Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Limited Run Games Store Front

Limited Run Games at Best Buy

Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Wait really? I contacted them a few times when I was a more regular customer and they always responded quickly...
Actually, I've had quick replies within a few days, and longer replies in the 1-2 week range, so for me, they have been all over the map.

Yikes, a $12.99 digital title is $34.99 for the physical copy? PM Studios never used to gouge physical like that on their standard retail releases.
Isn't that pretty typical? Practically every digital to disc LRG, Iam8bit, or SRG is like this.

Welcome to a mostly digital download world where discs premiums will be the norm.
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I'm glad for all these games I have absolutely no interest in. Blazing chrome got me, and some of the Nes stuff ALMOST got me... But yeah this is about the polar opposite of what I want.
Am i correct that we have until the end of the year to redeem our physical reward tickets. I have about 150 of them and want to use them.
I thought you could no longer redeem tickets as of earlier this year that's why I cashed out.

I know they did make an announcement last year.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I was able to redeem some back in July of this year for a free game with no problem

I thought you could no longer redeem tickets as of earlier this year that's why I cashed out.

I know they did make an announcement last year.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
No, that was the digital program. The paper tickets are no longer being issued, but LRG hasn't said that they are expiring.

Yeah that's why they stopped including them. Best send them in asap. Why keep waiting?
Honestly, I just remember the program being pretty convoluted... you have to print out some form, fill it out, mail it in. So I think I just kinda forgot. Pretty sure I toss a bunch of my tickets too. I'm also not sure I have enough for anything decent anyway.

Paper tickets are still being accepted. There has been no deadline announced for them as of yet. I'm holding on to a bunch waiting for some new rewards that were hinted at a while ago.

was at new york comic con over this weekend. probably the largest con on this coast. Arcade 1up was there with a massive section. They had multiples of every cabinet there including 6 tmnt ones. They had them for sale there as well so expect the east coast to be flooded with them at Walmarts now.

They also had several bar table tops. The Pacman one & a 10?/12? game Capcom one.
The mini counter top ones were also there.

The Capcom bar table had Darkstarkers 1 on it which isn't on any other cabinet so far. Fighting games splits the screen & mirrors the game.
Wrong thread.

Anyone get their copies of the Vita versions of Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo or Osaka?

I find it weird that they haven't shipped these out yet since they had them in hand when we ordered them.

I ordered both of the standard editions.

Anyone get their copies of the Vita versions of Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo or Osaka?

I find it weird that they haven't shipped these out yet since they had them in hand when we ordered them.

I ordered both of the standard editions.
I ordered the same and mine says ready and in-hand but they are not shipped. WTF?!

My Atari Flashbacks games are also in the ready, in-hand status but not shipped.

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Heads up fellow CAGS, just received an email from LRG that Accounting+ has shipped. Check your emails for those who ordered that title.
Heads up fellow CAGS, just received an email from LRG that Accounting+ has shipped. Check your emails for those who ordered that title.
I figured it was close as the preorder date on Best Buy was recently changed to 10\29. Bought with GCU for $20. Besides a few games it's usually worth just waiting until the game is available.

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Anyone get their copies of the Vita versions of Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo or Osaka?

I find it weird that they haven't shipped these out yet since they had them in hand when we ordered them.

I ordered both of the standard editions.
Finally got my shipping notice this morning, so shipping has started.

Finally got my shipping notice this morning, so shipping has started.
I also got a shipping notice today.

I also received my copies of Transistor and Freedom Planet.

The logo card I got for Freedom Plant is so lazy.
I have received a couple of the logo cards and really don't like them.

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I ordered the Mega bundle and extra Vita copy of Bloodtsained CotM and got zero Bloodstained cards. Of all the games I’ve bought from LRG, those were the ones I was looking forward to the most. I contacted CS who said they had an order in for more. Does that mean they didn’t order enough to begin with?

