League of Legends anyone?

Wow, bored were we? Although I guess most people aren't awesome enough to have their first attempt at playing a new champ put to dubstep.
I'm a pro Graves now. Get on my ELO.

slowly converting pubs to the way of the no jungle.


then the rape train comes.

have poke that can reliably make it past creeps so that top has to either be exp denied or take damage. all you have to do is get them low enough to not want to fight and their jungle will think twice about ganking or be forced to lane top anyway.

when we play with a jungler we seem to do worse so i'm not really a fan UNLESS its one of those rare shacos that actually knows wtf is up.
[quote name='crystalklear64']
when we play with a jungler we seem to do worse so i'm not really a fan UNLESS its one of those rare shacos that actually knows wtf is up.[/QUOTE]

The last Shaco I saw in game was pretty terrible. He didn't even attempt to jungle and instead went top. He tried to go toe to toe with me (Nautilus) multiple times, and generally failed to do much of anything. I've never played Shaco, but I always thought he was a real strong assassin type, not a front-line type. Guess he was experimenting?

Disclaimer: I'm still only 18 so I'm guessing the guy was somewhere around my level.

Also: Nautilus is awesome. That is all.
junglers are cool...

it's just that most pub tops don't understand how to play defensively 1v2 and just pick up exp. they keep overextending and getting killed and then blaming the jungler. if you control creep line you should be fighting just outside your tower so they can't deny you. gank on mid and then 3v2 near top tower? yea. plus blue buff can win mid easy.

but this is because it's pubs who want to play standard 1/1/2/j and don't understand why it's like that, too many people are copycats, you can't be creative without understanding the basics.

that's my experience at lvl. 10-20 though.
shacos are funny because people don't want to buy wards and everyone dies.
Just played a game as Graves. I was with Duck and 2 of his friends, our pub was a support Leona.

I finished the game with 20/1/3. Their entire team had 17 kills. Their Jax and Renekton (bot lane) tried to dive me between the mid towers. Killed them both. My only death was when Shyvana dove me under the tower, nearly juked around it so I lived but we both died.
[quote name='kainzero']junglers are cool...

it's just that most pub tops don't understand how to play defensively 1v2 and just pick up exp. they keep overextending and getting killed and then blaming the jungler. if you control creep line you should be fighting just outside your tower so they can't deny you. gank on mid and then 3v2 near top tower? yea. plus blue buff can win mid easy.

but this is because it's pubs who want to play standard 1/1/2/j and don't understand why it's like that, too many people are copycats, you can't be creative without understanding the basics.

that's my experience at lvl. 10-20 though.
shacos are funny because people don't want to buy wards and everyone dies.[/QUOTE]
Same fucking thing happens at level 30. You get one retard top lane who overextends and then the jungler has to usually either cover their lane or do something to make sure they don't die. Then there is the types who ping you every 5 seconds for help top, especially when they pushed them to their tower :bomb:.

Oh and yeah the people not buying wards happens in lvl 30 too. In fact I learned a lot of players still play like they are lvl 10 at lvl 30 :lol:.
i've usually found out that if i try to jungle and top sucks and dies and can't play, it's better to just stop jungling and just dual top because all the jungle advantages are negated.

but really in pubs i just try to do the best i can and i apologize if i miss plays that i should be making. too many people theorycraft / armchair quarterback in-game and it's really annoying. overall strategy and tactics can't be fixed in-game. all you can do is play off of what you have. heck, if pubs make my sona play mid for some reason, i better find a way and a build to make it work. (i think the one time that that did happen, i ended up leading my team in CS and kills, though we got blown out because of the other lanes losing.)
Today has been up and down. I wreck with Graves, except for one bad game. Two others were awful since I was support and my carries were dumb.

