[Likely DEAD] Free Metroid Prime 2: Echoes by sending an e-mail


Possible "deal" summary:

1. Send e-mail to [email protected].
2. Address e-mail to William Davenport.
3. Include your full shipping address.
4. Mention that you want to become a bounty hunter or something witty and you need software to help you gain the necessary skills.
5. If you send it in soon enough, I am fairly certain you will receive the Metroid Prime 2 Demo disc.

No guarantees, from me.

Further background was included in the original post, but then I noticed it was pretty confusing, so I typed the numbered list above.

Original post is quoted below:

OK, actually, I'm not certain if you're getting a Metroid Prime 2 Demo, but that would make the most sense. This is part of the Metroid Prime 2 advertising campaign where they have fake websites, etc. If you applied to a job to work at Athena Astronautics through monster.com and were early and creative enough, they sent you a copy of the game. If you're like me and you applied late enough and uncreatively enough, you got an e-mail telling you that you were accepted and will receive software to help prepare you for your career as a Bounty Hunter. I can only assume this is just the demo. Then at the end of the e-mail it states:

"If you have any colleagues that you feel are up to this challenge, you
are welcome to forward them my contact information. However, space is
limited, so early applicants are given priority. The galaxy could use
a few more aspiring heroes like yourself."

So, send an e-mail to [email protected] and see if you get a demo or maybe something better.
Heres my letter for those who care.

Dear Commander Davenport or any ranking member of Athena Astronautics:

It has come to my attention that your esteemed organization may have an opening. Due to the vagaries in subspace transmissions i sincerely hope that this mail reaches you in time to consider my application to join your august body.

Currently I am stationed on Planet 60091 local designate- "earth/terra" in what is known as the SOL 616 system Milky Way Galaxy. At this time i have been placed in an undercover assignment working in a dastardly field called "public relations" or by some "corporate communications". While it is not as vile an assignment as "Advertising" (another position I have worked in) it's pretty bad. (These Terrans consume more than the slugs of endicrom IV.)

I am aware that many people high up in Athena Astronautics have worked in this or a similar field and may understand the challenges i have faced- the bareknuckled meetings with "clients", the arduous sessions with clueless Agencies who dont understand things like direction, those slimy creatures known only as "Account Executives" who will sell you up the river to hynarxian looters- all these and more are daily threats i face. Yet i meet each challenge with zeal and adventure.

The whole purpose of the "corporate communications" field is to take the "dark" doings of these corporations (creatures that do not live and who are not robots but yet have greater rights than man) and to, by using a power known as "spin" (like one might do with a ball) cross these deeds into the realm of purity or "light." This position sometimes involves the scanning and comprehension of a myriad of documents and artifacts from "tradeshows" to "web pages". Living in the area designated as "Detroit" i am no stranger to sudden bizarre violence. However, my position is not wholly without benefits. Sometimes you get to have donuts. Donuts are good.

Please take my encoded cover resume (decode using alpha band 6 UV wave) detailing my events on this small insignificant world. Once the resume is decoded it should detail my various off planet exploits.

I have a burning desire to make the universe a better place than it is right now. I look to the skies and see space pirates ravaging my home above; even on this backwater planet the evil known as Jess'Ka Sim-s'on has made its way. I desire a chance to effect positive change on a universe spiraling out of control.

I look farward-- and forward to working with you in the eradication of the threats that plague our cosmos.
Very nice job erudite . . . I get the feeling we're shut out on the prize . . . but still you did a good job.

I'd be perfectly happy with a copy of the strategy guide!
I did not receive an email saying I had been accepted, I just got the package in the mail. The letter I received says 13/25 at the bottom.
[quote name='jginiso']I did not receive an email saying I had been accepted, I just got the package in the mail. The letter I received says 13/25 at the bottom.[/quote]

When did you apply/when did you get the game?
I sent an email with an attached resume on Nov 14th. I never received any confirmation that my 'application' had been received or accepted. The package arrived on Nov 22nd.
[quote name='jginiso']I sent an email with an attached resume on Nov 14th. I never received any confirmation that my 'application' had been received or accepted. The package arrived on Nov 22nd.[/quote]

Oh man... I'd almost prefer that you didn't tell me that, now I'm going to be obsessively checking the mail today to see if perhaps I slipped in under the wire...
Hope is alive!!! I didn't send a resume though. Just a "letter" in an email. It was not as impressive as schultzed or erudite, but here was mine.

