Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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That's a lot of paper weights.
not during the drought season, that's a gold mine.

that picture was from the release of rosalina that was exclusive to target. the preorder sold out fast and it was hard to find one in-store. rosalina could have been sold with a 200%-300% markup easily.

Disagree. Somebody is doing something that hurts others by breaking the rules and sucking up copies that could have been sold to people that actually wanted them at MSRP and then profits for literally doing something that isn't necessary. Sure, in the scheme of wrongs in the world it's nowhere near the top, but I have no problem with LRG or anyone else making life difficult for people that engage in this kind of garbage.
We don't know if he broke the rules. I mean, it's likely, but the rules state no person can order more than 1 or 2. What if he got friends and/or family to order copies for him and then buys the copy from them so he can sell them? That isn't against the rules.

I just don't like the whole mentality that has developed over the past several years with people. Since social media took off, whenever someone does something people don't like; whether it's a rude comment by a celebrity, a joke in bad taste by an athlete, scalpers hoarding games, whatever... it's not enough to just scold them or be angry at them, people have to destroy them. Ruin celebrities lives, trash them mercilessly, send death threats to athletes, try to get scalpers banned from ebay when a significant portion of their yearly income and supporting their families may be dependent upon it. All different examples, but all of the same general mentality.

If you don't like someone in 2017... then it's attack attack attack, destroy destroy destroy. People don't even wait for definitive proof anymore. Something happens they don't like? Why wait for the facts? GO ON THE ATTACK! The vindictiveness of man grows exponentially every single year. It's so out of control.

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If you're worried about items getting damaged there is a reason we offer a boxed shipment option. Either pay the $1.99 for peace of mind or buy a single PS4 game to have your stuff shipped boxed. Of the 50,000+ Vita games we shipped out last year, only 12 came back damaged (compared to well over 100 PS4 games). We can't afford the time, effort, and cost involved in folding and sealing boxes to prevent such a minimal problem. Not being able to replace stuff isn't the norm, it's an issue with the held shipment stuff.
Is the boxed shipment option a different box than the blue LRG boxes you guys use for 2+ PS4 games? My damaged AK was basically due to everything being crammed into the blue box with everything else (2x Oxenfree, 1x AK on each system and the AK OST).

not during the drought season, that's a gold mine.

that picture was from the release of rosalina that was exclusive to target. the preorder sold out fast and it was hard to find one in-store. rosalina could have been sold with a 200%-300% markup easily.
Oh man... those days were insane. It's funny seeing these things sitting on shelves now... I wish I never got into it, paying $13 for things are are on sale for $3-5 now. It was fun at first but Nintendo trying to game supply/demand really killed it for me. And it was ridiculous at how many people defended them and/or saying they weren't doing it on purpose. When something is only available for pre-order for minutes, then you're doing something wrong and when instead of telling people there are more coming, you just sit on your hands, that's just stupid. It's still happening too (see Breath of the Wild Master Edition) though this time, they at least said, "that's it, you're SOL".

We don't know if he broke the rules. I mean, it's likely, but the rules state no person can order more than 1 or 2. What if he got friends and/or family to order copies for him and then buys the copy from them so he can sell them? That isn't against the rules.

I just don't like the whole mentality that has developed over the past several years with people. Since social media took off, whenever someone does something people don't like; whether it's a rude comment by a celebrity, a joke in bad taste by an athlete, scalpers hoarding games, whatever... it's not enough to just scold them or be angry at them, people have to destroy them. Ruin celebrities lives, trash them mercilessly, send death threats to athletes, try to get scalpers banned from ebay when a significant portion of their yearly income and supporting their families may be dependent upon it. All different examples, but all of the same general mentality.

If you don't like someone in 2017... then it's attack attack attack, destroy destroy destroy. People don't even wait for definitive proof anymore. Something happens they don't like? Why wait for the facts? GO ON THE ATTACK! The vindictiveness of man grows exponentially every single year. It's so out of control.
It also seems like people love to post hyperbole that isn't based in fact. I've seen very few people whose lives have been destroyed by rumor or innuendo or jumping to conclusions. Social media and the speed of communication has just made it harder for people to get away with awful behavior and for some reason, a small minority of people like to give people who are objectively engaged in bad behavior the benefit of the doubt even long after the facts have made it clear that there is no other conclusion that could reasonably be reached.

Buyers of LRG games know that there is a per person limit and that LRG will actively pursue scalpers who break the limit. Your hypothetical about family members is absurd. I also don't feel any sympathy for people who try to support their family by engaging in behavior that costs other people money they could use for their own families. Not every job that can be done should be done and the change in the collectibles and video game marketplace in the last few years where people can't buy something for MSRP as a result of scalper abuse is a problem and consumers have a right to push back in any lawful manner possible.

