Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I don't know, Markiplier seems nice, and like a pleasant person to be around. I think that what most people (Non Youtube personalities) don't realize, is that if you were doing the same thing as them on a regular basis, and just recording that much of yourself over such a long period of time, you would probably look like a douche/jerk at some point as well. No one is immune to looking like an Ass/Douche/Jerk/Bitch or otherwise at least once in their life, so I honestly don't understand a lot of the hate that some of these people get.

Anyway, I wasn't aware of the fact that they had done Let's Plays of Firewatch, so maybe that did have a hand in them selling out as quickly as they did.
Seeing as how Pewdiepie now has over 50million subs, I would certainly think it does.

I'd like to see them try out hyper limited preorder windows, just long enough for people who really want a copy to get in without worry. Maybe thirty minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes at night. It would keep print copies low, keep hype high, ensure no leftover stock, and pretty much all but cut down on scalping and frustration.

I'm not a fan of the subscription idea because it's non-egalitarian. It's basically like fast past tickets at an amusement park. And people who opt out will have even less stock to fight over. Plus it wouldn't take long for scalpers to realize  they could sign up for multiple vip passes using different accounts and they'd corner the market even further.

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Because this isn't lootcrate. The quality needs to remain high. Not just have the LRG team filling quotas each year, or every month. There's no benefit to the customer for blind buying things so I'm not sure why anyone would want this. Presently, people can pick and choose what they want and they also have two opportunities to buy. 90% of these drops have been beyond easy to score. They have the perfect system. I firmly believe that. These guys have a very good handle on what they are doing. It could only get worse.
That's not how it was planned. It was planned $30 per year to have a vip spot to say if you wanted to claim an upcoming game or not. You had X amount of time to decide, and a shot at buying a copy before games went live if you were interested in that release. It wasn't $100 a month to just get whatever games came out.

I'm all for the subscription service. If people only collect for 1 console and don't feel 30 is worth it, then good luck struggling with the regular release. I'd happily pay $10 a month to ensure I could get a copy. The stress of dealing with being there and not knowing if you'll make it is worth $10 to me for sure.

I also agree with the above mentioned tiny pre-order window method.
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But I'm really not happy with the direction limited run games is going. I do not like variant covers especially on items costing $89. They could have easily had all three covers printed and sent with one game. I'm not going to spend $60 dollars for covers on a purposely manufactured rarity. I really wanted to have a complete U.S. vita collection, but this stupidity is what killed the comic book industry in the 90's. Then I would bet most people who bought the three pack are going to sell two to try to get a free copy. Great more scalpers. Thanks limited run.

Looks to me they favor scalpers over collectors. Then they really need to start with a limit to one per title at the start. It would help the collectors. They should limit it one per customer on the first day at 10 and 6. And on the second day if any are left over sell people extra copies. They are only helping the scalpers by giving them the option at the start to buy multiple copies. I'm a gamer and a collector and I can't stand scalpers who ruin peoples hobbies.
Some collectors will want all 3 variants in their collection (possibly sealed), so the bundle makes some sense. The 1 or 2 copies limit is tricky because some people buy for a friend, or want to open 1 and keep 1 sealed. Not all of them are scalpers.

But let's face it, scalpers are what helps keep LRG in business. Without the scarcity and impulse to get the games before they're gone, they'd be sitting on product for a long time. Just look at Signature Edition Games. They don't sell out and so there isn't much buzz. They're even offering 20% off discounts to try to move inventory
LRG must have seriously reached a bunch of new customers this time around for things to sell out this fast. It has been quite awhile since there was a sellout this quick.
the new customers are probably due to LRG being featured in an issue of Game Informer not too long ago.

The variant offered here was technically for the PSX show, and we where just lucky to get in on the stock that was left. Since LRG are collectors themselves, they always try to offer qty's of 2, so guys can open 1 and play the other. So there really is no surprise on the 3 pack, as that allowed for all 3 covers to be accessible.