I ordered the Mega bundle and extra Vita copy of Bloodtsained CotM and got zero Bloodstained cards. Of all the games I’ve bought from LRG, those were the ones I was looking forward to the most. I contacted CS who said they had an order in for more. Does that mean they didn’t order enough to begin with?
same thing happen to me I had bloodstained for ps4 shipped with my copy of project lux ps4 I only got a card for project lux how ever I did get card with my ps vita bloodstained got a few months back

It makes no sense to me that this game will be available at Best Buy, but not Blazing Chrome.
I was going to rebuff that with it makes no sense that BB carries most of these switch games. They barely get enough to stock stores as is. Can it be that profitable to do it? I think so, I have a theory....

I think BB get's an extra discount on it's purchases because the amount they are purchasing is pushing the amount ordered from Nintendo past a break point for bulk ordering. So instead of LRG paying a higher price for lower production, they are paying less for a higher production. This is past down to BB with possibly an extra discount since all of the orders directly with LRG from customers are making LRG much more money. So BB is able to sell at enough of a profit to be worth it. LRG is making more since they are still charging customers the same switch tax while getting an extra discount on bulk orders.

If it's not that, I don't see how BB is making enough to justify it when a lot of these games aren't that well known to garner the demand. This is evident in how long it takes them to sell out of each title.

Is anyone else a little butthurt about Revenge of the Bird King or is it just me? I know it's Joe's game and he can do what he wants, but dangling it in front of us when the digital is cancelled and there's no way to purchase it (outside of a charity auction) is agonizing.
I ran into another of those where I was adding items to my cart in different tabs, and things added from other tabs kept disappearing. Since I had to hurry to get Deadbolt, I just checked out with Deadbolt and Wandersong and decided to leave Thea for another day.
Is anyone else a little butthurt about Revenge of the Bird King or is it just me? I know it's Joe's game and he can do what he wants, but dangling it in front of us when the digital is cancelled and there's no way to purchase it (outside of a charity auction) is agonizing.
I personally think it's offensive that LRG employees are now physically publishing their own personal games without any intention of actually selling them. It's literally saying to their customer base "hey, thanks for trying to full set and spending all that money with us for the last four years, but now there is a game you will never be able to have". Also, the whole thing about this not being an LRG production is total BS. LRG paid for the ESRB rating and Joe is an employee, so it is very much an LRG production whether they choose to take any responsibility for it or not.

I personally think it's offensive that LRG employees are now physically publishing their own personal games without any intention of actually selling them. It's literally saying to their customer base "hey, thanks for trying to full set and spending all that money with us for the last four years, but now there is a game you will never be able to have". Also, the whole thing about this not being an LRG production is total BS. LRG paid for the ESRB rating and Joe is an employee, so it is very much an LRG production whether they choose to take any responsibility for it or not.
Is there a link with info on this? I thought they said full set collectors would get this game?

I ran into another of those where I was adding items to my cart in different tabs, and things added from other tabs kept disappearing. Since I had to hurry to get Deadbolt, I just checked out with Deadbolt and Wandersong and decided to leave Thea for another day.
I didn't have that but the site when adding and the pop-ups re-appear and cart drop down make me feel like a carnival game where it is a struggle to hit the moving check-out button. I found it faster to re-enter all my credit info than wait for the shopify code too, but likely because i'm in Europe and cell coverage is spotty.

(Side Europe Vita comment - the only Europe exclusive I've spotted is Moto GP13, but if people are interested in any others send me a DM and I'll see what I can find and ship to the US when I get back in December.)

Is anyone else a little butthurt about Revenge of the Bird King or is it just me? I know it's Joe's game and he can do what he wants, but dangling it in front of us when the digital is cancelled and there's no way to purchase it (outside of a charity auction) is agonizing.
This has me wondering, can anyone with enough money and an agreement with a developer publish a game physically for PS4? I always thought that Sony required two things in addition to the cost of printing - a publishing license and the ability/promise to sell the game to the general public. It now appears that you don't have to sell the games at all to the public. If you are rich enough you can publish a minimum run of any game you have rights to....and horde it or do with all copies as you please.

