Lets say you have a time machine

I would go back in time before Kelly Clarkson became famous and was still a waitress. Oh Kelly Clarkson, won't you please do me! :hot:

[quote name='crystalklear64']1. Watch lottery.
2. Go back in time to yesterday.
3. Buy lottery ticket.
4. Wait a day.
5. ???????
6. Profit.


It is almost genious in its simplicity, you win the thread.
[quote name='crystalklear64']1. Watch lottery.
2. Go back in time to yesterday.
3. Buy lottery ticket.
4. Wait a day.
5. ???????
6. Profit.
I would do this but go back to when they had the largest jackpot win then subsequently have several members of my family win after me so they don't have to hassle me for my win.

Another way to make a quick buck in the past would to do like they did in Back to the Future and take a list of teams that won the Championship back with you and make sure to bet a lot of money on each one every year.
I would go back to the 1990's armed with a laptop full of stock tips, lottery numbers, and technical documents. I would win the lottery, invest the money in a few companies, and then use the money to form my own company.
What is great about crystalklear's post is that, since he can't make a return trip, he only really lost a day of his life.
[quote name='lokizz']id probably take a laptop inside of a solar powered case ( yes they exist) and in this laptop id have the collected knowledge of history , science , technology, military strategy ect and go into ancient egypt and rule as the pharoh and dominate the world.

if not that then id go back to where/when atlantis was supposed to be and soak in all that knowledge.[/quote]

Too bad solar cells degrade over time :D
This reminds me of a movie I once saw. These two guys wound up building a time machine, but it could only go back to when they built it. It was cool.

If I had to make a one way trip, I'd make it 1,000 years into the future. I might wind up on a polluted shit hole, but at least all you fuckers'll be dead.

I'd also bring a gun to shoot anyone that posts later to say they're following me just to annoy me.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Too bad solar cells degrade over time :D[/quote]

well these are magic solar cells that last forever dammit!!!!!!! man whys everyone tryin to kill my dream?
[quote name='cdeener']I would do this but go back to when they had the largest jackpot win then subsequently have several members of my family win after me so they don't have to hassle me for my win.

Another way to make a quick buck in the past would to do like they did in Back to the Future and take a list of teams that won the Championship back with you and make sure to bet a lot of money on each one every year.[/quote]

the gambling one is good but dangerous. you bet too big nd win too often and youre going to attract attention of those who control gambling.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']What is great about crystalklear's post is that, since he can't make a return trip, he only really lost a day of his life.[/quote]

he gained a day
[quote name='lokizz']well these are magic solar cells that last forever dammit!!!!!!! man whys everyone tryin to kill my dream?[/quote]

also how would you communicate with the egyptains anyway... they probably would just spear you in the face on first contact wearing those funky american clothes
I would record the winning lottery numbers for a year or two, and then travel back in time, win the biggest lotteries, and give my friends and family the other winning lottery numbers.
[quote name='Kayden']Do you think Bill Murray aged in groundhog day? He was always conscious of the previous day...[/quote]

I don't know. But he worked way to hard to snake Andie McD in that movie. I would be nail'n tail all over that hog-town.
He did that too and then got bored. He wanted something worth fighting for. He was just lucky he was in an environment that he could do it the creepiest way possible and not have it work against him.
[quote name='lokizz']the gambling one is good but dangerous. you bet too big nd win too often and youre going to attract attention of those who control gambling.[/QUOTE]

You are correct. I'm just saying if you do it right you could get rich by doing this outside of just winning the lottery.

[quote name='help1']I would record the winning lottery numbers for a year or two, and then travel back in time, win the biggest lotteries, and give my friends and family the other winning lottery numbers.[/QUOTE]
I stated this also. I feel that if you are going to win you might as well help those close to you, too.
OH fuck!

I know. I would take the last 250 years of news papers and a current copy of the constitution back to 1775-6 when the smart people were mapping out the frame work.

I'd lay out how all the shit would have gone sideways and we could get laws written then to prevent shit now. Sure, no one would know what the internet was for 200 years, but I think those gallant mother fuckers could think of something.

Also, I'd leave a letter for JFK to wear a bullet proof head.
[quote name='help1']I would record the winning lottery numbers for a year or two, and then travel back in time, win the biggest lotteries, and give my friends and family the other winning lottery numbers.[/QUOTE]

The problem with trying to win multiple lotteries (or any gambling for that matter) is that by doing your first big wins, you might impact the future in such a way that the future outcomes are different. Same thing with taking the history of the world back with you. It might be that the FIRST thing you do differently changes the entire thing, and your whole history is suddenly a worthless alternate reality.
Changing the future was my goal though. :lol:
If they wind up making a whole new slew of fuckups, then I'll just include directions on how they too can go back and amend the time stream.
[quote name='Cuzza40']The problem with trying to win multiple lotteries (or any gambling for that matter) is that by doing your first big wins, you might impact the future in such a way that the future outcomes are different. Same thing with taking the history of the world back with you. It might be that the FIRST thing you do differently changes the entire thing, and your whole history is suddenly a worthless alternate reality.[/quote]
Oh, do over.

Wait till deathbed then go back till when I was... lets say 6. Retaining all previous knowledge. Live twice. I'd be mackin' dem elementary school hoes trying to get into their underoos.
Unless you take back the brain transplant machine, that'll never work.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Oh, do over.

Wait till deathbed then go back till when I was... lets say 6. Retaining all previous knowledge. Live twice. I'd be mackin' dem elementary school hoes trying to get into their underoos.[/quote]
With in the realm of this thread? Yes, putz. :lol:
He asked what you'd do if you could make a one way trip through time, not what would you do if you had a device that would let you send your consciousness back to your young body so you could sodomize kindergartners.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Hey ass, I've got a time machine and that's the part that'll never work!?[/quote]
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']What's the point if you can't return?

I'll stay here, thank you, I have a bustling film career to attend to[/quote]

Lord knows we just need another Wild Hogs.

I would go back to when WoW: CE's were on sale and id keep them til now and sell them for $1,800 each.
[quote name='assasin4hire']I'd go back to when human's were created and make them Asexual.[/QUOTE]
And how would you do that exactly?
I would stop Lincoln's assassination. The world would be a much better place had he been able to finish his presidency.
Tired of women saying no and he doesn't want to go gay.

[quote name='The Crotch']Forget the how - why?[/quote]
now that i think about it maybe itd be simpler and easier ( if you just want to use it for money) to send i back to your parents or a relative you know you can trust with info on things that could make your family rich. then again the machine itself would be a valuable find but once you use it what would you do with it?
Go back in time to right before I get into said time machine and then kill myself, causing a time paradox and killing all of creation.
[quote name='rickonker']And how would you do that exactly?[/quote]

Considering he's implying that humans were created at one point in time as opposed to over years of evolution, I think he's banking on a magic wand or something.
go back to tail end of depression and buy up all the stock. that's right...ALL THE STOCK ;) well, at least for the good things. along with a copy of stock success tips from today. bill gates...i OWN you!!!!
bread's done