I honestly don't think they will be doing to many variants, unless it's for a special occasion, as it was here. Was today's options perfect? No, but no matter what they do most of the time, some consumers are not going to be happy.

Hell, when Stealth was still available after a few days at BF, there where some complaining about still having stock. So when a game sales out quick there are problems, and when they sale slow there's issues. I'm happy they offered the variant, and that I was able to get it.

I don't understand the need to get all three covers, OCD I guess. I don't think it's a bad idea but he should have charged a premium.
I hope buying the bundle and getting an additional two copies wasn't allowed
the new customers are probably due to LRG being featured in an issue of Game Informer not too long ago.
Even with out the magazine article, there have been more stories about them in different places, and just word of mouth on places like this, Gamefaqs, and NeoGAF will cause the interest to rise.

Also, they are now releasing way better games than they did in the first 6 months as well. So I'm sure all these things are factors in the popularity department.

I'm sure some of the upcoming titles will also have bigger runs based on these factors as well. So as the audience grows, so should the business.

Firewatch is the only thing LRG has done that I really, REALLY wanted since I'm a huge fan of idle thumbs. Would have like to have a real copy and maybe meet Chris, Jake, and Sean someday to have them sign it. Missed it both times today. Oh well!


I started listening to the podcast in May- starting with their very first one from 2008. I'm up to 11/15 now, so not quite caught up yet but probably will be by the end of January. It's been a treat listening to how the seeds to Gone Home and Firewatch were planted and nurtured over the years. 

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They need to have at least a day one pre-order and then decide total production run after that. They need to allow for the true collectors to bypass the scalpers. Look what happened to the comic book industry in the early 90's, they went after the scalper market and lost  a large majority of collectors. You are either for the fans or against them.

I like The Skullgirls model best. A two week order window and then done.  You don't know the print run till after all orders and you get your copy.

They need to have at least a day one pre-order and then decide total production run after that. They need to allow for the true collectors to bypass the scalpers. Look what happened to the comic book industry in the early 90's, they went after the scalper market and lost a large majority of collectors. You are either for the fans or against them.

I like The Skullgirls model best. A two week order window and then done. You don't know the print run till after all orders and you get your copy.
Can we go for even a week without someone making the same argument about pre-orders? Spend some time reading the earlier posts in this thread by LRG and you'll understand why it's not a viable model for them. There is no for the fans or against them. LRG can't provide games to any of us without having a good mix of collectors and speculators to drive sales quickly. There's a reason why companies like Iam8Bit, Gaijinworks and Signature Games have struggled to move inventory compared to LRG that consistently sells out of every single release, often within minutes. I get that it's stressful, but I am perfectly happy with the model as it means we all get the games fairly quickly after purchase and there are no long waiting periods or delays like those other companies.

Honestly, I hate paying for games and then waiting months for them to show, and then sometimes delays happen on top of that. I agree, I have no issues at all with the current business model.

My only issue was releasing several different games the same day and time, but I made my own work around to that, and made it work as best I could.

However, people have got to understand that having lots of extra copies for sale will almost certainly lead to worse business than forecasting sellouts.  Demand is very much attached, and inversely proportional, to the supply.  Moderate changes to the system would affect the market severely.  They allow two copies per customer so that games DO sell out, many of which otherwise would have not sold through.  Companies depend on collectors, hoarders, resellers, gluttons, whatever, to drive the market, whether they like it or not. Hence their very self-aware limit of '2 per customer' on most titles.

I'm not trying to be insensitive to anyone who missed out today either, that always sucks. I wish every one of you got the games you wanted.  But c'est la vie.

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I would disagree you can have a one day pre-order without announcing sales.  

I think the Skullgirls model is best. Allows anyone to get a copy. Keeps scalpers at bay from buying fixed anount since no one knows final print run, causes real rarity if sales are low.  I bet most of these sales went to people who really wanted the game. And everyone had a chance to get one.

