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Hopefully the state of not being sold out that the current inventory is at gives some kinda clue to LRG that they need to chill out on their release schedules

Hopefully the state of not being sold out that the current inventory is at gives some kinda clue to LRG that they need to chill out on their release schedules
Well that's been their new norm for a good while now, so if it hasn't happened by now, I doubt it will. Maybe once all Vita offerings are done, just having 2 systems left may change things, but why would it?

While I personally would have preferred less titles most months, this blitzkrieg of theirs has made me stop buying tons of shit I don't need, so I'm glad it happened. On the other side of the coin, LRG is a "business", and making and selling products for profit is why it exist. Anyone legitimately looking for less releases should really look elsewhere, as it's not happening anytime soon, if ever.

While I do legitimately feel LRG did plan a slow down period at one time, I don't see that happening now, due the the increased sizes of the PS4/NS user bases. The more people who own these systems, allows for the market to have more offerings from all involved. Of course most sane people will get to a point where collecting becomes to much, and will have to make life changes(like most here have already done). For those who want to continue on that train, more power to you, but slow down when business is doing well is not going to happen anywhere unless a business owner decides they don't like money.

It is always amazing to me to see how many people want a business to make less money, so they can save money. Like if anyone of these complainers would sell less of anything if it meant making money, does no one not see how insane that sounds and looks?

Hopefully the state of not being sold out that the current inventory is at gives some kinda clue to LRG that they need to chill out on their release schedules
I think they learned from their mistakes with signing too many games on Sony platforms. They've got a fairly decent cadence of 1-2 games every two weeks for the Switch. I've yet to buy a Switch release because (I prefer Sony consoles and they haven't had an exclusive so far), but I do appreciate the structure they have in place there.

Their Sony release schedule is kind of crazy, though. They're likely the largest Sony publisher (by quantity of titles, not quantity of copies) at this point, which is a far shot from where they started.

Well that's been their new norm for a good while now, so if it hasn't happened by now, I doubt it will. Maybe once all Vita offerings are done, just having 2 systems left may change things, but why would it?
I think they are moving on to PS3 releases when the Vita releases are done. So it will be right back to 3 systems.

I recall seeing it mentioned somewhere (maybe Doug's Twitter) that they were looking into it.
They definitely were tweeting about it. I recall seeing something along the lines of them receiving ps3 dev tools and they were going to start reaching out to companies about doing it.

Besides Yakuza 5 though I can't really think of many PS3 digital exclusives I'd actually care enough to buy physically though.
I recall seeing it mentioned somewhere (maybe Doug's Twitter) that they were looking into it.
Seriously?? Can’t really see that much popularity in PS3 digital exclusives as of right now and think it would be big gamble on their part but hell what do I know. Thanks for the knowledge.
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The way things are going right now, Yakuza 3 & 4 are all but confirmed to be coming to the PS4.  There's a team currently in place that is continuing to work on those Yakuza Kiwami games, and as long as they continue to be moderately profitable they will keep getting released.  In an interview on Kotaku's splitscreen during E3, the Kiwami team localization producer Scott Strichart talks about how he is still currently working on porting all of the old games.  Kiwami 2 is out on Aug 28 so it has to have been completed already, he openly mentioned the following few games, so he has all but confirmed that they are now working on 3 & 4 for the PS4. 

I'm sure 5 will follow, as long as the releases of next games don't crash and burn, which is a real possibility.  On the bright side, it shouldn't be costing Sega very much money for this process, especially in regards to the PS3 games that already have translations in place.  They don't have to do any dubbing or anything bc it's straight up JP dialogue with English subtitles.  I hope that people go out there and buy these games to support them at their very modest price points.

How cool would that be, to have every single Yakuza game published in physical format on the same system?  Everyone who likes Yakuza should go out and buy Kiwami 1 and 2 right now to show support. 

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They definitely were tweeting about it. I recall seeing something along the lines of them receiving ps3 dev tools and they were going to start reaching out to companies about doing it.

Besides Yakuza 5 though I can't really think of many PS3 digital exclusives I'd actually care enough to buy physically though.
There's a bunch of indie games from that era I'd like to see on disc, whether it's on PS3 or PS4. Think Braid, Castle Crashers, Spelunky, Fez, Scott Pilgrim, Super Stardust HD, etc.

They definitely were tweeting about it. I recall seeing something along the lines of them receiving ps3 dev tools and they were going to start reaching out to companies about doing it.

