Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Is LRG announcing how many copies of YoS standard is getting pre-ordered as time goes on? I'm curious to see how well it's doing. 

I hope it really picks up this afternoon. They need to hit 4,500 (PS4) and 3,500 (Vita) just to cover the copies they already ordered.
I'm sure they'll be fine since it's still relatively early.

However, if this doesn't, I can see this as the end of the pre-order forever with LRG, lol.

I hope it really picks up this afternoon. They need to hit 4,500 (PS4) and 3,500 (Vita) just to cover the copies they already ordered.
Well, if they don't make it, this will be the end of the "pre-order" idea I'm sure. I'm not going to say it's good or bad, but if it doesn't happen, it proves the point LRG has been making from the start, their games only sell as well as they do because they are "limited".

Everyone who wanted this should be buying at least two copies, to help insure it sticks around past this release. But I guess we'll see how it goes come tomorrow morning.

Well, if they don't make it, this will be the end of the "pre-order" idea I'm sure. I'm not going to say it's good or bad, but if it doesn't happen, it proves the point LRG has been making from the start, their games only sell as well as they do because they are "limited".

Everyone who wanted this should be buying at least two copies, to help insure it sticks around past this release. But I guess we'll see how it goes come tomorrow morning.
yeah, I was just gonna say the same thing, I can definitely see how this could turn off ppl who get hyped by the limited release aspect

That actually doesn't sound super hot. How much did they allot for this run? Something like 5,000 per platform? The morning run generally gets the bulk of the inventory and is generally a quick sell-out. A big part of the draw for these titles is the "limited" aspect, with that hard number of copies produced. It will be interesting to see what the final figure is, but I think you lose a lot of the resellers and speculative buyers which make up a big chunk of LRG's market. 

That actually doesn't sound super hot. How much did they allot for this run? Something like 5,000 per platform? The morning run generally gets the bulk of the inventory and is generally a quick sell-out. A big part of the draw for these titles is the "limited" aspect, with that hard number of copies produced. It will be interesting to see what the final figure is, but I think you lose a lot of the resellers and speculative buyers which make up a big chunk of LRG's market.
I agree... I was thinking it would have been much higher, but then again, I also expected the CE to sell out faster than it did. Maybe YsO isn't all that popular?

So... 2,384 Vita and 2,899 PS4 sold after 3 hours... 3,000 Vita & 4,500 PS4 originally planned production... it's sold 5283 total out of 7500... that's 70.44% of their original plan already sold.

70.44% is more than they would have normally allotted for the AM batch.  So it's already ahead of schedule... and that's with 21 hours of sales left to total up.

So... 2,384 Vita and 2,899 PS4 sold after 3 hours... 3,000 Vita & 4,500 PS4 originally planned production... it's sold 5283 total out of 7500... that's 70.44% of their original plan already sold.

70.44% is more than they would have normally allotted for the AM batch. So it's already ahead of schedule... and that's with 21 hours of sales left to total up.
Generally, the morning allotment is gone within a few minutes. I don't see any reason for there to be an afternoon surge, since you can place an order right now. I'd be curious to know how sales have looked since the first hour of release.

Yeah same here. To people that bought it, you do know its a kemco title, that costs cheap on IOS and Google Play. Don't think I could ever buy an kemco physical title.
Hey now Kemco was one of the main reason Top Gear came out for the SNES, which is like the best racing game in existence, so at least I owe it to them.

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cool, grabbed a vita copy of Y's. My first LR game in over a year. 

Question: Why dont they go the preorder route for all games? It seems like the numbers here are pretty comparable to their regular allotments. It just seems this way you have guaranteed sales and everyone gets a fair chance to get what they want in a non-stressful way. 

Question: Why dont they go the preorder route for all games? It seems like the numbers here are pretty comparable to their regular allotments. It just seems this way you have guaranteed sales and everyone gets a fair chance to get what they want in a non-stressful way.
Basic human psychology. The concept of a limited resource available at a specific time drives demand. Without those strict limitations, the demand significantly decreases. People are less likely to rush or impulse buy when there is no pressure pushing them in that direction. The lack of a strict time window also significantly decreases the excitement and thrill associated with the experience.

They are actually experimenting today with the pre-order approach. The problem is that the sales are not guaranteed when you take away the excitement. A game that might have sold 10,000+ copies with the previous sales model may only manage to eke out 5,000 pre-orders. The 24-hour limit is good, as it will add some degree of time pressure. But the pre-order approach will inherently decrease the demand.

So... 2,384 Vita and 2,899 PS4 sold after 3 hours... 3,000 Vita & 4,500 PS4 originally planned production... it's sold 5283 total out of 7500... that's 70.44% of their original plan already sold.

