LIfe during/after College


1 (100%)
While in college, I found myself buying all sorts of video games, despite being a broke ass student. Yet, as my collection continued to grow, they stayed minty fresh in their original shrink wrap. There were some I did open, but I only played it a couple of times. Since I graduated from college in December, I find myself in the same scenario. I am employed as an Officer in the USAF, so my spending flexibility has greatly increased. I still find myself spending my money on games that I do not even open. Maybe its because I'm busy with more imporatant issues other than sitting on my ass spending countless hours on an RPG. I love video games, but for some reason, its like I almost don't care to play them, yet I continue to buy them as soon as they hit the selves.

Basically, do people find themselves buying games and not having time to play them?
Yeah, my b/f is in college and he has stacks of games he's never openned, some of which he bought years ago.
That fits me to a T. I don't even have am Xbox or PS2 at my apartment, my younger brother has them, yet I do virtually all of the game purchases. Thanks to this site, I've gotten scores of great games for great prices so I have a huge backlog. And my job has very long hours (work about 80 hrs a week on the average 6 days a week), so time for games is far in between. But at least I appreciate them more when i do get the chance.
I've got nealry a hundred game backlog, growing daily. I'm going to college in two weeks, so I won't have any money, but that won't stop me from getting more games! I justify it by compairing what I paid for them, and what they would have cost all for 50 bucks. In that light, I save an assload! See, I'm just an informed customer.
[quote name='Zmonkay']I've got nealry a hundred game backlog, growing daily. I'm going to college in two weeks, so I won't have any money, but that won't stop me from getting more games! I justify it by compairing what I paid for them, and what they would have cost all for 50 bucks. In that light, I save an assload! See, I'm just an informed customer.[/quote]
I can see you trying to justify your purchases, but IMO I think it's pretty ludicrous to have that many games backlogged. The fact that you've yet to go to college makes it worse. Most people have less time in college for games because of partying, friends, clubs, or even *gasp* studying and classes. I'm not flaming you btw, but actually trying to give some practical advice. Try to play your games now, cuz unless your gonna be a dorm hermit, it's probably gonna be harder and harder to play games - besides, it seems that you have a hard enough time keeping up with your library as is. It's tempting to snatch up whatever you can (I'm still trying to justify some of my own purchases *cough* Magic Pengel *cough*).
Save your money for more practical things (money seems to run out faster when you're in college), but good luck on playing your games and college. But yeah, it is your money, so do whatever you want.
[quote name='brahma_bull_boy']Basically, do people find themselves buying games and not having time to play them?[/quote]
To answer your question, I do, but this summer is my summer of gaming when I'm not in class. So far this summer I've beaten GTA:VC, Dynasty Tactics 2, Castlevania:LOI, and 007:EON. Still got a ways to go though.
Yep, although while I was in college I really didn't buy that many games, I was just too busy with everything else to play more then a couple. Now that I've graduated though, I've been buying and playing a lot, I have over 20 games still waiting to be played. Slowly but surely I'm working my way through them now since I'm taking some time off before I start a career or go back to grad school.
jimbodan - where did you buy games when you were in Santa Cruz? Doesn't seem like a place that would have an EB lying around. I'm here in Davis, so you're kinda like a local fellow CAGer
man that's crazy... hope by the time you open the games (unseal) that there are no problems with the games. (probably not allow to get refund or exchange after so long...)
i usually buy a game after i beat one.. but i recently got an xbox and already bought like 14 !!! but i plan on playing them all... so i won't buy games for a while... and in college .. never had time to play rpgs.,.. or games that take time (execpt gta) usually sports and fighting games since in the dorms.. thats one of the things to do.
I never played games in college (except for the Mortal Kombat Arcade game which is near the local bar). Now I am out of college and I do have a backlog of games. Its not a good thing. I think its an addiction, buying games all the time.

I've been considering going cold turkey for awhile and don't buy any games but its hard.
Personally I'm an RPG addict. Even though I have yet to beat about 4 in my collection I bought chrono cross on ebay the other day. I really need to stop doing it...
I open all my games right away, but if the game fails to catch my attention within oh the first 20 minutes of play chances are I won't play it for a long time. Pretty much 1/2 or even more of my games go unplayed, and yet I buy them constantly. I've cut back even more so now that I've entered college, I play about 5 games a year and buy about 15-20.
[quote name='ykryptonite13'][quote name='Zmonkay']I've got nealry a hundred game backlog, growing daily. I'm going to college in two weeks, so I won't have any money, but that won't stop me from getting more games! I justify it by compairing what I paid for them, and what they would have cost all for 50 bucks. In that light, I save an assload! See, I'm just an informed customer.[/quote]
I can see you trying to justify your purchases, but IMO I think it's pretty ludicrous to have that many games backlogged. The fact that you've yet to go to college makes it worse. Most people have less time in college for games because of partying, friends, clubs, or even *gasp* studying and classes. I'm not flaming you btw, but actually trying to give some practical advice. Try to play your games now, cuz unless your gonna be a dorm hermit, it's probably gonna be harder and harder to play games - besides, it seems that you have a hard enough time keeping up with your library as is. It's tempting to snatch up whatever you can (I'm still trying to justify some of my own purchases *cough* Magic Pengel *cough*).
Save your money for more practical things (money seems to run out faster when you're in college), but good luck on playing your games and college. But yeah, it is your money, so do whatever you want.[/quote]

On a side note, if you ever develop a reliable network of getting good deals on 'like new' games, games in their original shrink wrap becomes very overrated. Once I start to think of games as a means of resale and profit, that's when I decide I might as well get into real estate or mutual funds. Playing definitely comes first.

I'm five years out of college and my collection is hovering around 1050. Of those games, I have about 50 unopened, I've finished about 100 and of those 100 i've FULLY completed (unlocked everthing, finished the hardest mode my skills can take me to) about 50 of them.
bread's done