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It also seems like people love to post hyperbole that isn't based in fact. I've seen very few people whose lives have been destroyed by rumor or innuendo or jumping to conclusions. Social media and the speed of communication has just made it harder for people to get away with awful behavior and for some reason, a small minority of people like to give people who are objectively engaged in bad behavior the benefit of the doubt even long after the facts have made it clear that there is no other conclusion that could reasonably be reached.

Buyers of LRG games know that there is a per person limit and that LRG will actively pursue scalpers who break the limit. Your hypothetical about family members is absurd. I also don't feel any sympathy for people who try to support their family by engaging in behavior that costs other people money they could use for their own families. Not every job that can be done should be done and the change in the collectibles and video game marketplace in the last few years where people can't buy something for MSRP as a result of scalper abuse is a problem and consumers have a right to push back in any lawful manner possible.
I think most people should be given the benefit of the doubt. There is never anything wrong with getting all the facts before going after someone. But in the age of social media, people's attention spans are lower and no one has the patience to wait anymore.

Speaking of hyperbole, you referred to it as "bad" and "awful" behavior. Immoral maybe, but I think you are making it out to be way worse than it is, and we still don't even know how this guy got the copies. I think it's unlikely he got other people to buy the games for him, he probably is using an advanced method to do it, but we simply don't know.

Bottom line is people are just bitter they didn't get a copy, and they want to destroy people who hoarded copies out of pure savage vindictiveness. Getting the guy's orders cancelled at LRG is one thing, and I think that is a perfectly acceptable punishment if they can prove he broke policy. But trying to get a dude kicked off ebay is a whole other level entirely. It's not enough to slap em on the wrist, people wanna make them BLEED. All goes back to that mentality I was talking about.

fuck em all.  They are parasitic plagues that insert themselves uninvited between the real buyers and sellers, like an HOA or PMI that provide nothing useful themselves and exist only to siphon money and make everyone else's lives hell.

I think most people should be given the benefit of the doubt. There is never anything wrong with getting all the facts before going after someone. But in the age of social media, people's attention spans are lower and no one has the patience to wait anymore.

Speaking of hyperbole, you referred to it as "bad" and "awful" behavior. Immoral maybe, but I think you are making it out to be way worse than it is, and we still don't even know how this guy got the copies. I think it's unlikely he got other people to buy the games for him, he probably is using an advanced method to do it, but we simply don't know.

Bottom line is people are just bitter they didn't get a copy, and they want to destroy people who hoarded copies out of pure savage vindictiveness. Getting the guy's orders cancelled at LRG is one thing, and I think that is a perfectly acceptable punishment if they can prove he broke policy. But trying to get a dude kicked off ebay is a whole other level entirely. It's not enough to slap em on the wrist, people wanna make them BLEED. All goes back to that mentality I was talking about.
The problem with your approach is one can never have "all the facts". That doesn't mean that you can't draw reasonable conclusions from the facts as presented. People also have a right to feel bitter. This individual is taking away the opportunity for people to buy these games and support LRG and the developers at MSRP while costing buyers more money that they could spend either with LRG or the developers or on their own families. It's not my place to judge how people express their displeasure with this guy as long as no laws are being broken.

Buying the limit to flip is fine, but breaking the rules or getting extra via family members (which is a workaround that essentially breaks the rules) should be stopped.
Dig through every facet of your email - spam/trash/promotions/social/etc. My email with the code got lost for quite a few people.
I have, unfortunately, and I definitely don't have it. Is there any chance of the code being resent to me? I have a support ticket open. I purchased Stranger's Wrath through a second chance offer.

I think most people should be given the benefit of the doubt. There is never anything wrong with getting all the facts before going after someone. But in the age of social media, people's attention spans are lower and no one has the patience to wait anymore.

Speaking of hyperbole, you referred to it as "bad" and "awful" behavior. Immoral maybe, but I think you are making it out to be way worse than it is, and we still don't even know how this guy got the copies. I think it's unlikely he got other people to buy the games for him, he probably is using an advanced method to do it, but we simply don't know.