To me, this makes the PS4 so less appetizing to collect for. First Poop Slinger (which I still think LRG is behind given the evidence of where it was shipped from) and now Revenge of the Bird King (from a former LRG employee). Two official Sony PS4 physical games that normal people basically have no shot at adding to their collections.

The Mega Bundle was actually listed at a slight discount today at $249.99 (should have been $285).  It appears they have just corrected the price to $285 though.


This has me wondering, can anyone with enough money and an agreement with a developer publish a game physically for PS4? I always thought that Sony required two things in addition to the cost of printing - a publishing license and the ability/promise to sell the game to the general public. It now appears that you don't have to sell the games at all to the public. If you are rich enough you can publish a minimum run of any game you have rights to....and horde it or do with all copies as you please.

To me, this makes the PS4 so less appetizing to collect for. First Poop Slinger (which I still think LRG is behind given the evidence of where it was shipped from) and now Revenge of the Bird King (from a former LRG employee). Two official Sony PS4 physical games that normal people basically have no shot at adding to their collections.
Ok, so what's the full story on Revenge of the Bird King? I saw it was been auctioned and proceeds given to the Video Game History Foundation, I thought it was just a rare game and a cool idea. So was it never actually sold as a physical game anywhere and they just made their own copies? Is it actually official then? I don't follow LRG enough to know all the details.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
man I was in such a hurry I fed up I made 2 orders 1 with Blazing Chrome (PS4) and Deadbolt (Vita) and a 2nd with Shapeshifting Detective (PS4) and Deadbolt (PS4) how ever when I checked my 2nd order I had put the Deadbolt (Vita) version in my cart not Deadbolt (PS4) dam 

Missed Deadbolt Vita this morning. Totally forgot about it. I will try this afternoon.

Unrelated, but Deadbolt actually stayed in stock for ~5 minutes. Only three more Vita release days to go.
Wow I'm surprised in was available for that long. Its a really good game. Vita collectors shouldn't sleep on it.

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Is anyone else a little butthurt about Revenge of the Bird King or is it just me? I know it's Joe's game and he can do what he wants, but dangling it in front of us when the digital is cancelled and there's no way to purchase it (outside of a charity auction) is agonizing.
On one hand yes because I'll never have a chance to own it, but on the other hand I'm glad it's a charity auction and not just him scalping his own game for profit (though is it really scalping at that point?).

This has me wondering, can anyone with enough money and an agreement with a developer publish a game physically for PS4? I always thought that Sony required two things in addition to the cost of printing - a publishing license and the ability/promise to sell the game to the general public.
You need to be a Playstation Partner (essentially lots of paperwork proving you're a legitimate company) and there's a minimum order quantity (MOQ) that you can pay extra to break. Any details beyond that are likely under NDA.

Unrelated, but Deadbolt actually stayed in stock for ~5 minutes. Only three more Vita release days to go.

Shipping/production updates since 9/27 below, changes in bold.

Shipped since 9/27:

  • Freedom Planet (PS4)
  • PAX West Merch
  • Psychonauts (PS4 + CE)
  • Transistor (PS4 CE + Switch + Switch CE)
  • Teslagrad (Switch)
  • Accounting+ (PS4)
  • Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka (Vita)
  • Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo (Vita)

Shipping in Progress/Shipping "Soon"/In Hand

  • Atari Flashback Collection (Vita Deluxe)
  • Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX (PS4 CE)
  • Teslagrad (Switch CE)
  • Deadbolt (Vita)
  • Hover (PS4)
  • Rogue Legacy (PS4 + Switch)
  • Mercenary Kings (PS4)
  • Transistor (PS4)
  • Red Faction (PS4)
  • Frog Fractions 2 (PC)
  • Super ComboMan (PS4)
  • Slime-san (PS4)
  • Red Matter (PSVR)
  • Timespinner (PS4)

