Leisure Suit Larry

EGM gave it a 2.0 or 3.0... I would not play it based on the ranking. Too many 8.0 or higher games to play.
The only decent score I saw for this game was from Gameinformer, and it was a 7. Not too many people at these boards are gonna say to trust them though after their complete fark up with giving Paper Mario a 6.75. [-X
I absolutely LOATHE people who go by magazine's reviews and refuse to play it. That makes about as much sense as listening to the smelly fat guy in the game store and his opinion on any game.

I have Leisure Suit Larry, I enjoy it. It's quite fun. Not worth 49, but definately worth at least 29. Pick up the PC version.
[quote name='BLarR']The only decent score I saw for this game was from Gameinformer, and it was a 7. Not too many people at these boards are gonna say to trust them though after their complete fark up with giving Paper Mario a 6.75. [/quote]
Every since they game Enter the Matrix an 8.5 I stopped trusting their reviews. I keep my subscription because they almost always have exclusive first looks at games.
Is Larry a great game? No. And the nudity aspect is ridiculous; the ultra dirty bits should have been omitted. But I have to say--this is quite possibly the funniest game I have ever played, and for that I'd say it's worth a rental.
[quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='BLarR']The only decent score I saw for this game was from Gameinformer, and it was a 7. Not too many people at these boards are gonna say to trust them though after their complete fark up with giving Paper Mario a 6.75. [/quote]
Every since they game Enter the Matrix an 8.5 I stopped trusting their reviews. I keep my subscription because they almost always have exclusive first looks at games.[/quote]

Speakin' of which, anyone else find it convenient that they gave MK: Deception the highest rating (9.5) and then guess who gets the World Exclusive first look at MK: Shaolin Monks...?
[quote name='Spruce'][quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='BLarR']The only decent score I saw for this game was from Gameinformer, and it was a 7. Not too many people at these boards are gonna say to trust them though after their complete fark up with giving Paper Mario a 6.75. [/quote]
Every since they game Enter the Matrix an 8.5 I stopped trusting their reviews. I keep my subscription because they almost always have exclusive first looks at games.[/quote]

Speakin' of which, anyone else find it convenient that they gave MK: Deception the highest rating (9.5) and then guess who gets the World Exclusive first look at MK: Shaolin Monks...?[/quote]

Yeah that type of shit gets on my nerves, thats why I miss "Next Generation" the magazine. They were a little more on target with reviews and facts. Leisure Suit was pretty funny but definately not worth $50. I would wait, this will definately be one of those in 2 months $20 games.
[quote name='Spruce'][quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='BLarR']The only decent score I saw for this game was from Gameinformer, and it was a 7. Not too many people at these boards are gonna say to trust them though after their complete fark up with giving Paper Mario a 6.75. [/quote]
Every since they game Enter the Matrix an 8.5 I stopped trusting their reviews. I keep my subscription because they almost always have exclusive first looks at games.[/quote]

Speakin' of which, anyone else find it convenient that they gave MK: Deception the highest rating (9.5) and then guess who gets the World Exclusive first look at MK: Shaolin Monks...?[/quote]

I think it could also be that no one else was really knocking down the door to preview a game 2 days in development :whistle2:k
I opted for the PC version, since there was no way I was going to pay $50 for it. When I first heard the plans for the game, I assumed it would be a value title, so I was pretty surprised by the MSRP. It won't last at $50, it'll be $20 or less soon enough, I don't think it is selling very well. Or you could just rent it, you will be bored with it by the end of the rental period.
Next Generation was biased as fuck. Everything they did was with a "holier than thou" additude. If a game didnt succeed in pushing the ganre to a new height they'd give it a crap score and pan it dispite it actually being a fun game. They only got away with it by claiming to be an industry mag... but I guess they didnt get a way with it for long since they arnt around any more... good riddance.

LSL is an obvious attempt at a next gen sequel, not everything is perfect but it tries to entertain the same way as the old games even if it dosent always suceed. Best as a rental or wait for the bargin bin... which I predict will happen sooner rather than later.
[quote name='Pylis']Is Larry a great game? No. And the nudity aspect is ridiculous; the ultra dirty bits should have been omitted. But I have to say--this is quite possibly the funniest game I have ever played, and for that I'd say it's worth a rental.[/quote]

If you have the PC version, you can get a patch that will remove that little bar thing across the dirty parts.

As for the game, I payed $50 for it and it was alright. Minigames got boring after awhile. I suggest waiting for it to drop in price before picking it up. Not worth the $50 with lots of good games coming out this and next month.
A lot of those review sites seem like they can be paid off to give good reviews...I ususally use


Its probably a lesser known site and they rarely give out A's.

I just don't have the time to play all the games I want, but if GR gives it an A I am most likely buying the game. Their reviews are great and concise and they tell you exactly what you need to know. But as always if a game makes a good first impression..then just rent it.
i have the pc version with the patch...i really dont know what are the censored parts though...

has anyone seen how you get down with the band girl lol
[quote name='Ragingbull2380']A lot of those review sites seem like they can be paid off to give good reviews...I ususally use


Its probably a lesser known site and they rarely give out A's. [/quote]

I go to that site too. The only thing bad about it is that they mostly review all the big name games or games with a lot of hype.
[quote name='Alpha2']Next Generation was biased as shaq-fu. Everything they did was with a "holier than thou" additude. If a game didnt succeed in pushing the ganre to a new height they'd give it a crap score and pan it dispite it actually being a fun game. They only got away with it by claiming to be an industry mag... but I guess they didnt get a way with it for long since they arnt around any more... good riddance.

Well I dont know what issue you were reading, but 9 times out of 10 Next Generation was pretty on the money with their reviews. Usually if the game they demo' d was different then the one realeased they would let the reader know (as still happens). The best part was their insider updates and industry information. Sorry for going off topic.

But that a possibility, could also be they are getting game demos in better shape than the actual released game. Just a thought, its happened before (PS2- The Bouncer).
[quote name='Scorch']I absolutely LOATHE people who go by magazine's reviews and refuse to play it. That makes about as much sense as listening to the smelly fat guy in the game store and his opinion on any game.

I have Leisure Suit Larry, I enjoy it. It's quite fun. Not worth 49, but definately worth at least 29. Pick up the PC version.[/quote]

Actually EGM seems to be pretty reliable in my opinion. And it is not the same as listening to the kid in the store. These people write reviews for a living and play more games that I have time to rent them. So it is better than just picking a game blindly to rent or puchase.
I enjoyed LSL:MCL. Although the control of some of the mini games was bad and the framerate of the PS2 version was choppy at times, it was still enjoyable. I rented it through Gamefly as it's definitely not a purchaser at $50. I hear the PC version is indeed the one to get.

Anyway, the comedic aspects are there. Some of the stuff is quite funny, other stuff falls flat. Most of the voice acting is better than what you get in some RPGs these days. The band chick is rather funny as someone mentioned. The nudity is polygonal so expect nothing more than baseballs with pink JuJuBe's on them :) - however, the nudity does actually add to the 'pressure' factor in some of the games. I don't think the game would be nearly as fun without it especially given the written content. Some of it's quite vulgar! That's an A+ in my book.

I enjoyed the look overall, and the game was long enough, but it's nothing you would play again. It doesn't really have many links to past LSL games imo. They were never this raunchy or blunt. Regardless, it captured the feel of typical college skin flicks quite well (Revenge of the Nerds, American Pie, etc). Stand around people and listen to their conversations, read the load screen ads. You can tell the devs were having fun making the game :)
bread's done