Bottom line is people are just bitter they didn't get a copy, and they want to destroy people who hoarded copies out of pure savage vindictiveness. Getting the guy's orders cancelled at LRG is one thing, and I think that is a perfectly acceptable punishment if they can prove he broke policy. But trying to get a dude kicked off ebay is a whole other level entirely. It's not enough to slap em on the wrist, people wanna make them BLEED. All goes back to that mentality I was talking about.
Fully agree. Getting some lazy fool who decides to make 5 accounts up under the same address at LRG is one thing. Purposely buying someones ebay item just to leave bad feedback is slander and wrong (it can also get you thrown off ebay). People have been sued for it in the past (there's a famous case from about 10 years ago). The seller lost, but still do you want to have to defend yourself for trying to make a statement over some stupid scalper?

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Anyone who thinks reselling is "scalping" when responsibly following rules doesn't see the bigger picture.

It isn't crazy that there are businesses that make money by purchasing items to resell to consumers.

What's different when an individual does the same?

Well, other than:
-Games like Dear Esther and Thomas Was Alone sell around 5,000 copies instead of 2-3K
-The post office gets paid again.
-Employers like eBay and PayPal profit.

-Collectors that miss releases have a secondary market (after all, it is the consumer that dictates pricing, demand etc.)
-Rare releases show up around the holidays, just as interest piques.
-A collector puts in work, profits $20, and thanks to Friday landing on a payday, barely snags the next round of LRG.

Ban the abusers, but leave the grinding collectors alone.

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This is all moot and not really worth discussing. I don't think anyone was actually going to try and sink this guy with negative feedback. If you were, please don't. You're best off just continuing to report any obvious rule breaking to us.

The important thing to note here, whether you play, collect, or resell, is to follow our limits. Do that and we don't care how you choose to utilize your purchases.
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not during the drought season, that's a gold mine.

that picture was from the release of rosalina that was exclusive to target. the preorder sold out fast and it was hard to find one in-store. rosalina could have been sold with a 200%-300% markup easily.
True, albeit they're still paper weights now.
I think this Chris guy on Ebay should just be banned from LRG, every time there's a game release he's breaking the rules (look at what he's sold in the past, and what he's selling now. 4 Oddword card decks = 4 Oddworld games)

Every time LRG releases games, then on average there's 4 unhappy honest customers that are disappointed that they didn't get a game LRG because of Chris. Now as the releases adds up, that's a lot of times customers of LRG are unhappy with them. Then on top of that, all the people paying high prices on ebay from him are also unhappy LRG (sold out of a game) and have to pay this guy. 

In other words, what he's doing to make a profit hurt LRG exponentially over time. 
It should be easy for LRG to ban this guy too.

How many people named Chris in LA are buying multiple games from LRG? Even if he goes by a different name, it should be a easy check of LRG orders to see whom in LA is getting multiple copies of a game within a certain radius. 

Banning him would at least that would put a end to this subject matter, and the negativity around this issue. I understand LRG can't do anything about loose disks, but they can do something to protect their policy, their customers, and to foster a unity amongst their most loyal customers that visit this board 

I have now received 5 PS4 games with the new box shipping and each one has come in perfect shape with no loose discs.  Could be a coincidence, but previously I was receiving a floater over 50% of the time with bubble mailers from LRG.

A big thank you to LRG for at least trying to address the problem and the boxes are pretty cool in their own right (haven't thrown one out yet).

It should be easy for LRG to ban this guy too.

How many people named Chris in LA are buying multiple games from LRG? Even if he goes by a different name, it should be a easy check of LRG orders to see whom in LA is getting multiple copies of a game within a certain radius.

Banning him would at least that would put a end to this subject matter, and the negativity around this issue. I understand LRG can't do anything about loose disks, but they can do something to protect their policy, their customers, and to foster a unity amongst their most loyal customers that visit this board

It should be easy for LRG to ban this guy too.

How many people named Chris in LA are buying multiple games from LRG? Even if he goes by a different name, it should be a easy check of LRG orders to see whom in LA is getting multiple copies of a game within a certain radius.

Banning him would at least that would put a end to this subject matter, and the negativity around this issue. I understand LRG can't do anything about loose disks, but they can do something to protect their policy, their customers, and to foster a unity amongst their most loyal customers that visit this board

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​A single seller on Ebay who is using friends/family to collect copies, and who is only managing to acquire and resell 4-5 copies doesn't seem like an epidemic. It is unfortunate, as it definitely violates the spirit of the whole enterprise. But it does not technically break the rules, and as long as the numbers are as limited as they are, I don't think drastic action is really called for. It's worth keeping an eye on, to make sure that more people don't try to emulate it. And of course, you don't want someone scaling up with even more stock getting sucked away. But on the whole it isn't worth getting up in arms over one problem seller.