I played a game with CK as jungle Lee Sin. Normally I don't do well with him, but this time I decided to try to gank early since a lot play aggressive. I go top to gank Nasus and me and CK kill him. Their Udyr goes to cover top and is pretty low. So I go to their red and wait. I decide to check golems and he's there, I get him as he tries to run away. I steal their red and then go to my blue and give it to Kennen (Udyr had blue when I killed him and didn't want him to get ours). Then I go bot to help tower dive their low Blitz and Corki. Ahri and Udyr show up but so does our Kennen. End up killing 3 for Kennen's death. Then it just snowballed our way. Final score was 38-0 us after 20 min.
I recently started using Nautilus and I really like him, but I don't know how I should be building him. I've been going tanky but I feel if I went AP he'd absolutely wreck, though I haven't tried it yet. For any Nautilus users in here, do you build him as tank or AP?
[quote name='Waughoo']How was your team 38-0 if Kennen died?[/QUOTE]

Turret killed him :)

That's a typo, should be 38-9

[quote name='tcrash247']I recently started using Nautilus and I really like him, but I don't know how I should be building him. I've been going tanky but I feel if I went AP he'd absolutely wreck, though I haven't tried it yet. For any Nautilus users in here, do you build him as tank or AP?[/QUOTE]

Nautilus is a tank, he's not supposed to do damage. Get stuff like Randuin's, Shurelia's, Aegis of the Legion, Frozen Heart, Banshee's, Force of Nature. The only AP item you should consider getting is Abyssal Scepter but that's situational.
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You'll drop like a brick before you can burst them down like a real AP champion though. His skills are made for him to get into a fight and wreck havoc, allowing your team to unload on them.
[quote name='icedrake523']You'll drop like a brick before you can burst them down like a real AP champion though. His skills are made for him to get into a fight and wreck havoc, allowing your team to unload on them.[/QUOTE]
in a couple games i've been watching, they put naut in the support role, the jungle role, or the top role. his CC is so good that he can almost go anywhere.

haven't finished this video but heard it's good:
should make a list of people who actually play.

theres the usual suspects of course but seems like we've had a few new guys that i haven't seen in a game yet. need more people for my list.

Official CAG Tryhard Rankings

Maximum Effort Tier

High Effort Tier
FlipprDolphin- "I'm dodging."

Medium Effort Tier
icedrake523- "Are you jungling? Are you going top?"
Waughoo- *Lux Ult Sound Effect*

Low Effort Tier
crystalklear64- "CK, please pick a champ."

You Are Being Trolled Tier
[quote name='icedrake523']Nautilus is a tank, he's not supposed to do damage. Get stuff like Randuin's, Shurelia's, Aegis of the Legion, Frozen Heart, Banshee's, Force of Nature. The only AP item you should consider getting is Abyssal Scepter but that's situational.[/QUOTE]

I dunno that I'd agree with your AP choice, but I do agree that he's best built as a Support tank when jungling. I build Skarner and Nautilius almost exactly the same way.
[quote name='xilly']I dunno that I'd agree with your AP choice, but I do agree that he's best built as a Support tank when jungling. I build Skarner and Nautilius almost exactly the same way.[/QUOTE]

You mean AP item? You want one that gives some survivability. Rod of Ages is a very good item for him, but it's expensive to buy if you're jungling or support and you need to make sure you get it early enough. Hourglass is too expensive and not the kind of item he buys since he shouldn't be focused in a fight. Rylai's Crystal Scepter is absolutely useless (Q and R last longer than its slow, W and E are multi-hit so the slow is pitiful), the new Chalice item might work but he's really not mana starved enough to warrant it, and Lich Bane sucks.

So that leaves Abyssal Scepter which is great if you have 2+ AP champs on your team since it makes them do damage and most people just rush Rabadons/Will of the Ancients.
[quote name='tcrash247']I recently started using Nautilus and I really like him, but I don't know how I should be building him. I've been going tanky but I feel if I went AP he'd absolutely wreck, though I haven't tried it yet. For any Nautilus users in here, do you build him as tank or AP?[/QUOTE]

I generally go tanky support with him, but as others have said I might grab a Rod of Ages or Abyssal Scepter. His real strength is in disruption, not damage. Don't forget that you can use his anchor for mobility and escape, as well.