Besides Yakuza 5 though I can't really think of many PS3 digital exclusives I'd actually care enough to buy physically though.
They are going to release Double Dragon Neon for PS3 (which shouldn't shock you as it's made by WayForward who did the Shantae series).

Woah woah woah. "Are going to"? Source?
I think they may have mentioned it in their after E3 reveal show. I'm not interested in PS3 titles, so I didn't pay much attention.

On a different note, my Thimbleweed Park CE arrived today, and the shipping box was the most beat I've ever gotten from them so far. Amazingly no damage to the inside contents, looks pretty cool as well.

If they do do ps3 releases I hope they are few and far between for good games only. They already fucked up set collecting for Vita and PS4 and soon to be Switch, hoping they leave the past alone.
There are some things I would for sure buy for PS3, but by and large that ship has sailed for me. I'll be interested to see how many PS3 titles they publish and at what quantities.

The number of different spine designs for the PS3 has always been a mild annoyance. Without counting Greatest Hits releases, there are at least three colors and multiple variants of the black spine design. I wonder which one of the spine designs LRG will go with?

The number of different spine designs for the PS3 has always been a mild annoyance. Without counting Greatest Hits releases, there are at least three colors and multiple variants of the black spine design. I wonder which one of the spine designs LRG will go with?
All of them. Yours random.
If they do do ps3 releases I hope they are few and far between for good games only. They already fucked up set collecting for Vita and PS4 and soon to be Switch, hoping they leave the past alone.
PS3 is not exactly in high demand right now. Seems like a platform that could backfire with the usual quality of LRG releases.

The last two North American released PS3 games I could find were in September last year (both soccer games). I wonder if Sony will still publish games physically for the platform? IF they aren't being manufactured by Sony, then I think collectors are safe and can consider these unofficial/homebrew releases. If Sony will still do it, then I wonder what size production they'd need since no other publisher is paying them to keep production going for PS3?

PS3 is not exactly in high demand right now. Seems like a platform that could backfire with the usual quality of LRG releases.

The last two North American released PS3 games I could find were in September last year (both soccer games). I wonder if Sony will still publish games physically for the platform? IF they aren't being manufactured by Sony, then I think collectors are safe and can consider these unofficial/homebrew releases. If Sony will still do it, then I wonder what size production they'd need since no other publisher is paying them to keep production going for PS3?
Aren't both the PS3 & PS4 using the same disc(blu-ray)? I figured so long as Sony is producing PS4 titles, they can continue to offer PS3 ones as well. But I could be wrong in regards to the disc being the same, as I don't have a PS4 so not to familiar with things in regards to that system.

Well, it will be interesting to see what the PS3 demand is like, as compared to the Vita. I would guess that there are far fewer full set collectors for the PS3, plus I would guess that many PS3s have been packed away by now (but perhaps that is just me, my under TV space being quite finite).
PS3 is not exactly in high demand right now. Seems like a platform that could backfire with the usual quality of LRG releases.

The last two North American released PS3 games I could find were in September last year (both soccer games). I wonder if Sony will still publish games physically for the platform? IF they aren't being manufactured by Sony, then I think collectors are safe and can consider these unofficial/homebrew releases. If Sony will still do it, then I wonder what size production they'd need since no other publisher is paying them to keep production going for PS3?
I started casually collecting for the PS3 about 6 months ago, and from what I can tell there is near zero demand for pretty much everything on the system. Spending more than about $15 on a standard CIB release is fairly uncommon. So on top of the issues that you've brought up, I wonder how many PS3 collectors got into it just because it's so cheap--and therefore how many of them would actually be willing to invest a little more in the system. Even dropping $30 or whatever for new releases might be a tough sell for a fanbase that's used to finding great games for $5.

Just my thoughts, anyway. Any other PS3 folks out there care to chime in?
I think some of the main PS3 woes is so much of the better stuff is remastered for PS4, even if it was remastered for PS3 (such as KH collections). RPGs were not amazing during that era IMHO with lots of Neptunias (which were released later on and I think are even being remastered for the PS4 heh), everyone's favorite FF trilogy, and some other OK stuff. Lots of good stuff during the PS3 reign, but a lot of aight stuff as well.

Also PS3 releases would sell like bricks unless it's something rarer or something not sold before (like a new localization....but who would use the money on this?).

Yeah, I still have my PS3, but rarely ever use it as it's so damn slow. LOL

I still have a pretty good size back catalog to play, so no plans to get rid of it currently. As stated, some of it's best titles have come over to the PS4, so even some of my backlog can be ignored due to this fact. As I can get the better versions rather cheaply down the road I'm sure.