Commander Davenport,

In browsing the available jobs on an internet job board I came across what I believe to be the most interesting and thought provoking posting currently out there. I am sincerely interested in becoming a member of your team. While I am not sure I have the full amount of required experience (2-5 years) I have completed 100% on previous training modules related to the very work you have described. In fact, when I have felt my skills have deteriorated, I have come back to the previous module on numerous occasions with the intent to retool my skills and hopefully gain new skills.
With the proper training, I believe that I can be a valuable member of your team. I am prepared to put countless hours into both the previous training module (which is a permanent fixture in my training library) and subsequent modules in order to be the best I can be for your organization. I have always been a self starter and despite my short stature throughout my grade school days, I was called "Can-Do" by my peers and enemies alike due to my never quit attitude.

I hope that my pledge to you and your organization does not come too late. I know space is limited and I would regret missing out on this great opportunity. If I sound like a viable candidate to you, please feel free to send any available information to the following address:

If I am indeed too late, I wish you and the recruits luck in your endeavor. I only hope that I do not miss my next chance at the job of a lifetime. Thank you for your consideration.

I emailed yesterday, just following the directions in the first post.. short and sweet.. figure it can't hurt to fire off an email.. it it comes, great.. if not, I don't think I'll take any emotional damage :)
I did mine on the 14th as well . . . so, yes I'm now completely obsessed about the mail today and Fri and Sat . . . damn why did I ever send it?
Maybe I only got an e-mail b/c my mailing address wasn't included on my monster resume for whatever reason. jginiso included his address, so they didn't have to send an e-mail, I guess.
Do they respond ever and say you didn't get in, or do you just email and wait? Did any of the people that got a copy of the game just send email or did they do the monster thing?
I just got an email from them today (today, and I sent in the application on the 17th or something, late i know) and it went like this...

Dear applicant:

Thank you for your interest in the Athena Astronautics job posting on
Monster.com. The position was filled on November 15 by Samus Aran,
famed bounty hunter of the Metroid universe. But wait! There is still
room for you to get in on the action. Assume the role of Samus Aran in
the recently released Metroid® Prime 2 Echoes, the most
highly-anticipated video game this season, exclusively for Nintendo
GameCube™. Rated "T" for Teen, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes is the biggest
and boldest adventure yet for bounty hunter Samus Aran, the first
heroine on the video game scene.

In Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, Samus blasts her way through a planet
that's been split into a light half and a dark half. With the most
detailed 3D visual effects in a Metroid title to date, the deep,
single-player storyline begins as Samus finds herself trapped on a
mysterious planet, populated by creatures of both light and darkness.
Players explore the environment using new scanning equipment and new
weapons such as the Light Beam and Dark Beam, as well as staples of
the Metroid arsenal like the Morph Ball, Grapple Beam and Missile
Launcher. And, for the first time in Metroid history, up to four
players can fight one another in gripping multiplayer battles.

Congratulations on deciphering the truth behind the job posting and
thank you for seeking an opportunity to become a Metroid bounty
hunter. Enjoy your adventure!


Athena Astronautics

I understand it all, but the last part is a little convoluted... it says congrads for discovering the truth and enjoy the adventure. Am I just pulling at straws?
It just means that you were a smartie to realize that Athena Astronautics was tied to Nintendo and Metroid Prime....and not a real place to apply for a job. Got it?
got that email too, dang I thought my email was pretty good too.

I am an aspiring Bounty Hunter and would like to enter into your training program.

I am a 38 year old car salesman mostly out of necessity. Selling cars pays the bills, but I believe I am destined for bigger things.

My training has been thus far limited to collecting old debts for friends and the occasional gathering of items left at someones ex-girlfriends house. Last month I was able to retrieve an entire DVD collection from a girl who knows me only as “Some old guy who came over to get Mike’s DVD’s.” That might not sound all that glamorous to you, but Mike was sure pleased with the result.

I feel that I am up to this challenge and look forward to entering your training program.

