Legend of Korra Book 1: Air - $13.99 DVD, $25.19 Blu

[quote name='jumpman17']I'd like to point out that the Bluray features commentary tracks on every episode, while the DVD only has them for select episodes.[/QUOTE]

Well...crap. Now I HAVE to get the blu-rays, in addition to the DVD sets I already own. The commentary tracks on the DVD sets are fantastic. The commentary for "A Better World" offers great insight into the creative process that went into the writing. I would love to have commentary tracks for every episode of the first two seasons. Just a shame they never released Justice League Unlimited on blu-ray.
[quote name='Vigilante']Man, I am just kicking myself for not preordering the Blu-ray when it was $18.89--it's up to $34.99 now. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Crazy, wasn't the MSRP on that thing $27.99 originally?
12 half hour episodes for $34.99? No thanks. Makes me glad I watched them when they aired, so I can wait for a decent price drop. I think I'll wait for $14.99.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Ouch. That is a big jump. Keep watching it. Maybe it'll go back down.[/QUOTE]

Change your title 'til then - it keeps getting my hopes up. I dragged my feet on ordering and it jumped up the very next morning.
It seems as if the msrp is $35.98 (according to Amazon). If that's the case, this is classic Amazon. They give a little bit off of msrp and have people believe it's a "deal", especially those who pre-order. Given time, it "might" drop back down to sub-$20. It might not go back to the $18.99 price, but it will be a lot cheaper than $34.99. In any case, I have no doubt that it will NOT be $34.99 as the release date gets closer and closer.
Huh. Mabe I should go ahead and pre -order the blu ray That's not too bad of a price, and if it drops anymore before it comes out, they honor the price, right?
Correct. However, bear in that you should be proactive: Amazon has this tendency to NOT lower the price (even though it did) and you need to call them on it.
[quote name='dualedge2']Correct. However, bear in that you should be proactive: Amazon has this tendency to NOT lower the price (even though it did) and you need to call them on it.[/QUOTE]

anytime the price has dropped for me they always send me an email after the item has shipped saying "you saved $XX.XX by pre-ordering with amazon" I have never had to call them.
My blu-ray copy arrived today. Sticker on front says 4 hrs of exclusive blu-ray content, which I think is mostly commentary. Currently $23.99 for blu on Amazon (I payed $18.99). DVD is still just under $14. They also have $8.89 pre-order for Book 1 OST coming out July 16: http://www.amazon.com/The-Legend-Korra-Original-Music/dp/B00D6I7EMU/ I would earth bend them all my moneys if they ever offer Avatar TLA OST.

Eagerly awaiting Korra S2 ^^

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Well, I just had an awesome experience at WALMART, of all places (super-mega-extreme YMMV incoming):

I stopped by WM to check if they had the Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz steelbooks (they didn't :cry:) and noticed a cardboard display for the just-released Legend of Korra Book 1, the Blu-ray version of which I had decided to buy for sub-$20 later on. My eyes drifted to the prices for the items on the display (not stickered price tags) and noticed "The Legend of Korra Blu-ray: $14.96"! :shock:

Needless to say, I did a double-take since that's much lower than what I've seen anywhere else. I took a copy up to the register and asked for a price-check; I was told it was $19.96, but then I said that their display showed the price as $14.96. The employee verified the price on the display, fixed it so it said $19.96, then told me that she'd ring it up for that $14.96 price for me!

tl;dr: Check your Walmart(s) to see what price they have displayed for the Blu-ray of Legend of Korra Book 1. You just might get lucky. ;) Super YMMV, though.

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I have had that a couple times too. More than likely the tag was for the DVD version and nobody noticed. Walmart's tags are horrible so anyone who didn't know there were two versions would not question it too much.
I have had that a couple times too. More than likely the tag was for the DVD version and nobody noticed. Walmart's tags are horrible so anyone who didn't know there were two versions would not question it too much.
Yeah, I think the price was for the DVD version, but the actual item name ("The Legend of Korra Blu-ray") wasn't a tag; it looked like it was printed on the cardboard display itself (not by Walmart).

The "price tag" they used was one of those old-fashioned spiral setups, like what was used at old baseball games for scorekeeping.

Got my order in from Amazon today. I'm no audio or videophile but this looks amazing. All the colors and action jump off the screen, I'm beyond impressed. The show is great and this seems to be a sublime bluray package.

WM's price is $19.xx for the Blu, $14.xx for the DVD.  I was surprised, after NEVER finding TLA for cheap when they were released.

I got the Blu-ray for $19.96 at Walmart this morning...glad BB was out of stock yesterday evening because I would have spent $24.99.

WM's price is $19.xx for the Blu, $14.xx for the DVD. I was surprised, after NEVER finding TLA for cheap when they were released.
They were released at a time when TV shows on DVD were more expensive. I bought them in September for $16 a season, but they also have at least twice as many episodes.

Amazon delivered my copy yesterday. Unfortunately, I was transferring the data from my original PS3 to the new slim model I picked up from Target, so my Blu-Ray capability was down for the evening. Also, I kind of want to wait and watch it with my brothers. I watched all of the Avatar series with my brothers, and neither of them has seen this new series.

I just picked up the DVD version, since my copies of TLA are on DVD and I like preserving series across mediums.  Wish I had known about the 4 hours of commentary, although I dont' think that could have convinced me to pay 2x the cost, as as much as I like having them, I rarely listen to the commentaries.

I picked one up as well.  I wasn't planning on picking one up now, but the first series rarely went on sale.  $15 for the blu-ray would have been nice, but $5 off is better than nothing.

Oh yeah, the Blu-Ray's are well worth having. I haven't given the commentaries a spin yet, but the visuals are fantastic in high definition. Such a good continuation of the original series.

Just started watching Avatar after stumbling across some good reviews for this set. Digging it so far, so went ahead and ordered the DVD sets (they are pretty affordable at this point). I plan on getting this too, but I'm not sure whether I should buy it now or see if I make out better next week when Upgrade and Save starts at Best Buy. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm thinking with the MSRP being so low I could score the set for under $20 next week by PMing somewhere and using a U&S coupon.

My Walmart had the sign up stating $14.96 for blu-ray. I was able to get one for that price after pointing it out.


I checked and my suncoast was out of them.  I might check back later in the week.  If I'm able to get it for $10, I wonder if I'll be able to return my opened copy to walmart?

I checked and my suncoast was out of them. I might check back later in the week. If I'm able to get it for $10, I wonder if I'll be able to return my opened copy to walmart?
I had to ask my FYE clerk for a copy. There were none on the shelves but apparently they kept a few copies behind the counter.

bread's done