Life changing event


254 (100%)
Well it finally has happened. My wife is pregnant. After being married for 3 years and being together for almost 5 it was bound to happen sooner or later. Just wondering if there are another other CAG fathers out there and how having a child has changed your life. Well i know ill be giving up things but ill be gaining much more in the long run.

I've been a father for 3 months now. Life-changing doesn't even begin to describe it. My daughter is the single greatest thing I have ever been associated with - if I were to die tomorrow at least I'd die knowing I did something right in this world. You are going to love it (even though there is almost no time for video games anymore :D )... Congrats!
Although I will never have kids because I feel that they are like a black hole that suck away time and money, I congratulate you! (not sarcasm) :applause:
My little guy turns 3 in a few weeks. Even though he can be a LOT of work, it is worth it. Watching him gain new abilities is priceless and creates many memories. Of course you will probably have less time for gaming until he gets old enough to play too! Congratulations and good luck!
Thanks all and i think my child will be a girl, just a hunch. If you believe in prophecy and all that kind of stuff my aunt, who is very religous, said she was told that my wife and i would be having a baby very soon and that it would be a girl. She told us this about a month ago. Guess we will see.
Congrats on the baby. I am a veteran at being a father. I have been married for 15 yrs(wow) and have 4 kids. 14yrs, 9yrs, 2yrs and 6 you can see me and the wife took a break in between and now you know why I am a cheapassgamer (I can't afford to pay full price).
It is a great experience you will love it.
Get used to operating on 3 hours sleep. But honestly there is nothing more rewarding. I found having children put a lot of magic back into holidays that had been gone from me for a while. The birth of my two children were the two best days of my life. I got a 5 yo girl and 2 yo boy and I found having the girl first was a good thing. She really is protective of her little brother.
[quote name='bmsdaddy']My little guy turns 3 in a few weeks. Even though he can be a LOT of work, it is worth it. Watching him gain new abilities is priceless and creates many memories.[/quote]

Your son collects power-ups? Does he have the double-jump boots yet?
I just became a first time dad October 23 last year and it's definitely the biggest life changing event of my life.
The smallest things you take for granted now all must be taken into account after your child arrives. For example, a simple errand now either requires that only one of you go or else you have to pack up the kid and diaper bag before heading out. At first it will seem like a big production, but things will get easier as you get used to doing them.
Seeing my daughter grow and learn new abilities is so's awesome!
Have fun dealing with the cravings and mood swings that your wife will have during pregnancy. I laugh at it now, but man did they make for some interesting days while it was happening.
Congratulations. I'm in the same boat. Not quite sure what to expect. I will become a father at anytime now according to the doctor. They originally gave us Jan 31st as the due date, but now they are saying any time. I will just let you know now that the last few weeks is the toughest part of the whole pregnancy. Not knowing when it will come is hard to handle when you are so excited about the baby coming. Now we just need a cheapassbaby website.
[quote name='wingeddragon']Well it finally has happened. My wife is pregnant. After being married for 3 years and being together for almost 5 it was bound to happen sooner or later. Just wondering if there are another other CAG fathers out there and how having a child has changed your life. Well i know ill be giving up things but ill be gaining much more in the long run. [/quote]

Congrats Winged Dragon. Its fun to have kids around...well...expcet for diapers and such.
[quote name='javeryh']I've been a father for 3 months now. Life-changing doesn't even begin to describe it. My daughter is the single greatest thing I have ever been associated with - if I were to die tomorrow at least I'd die knowing I did something right in this world. You are going to love it (even though there is almost no time for video games anymore :D )... Congrats![/quote]

I'll second this. My little boy will be 4 months old soon and there is defintely little time for gaming. I get a half hour here and there, but that is it. He's awesome though and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I can't wait till he's old enough to start running around and playing games with me!
Wife and I are working on our first......strangely its one of things where when you WANT to have one, its you DONT want to have one, man they come poppin outta every orifice :D

a few women have brought me on Maury Povich to see if I was a baby-daddy, but none of those ho's have been able to prove anything yet.

But seriously...congrats.
[quote name='dratsacras'][quote name='bmsdaddy']My little guy turns 3 in a few weeks. Even though he can be a LOT of work, it is worth it. Watching him gain new abilities is priceless and creates many memories.[/quote]

Your son collects power-ups? Does he have the double-jump boots yet?[/quote]

Congrats OP, my older bro just had his first child 6 months ago and having a baby around the holidays brought a whole new joy to it. Just having my nephew around makes the mood a lot more happier and brings even together. Good luck with everything!
[quote name='HeadRusch']Wife and I are working on our first......strangely its one of things where when you WANT to have one, its you DONT want to have one, man they come poppin outta every orifice :D


every orafice? you may want to see a dr about that.

mine will be turning 3 in march, shes the most amazing thing ever. i cant believe how much she knows already. and how little she sleeps. we've got another one on the way, due in august. and then im done. like going to the dr for the snip snip done.
[quote name='dratsacras']Your son collects power-ups? Does he have the double-jump boots yet?[/quote]

Heartfelt congrats OP! My kid just turned 9 1/2 months, and I think he's the most amazing little guy in the whole world. You'll think the same. And yeah, get ready to forget about sleep for a while.

Cool to see all these other dads on CAG!
bread's done