Thanks for your time,
I just got mine in the mail today, and a free game, whoo, im am sooo happy. This is what my letter was like:

William Davenport
1092 Athena Astronautics Building
Redmond, WA 98052

To William Davenport, or to whomever this may concern,
Hello. I have recently been informed that you are
looking for a possible bounty hunter. I believe that
if you are still looking, I can be of assistance.
First, a description of myself. I am considered an
easygoing individual, always calm and collected. I am
always willing to try anything. Being a member the
Army Special Forces has proved to be a great benefit
in my life. This provides some perks for you as well.
Being a member of the armed forces states that I am
drug free, as I am tested on a regular basis. I am
dependable, and have a strong conviction for the
pursuit of justice.
Skill wise, I can believe I am more than qualified. I
am classified as an Expert rifleman, hitting 37 of 40
targets in Basic Rifle Marksmanship Training. I am
also qualified as a Medic, so I may assist others in
need. To become a member of the elite Special Forces
unit, one test I was required to pass was an Escape
And Evade exam (E&E for short). This consisted of a
night mission where I was required to pass a designed
course in an unspecified location without being
detected. Being detected was a course for immediate
dismissal from the Army Special Forces. I have done
some classified research as well involving Metroids,
but I am not at liberty to reveal any other relating
information based on that research. Also, any software
you have (similar to a virtual training program, or
other material) that can give me an idea of what being
a bounty hunter is like would be greatly appreciated,
because I am planning to apply for a similar job for
other companies if I do not get accepted for your
organization, or if you are no longer accepting new
employees. If you have any questions about my training
or would like to know more about me, please contact me
My name here
City, State, Zip

My Name Here

I am not really in military though, I just have knowledge in it, so thats how I knew all that stuff. The job is still on monster, so try sending another one if you didn't get accepted. The bottom of the letter they sent me said 17/25. The weird thing is they said I was one of the first to have "seen the light", which is weird, but oh well. :)

Edit: I sent mine in on the 24th of November
I got mine in the mail today as well, on the bottom it said "20/25" and I sent in my application thing on the 27th (forgot last time). This is how mine went.

> Dear Sir William Davenport,
> I have come to you from the far off planetary body called
> "Earth". Excuse this late reply, for until just recently I was
> fighting huge demons in places technology could not reach. After a
> long journey and a hurrendous fight, I managed to defeat the Prime
> boss and return to my ship. However, I have discovered that my fuel is
> low and without funds or the necessary software, I am doomed to stay
> on this dark planet. Coming across this job opportunity, I found it
> necessary to obtain, for without it I am most surely doomed. With the
> necessary software and funds, I could be released from this darkness
> and blast my way through, leaving not even an Echo behind. My proper
> credentials and contact info are as follows;
> I graduated at the top of my Bounty Hunter class, in Advanced
> Placement; I also have special training in discovering hidden sound
> waves - A very crucial tool for any bounty hunter.
> As I embark into greater training, I find no time for obtaining
> the necessary software you provided without slipping in my training.
> However, I have more then enough hardware units, thanks to the great
> people at Athene Astronautics (I purchased two units).
> Here is my contact info, where you can send the software and give me
> even more training in this matter.
> Name
> Address
> I hope you will take this entry, even though it is slightly tardy.
> Happy hunting, as I am going off to kill a horrible Master spartan
> right now. He may be the Chief; but he is no match for my hunting
> abilities. I will be sure to defeat him with your help.
> Thank you,
> My name, aka Samus Aran.
dam sounds like they were only giving it to people that wrote lengthy interesting crap i was brief but did both resume and email. i also did mine 1 day before u guys so maybe i will get it in the mail within the next few days or maybe i had my chance to be creative and lengthy and blew it dam.
I got the full, case, manuals, everything. Also, It came via Fed Ex (dont know if ground, air, or whatever), from Los Angeles from some company called Hazmat (Second part of name here) in a HUGE silver envelope.

And like I said before, the job is still on monster, so people that got rejected, try again, maybe youll get it this time. Or, if you havent, try it, it won't hurt.
I got exactly what moojuice got, with FedEx Overnight priority (From LA and I live in Nor Cal so i dont know if it was air)

But i was number 20/25 so hurry up! there are only 5 positions left.