7,109 PS4 3,831 Vita

I have no issues with the business model either. I think it's great. However I do wish the blind boxes came with the game postcards and the LRG sticker. 

This argument is going to go in circles. Doomstink already explained it multiple times. LRG going to a game company and saying "hey we sold 4,500 copies in 5 minutes can we make a physical copy of your game?" Gets a much quicker "yes" response from developers than hey we made 7,200 copies of your game and it took a week and a half to sell. Or we put your game up for preorder and over 2 months 10,000 copies sold. That's the bottom line and there really isnt much else to it. LRG has done all 3, however the first model is what's getting them the good to great titles that fans are wanting that developers would normally say no to.

We can conjecture all we want on whether or not a better model is available, but at the end of the day, as long as they keep selling out games, who are we to say it's not a successful model when they clearly accomplished what they set out to do?

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I would disagree you can have a one day pre-order without announcing sales.

I think the Skullgirls model is best. Allows anyone to get a copy. Keeps scalpers at bay from buying fixed anount since no one knows final print run, causes real rarity if sales are low. I bet most of these sales went to people who really wanted the game. And everyone had a chance to get one.

7,109 PS4 3,831 Vita
I want to add to this discussion just because it seems like you're more upset than others over missing this print.

Not every company has access to the same producers/manufacturers or can operate in same business model as others. I think the guys at LRG are doing what's working for them and it benefitting most parties. As others have pointed out, it's not perfect and not everyone will be happy at the end of the day. You win some, you lose some.

They're still a business and they have to be able to turn a decent profit to keep these projects going. It looks far better on their company resumé that they can say they've sold out of everything they offer in a short period of time, and in the long run opens up the possibility of being able to offer more products that we the fans want.

Yeah there's going to be resellers, but that's part of the game. After all, their company name is Limited Run Games dude. It would seem kinda silly if their limited offerings can be obtained easily by everyone. If you prefer the Skull girls business model so much, perhaps you do something about it yourself instead of constantly complaining.

/end rant
I want to add to this discussion just because it seems like you're more upset than others over missing this print.

Not every company has access to the same producers/manufacturers or can operate in same business model as others. I think the guys at LRG are doing what's working for them and it benefitting most parties. As others have pointed out, it's not perfect and not everyone will be happy at the end of the day. You win some, you lose some.

They're still a business and they have to be able to turn a decent profit to keep these projects going. It looks far better on their company resumé that they can say they've sold out of everything they offer in a short period of time, and in the long run opens up the possibility of being able to offer more products that we the fans want.

Yeah there's going to be resellers, but that's part of the game. After all, their company name is Limited Run Games dude. It would seem kinda silly if their limited offerings can be obtained easily by everyone. If you prefer the Skull girls business model so much, perhaps you do something about it yourself instead of constantly complaining.

/end rant
Apparently you did not read any of my post, since I said I did get both titles today. I got a question for you how many titles of limited run do you own?

I have ordered every title they have released.

What I am doing is agreeing with all the other people who are not as lucky to get these games and were also there at 10 and 6 on the dot trying to get them. And now will have to pay a ransom to the scalpers to procure these titles. I'm not going to call people out but people on here have already said they were getting the three pack Wrath to keep one and sell two. Many people missed just being able to get one.

There are lots of things limited run games can do to help the collector. Have you ever heard the phrase "the customer is always right". I'm looking for a better way, as are a lot of people. If you like the black friday mad dash, so be it. I don't. But they do have to listen to us. If they choose not to do it, they will slowly die. Because when a collector can not get a big title from a label, that is the collector that will stop buying the smaller titles all of you don't want. Look into your history and see why comics failed in the early 90's. It's a collectors market, and if you turn on the collectors you will fail. You all must understand this is artificial rarity, it's only rare because they made it that way to begin with.