70.44% is more than they would have normally allotted for the AM batch. So it's already ahead of schedule... and that's with 21 hours of sales left to total up.
Your math is off. The original order is 3,500 Vita standard and 4,500 standard PS4. Total should be 8K.

Generally, the morning allotment is gone within a few minutes. I don't see any reason for there to be an afternoon surge, since you can place an order right now. I'd be curious to know how sales have looked since the first hour of release.
I think there will be a spike in the afternoon simply because like the AM orders, people buying more than one game will want to combine shipping to save a few bucks. I think that's a pretty common sense reason for a surge.

I too would love to see more data on the sales. It would be nice to see a chart for each hour of the sales when it's all said and done.

I think there will be a spike in the afternoon simply because like the AM orders, people buying more than one game will want to combine shipping to save a few bucks. I think that's a pretty common sense reason for a surge.

I too would love to see more data on the sales. It would be nice to see a chart for each hour of the sales when it's all said and done.
Sure, but it will be a proportional spike because roughly 1/3 of the CE copies and presumably the other game will be all that is left at that point.

Yeah, not sure what I was thinking with vita only being 3000.

That's still 66%.
That seems to fit the regular batch allotments though unless they changed the way they distribute the stock back to an even split between morning and afternoon.

I don't remember exactly when they made the switch, but from what I remember the morning batch was about a 2/3 quantity, while the afternoon was the remaining stock. Josh noted they decided to do this because mornings were always crazier than afternoons, so made the change then.

Did they change it back?

Which is what they sell in the first batch anyways.
Yes, which is frankly not great for those of us that really support the preorder idea going forward. I mean my only hope is that maybe in the last hour or so, if a scalper/reseller sees that the quantity sold is going to be about the same as normal that they will jump in thinking there may still be a resale market. I suppose at least if it's on pace with normal sales that LRG might be persuaded that it's better to get the same number of copies into the hands of gamers and collectors than scalpers/resellers, but I don't know if it will be worth the extra potential hassle and delay in dealing with preorders from their perspective.

tbh I think the market for Y's was a bit overantipated, Y's is a great series don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's a huge mainstream gamer series

A lot of what people seem to be missing, is YsO was a mutli-system release, when the last few serious problems came from single system releases(PS4 ONLY). 

There is also ZERO rush to buy the standard version, as it's up for 24 hours. This is the same bone headed arguments here from the get go. Why not do preorders? Because then there is no demand based on something being limited.

If they actually get past their original numbers, I doubt it will be by much, and this is for a very in demand title. The CE sold out slightly slower, due to there being, once again, 2 system options, and not one. So the masses didn't have to fight over one bone this week, but two. And the CE lasted about what I expected them to.

I see no issues with this title being less popular, it just no longer has the demand associated with being "limited". I think this afternoon, there will be a slight spike, as some may not know of the preorder aspect, while others will try to combine shipping with the other game being offered today.

Unless LRG had planed for 2000, or some super low number, this was always going to be the outcome. Of course being unlimited for 24 hrs takes a lot of the re-sellers, and whomever else out of the equation. So in the end, your left with those who really want the game, and of course your left selling about the same number of copies LRG estimated to begin with.

I hope this shows the majority here, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If stuff is unlimited, no one cares, and if it is limited, then the demand goes up, ONLY because it is limited.

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A lot of what people seem to be missing, is YsO was a mutli-system release, when the last few serious problems came from single system releases(PS4 ONLY).

There is also ZERO rush to buy the standard version, as it's up for 24 hours. This is the same bone headed arguments here from the get go. Why not do preorders? Because then there is no demand based on something being limited.

If they actually get past their original numbers, I doubt it will be by much, and this is for a very in demand title. The CE sold out slightly slower, due to there being, once again, 2 system options, and not one. So the masses didn't have to fight over one bone this week, but two. And the CE lasted about what I expected them to.

I see no issues with this title being less popular, it just no longer has the demand associated with being "limited". I think this afternoon, there will be a slight spike, as some may not know of the preorder aspect, while others will try to combine shipping with the other game being offered today.

Unless LRG had planed for 2000, or some super low number, this was always going to be the outcome. Of course being unlimited for 24 hrs takes a lot of the re-sellers, and whomever else out of the equation. So end the end, you left with those who really want the game, and of course your left selling about the same number of copies LRG estimated to begin with.

I hope this shows the majority here, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If stuff is unlimited, no one cares, and if it is limited, then the demand goes up, ONLY because it is limited.
5,000 people who wanted it getting 5,000 copies that LRG was going to make anyway without preorders is better than 15,000 people wanting it just because it's "zomg rare sold out!11!1!11!!!" for the same 5,000 copies.

If they sell the same quantities but weed out assholes they should stick to it.

I still ordered what I was originally ordering all along: 1x CE and 2x SE for each platform. I've done my share.

