Leaked Toys R Us Ad Shows Wii Priced at $199


Further indication that a Wii price drop is coming at some point around the end of the month.


Following a leaked Wal-Mart ad that indicated the Wii would be receiving a "price rollback" at the start of October, new evidence has now popped up from another retailer to further support an impending $50 price drop for Nintendo's massively popular console.

This time, the ad comes from Toys R Us, which prominently displays a "Wii Price Cut!" and a new price of $199 (via Kotaku). The ad is apparently set to be distributed the last week of September, indicating the price drop could be effective before the end of the month (the Wal-Mart ad suggested it wouldn't occur until the first week of October).

Nintendo, believe it or not, has yet to confirm or deny the price cut advertised in these leaked circulars, but the mounting evidence seems to be making it pretty clear: come October, the Wii will more than likely once again be $100 cheaper than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. So if you're thinking of picking one up, probably best to wait a little bit longer to see what happens.

About time. Nintendo's latest hardware releases have been a liscence to print money. They've been turning a profit on hardware sales of the DS and Wii since they were first release. Realistically, this price cut should have come sooner. It's only the unexpected demand for the hardware that has kept the price up this high for as long as its been.

This is a response to the gradually cooling demand for the Wii, and to a lesser extent, a response to the price cuts on the 360 and PS3. Even if this leaked advert doesn't turn out to be legit, I'm confident that a price cut to $200 is in the immediate future. (ie, this calendar year) Dropping it in time for the holiday push would be an obvious move.
That will make it slightly more tempting to pick one up again for the new Mario games.

But I'll still refrain as I'm pretty tired of platformers and haven't been gaming that much anyway, so no need to re-buy a console that I got rid of once for doing nothing but gather dust.

Good price for people more into it's game library though.
Insert smarmy "I got my Wii for $150" comment here. :D

In all seriousness though, I'm not surprised to see them drop it in the wake of PS3 and 360 dropping, it was almost inevitable.
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