Edit: If you want to do more damage and you're feeling saucy, try Wit's End. It's amusing for sure.

Edit 2: Add me- Randombits
So what's the learning curve like on this game? And what is it comparable too? Straight WOW? Everytime I think about trying it I come to this thread and just get overwhelmed by like a million terms I have no clue what they mean.
It's a fairly simple game to grasp, but it'll take a while to master. When you're starting out you just need to focus on smaller things such as last hitting enemy minions properly since you only get gold for being the one to land the finishing strike, learning your champion + skills to level up, what the items you can buy are, what and where buffs are, and not dying/watching the minimap to see where your enemies are (basically the same thing).

From there, you just need to know the general concepts behind each champion, like what their normal role is on a team, what Crowd Control they have (stun, blind, knockup, slience) [AND PASSIVE ABILITIES, when I first started out and used Anivia, it felt like none of the other new players knew about the whole rebirth thing] and you move from building your champion to being able to counter-build and counter-pick champions to give you an advantage over enemies.

From there, it's just timing, working with your team and learning more champions.
Ask me if you have any Naut questions

Ask Icedrake, its all I usually play now a days in jungle or support!

And we usually win! (as long as hes Graves!)

And I would put myself between high and max effort tier!
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']So what's the learning curve like on this game? And what is it comparable too? Straight WOW? Everytime I think about trying it I come to this thread and just get overwhelmed by like a million terms I have no clue what they mean.[/QUOTE]
i started playing 3 weeks ago.

it's not too hard, though i was honed pretty hard on starcraft so i can grasp a lot of the concepts, and generally i have a good plan of attack when it comes to learning a game.

i'm still learning a lot of what the heroes do and there are a number of items that i'm not sure what they do or when to use them.

when i first started i was worried that i would get chewed out but since you play with people who are mostly your level it's not that bad. and even as you move up there are still lots of bad players.

that's the other hard part; it's a very team-oriented game and one bad player can really just wreck your team. and to learn and practice good team mechanics you have to play with people who know what they're doing.

i was thinking about creating a guide based on what i've learned up to this point because i haven't really found anything that explains the core basics that i was looking for.
Liking the qq about Darius in the forums. Finally another melee carry it would seem.

Yi/Tryndamere get a bro. Dunno why Riot is so adverse to them.

His ULT does TRUE damage bhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
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People are bitching about his ult because it's true damage and CD refreshes on a kill. However, it's worth noting that while Olaf's Reckless Swing doesn't scale off AD, it does more damage than Darius' ult and can be used every 5 seconds.
it also kills himself

lets compare it to the other true damage ult, chogaths.

60 Second CD all levels vs. 100/90/80 or 0.
300/475/650 with .7 scaling True vs. 160/250/340 or 320/500/680 (if max stacks) with .75 scaling

They are very comparable ults apart from the CD on Darius and the Health gain on Cho. The biggest difference is the range on Darius' ult. Not only does it let you ignore obstacles that Cho/Olaf would have to walk around, it also serves as a blink move to get yourself in position.

100 range vs 475 range.
[quote name='icedrake523']You mean AP item?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but I mean, I don't use an AP item on him at all. I currently build Shruyela's, Aegis, Boots (Typically Mobility, but sometimes Mercs), Frozen Heart, and Frozen Mallet, leaving a 6th spot open for Wards. Makes him tanky as shit and hard to get away from.
Played 2 games last night with Ice, won them both. Graphics update is pretty nice. It's not like OMG SO PRETTY, but it's decent. Although I find that some of the text now is a little blury or harder to read. Specifically the cooldown timers on skills
i tried him on one of my smurfs and did not much care for him. his teleport/snare has a really nice ap ratio but it seems so hard to land a kill with him. and yes i know SOMEONE will claim he should be tanky. SOMEONE can eat a dick.
bread's done