/QUOTE]

I play tanks most of the time, so I want to be focused and draw fire. If I'm being focused as Xin, I stay in a fight with my team and try to do as much damage as possible. If I have a chance, I will back up from the fight a bit and rush back in with my E.

It's one of those things that varies game by game.
[quote name='icedrake523']I tried the Tribunal. Looked at 3 cases and they were straight-forward. It's not just one game that's reported for, you see 5-6, some up to 11. One guy fed intentionally a series of games, one was constantly cursing, and the 3rd did a little of both.

I also played a game with an annoying Eve. She instalocked and told me and the other guy who hadn't locked in to pick a range. I said I had none and went as Xin. We laned together and almost killed Rammus but she ended up dying. She raged at me for picking my Q (knock-up) over E (gap-closer/slow). I told her E has a longer CD and does 70 magic damage where as Q has a shorter CD, does AD (15+59+my 25 armor pen) and I have exhaust for a slow. She was still pissed but I told her to keep QQ'ing. We were against Veigar and Rammus. Eve ran off once she got Sheen and bots and did her thing. I defended top and just farmed. I got Veigar and he must have been looking at a shop menu b/c he was recalling in front of their tower and never moved. Later 4 of them ganked me and we lost our tower. I wasn't really fed and didn't have my preferred items (got Last Whisper over Brutalizer b/c of Rammus and Garen). Our Brand, Vlad, and Eve were all fed and they surrendered. I'm slowly making my way to having a .500 record.[/QUOTE]

I tried it last night, and it seems the cases right now are open and closed punish.
I looked at another 3 and they deserved to be Punished. There are some individual games in the reports that I would forgive for, but each player has 11 games in their report and doing the same things over and over.

There was one game where the guy had a crappy but not awful K/D/A. The complaints were his teammates, most of them were saying they were pissed he ruined their ranked winning streak. One guy even called him a "f****t" in the report. I would have forgiven him in that case but when there are 10 others, it's hard not to punish.
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Wanted to rage today xD Played one game and it caused me to do 90situps cause of it. 5 v 5 premade with a newbie that was asking for general help. Game ended up being Malz (newbie), Anivia, Teemo (myself), Warwick, and Maokai AGAINST Teemo, Alistar, Sivir, Caitlyn and Veigar.

We had a great opportunity for a gank at lvl 1. I was being a living ward on bottom and Caitlyn/Alistar were sitting in the same bush. However, it turned out they wanted me to solo bottom. So if I moved, I would have given them first blood. Minions spawned and Maokai came down to do his sapling toss harass, but instead he just ran into the bush to grab aggro and ran back. I started attacking Caitlyn, and tossed Ignite on her, but she got away with a total of 18health after using heal x__x.

From there it was all down hill. The newbie we were trying to help out turned out taking solo top Dx. He gave first blood, and then second. Shortly after Maokai and I both died to Alistar at their bottom turret. Anivia was stellar in mid against Vegiar, but it was even through the entire laning phase. Our WW was jungling, but wasn't using Jungle runes. And to top it off, he went Magewick, so the only AD on the entire team was me with Teemo :
Why is it every time I play a game with Xin Zhao this week, every fucking player is some kill stealing idiot with no brains. It's been every game might I add, I haven't played a game with a normal one yet.

I played two games tonight where both Xin Zhao's started up top then proceded to middle for the rest of the game (and they went middle like 3-4 minutes in), leaving our top to one person and our mid at 2 :roll:.

Another game we had a warwick who was a complete idiot. Two people go bottom then he goes bottom then he goes bottom bitching at someone to leave bottom(might I add there was already two people at bottom before him). So he went top with me and well lets just say he chased a guy from our turrent to their 2nd turrent while there was about 12 minions on our turrent (and this is with no turrents down yet).
Very nice.

I've been on a really good run lately. I had 15 more losses than wins, but I think I'm just 6-7 under now. Maybe it's from playing more Xin lately who can tank and do DPS.

Anyway, had a fun game the other night. The other team kept focusing me every fight, so I built a GA. In our very last fight, I was focused (again). Then when I revived, they all focused me again and I died. Meanwhile, the rest of my team slaughtered them. Dying sucks, but I'll take the death if it gets us 5 kills.

Also had good games with Flippr (who was MF both games) this afternoon. Our first our LeBlanc was just dominating them. Me and Flippr had an easy time bot against Alistar and Jax.

The next game our LeBlanc was annoying. She hid in the bush at the river, then came out and tried to towerdive Annie. We told her she should have waited (I was trying to lure Annie to stun me) but she just blamed us and left. Fortunately we won since our Lux and Maokai were good. I remember in one fight Morde got his ult on me and I was really low health. But I was able to get to our Wraits and use my W to get some health and survive.
So, today I played one 3 v 3 as Maokai and got yelled at for it.

We were Maokai, Taric and Jax.
They were Janna, Nunu and Nocturne.

The lvl 1 gank was pretty decent. We weren't able to kill any of them, but got them all fleeing at near 0 HP. Thought we'd fair pretty well the entire match, but xD Our jax died to Nocturne twice pretty fast. And he was great at ganking. Mid game, we had no turrets down.. and no damage on them, and their Nocturne was 7-0-1 (with only 3 kills on our side total).

Luckily we were able to snag dragon 4 outta the 6 times it spawned. Our Taric was doing well, but kept getting caught by Nocturne.. and Jax just kept bashing and bashing. I think they each died a few times while they were bickering with each other. Thankfully we were able to keep them at bay and never lost our top turrets on either lane. Both my teammates kept dying, so I was getting solo lane EXP on both sides xD. I got to lvl 18 while the enemies were still at 15. All three of them could beat on me for 30seconds and not even take me down.

Fast forward,

I went to attack their inhibitor solo on top and all three of them took the bait. I couldn't damage any of them meaningfully, but the three of them together couldn't do much either. Jax and Taric ran into their base to attack the nexus turret. The three on me didn't start running back until the turret broke. But then I used my W to snare the first guy chasing into their base, and hit them all with Q. xD I was literally stopping all three of them from leaving the fight with me.

Game over, Jax and Taric took the Nexus. :)

In the afterchat, Janna and Nunu were bashing their Nocturne... despite him being completely awesome the entire game. Both Janna and Nunu were AP, but I build almost all AD just for the super fed Nocturne. After they were done with him, they began telling me I should stop playing champions like Maokai and get some real skill.

That being the nicest thing they said to me. Lots of n-words and f-words being dropped. The only thing I ever said in chat was at the start of the game and it was "cool skin Janna". :<

But yeah, I'm really liking Maokai now. I built strange items on him though, trying to benefit the most possible from Force of Nature.

Dorian -> Dorian -> Merc Boots -> Frozen Heart -> Rylei's -> Force of Nature -> Sunfire Cape -> Guardian Angel -> Sold GA for Hourglass after proc.
I think I just hit a new level of amazement. My one friend was Ashe and the one random on our team bitched at Ashe at the beginning of the game (before minions spawned or any type of combat happened) saying she sucks just because of the two spells she took :lol:. I forgot what spells she took but it was kinda funny.
:p If they were Rally and Revive I'd agree.

Although I read quite a few guides on Ashe when I started out, and Exhaust/Ignite Ashe is really criticized. Although they seem fine to me, I guess the high-elo choice is dependent on flash.
bread's done