Lego Batman ok for a 5-year old?


My sister/brother in law have let my nephew (who is four) play both Lego Star Wars and Lego Indy. He will be five in December. He's fine with the 360 controller and actually playing the Lego games, but I'm just wondering whether Lego Batman might be a bit too dark for him.

He also wants the Kung Fu Panda game for the 360, which I've heard sucks, and I don't want to get him a crappy game.

Any advice?
I didn't really think it was too dark...I mean after all things like decapitation and such don't seem as bad since they are made from legos.

I don't know if some puzzles would be too hard, as there may be moments where you are wondering what is it you need to do. Though for him if say he is playing with an adult he should be fine. Besides what kid doesn't like Batman
You should be able to find Kung Fu Panda for pretty cheap soon, what with it being bundled with most of the 360 configurations this year. You always have the option of renting it from a video store, or using gamefly, thats probably going to be your value route, rent it, let him beat it, send it back, unless its for a gift, then you kinda have to buy it.

The lego batman game looks like it would be a lot of fun, and it might be a little dark, but it IS batman we are talking here. But I don't think that is anything to worry about, and should be fine. I am sure you can find some gameplay videos online to help with your decision, take a peek, if you think it is too dark, then steer clear. Ask his parents for their opinion of the game as well.
The reviewers that reviewed Kung Fu Panad are not 5 years old, so even if it is a bad game the kid might still enjoy it.
Lego batman isn't dark in the least. Since there are no words and no previous storyline to follow, chances are your kid won't understand it at all.
My 5 year-old enjoyed Kung-Fu Panda. It isn't a bad game, actually (there are certainly way worse licensed games). He also played Lego Batman until he got stuck at some point and now he doesn't want to play it any more. But from what I saw it is really no different from the other ones, so if your nephew enjoyed Star Wars/Indy then go for it.
I do remember reading a game informer review of Kung Fu panda, and it was suprisingly praising of the game.

Though I think Lego Batman would be more of a sure bet in the fun factor....erm factor.
I played through Lego Batman story mode with my son, he'll be 5 next February. I didn't find anything objectionable, except for maybe Lego guns. But he watches TV and movies with me so he's seen real guns (well, on a screen at least). Maybe in others' cases, it might be inappropriate.

There were a few puzzles that were a bit difficult and I had to help him through it, but not too many.

It was because of Lego Batman though, that my son dressed up as Robin for Halloween. He didn't want to be Batman because he said he's always grumpy :)
I downloaded the demo to Kung Fu Panda so the kids could play it. It wasn't that bad and they really enjoyed it. My kids also enjoy the Lego games. You really can't go wrong either way.
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