I have seen this from many small labels the last 20 years. It started with cds with DCC and Mobile Fidelity. Both went out of business, though both are back now in some way. But if you don't take care of your true fans they will slowly leave you. And if no one collects what you are selling who are the scalpers going to sell to.

LRG's current model is great. It gives people two times to order the game they want. It gives everyone a fair chance. It keeps games limited, but not overly so. It's perfect for collectors, which is the whole point of LRG. People who are happy with things generally do not say anything since there is no reason to. My guess is that the vast majority of LRG's customers are very happy with the current setup. Keep up the awesome work guys!

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my god I think you triggered me about 10 different times in just that one post with everything from "the customer is always right" to "I purchase everything this company releases and this is why they're bad".

Yeah LRG, stop doing what you're doing OR ELSE this guy is going to keep buying every one of your releases.  Sonicgamer too.

At the end of the day LRG is no different than any other business, they are trying to make a buck,, by meeting a need in the market. If there was 10,000 of the games released today, they may have sold them all in a few days, are they may have to sit on them, either way it's a gamble.

As they are doing things currently, it's walking the tightrope of making enough, but not to much, as these only sale because they are "limited". Once the limited aspect is gone, so is the sales.

How many more people do you think will be front and center for the next release? They will have consumers waiting for the next release if they want it or not, strictly based on what happened today. Some games sale quick, some a little slower, either way, this thread will be active for weeks to come and interest will stay high for each new release.

At least most people had two very good opportunities today to get the games they wanted. I was at GS a few days ago seeing if the Mini was in stock, and there where several middle age women with babies standing in line hoping against hope for some inventory. Now that is BS, as tons of dollars are lined up most places most days, and no place to spend the money.

I'd rather deal with LRG and a few hot items, which I personally know will be that way before they go on sale, than dealing with a company that has a huge amount of resources who can't meet a demand where their product shouldn't be "limited", and have zero excuses for not having preorders to gauge interest.

There have been tons of discussions since LRG started, and they all lead to the same place. The discussions today are the same ones I saw week one, and haven't really changed much.

my god I think you triggered me about 10 different times in just that one post with everything from "the customer is always right" to "I purchase everything this company releases and this is why they're bad".

Yeah LRG, stop doing what you're doing OR ELSE this guy is going to keep buying every one of your releases. Sonicgamer too.
Actually i have not bought all thier games lol but thanks for the mention. Funny how 1 week ago most these ppl were speaking highly of LRG now they are bitchin cause they missed out hahaha hypocrites
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I don't understand how you guys couldn't get a copy. You just log in and hit refresh on your web browser a minute before they go up until the "add to cart" button shows up. Then add to cart and check out with PayPal. I've bought something from every LRG release except for when they did it during PAX South last year. Never had a problem. Don't use your phone, use a good internet connection, log into the LRG store before the stuff goes up, and buy.


I don't understand how you guys couldn't get a copy. You just log in and hit refresh on your web browser a minute before they go up until the "add to cart" button shows up. Then add to cart and check out with PayPal. I've bought something from every LRG release except for when they did it during PAX South last year. Never had a problem. Don't use your phone, use a good internet connection, log into the LRG store before the stuff goes up, and buy.
This is exactly what I did, twice, and lo, I was not able to get a copy of Stranger's Wrath.
I have been with LRG since the beginning and have every single game they released. Friday's sale was the first time I ever encountered a problem. I was on my computer at 9:50 AM getting logged in. As soon as the games went live at 10 AM I added Firewatch and the Oddworld three pack to my cart. When I went to checkout I got a message that said checkout was too busy, my spot was being held and not to refresh. By the time my cart loaded Oddworld 3 pack was sold out. What was the point of my spot being held if the game sold out? I was pretty mad and didn't order Firewatch which was still available at that time.