  • Double Switch Vinyl
  • Accounting+ (PS4 CE)
  • Corpse Killer (PS4)
  • Mercenary Kings (PS4 CE)
  • Tharsis (PS4)
  • Metal Slug 3 (PS4)
  • Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka (Vita Soundtrack Bundle)
  • Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo (Vita Sountrack Bundle)
  • Double Switch (Switch)
  • Double Switch (PC CE)
  • Celeste (PS4 + Switch)
  • River City Girls (PS4 + Switch)
  • Bard's Tale (PS4)
  • Freedom Planet (PS4 CE+ Switch CE)
  • Red Faction Vinyl
  • Hover (Vinyl + Artbook)

  • Planet of the Apes: The Last Frontier (PS4)
  • River City Girls (PS4 CE + Switch CE)
  • The Shapeshifting Detective (PS4)
  • River City Girls Vinyl
  • Corpse Killer (PS4 CE)
  • Celeste (PS4 CE + Switch CE + PC CE)
  • Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (PS4 CE)
  • Revenant Dogma (PS4)
  • Red Faction (PS4 CE)
  • Shenmue III (PS4 CE)
  • Metal Storm (NES + NES CE)
  • Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka (PS4 + PS4 Soundtrack Bundle)
  • Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo (PS4 + PS4 Soundtrack Bundle)
  • Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (PS4 + Switch + PS4 CE)
  • Double Switch (Switch CE)
  • Timespinner (Switch)

  • Turok (Switch + Switch CE)
  • Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (Switch + Switch CE)
  • Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (Switch CE)
  • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64 + N64 CE)
  • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES + NES CE + Game Boy + Game Boy CE)
  • Star Wars (GameBoy + GameBoy CE)
  • Star Wars (NES + NES CE)


  • Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX (PS4 + Switch + Switch CE)


  • Duck Game (PS4 CE + Switch CE)

Q1 2020

  • Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl (NES + NES CE)
  • Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl Triple Threat (NES)

No Date/TBA

  • AI: The Somnium Files (PC)
  • Siralim 3 (PS4)
  • Asdivine Hearts II (PS4)
  • Serial Cleaner (PS4)
  • Ms. Splosion Man (Switch)
  • Blazing Chrome (PS4 + PS4 CE + Switch + Switch CE)
  • Duck Game (PS4 + Switch)
  • Fairy Fencer F (Switch)
  • Wandersong (PS4 + PS4 CE + Switch + Switch CE)
  • System Shock (PC)
  • Thea: The Awakening
  • Jay and Silent Bob Vinyl
  • Deadbolt (PS4)

Of note:

  • LRG has 103 separate sold SKUs pending shipment. Considering a lot of these are open pre-orders we don't know the exact quantities, but if we estimate low at 2,000 then they need to ship about 206k units of already-sold product.For the first time this year (as far as I'm aware), this number did not increase in the past two weeks.
  • LRG introduced a new production updates page that makes this much harder to prepare. Games that are on-hand but not shipped are now removed from the page, so I did some snooping around to find out what really had been shipped versus what was sitting in their warehouse.
  • LRG shipped 10 SKUs in the past two weeks. At this rate, it would take them 1.5 months to ship out everything on-hand. Everything that's not on hand will likely get bumped 2-3 months between this and holidays, except stuff they're explicitly prioritizing like Celeste.
  • Last year, in Q3/Q4 LRG wasn't able to get their games pushed through Sony's production process due to a lot of other big name games being released and needing that factory time. I expect the same to happen this year, which will only compound the delays.
  • All of the Star Wars games on non-PS4 consoles got pushed into December, despite originally being listed as August/September. During the FIreside chats they mentioned this is due to the long approval process with Disney.
  • Luminous Avenger's PS4 CE being listed as on-hand is likely a mistake, but I'm just reporting what they have on their site.
  • Celeste and River City Girls are getting prioritized in the shipping queue, so those dates will likely hold for standard editions.
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bread's done