Man, I really like my free MP2:E.
I'm just too lazy to try this again. MP 2 is an incredible game, but I'm just too lazy at this point. I've already shelled out my $37 anyhow.
I don't think you guys are gonna get in, there were some other posters that signed up just around when I did. Best of luck though, I really hope this comes tomorrow.
Actually, I just looked at the ship date on my package. It shipped on the 16th, and I got it on the 17. I live in Colorado so it had to be Overnight Air.
[quote name='help1']wow, thats pretty cool, too bad I dont own a GC, lol.[/quote]
Well even if you didn't own a cube you could get it and sell it and get a game for Xbox or PS2.
Got this email yesterday
Dear applicant:

Thank you for your interest in the Athena Astronautics job posting on
Monster.com. The position was filled on November 15 by Samus Aran,
famed bounty hunter of the Metroid universe. But wait! There is still
room for you to get in on the action. Assume the role of Samus Aran in
the recently released Metroid® Prime 2 Echoes, the most
highly-anticipated video game this season, exclusively for Nintendo
GameCubeâ„¢. Rated "T" for Teen, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes is the biggest
and boldest adventure yet for bounty hunter Samus Aran, the first
heroine on the video game scene.

In Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, Samus blasts her way through a planet
that's been split into a light half and a dark half. With the most
detailed 3D visual effects in a Metroid title to date, the deep,
single-player storyline begins as Samus finds herself trapped on a
mysterious planet, populated by creatures of both light and darkness.
Players explore the environment using new scanning equipment and new
weapons such as the Light Beam and Dark Beam, as well as staples of
the Metroid arsenal like the Morph Ball, Grapple Beam and Missile
Launcher. And, for the first time in Metroid history, up to four
players can fight one another in gripping multiplayer battles.

Congratulations on deciphering the truth behind the job posting and
thank you for seeking an opportunity to become a Metroid bounty
hunter. Enjoy your adventure!


Athena Astronautics
[quote name='JmasterK']Got this email yesterday
Dear applicant:

Thank you for your interest in the Athena Astronautics job posting on
Monster.com. The position was filled on November 15 by Samus Aran,
famed bounty hunter of the Metroid universe. But wait! There is still
room for you to get in on the action. Assume the role of Samus Aran in
the recently released Metroid® Prime 2 Echoes, the most
highly-anticipated video game this season, exclusively for Nintendo
GameCubeâ„¢. Rated "T" for Teen, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes is the biggest
and boldest adventure yet for bounty hunter Samus Aran, the first
heroine on the video game scene.

In Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, Samus blasts her way through a planet
that's been split into a light half and a dark half. With the most
detailed 3D visual effects in a Metroid title to date, the deep,
single-player storyline begins as Samus finds herself trapped on a
mysterious planet, populated by creatures of both light and darkness.
Players explore the environment using new scanning equipment and new
weapons such as the Light Beam and Dark Beam, as well as staples of
the Metroid arsenal like the Morph Ball, Grapple Beam and Missile
Launcher. And, for the first time in Metroid history, up to four
players can fight one another in gripping multiplayer battles.

Congratulations on deciphering the truth behind the job posting and
thank you for seeking an opportunity to become a Metroid bounty
hunter. Enjoy your adventure!


Athena Astronautics
I don't think I'm gonna get one now so I'm not holding my breath.
Did you get the one that was posted?

If you do, you have a chance. I dont know about others but I got that email and the next day i got the game
So now its if they like what you send them they send you a game, or are they just randomly giving them to some people?
Just to add to the confusion, i did not get any e-mail, it just came. I think its weird that coolbys still got it, and his email said the postion was filled, but meh.
This is one of those situations where you start to anger people as much as entice them.

I wrote a cool letter and made out a resume to match (see page 2 of this thread). I submitted them on Nov. 14th . . . I haven't heard anything. I assumed the whole thing was closed . . . then more people get the game without any logic to it . . . is it random selection . . . fine, just inform the participants.

They should have sent out the game to some, and a demo and a players guide to 200 runner ups and then closed it. They could post a big list of winners and made it done . . . this just makes it weird.
bread's done