League of Legends anyone?

i really wanna film a video with the theme "lol community applied to real life."

i can imagine it in basketball already

-i got point guard
-no fk you i'm point guard or i won't play D

-can i play on the wing, i play better on it
-no you're the tallest one on the team so you play center
-inc dodge for pickup game

-omg you let him score on you gg
-dude the score is 3-0
-fuck you i'm walking off the court

-only reason he scored on me is because this noob didn't double team, look at their double team soooo good
Had a terrible game over lunch today, wanted to practice Jungle Shyvana in an Intermediate Bot game (queued solo), got into a game and encountered the most blatantly obvious feeder I've ever seen. This Trynde would literally just run forward until something killed him, he ran into a tower at least one time (without the enemy tagging him), and fed the bots for 20+ minutes, at that point he disconnected after he was done griefing our game I guess, and for some reason we couldn't get a majority vote to surrender (I guess maybe one of the guys playing thought we could still beat the super fed bots, which we couldn't they finally destroyed our HQ). Fairly sure everyone on our team reported the Trynde.
He was practicing in that bot game for "Feed to 20". You haven't been trolled until at least 2 of your teammates see who can feed the enemy the most before the game hits 20 minutes
Fortunately I've never encountered feeders in my time playing LoL. Granted I haven't been playing very long but still, it's something. Also why do you hate this game?
I dont hate it. Flip and Ice dont hate it either. We hate the terrible people you run into while playing the game.
Yeah I guess some people do ruin the experience but then again isn't that the case with every online game? I usually make fun of them and move on.
did everybody have a good weekend

i sure did


i've had some absolutely insane losses too

in one game we went back and forth and our cass who's been a liability in the entire game finally hit a beautiful ult enabling us to win the teamfight 5-3.

unfortunately the riven and cho who were still alive failed to realize that our nexus was being pushed and despite repeated pings they were lollygagging around before only one of them ported back and we lose to minions.

also included:
-a last pick who calls top but doesn't get it, picks poppy support. does not buy wards, steals my cs. which is fine, sometimes you get dealt a bad hand and you play off of it. but then the mid who is duoing with the poppy accuses me of not csing and feeding trist.
-play mid, have an 0/17 botlane. all they did was cry about blitz/trist OP. (THERE'S TOO MUCH CC!!!!! NO JUNGLE GANK)
i sometimes do that. as soon as i enter the game i just /ignore everyone.

unless the team wants to try some really out there stuff, once you play enough you know what to do to win even if your team doesn't.
The community in this game, I swear....

Just had a GP support me who loved getting pulled by Blitz and taking CS. The CS got annoying after a while, but he bought wards at least. However, he seemed to try hard to get a kill every three deaths which meant he was worth money again. He went 3/10.

I just want to get high enough where I can play support without as many idiots as I get paired up with now.

First world problems.
[quote name='crystalklear64']i sometimes do that. as soon as i enter the game i just /ignore everyone.

unless the team wants to try some really out there stuff, once you play enough you know what to do to win even if your team doesn't.[/QUOTE]

That's fine for some people, but definitely not this guy.

One of my friends just started playing so I made a smurf account and it's like I'm playing against bots. It was fun at first, then just sad. I felt bad going 18/1/10.
[quote name='Morphx2']Almost got to my ELO, nice try[/QUOTE]
we can't all win our placement games and then just play normals

actually i suppose this is what i get for playing vayne.

i should use graves for easy ELO

my ADC records:
graves: 15-3
vayne: 6-13
trist: 4-6
ashe: 1-0

i only /ignore if people annoy me. ignore includes pings which can be necessary so i don't like using it.
had a fun night last night. one of my friends was on the verge of falling asleep, so we had to find ways to keep him awake.

the first game we told the 2 randoms in our group the situation and one of the guys was like, lets all go mid melee. of course if you knew my group of friends we were immediately like hell yea lets do it.

so we head out to mid and someone checks their jungle and lo and behold someone from their team is there. so they start fighting and we all make our way to the fight. as soon as someone from our team would join in, someone from their team would, running away then charging running away then charging. eventually we all died and no one on their team did. also their nocturne got all the kills. from that point on it was just us throwing ourselves at the mid turret while they slaughtered us. whenever we'd actually get a kill skype would just explode with cheers and laughter even though it was such a complete beat down. the score ended up something like 11 to 40. we didn't take a single turret.

the game after that we had 2 guys join and then never connected once the game started. so we had morgana, mundo, and nidalee vs 5. well they also had a mundo and fully farmed warmogs were had by the 18 min mark. we ended up playing nexus football and won 3 touchdowns to 2.

the final match of the evening we all got super serious (we picked runes that matched our champs) and won.

it was a good night.
[quote name='crystalklear64']had a fun night last night. one of my friends was on the verge of falling asleep, so we had to find ways to keep him awake.

the first game we told the 2 randoms in our group the situation and one of the guys was like, lets all go mid melee. of course if you knew my group of friends we were immediately like hell yea lets do it.

so we head out to mid and someone checks their jungle and lo and behold someone from their team is there. so they start fighting and we all make our way to the fight. as soon as someone from our team would join in, someone from their team would, running away then charging running away then charging. eventually we all died and no one on their team did. also their nocturne got all the kills. from that point on it was just us throwing ourselves at the mid turret while they slaughtered us. whenever we'd actually get a kill skype would just explode with cheers and laughter even though it was such a complete beat down. the score ended up something like 11 to 40. we didn't take a single turret.

the game after that we had 2 guys join and then never connected once the game started. so we had morgana, mundo, and nidalee vs 5. well they also had a mundo and fully farmed warmogs were had by the 18 min mark. we ended up playing nexus football and won 3 touchdowns to 2.

the final match of the evening we all got super serious (we picked runes that matched our champs) and won.

it was a good night.[/QUOTE]

Cool story, bro.
So I've got over 6300 ip. I think I wanna buy one of the newer champs, but I dont know who I want to get. Jayce, Zyra or Diana are the ones I'm thinking of.
[quote name='kainzero']we can't all win our placement games and then just play normals

actually i suppose this is what i get for playing vayne.

i should use graves for easy ELO

my ADC records:
graves: 15-3
vayne: 6-13
trist: 4-6
ashe: 1-0

i only /ignore if people annoy me. ignore includes pings which can be necessary so i don't like using it.[/QUOTE]

too bad you cant win placement matches then?
Zyra is a lot of fun and pretty easy. Just turn on smartcasting and rape face. She was recently nerfed, but when you read the nerfs they sound a lot worse than they are. Not that Heimerdinger is hard to lane against, but I absolutely crushed him in a game last night. Killed him like 3 times in lane then ended 8/1/4 or something. If you can combo all her abilities together, especially in a team fight situation, you are a God.
hitting things with diana's Q feels so nice

i didn't like zyra's movespeed before the nerf, haven't played with it after.
played some games last night. faced the worst ashe i have ever seen (this dude is master troll if troll, really couldn't tell). made better by her blaming her team for everything, so my friends and i all took her side and were saying stuff like sorry you got stuck with that team ashe, etc.

their team was ballistic by the end of the game :lol:
bread's done