As for new titles from LRG, Scott Pilgrim is the only game that comes to mind that I would want, and that's already been shown to not be possible. I only ever bought games I wanted to play and not so much of collecting here, but I'm open to some titles depending on what they are. I will say on the surface I don't see paying $25 for any PS3 titles, as I just don't buy titles for past systems very often, but I would if it's really something I want. 

Aquanauts Holiday with English subtitles is the only stupid expensive PS3 title I’m aware of and it’s supposedly crap anyway (ignoring CEs, etc). I’m sure there are more expensive ones out there
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Syberia Collection, Under Defeat, and Painkiller NTSC are all pretty tricky to find as well as Afrika. Most "rare" ps3 games are in that 50-80 sweet spot right now though, only slightly above MSRP. Luckily, you don't have to count Aquanauts if you're only going for region 1.
Aquanauts Holiday with English subtitles is the only stupid expensive PS3 title I’m aware of and it’s supposedly crap anyway (ignoring CEs, etc). I’m sure there are more expensive ones out there
Last Guy and Rain in the English Asian versions also go for substantial amounts. If they were to release games that were releases in other regions but never here like these and Aquanauts Holiday, they could probably generate some solid collector interest.

Class of Heroes 2G is pretty high up there as well. It was hovering around $200 before reprints, but the original variants are still in the $100+ neighborhood last time I checked.

In terms of PS3, my opinion is that there just aren't a ton of games that would warrant physical copies. Maybe ten games off the top of my head? Digital publishing didn't really catch on until late in the generation, many were also on the Vita, and a smaller subset were republished for newer console gens (i.e. Castle Crashers).

My view is that if they go big into the PS3 market, they're really banking on people buying the games because they're rare or collector's items rather than good games that people want to and haven't had a chance to play. And honestly, that's a pretty safe bet. They have good brand recognition in the market and they have a subset of their core audience who will buy anything with their logo on it.

There's a few digital PS3 titles left I would buy on physical. 

Double Dragon Neon

Boodrayne: Betrayal

Scott  Pilgrim (I know it's impossible, but let me still dream damn it!!! :lol:)

Castlevania Harmony of Despair (even though I loathe Konami now)

a few more I can't remember atm.

As much as I would like those, I think it would make more sense if they were ported to the PS4 for the release.  So many titles that I would have picked up physical on the PS3 have already been ported & most have had physical released on the PS4 already, Skullgirls, Phantom Breaker BG(when LRG gets around to releasing it), hell even Mega Man 9 & 10, Street Fight to name a couple.

Syberia Collection, Under Defeat, and Painkiller NTSC are all pretty tricky to find as well as Afrika. Most "rare" ps3 games are in that 50-80 sweet spot right now though, only slightly above MSRP. Luckily, you don't have to count Aquanauts if you're only going for region 1.
Didn’t realize Syberia Collection has increased. Glad I already bought it, though what I’m reallly waiting for is #3 on Switch. Forgot about Afrika. Bought that one years ago too
The only ps3 games that would interest me would be psn games. Typically the delisted stuff that is tied to licenses that LRG probably can't get.
Scott pilgrim
Tmnt in time remake
X-men arcade
The Simpsons arcade
Raiden 4 {probably possible}
Yakuza 5 {meh, since a ps4 port is coming}
The only ps3 games that would interest me would be psn games. Typically the delisted stuff that is tied to licenses that LRG probably can't get.
Scott pilgrim
Tmnt in time remake
X-men arcade
The Simpsons arcade
Raiden 4 {probably possible}
Yakuza 5 {meh, since a ps4 port is coming}
Man... I would fucking ADORE to have those classic arcade beat'em ups on disc.
I would love a TMNT arcade collection of Turtles in Time (arcade), Turtles in Time (SNES), Re-shelled and Hyperstone Heist.

as for other ps3 titles, I'd love to see fighters like Chaos Code. I think there are some other niche fighters that we're exclusive and didn't get physical releases.
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I will not allow Sega to pat themselves on the back until 3, 4, 5 are confirmed for the west, and more importantly, confirmed to be getting physical disc releases.  I could totally see them backtracking and going digital-only for some  if not all of 3-5.  Especially if say sales were poor for either Kiwami 2 or Yakuza 3. 

My PS3 picks would be:

Eiyuu Senki: The World Conquest

Girl Fight


Bloodrayne Betrayal

I think the first Agarest War game is only digital on PS3 in NA, too right? But with it already being physical on 360 it's less enticing.

bread's done