When the 6 PM sale came live I immediately grabbed the Oddworld 3 pack and checked out successfully. I then quickly went back to get Firewatch, but it came up as sold out. Almost thought I screwed myself by not getting it earlier, but after refreshing my cart a bunch of times I was able to get one. Mission accomplished, but it cost me an extra $5 in shipping to insure I got both games.

Going forward I wish LRG wouldn't release two in demand games on the same day. I know people like to save on shipping, but it was way too hard to get both games in the same order. Nonetheless I really like LRG and will be buying future releases.

I'm glad I decided just to pass on all Vita releases a while back since I don't really collect for it. Seems like that's where most of the trouble lies. 

Still looking to buy or trade for a copy of Stranger's Wrath with the postcard and sticker. Have a sealed copy of Shantae Ricky's Revenge with sticker and card.
I missed out on wrath at both times. I've been purchasing vita releases since the second release with Saturday morning RPG. I'm pretty sure we're reaching a tipping point where the demand far outstrips the supply set for the vita releases. It makes sense given the higher profile that LRG has been progressively building. With each new release I imagine there are dozens of if not hundreds of more people queuing up to get the limited supply. I do wonder what affect this will have on the customer base that gets burned, especially as that number increases exponentially if the initial release supply numbers are not increased sufficiently or buy limits aren't reduced to one each. I can see this feeding the frenzy in the short term but leading to burn out in the long.
It's easy to say "oh just log in and buy it" but there were a lot of people who do that exact thing you do getting that glitch this round.

I haven't had it yet thankfully but it looks like it happens pretty Sporadically with no explanation. Until it happens to you, it's easy to blame the person buying.

And that's when it becomes unfair. Is because you were there and clicking on time the way you always are but the store just says "fuck you today" and you miss out.
While I have not ordered everything LRG has sold, I have ordered every Vita release going all the way back to the first sale of B&C.

This is the first time I was not able to get an order in, even though I was on the site just a couple minutes past 10am EST.

While I am disappointed ... In a way, it's kind of a relief. Now that my streak has been broken, I don't feel quite as obligated to continue purchasing everything.
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I don't understand how you guys couldn't get a copy. You just log in and hit refresh on your web browser a minute before they go up until the "add to cart" button shows up. Then add to cart and check out with PayPal. I've bought something from every LRG release except for when they did it during PAX South last year. Never had a problem. Don't use your phone, use a good internet connection, log into the LRG store before the stuff goes up, and buy.
Well I manage to get my copies on a phone so I dont know. Even had time to type in my info and get the games I wanted.
This was a really popular title, and I was very shocked they offered 2 per person, but I think after BF and it being December, they let their guard down again and did what they thought was best. As has been stated before, it's a balancing act. Some times titles sale slow, and other times fast, and sometimes the limits are removed and sometimes not. In the end, they need games to sale, I'm sure they want to make it as fair as possible. If it had been 1 per person, I think way more could have gotten a copy.

Those of you who had issues, I believe they where 100% completely legit. I'll always give advice on how best to deal with certain situations, as some new comers don't know the ends and outs, but for the veterans around here, I'm sure you more than know how to deal with limited releases, as CAG is all about limited cheap games, and systems that may be in stock for seconds.

I saw many use their phones for the NES Mini at Walmart and got one, so who am I to say don't use a phone? I know my limitations, so I won't use mine, but if others have success, great for them keep using it if it works(and it may be the only option for some at work or away from home).

So why others feel the need to make those who lost out feel like their incompetent, just because they got one, and they didn't, isn't really cool. These issues have happened before on several LRG releases, and while I have gotten every Vita release so far(I have had issues with a few), I think I have been lucky on a few situations as well.

Lone Survivor has a smaller run, but it is a less popular title, and there is also a PS4 release(so the whole market won't be fighting for the one systems version), so these will all be factors. I don't think it will sale as fast, but if the LRG audience has grown, and if more long term LRG buyers get scared after Strangers, it might be another blood bath. I hope not, but good luck to us all, as I'm sure we'll need it.

bread's done