​A single seller on Ebay who is using friends/family to collect copies, and who is only managing to acquire and resell 4-5 copies doesn't seem like an epidemic. It is unfortunate, as it definitely violates the spirit of the whole enterprise. But it does not technically break the rules, and as long as the numbers are as limited as they are, I don't think drastic action is really called for. It's worth keeping an eye on, to make sure that more people don't try to emulate it. And of course, you don't want someone scaling up with even more stock getting sucked away. But on the whole it isn't worth getting up in arms over one problem seller.
Can we please shut up about reselling and resellers? There is not a God damn thing left to say about iy. This conversation comes up every single time something limited comes out and one or two people are pissed they missed out. And every single fucking time it's the same people saying the same things over and over again. And it happens a lot of threads, it's happened in here a dozen times or more.

Reselling discussions are like a woman's period around here. Everytime it happens everyone around it has a bad day, some avoid it, but most start bitching and complaining right a long with it because the reseller period makes them unhappy just by being in its proximity. It happens, no one enjoys it, it goes away for a short time and comes back again. It's a never ending cycle of cry babies not getting what they want and everyone just having a big Ole bloody period fight.

Can we just stop? I've been here a while and I have yet to see one person say a single thing on the topic that wasn't said the previous time.

Jesus Christ you people should overjoyed! You have the most awesome lives ever if you can sit and complain about a few people reselling video games of all things. It means you have no real problems at all.
Could be fixed easily by adequate quantity.  Given the size and success of LRG anything less than 5000 is inexcusable and just gives resellers motivation to hoard.

You're wrong, and if you've followed the thread at all, this has been discussed ad nauseum.
Yeah, this thread is off the rails rather often. To much produced, sold out to slow. To little produced, couldn't get a copy. Preorders taking to long, why can't I get a refund? Resellers are scum, get the pitch forks and torches! The two release times offered don't fit my schedule, can different times be used? Use boxes, I keep getting loose PS4 disc, you guys suck!

I just sit back and watch Rome burn, as it's entertaining if nothing else.

Can we please shut up about reselling and resellers? There is not a God damn thing left to say about iy. This conversation comes up every single time something limited comes out and one or two people are pissed they missed out. And every single fucking time it's the same people saying the same things over and over again. And it happens a lot of threads, it's happened in here a dozen times or more.

Reselling discussions are like a woman's period around here. Everytime it happens everyone around it has a bad day, some avoid it, but most start bitching and complaining right a long with it because the reseller period makes them unhappy just by being in its proximity. It happens, no one enjoys it, it goes away for a short time and comes back again. It's a never ending cycle of cry babies not getting what they want and everyone just having a big Ole bloody period fight.

Can we just stop? I've been here a while and I have yet to see one person say a single thing on the topic that wasn't said the previous time.

Jesus Christ you people should overjoyed! You have the most awesome lives ever if you can sit and complain about a few people reselling video games of all things. It means you have no real problems at all.
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we need to get back into the bitching about how many releases they are doing....

or the games arent that good really.....

or how shopify sucks..... 

or floater discs....... 

or missing out on both chances at getting the games......

/s in case it wasnt obvious.

My friend lives in Jamaica- she was saying she can't believe how wasteful Americans are because I turned on the shower and let it get warm before I got in- she said it was something she could never afford to do. I was like buy some video games, flip them and buy a better hot water heater.

Priorities. Sheesh.
Can we please shut up about reselling and resellers? There is not a God damn thing left to say about iy. This conversation comes up every single time something limited comes out and one or two people are pissed they missed out. And every single fucking time it's the same people saying the same things over and over again. And it happens a lot of threads, it's happened in here a dozen times or more.

Reselling discussions are like a woman's period around here. Everytime it happens everyone around it has a bad day, some avoid it, but most start bitching and complaining right a long with it because the reseller period makes them unhappy just by being in its proximity. It happens, no one enjoys it, it goes away for a short time and comes back again. It's a never ending cycle of cry babies not getting what they want and everyone just having a big Ole bloody period fight.

Can we just stop? I've been here a while and I have yet to see one person say a single thing on the topic that wasn't said the previous time.

Jesus Christ you people should overjoyed! You have the most awesome lives ever if you can sit and complain about a few people reselling video games of all things. It means you have no real problems at all.
this is just what someone who was reselling would say..

Yeah lol this shit is just going in circles. It's like someone dropped SpongeBobs Orb of confusion in here and we all just keep saying the same dumb stuff over and over.
Is that a standard now? I'm not complaining ( very nice looking) but first reaction was "crap I must have upcharged for a box"
bread's done