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5,000 people who wanted it getting 5,000 copies that LRG was going to make anyway without preorders is better than 15,000 people wanting it just because it's "zomg rare sold out!11!1!11!!!" for the same 5,000 copies.
I don't feel the latter is bad from a business perspective though.

The real question is really, better for who?

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tbh I think the market for Y's was a bit overantipated, Y's is a great series don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's a huge mainstream gamer series
Yeah, but nothing LRG releases is a huge mainstream gamer series. This is at least a very well loved series with deep roots into gaming history. I would think that alone would help. If anything the marketing for the preorder was a bit weak. I think they could do a better job of planning their release schedule and execution in building up hype. We knew nothing until late into the day Monday about this weeks release. I don't think the content of the CE's were even known.

Whatever the case the numbers aren't final and it's not exactly clear where those numbers even came from. I looked through all the common LRG sources and couldn't find anything to cooborate them.

Doesn't the fact that this isn't the only physical release Ys is getting also hamper its sales? Pretty sure it was in this very thread that I read some people were opting for the Play Asia version because the cover art is nicer (which it is).

If Ys fails to hit whatever goal, I don't think it can be a total indictment against the pre-order model, not when you can buy the very same thing elsewhere within pretty much the same time frame. 

Regardless, Ys is the first LRG I've purchased and if the pre-order system doesn't stick around it will probably be the last. So I hope it works out since I'll be the one losing out on future releases that interest me, not LRG. 

A person can't "flip" something that they pay for today, but receive in two months. 

There are a few minor flaws with the pre-order model that will cause LRG to not be able to maximize their units sold with Ys.  No immediacy for customers to buy, other alternatives are available, and the biggest one is the game has the appearance of a non-limited title.  Ys Origins is going to have little increase in aftermarket value for several reasons, most of which are simply perception.  The hype has been killed. 

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Def some slowdown, based on this boss fight.

EDIT* This is the 1st boss, I don't think there's much in terms of spoilers here but I'm also not 100% sure since I haven't played the game.
Sucks that the port quality isn't very good, but it's not too surprising.. Dot Emu ported it. I've heard there are some minor bugs with sounds/music in the PS4 version but not sure if those got fixed with a patch. Steam version seems to be the best and it's very cheap during sales if you want to actually "play" the game.

What LRG has to do is weigh the benefits from pleased casual customers like the sentiments Kraftwerks posted above, versus potentially selling more units, more easily, to collectors and speculators with a limited release.

The measure of success will all come down to the total number of units sold in the end, and that's about it.  So we shall see. 

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The best way for anyone to support the concept of pre-orders is to actually show up and order the pre-orders. If you abstain, LRG looks at the numbers and probably makes a decision that you won't like. If you show up and order the titles, then you've done your part and indicated that you support pre-orders.

You also need a lot of other people to also support the pre-orders, but at least you'll know you did your part.

I hope this shows the majority here, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If stuff is unlimited, no one cares, and if it is limited, then the demand goes up, ONLY because it is limited.
Exactly, I shared a similar sentiment in a different thread; this is the market we live in especially in the gaming sector. Lots of collectors and lots of resellers; so if its limited its gonna sell out and your bound to have people bitch and moan about it like you saw over LRG and nighttrap and the bitching about the SNES pre order this week (Seperate animal altogether but similar fan complaints); but now its caused LRG to go away from their usual model (first time in 2 years as they announced on twitter that they offered a game this way) and now its not in its normal demand.

Even the crappy Mobile port sold out this morning but this is barely going to pass their "usual stock" from what I gather from the rest of you. So bitchers and moaners that LRG catered to for this pre order I guess they got what they wanted resellers for the most part ignored Ys Standard and concentrated on the CE (some are already listed on ebay at triple). But if the model hurts LRG in the long run all the bitchers and moaners are really doing is hurting the company they want to support but dont want resellers to be involved in. Resellers have a permanent place in this market and it's really just time to adjust strategy in terms of how you acquire items and maybe understand and this is just a crazy thought YOU CANT HAVE EVERYTHING. lol.

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Using this game to determine if preorders are worth it or not is fucking stupid. It's already been released in another region so a significant portion of people have already bought it.

I know many people like lrg region better but I bet many ordered before preorders were announced to make it easier on themselves.

Take a real game that's never been dropped before to gage it. Not this.
Have any updated numbers on units sold? Insider info?

Take a real game that's never been dropped before to gage it. Not this.
Wonderboy had an Asia release and it didn't stop the game from the crazy quick sellout. Had they waited for a game that didn't have any other release option but was high enough profile, we might be waiting a while especially with next month being two PS4 games and nothing for Vita. The next chance would have been October.

Companies like LRG have learned that they have to embrace that the resellers, collectors, and flippers ARE THEIR  MARKET.  They just can't convey those known sentiments to the public. 

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