Left 4 dead is ruined

How so? It still looks good to me.

Edit: Well, it does appear they changed the character designs and the old ones really had a "night of the living dead" style to the old ones. However, these don't look bad.
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I think it looks better. I didn't really care for the look of the characters previously...this looks more realistic. Props.
I agree that the older designs were better, especially the girl -- WTF is this, Streets of Rage?

Probably not game-ruining, but still disappointing. I wonder how fast someone will create versions of the old models you can drop in.
I prefer the new models, too -- more "random civilians" and less "paramilitary extras from Resident Evil."
That last character reminds me of the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead, starring Tony Todd

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They look noticeably "cleaner" than the old designs. For a split second, though, I thought the game was going third person.

In other news, L4D will now feature a pure co-op mode for those who want the infected bosses to be AI-controlled.
Might as well revive this thread, since this rubbish about L4D not having a server browser may do what the OP title suggests. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2008/11/06/left-4-dead-early-access-demo/

Left 4 Dead will use the new matchmaking system we’ve been working on.

The new matchmaking system replaces the traditional server browser. By running a public dedicated server your server will be added to a list of servers available for clients to use when playing. Games are started from a Game Lobby by clients, who are then connected to a dedicated server when they start the game. When they’re done, your server is added back to the list of available servers. Clients will be able to “Quick Match”, “Play Online”, and “Play With Friends” when they want to play a game.

You will still have access to the traditional Message of the Day for your server. For Left 4 Dead, we’ve added a banner ad you can create that will be displayed to clients when they’re playing on your server. There is also a ranking system to show the popularity of your server.

This is the first version of what we’ve been working on, and we’re going to want feedback from all of you once things start turning up tomorrow.
Looks like GOY, and to get it for $35 shipped like many did even makes it better. I'm going to hold off on GOW 2 and just play this instead.
Yeah, lots and lots of complaints about the lack of a server browser.

Hopefully they get that fixed before the game goes live.

Kinda surprising since Valve arguably makes the best server browsers in the business.
bread's done